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William  Z.  Foster 








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THERE  is  a  great  and  growing  mass  demand  in  this 
country  to  know  just  what  is  the  Communist  party 
and  its  program.  The  masses  of  toilers,  suffering 
under  the  burdens  of  the  crisis,  are  keenly  discon- 
tented and  want  to  find  a  way  out  of  their  intoler- 
able situation.  They  are  alarmed  at  the  depth, 
length  and  general  severity  of  the  crisis.  They  be- 
gin to  realize  that  "there  is  something  rotten  in 
Denmark,"  that  there  are  fundamental  flaws  in  the 
capitalist  system.  Their  growing  realization  of 
this  is  further  strengthened  as  they  see  the  spec- 
tacular rise  of  Socialism  in  the  Soviet  Union.  The 
masses  are  beginning  rightly  to  sense  that  Commu- 
nism has  an  important  message  for  the  human  race, 
and  they  want  to  know  what  it  is. 

Capitalism  is  deeply  anxious  that  the  masses  do 
not  get  this  message.  Hence,  from  the  outset  it 
has  carried  on  a  campaign  of  falsification  of  the 
Russian  revolution  entirely  without  parallel  in  his- 
tory. There  has  been  a  veritable  ocean  of  lies  in  the 
capitalist  press  against  the  U.S.S.R.  The  Ameri- 
can Federation  of  Labor  leadership  and  the  Social- 
ist party,  defenders  of  the  capitalist  system,  have 
outdone  even  the  capitalists  themselves  in  this 


wholesale  vilification.  The  effort  of  the  capitalists 
and  their  labor  lieutenants  has  been  to  set  off  the 
Communists  as  willful  enemies  and  destroyers  of 
the  human  race.  But  the  masses  begin  to  see 
through  this  misrepresentation  and  they  want  to 
know  the  truth. 

The  present  book  is  an  attempt  to  meet  this  mass 
demand  by  a  plain  statement  of  Communist  policy, 
avoiding  technical  complexities  and  theoretical 
elaboration.  It  outlines  simply  the  program, 
strength,  strategy  and  perspectives  of  the  Com- 
munist party  of  the  United  States.  It  undertakes 
to  point  out  what  is  the  matter  with  capitalism  and 
what  must  be  done  about  it.  It  indicates  where 
America  is  heading  and  it  makes  a  practical  appli- 
cation of  the  lessons  of  the  Russian  revolution  to 
the  situation  in  this  country.  Its  central  purpose 
is  to  explain  to  the  oppressed  and  exploited  masses 
of  workers  and  poor  farmers  how,  under  the  leader- 
ship of  the  Communist  party,  they  can  best  protect 
themselves  now,  and  in  due  season  cut  their  way 
out  of  the  capitalist  jungle  to  Socialism. 


New  York  City 
May  1,  1932 




The  Present  Economic  Crisis,  p.  3;  The  Mass 
Impoverishment  of  the  Toilers,  p.  7;  Capitalist 
Fear  and  Confusion,  p.  15;  Cyclical  Crises,  p. 
20;  The  General  Crisis  of  Capitalism,  p.  25; 
The  Decaying  Capitalist  System,  p.  33;  The 
War  Danger,  p.  40;  The  World-Wide  Revolu- 
tionary Upsurge,  p.  53 ;  The  Revolutionary  Per- 
spective, p.  63. 


Flourishing  Bolshevik  Industries,  p.  75;  The 
Revolution  in  Agriculture,  p.  88;  Outstripping 
the  Capitalist  Countries,  p.  92 ;  Real  Prosperity 
for  the  Toilers,  p.  97;  The  Cultural  Revolution, 
p.  108;  Accomplishing  the  Impossible,  p.  115; 
Socialism  and  Communism,  p.  128;  The  Dicta- 
torship of  the  Proletariat,  p.  133;  The  Commu- 
nist Party  of  the  Soviet  Union,  p.  140. 


CRISIS    146 

(a)  Quack  Capitalist  Economic  Remedies,  p. 
146;  The  Rationalization  of  Industry,  p.  147; 
The  American  "New  Capitalism,"  p.  149; 
Trusts  and  Cartels,  p.  155;  The  Movement  for 
Capitalist  Planned  Economy,  p.  161 ;  The  Ques- 
tion of  an  Organized  Capitalism,  p.  169;  (b) 
Futile  Efforts  to  Quench  the  Class  Struggle,  p. 
172;  From  Social  Reformism  to  Social  Fascism, 
p.  174;  The  Fasciszation  of  the  American  Fed- 
eration of  Labor,  p.  177;  The  Fasciszation  of  the 



Socialist  Party,  p.  185;  The  "Left"  Social  Fas- 
cists, p.  193;  The  Bankruptcy  of  Social  Fascism, 
p.  200;  The  Futility  of  Fascism,  p.  204. 


CRISIS    211 

The  Conquest  of  Political  Power,  p.  212;  The 
Revolutionary  Forces  in  the  United  States,  p. 
220;  The  Communist  Party;  the  Party  of  the 
Toilers,  p.  234;  The  Present-Day  Tasks  of  the 
American  Revolutionary  Movement,  p.  241 ;  The 
Communist  Party  Program  of  Immediate  De- 
mands, p.  247 ;  A  Program  of  Class  Struggle,  p. 
252;  The  American  Workers  and  the  Revolu- 
tion, p.  260. 


The  American  Soviet  Government,  p.  271 ;  The 
Expropriation  of  the  Expropriators,  p.  277;  The 
Improvement  of  the  Toilers'  Conditions,  p.  280; 
The  Liquidation  of  Capitalist  Robbery  and 
Waste,  p.  283;  The  Reorganization  of  Industry, 
p.  288;  The  Collectivization  of  Agriculture,  p. 
296;  The  Liberation  of  the  Negro,  p.  300;  The 
Emancipation  of  Woman,  p.  306;  Unshackling 
the  Youth,  p.  309;  The  Cultural  Revolution  in 
the  United  States,  p.  313;  Curing  Crime  and 
Criminals,  p.  319;  The  Abolition  of  War,  p.  324; 
Socialist  Incentive,  p.  328;  Collectivism  and  In- 
dividualism, p.  332;  Building  a  New  World, 
p.  338. 




THE  MOST  striking  and  significant  political  and 
social  fact  in  the  world  today  is  the  glaring  contrast 
between  the  industrial,  political  and  social  condi- 
tions prevailing  in  the  capitalist  countries  and 
those  obtaining  in  the  Soviet  Union.  Throughout 
the  capitalist  world,  without  exception,  the  picture 
is  one  of  increasing  chaos  and  crisis.  The  capital- 
ist industrial  system  is  paralysed  as  never  before. 
Tremendous  masses  of  workers  are  thrown  into  un- 
employment and  destitution.  The  standards  of 
living  of  the  producing  masses  have  declined  catas- 
trophically,  mass  starvation  existing  in  every  capi- 
talist country,  including  the  United  States.  War 
is  already  here  in  Manchuria  and  preparations  go 
ahead  upon  an  unprecedented  scale  for  future  wars 
against  the  Soviet  Union  and  among  the  capitalist 
powers  themselves.  To  enforce  their  regime  of 
hunger  and  intensified  exploitation,  the  capitalists 
everywhere  are  increasingly  developing  their  dic- 
tatorship from  its  masked  form  of  bourgeois  de- 
mocracy into  open  systems  of  Fascist  terrorism. 
And  against  all  this  the  revolutionary  upsurge  of 


the  workers  and  poor  farmers  becomes  worldwide; 
revolutionary  struggle  growing  acute  in  many 
countries.  Capitalism  is  manifestly  in  serious 

On  the  other  hand,  the  Soviet  Union,  born  in  the 
midst  of  the  capitalist  world  slaughter  of  1914-18, 
presents  a  picture  of  growth  and  general  social 
advance.  The  Russian  industries  and  agriculture 
are  expanding  at  an  unheard-of  rate,  the  Soviet 
Union  being  the  only  country  in  the  world  not  pros- 
trated by  the  economic  crisis.  The  masses  of  pro- 
ducers of  factory  and  farm  are  all  employed;  their 
standards  of  living  and  culture  are  rapidly  rising. 
They  are  building  a  new  and  free  proletarian  de- 
mocracy. In  short,  as  capitalism  goes  deeper  and 
deeper  into  crisis,  the  Soviet  Union  forges  ahead 
faster  and  faster  upon  every  front. 

The  meaning  of  all  this,  as  will  be  developed  in 
the  course  of  this  book,  is  that  the  capitalist  system 
is  in  decline  and  is  historically  being  replaced  by  a 
new  social  order,  Socialism.  Capitalism,  based 
upon  the  private  ownership  of  industry  and  land 
and  the  exploitation  of  the  toiling  masses,  has  ex- 
hausted its  social  role;  the  revolutionary  forces, 
under  the  leadership  of  the  Communist  Interna- 
tional, are  gathering  to  sweep  it  away  and  to  build 
in  its  place  a  social  system  based  upon  the  com- 
mon ownership  of  the  means  of  production  and  the 
carrying  on  of  production  for  social  use.  Out  of 
the  welter  of  crisis  and  mass  misery  and  war,  a  new 


social  system  is  born.  We  are  living  in  the  histori- 
cal period  of  the  revolutionary  transition  from 
capitalism  to  Socialism. 

The  Present  Economic  Crisis 

LIKE  a  tornado  the  present  economic  crisis  struck 
the  capitalist  world.  It  is  a  crisis  of  over-produc- 
tion. The  first  signs  of  this  threatening  over-pro- 
duction manifested  themselves  in  Germany  and 
central  Europe  generally  in  the  latter  part  of  1928. 
The  industrial  decline  began  in  the  U.  S.  towards 
the  middle  of  1929,  followed  by  the  great  October 
Wall  Street  crash,  after  which  every  capitalist 
country  was  swiftly  drawn  into  the  vortex.  The 
inevitable  result  is  the  worst  economic  crisis,  by  far, 
in  the  whole  history  of  capitalism.  It  is  the  deep- 
est, the  most  far-reaching  and  the  longest.  Every 
branch  of  industry,  every  capitalist  country  is 
affected.  Only  the  Soviet  Union  is  immune.  And 
as  Stalin  says,  "The  crisis  has  struck  deepest  of 
all  at  the  principal  country  of  capitalism,  its  cita- 
del, the  U.S.A."  The  crisis  is  setting  in  motion 
forces  that  threaten  the  very  existence  of  the  capi- 
talist system. 

Statistics  constantly  pile  up  to  indicate  the  en- 
tirely unparalleled  severity  of  the  economic  crisis. 
In  industry  the  drop  in  production  has  been  catas- 
trophic and,  after  30  months  of  crisis,  it  still  de- 
clines. Production  in  the  basic  industries  has 


fallen  more  than  50%  below  1929  levels  and  more 
than  30%  below  1930.  Steel  has  dipped  to  20% 
of  capacity  and  "even  order  inquiries  for  tacks  are 
seized  hopefully."  Building  is  off  about  70%  since 
1928,  notwithstanding  "emergency"  building  pro- 
grams, etc.  In  1931  American  exports  declined 
about  one-third,  or  $1,418,000,000.  The  total  na- 
tional income  fell  from  89.5  billions  in  1929  to  52.4 
billions  in  1931,  or  41%.  The  drop  in  wholesale 
prices,  24%  between  1929  and  1931,  is  wholly  un- 
precedented, the  previous  record  being  7%  in  the 
crisis  of  1873-75.  New  financing  decreased  from 
6l/2  billions  in  1929  to  2%  billions  in  1931.  The 
general  business  index,  at  this  writing  registering 
60,  a  drop  from  113  in  Aug.,  1929,  is  the  lowest  in 
American  economic  history,  the  nearest  low  to  this 
being  72  in  1894. 

Internationally  there  is  a  similar  picture,  world 
production  levels  at  this  time  being  about  those  of 
1913.  According  to  League  of  Nations'  figures, 
world  trade  has  fallen  off  40%  from  the  Spring  of 
1929  until  the  end  of  1931,  a  decline  entirely  with- 
out precedent.1  In  England  production  is  at  65, 
or  far  below  pre-war  levels.  In  Germany,  says  the 
German  Institute  for  Business  Research,  "Indus- 
trial production  is  about  as  large  as  it  was  in 
the  years  1900-03."  Production  in  France  has 
dropped  20%  since  the  middle  of  1930.  Poland 
and  Austria  have  declined  28%  and  31%  respec- 

i  The  Phases  and  Course  of  the  World  Depression. 


tively  since  1929.  The  Balkans  are  deep  in  crisis, 
Japan's  industries  have  been  similarly  paralysed. 

Unemployment  has  developed  internationally 
upon  an  unheard-of  scale.  In  Great  Britain  there 
are  3,000,000  unemployed,  in  Germany  6,500,000, 
in  France  unemployment  registers  an  all-time  rec- 
ord, and  in  the  United  States  over  12,000,000  are 
unemployed.  There  are  almost  as  many  more 
part-time  workers.  Throughout  the  capitalist 
countries  there  are  not  less  than  40,000,000  unem- 
ployed and  the  number  constantly  increases. 

In  agriculture  the  crisis  is  no  less  ravaging  and 
general.  According  to  the  Department  of  Agri- 
culture bulletin  of  Dec.  16,  1931,  the  value  of  farm 
products  declined  from  $8,765,820,000  in  1929 
(which  was  already  about  50%  below  1919)  to 
$4,122,850,000  in  1931,  as  against  a  decline  of  only 
10%  in  prices  of  commodities  that  farmers  must 
buy.  The  terrific  fall  in  the  prices  of  agricultural 
products  is  graphically  illustrated  by  the  fact  that 
on  Oct.  4,  1931  wheat  reached  44^  cents  a  bushel 
on  the  market,  the  lowest  point  since  the  Civil  War, 
with  farmers  getting  as  low  as  25  cents.  And 
world  agriculture  in  the  capitalist  countries  is  in  a 
similar  crisis,  prices  received  by  the  peasants  hav- 
ing fallen  from  40%  to  70%  for  the  great  staples, 
wheat,  cotton,  rice,  rubber,  silk,  coffee,  etc. 

In  finance  the  world  economic  crisis  also  mani- 
fests itself  with  devastating  effects.  Whichever 
way  one  looks  there  is  a  spreading  ruin  and  wreck- 


age.  The  whole  financial  system  of  capitalism  is 
tottering.  Internationally,  there  is  a  great  wave 
of  bankruptcy,  many  of  Europe's  oldest  and 
greatest  banks  and  industrial  concerns  collapsing. 
Great  Britain,  Japan  and  various  other  countries 
have  been  driven  off  the  gold  standard.  Stock 
exchange  prices  in  many  countries  have  dropped 
50%  to  75%,  the  general  average  in  France  de- 
clining from  437  in  1930  to  230  at  the  end  of  1931. 
Huge  deficits  exist  in  all  the  national  government 
budgets.  Repudiation  of  international  debts  is  the 
order  of  the  day,  with  the  United  States  standing 
to  lose,  counting  war  debts  and  other  loans  now  in 
default,  from  10  to  15  billion  dollars. 

The  United  States,  home  of  the  world's  strongest 
capitalism,  presents  a  similar  picture  of  financial 
crisis.  During  1931,  2,290  banks  with  deposits  of 
$1,759,000,000  closed  their  doors,  and  17,000  retail 
stores  failed.  In  1931,  bank  deposits  declined  by 
seven  billion  dollars.  From  the  middle  of  1929  to 
the  end  of  March,  1932,  the  average  prices  of  30 
leading  industrial  stocks  on  the  New  York  Stock 
Exchange  dropped  from  $381.17  to  $61.98.2  The 
total  loss  in  security  "values,"  according  to  B.  C. 
Forbes,  was  75  billions.  New  York,  Chicago, 
Philadelphia,  Detroit  and  hundreds  of  smaller 
cities  are  bankrupt.  The  Federal  government 
faces  a  deficit  of  about  two  and  one-half  billion  dol- 
lars. And,  most  significant  of  all,  the  Federal 

2  New  York  American,  April  12,  1932. 


Reserve  Bank  system,  a  financial  fortress  of  sup- 
posed Gibraltar  strength,  has  manifestly  proved 
unable  to  stand  the  strain,  the  Hoover  two  billion 
dollar  Reconstruction  Finance  Corporation  being 
an  attempt  to  buttress  up  the  reserve  bank  system 
by  a  further  concentration  of  the  State  power  be- 
hind the  great  bankers  and  by  a  policy  of  inflation. 
Mazur  says:  "1931  has  witnessed  a  substantial 
debacle  of  both  the  orthodox  currency  basis  and 
the  established  banking  system  of  the  world." 3 
And  the  end  is  not  yet,  with  the  crisis  deepening 

The  Mass  Impoverishment  of  the  Toilers 

"We  in  America  today  are  nearer  to  the  final  triumph 
over  poverty  than  ever  before  in  the  history  of  any  land." 
President  Hoover,  Aug.  11,  1928. 

THROUGHOUT  capitalism  the  policy  of  the  ruling 
class  is  to  try  to  find  a  way  out  of  the  crisis  by 
throwing  its  burden  upon  the  shoulders  of  the 
working  class,  the  poor  farmers  and  the  lower  sec- 
tions of  the  city  petty  bourgeoisie.  This  is  being 
done  by  a  vast  system  of  starving  the  unemployed, 
wage-cuts,  speed-up,  inflation  schemes,  taxes  di- 
rected against  the  masses,  etc.  In  consequence, 
with  the  development  of  the  crisis,  there  has  been 
an  enormous  increase  in  the  impoverishment  of  the 
toiling  masses. 

s  Current  History,  November,  1931. 


Wholesale  starvation,  spreading  like  a  plague,  is 
the  order  of  the  day  in  all  capitalist  countries. 
The  bourgeoisie,  intent  only  upon  its  own  pleas- 
ures, cynically  shrugs  its  shoulders  at  the  whole 
terrible  misery,  when  it  does  not  hypocritically  di- 
rect the  masses  towards  religion  for  consolation. 
Nor  are  there  "scientists"  lacking  to  justify  this 
mass  starvation.  Thus  Prof.  E.  G.  Conklin  of 
Princeton  University  says:  "Some  of  the  weaker, 
according  to  the  law  of  nature,  will  naturally  die 
under  the  stress  of  the  times.  Others  will  not 
propagate  their  kind.  The  strong  and  hardy  will 
survive  and  reproduce,  and  thus  the  human  race 
will  be  strengthened."  4 

Since  the  onset  of  the  present  economic  crisis 
American  workers  and  poor  farmers,  through  un- 
employment, part-time  work,  wage-cuts,  reduced 
prices  for  agricultural  products,  tax  increases,  etc., 
have  suffered  a  general  decline  in  their  living  stand- 
ards of  at  least  50%.  Prof.  Leiserson  estimates 
that  the  total  income  of  industrial  and  office  work- 
ers was  about  22  billion  dollars  less  in  1931  than 
in  1929,  and  this  is  supported  by  the  figures  of 
Business  Week  (Feb.  10).  This  is  by  no  means 
offset  by  the  decline  in  living  costs  which,  accord- 
ing to  the  U.  S.  Dept.  of  Labor,  amounted  to 
11.7%  from  June,  1929,  until  June,  1931.  On  the 
farms,  the  Alexander  Hamilton  Institute  says,  the 
average  income  per  household  has  dropped  from 

4  New  York  Times,  Jan.  28,  1932. 


$887  in  1929  (already  a  crisis  year  in  agriculture) 
to  but  $367  in  1931. 

By  these  gigantic  reductions  in  their  real  income 
masses  of  toilers  of  field  and  factory  have  been 
forced  down  to  actual  starvation  conditions.  Even 
before  the  crisis  the  working  masses  stood  at  the 
very  threshold  of  destitution.  The  average  wage 
of  industrial  workers  during  the  height  of  "pros- 
perity" did  not  exceed  $23.00  per  week.  Conse- 
quently, the  vast  body  of  American  toilers  existed 
from  hand  to  mouth.  They  had  very  little  re- 
serves. Paul  Nystrom  says  that  9,000,000  people 
in  the  United  States  lived  below  the  subsistence 
level.5  Then  came  the  economic  hurricane. 

The  result  is  real  destitution,  verging  into  actual 
starvation,  on  a  broad  scale  in  the  United  States, 
"Only  in  countries  like  India  and  China  are  there 
today  larger  numbers  of  workers  suffering  from 
mass  unemployment,  hunger,  semi-starvation,  dis- 
ease and  other  manifold  evils  of  wholesale  poverty 
than  in  the  United  States  —  the  richest  country  in 
the  world,"  says  the  Statement  of  the  National 
Hunger  Marchers  to  Congress,  Dec.  7,  1931. 
"One-third  to  one-half  of  our  population  is  at  vari- 
ous stages  ranging  from  hunger  to  the  pressing 
danger  of  losing  homes  and  farms,"  says  Governor 
LaFollette.  The  New  York  American,  (Feb.  21, 
1932) ,  says:  "Food  is  lacking  in  81  per  cent  of  the 
New  York  City  homes  that  have  been  stricken  by 

6  Economic  Principles  of  Consumption. 


unemployment,  the  Emergency  Unemployment 
Relief  Committee  reported  last  night."  William 
Hodson,  executive  director  of  the  Welfare  Council 
of  New  York  City,  informs  us:  "Relief  in  New 
York  City  is  now  on  what  might  be  called  a  disaster 
basis  .  .  .  the  spectre  of  starvation  faces  millions 
who  never  were  out  of  work  before."  The  Balti- 
more Post,  (Mar.  11,  1932),  declares;  "40,000  face 
starvation  in  Baltimore."  An  Associated  Press 
dispatch  of  Mar.  23,  1932,  from  Tulsa,  Okla.,  says: 
"Ten  thousand  persons  have  been  living  here  since 
Nov.  1  on  a  charity  ration  costing  six  cents  a  day 
per  person." 

So  it  is  all  over  the  country.  The  cities  are  full 
of  "Hoovervilles"  and  breadlines,  where  tens  of 
thousands  of  homeless,  hungry  workers  are  com- 
pelled to  exist  in  tin  can  shacks  and  to  stand  for 
hours  to  get  a  miserable  bowl  of  soup.  Workers 
fall  famished  in  the  streets  in  front  of  stores  and 
warehouses  that  are  crammed  with  the  necessaries 
of  life.  Daily  we  read  in  the  capitalist  press  of 
families  actually  starving  to  death.  No  longer  is 
it  "news"  for  a  confused  and  desperate  unemployed 
worker  to  blow  out  his  brains  or  to  do  away  with 
his  family. 

The  workers  are  losing  wholesale  the  houses, 
radios,  furniture,  etc.,  that  they  so  laboriously  got 
together  during  the  upward  swing  of  American 
capitalism;  thousands  of  farmers  are  losing  their 
farms  to  the  usurers.  The  Nation,  (Mar.  23, 


1932),  says  that  in  Detroit  alone  50,000  workers 
lost  their  life  savings  in  the  collapsed  banks,  and 
similar  huge  losses  have  been  suffered  all  over  the 
country.  In  1931,  according  to  the  New  York 
Journal,  (Jan.  28),  198,738  workers'  families  were 
evicted  from  their  homes  in  New  York  City  for 
non-payment  of  rent.  The  worker's  life  has  be- 
come an  endless  round  of  worry  and  misery.  The 
jails  are  filled  to  overflowing,  thousands  preferring 
prison  rigors  to  life  under  the  Hoover  regime  of 
"rugged  individualism."  Prostitution  spreads  like 
a  poison  weed  in  every  American  city.  Tubercu- 
losis runs  riot  among  the  half -starved  masses,  and 
the  hospitals  are  packed  with  sufferers  of  diseases 
bred  of  under-nourishment,  etc.,  etc.  To  such  a 
debacle  has  come  the  Hooverian  pre-election  prom- 
ises of  the  "abolition  of  poverty,"  "a  chicken  in 
every  pot"  and  "an  automobile  in  every  garage" 
for  the  workers.  And  daily  the  whole  maze  of 
poverty,  starvation,  misery  and  death  gets  worse. 
Manifestly,  a  fundamentally  necessary  measure 
against  actual  starvation  among  the  workers  is  the 
establishment  of  a  system  of  federal  unemploy- 
ment insurance,  financed  by  the  government  and 
the  employers.  This  must  be  of  a  permanent  char- 
acter, because  what  we  have  to  deal  with  is  not  a 
temporary  condition  of  unemployment,  but  a  huge 
mass  unemployment  on  a  permanent  basis.  This, 
however,  has  not  been  done.  The  capitalists  and 
their  government  have  forced  the  workers  into 


wholesale  starvation  which  is  now  infesting  the 
country  like  a  plague. 

The  entire  question  of  unemployment  relief  has 
been  reduced  to  a  charity  basis.  Although  the 
worker  has  spent  his  life  producing  the  wealth  of 
the  country,  now  when  the  capitalist  system  has 
broken  down  he  is  treated  as  a  mendicant  and  a 
criminal.  He  is  thrown  a  beggarly  handout  like 
a  starving  dog.  Mr.  Gifford,  head  of  Hoover's 
Emergency  Employment  Committee,  boasted  that 
in  the  1931  Fall  relief  drive  about  $150,000,000  had 
been  raised  in  the  various  localities.  So  far  as  the 
Federal  government  is  concerned,  this  money  (what 
the  workers  get  of  it  after  the  grafters  are  through) 
has  to  last  the  unemployed  for  the  whole  year. 
Thus  it  figures  out  at  about  $1.00  per  month  for 
each  of  the  12,000,000  unemployed.  In  New 
York,  richest  city  in  the  world,  after  a  disgusting 
campaign  of  begging,  $18,000,000  of  Gifford's 
fund  was  raised.  This  would  give  about  $1.50  per 
month  to  each  of  New  York's  1,000,000  unem- 

The  unemployed  relief  program  of  the  Hoover 
Government  is  a  real  hunger  plan.  It  is  the  policy 
of  the  capitalist  class  and  it  has  the  support  of 
both  big  parties  and  the  A.  F.  of  L.  That  the 
Progressives  also  agree  fundamentally  with  it  is 
shown  by  the  new  unemployment  insurance  law  in 
Wisconsin.  This  law  adds  insult  to  injury.  Ac- 
cording to  its  beggarly  provisions  unemployed 


workers  can  receive  only  a  maximum  of  $100 
yearly.  And  this  applies  only  to  those  now  em- 
ployed, for  whom  insurance  funds  will  be  gradu- 
ally built  up.  As  for  the  masses  of  those  totally 
unemployed  now  and  part-time  workers,  they  are 
left  out  of  consideration  altogether. 

If  the  capitalists  have  callously  forced  the  toil- 
ing masses  into  starvation  conditions  they  have, 
however,  very  carefully  looked  after  their  own  in- 
terests. "During  the  first  nine  months  of  1930, 
our  national  industrial  and  business  system  was 
able  to  and  did  pay  $432,000,000  more  in  dividends 
and  $191,000,000  more  in  interest  than  it  did  in 
1929;  in  the  first  nine  months  of  1931,  the  second 
year  of  the  depression,  it  paid  $347,000,000  more 
in  dividends  and  $338,000,000  more  in  interest  than 
it  did  in  the  first  nine  months  of  1929."  6  The 
Publishers  Financial  Bureau,  (New  York  Ameri- 
can, Mar.  19,  1932),  states  that  the  industrial  divi- 
dends paid  in  1931  are  "the  largest  for  any  year 
previous  to  1929."  Anna  Rochester  says:  "In 
September,  1931,  the  New  York  Times  reported 
that  of  5,000  companies,  50%  had  continued  divi- 
dend payments  without  reduction;  20%  were  pay- 
ing smaller  dividends;  and  only  30%  had  omitted 
payments  entirely.  .  .  .  For  October,  1931,  the  to- 
tal dividends  plus  bond  interest  by  a  large  group 
of  corporations  were  only  4%  below  the  high  record 

6  America  Faces  the  Future,  p.  370. 


of  October,  1930."  7  Besides,  every  appeal  of  the 
bankers  and  other  capitalists  to  the  government  for 
assistance  has  met  with  immediate  response.  The 
two  billion  dollar  Reconstruction  Finance  Corpora- 
tion has  been  organized  and  the  Glass- Steagall 
inflation  bill  is  being  prepared  to  absorb  the  worth- 
less paper  of  the  banks  and  to  underwrite  the 
dividends  of  industrial  corporations.  And  in  the 
new  Federal  taxes  the  capitalists  are  further 
shielded  from  the  economic  effects  of  their  own 

In  the  other  capitalist  countries  starvation  con- 
ditions also  grip  the  masses.  In  Germany,  with 
wages  down  30%  since  the  hunger  period  of  1929 
and  millions  getting  no  unemployment  benefits, 
actual  famine  exists  in  many  cities.  The  great 
masses  in  England  are  almost  as  badly-off.  In 
Poland  miners  got  69  cents  a  day  and  have  re- 
cently had  another  wage-cut.  And  the  offensive 
to  cut  wages  and  reduce  unemployment  benefits 
and  social  insurance  in  general  goes  on  ever  faster 
throughout  Europe.  In  the  colonial  and  semi- 
colonial  countries  crisis  conditions  also  prevail. 
Famine  stalks  in  China  and  India.  In  Brazil,  says 
E.  Penno,  Brazilian  Public  Health  Director, 
"30,000,000  people  are  slowly  dying  of  starvation, 
malaria  and  syphilis."  The  world  over,  the  bank- 
rupt capitalist  system  is  physically  destroying  the 
producing  masses.  The  general  crisis  bids  fair  to 

7  Profits  and  Wages,  p.  8. 


outdo  in  numbers  of  human  victims  even  the  mur- 
derous World  War  itself. 

All  this  is  a  picture  of  a  society  in  decay.  Great 
mills  and  factories  standing  idle  and  warehouses 
piled  full  of  goods,  while  millions  of  toilers  starve 
and  lack  the  necessities  of  life  —  that  is  plain  bank- 
ruptcy. Never  until  capitalism  appeared  upon  the 
world  scene  was  such  an  anomoly  possible  —  star- 
vation in  the  midst  of  plenty.  The  present  great 
crisis  is  not  only  a  glaring  exhibition  of  the  decline 
of  capitalism,  it  is  a  crime  against  the  human  race. 

Capitalist  Fear  and  Confusion 

THE  WOELD  economic  crisis  has  dealt  a  shattering 
blow  to  capitalist  complacency.  Greatly  alarmed, 
the  capitalists  dimly  perceive  its  seriousness,  with- 
out understanding  its  causes.  Chadbourne,  the 
sugar  expert  says:  "Those  who  speak  about  these 
world  depressions  coming  in  cycles  and  this  being 
one  of  these  cycles  are  talking  sheer  nonsense. 
This  is  a  depression  for  which  there  is  no  prece- 
dent." 8  Judge  Brandeis  says:  "The  people  of  the 
United  States  are  now  confronted  with  an  emer- 
gency more  serious  than  war."  Pope  Pius  XI  de- 
clares: "The  international  crisis  is  too  general  to 
have  been  the  work  of  men.  It  is  evident  that 
the  hand  of  God  is  being  felt." 

Over  the  world  system  of  capitalism  there  grows 

8  Speech  in  Brussels,  May  9,  1931. 


a  brooding  fear  of  revolution.  The  capitalists 
cannot  cure  their  deepening  crisis  and  have  been 
unable  to  check  its  progress.  The  old  tricks  and 
slogans  for  making  capitalism  "go"  are  no  longer 
potent.  Pessimism  and  confusion  begin  to  appear 
in  the  ranks  of  the  bourgeoisie.  They  start  to  see, 
not  prosperity,  but  the  revolution,  "just  around  the 
corner."  Spengler  asserts:  "It  is  no  mere  crisis, 
but  the  beginning  of  a  catastrophe.9  The  chief 
economist  of  the  Stock  Exchange,  Dr.  Irving 
Fisher  of  Yale,  in  a  speech  cited  by  the  United 
Press  on  Jan.  3,  of  this  year,  issued  "a  warning 
to  capitalism  'to  clean  the  dirt  of  depression'  from 
its  foundation  or  be  devoured  by  some  form  of 
Socialism."  In  the  recent  debates  in  the  House  on 
the  sales  tax  Rep.  Rainey  declared  that  the  Ameri- 
can people  "are  right  up  against  Communism." 
Mr.  Raymond  Fosdick,  (New  York  Times,  Dec. 
27,  1931),  shrinks  at  the  prospect  of  a  revolution, 
stating  that:  "Western  civilization  (read  capital- 
ism, WZF)  has  begun  to  look  furtively  around, 
listening  behind  it  for  the  silent  tread  of  some  dread 
specter  of  destruction."  W.  F.  Simms,  Scripps- 
Howard  Foreign  Editor,  in  a  dispatch  of  Oct.  5, 
1931,  says: 

"The  object  of  these  epochal  comings  and  goings  (the 
various  international  conferences),  it  is  admitted  behind 
the  scenes,  is  nothing  more  or  less  than  to  prevent,  not 
merely  the  collapse  of  this  or  that  particular  country, 

9  The  American  Mercury,  January,  1932. 


but  of  the  white  man's  universe  as  a  whole.  For  recent 
events  have  driven  Washington,  London,  Paris,  Berlin 
and  Rome  to  the  startling  realization  that  only  some  sane 
accord  on  international  finances,  economics  and  arma- 
ments —  and  that  promptly  —  can  prevent  a  general 

Such  elements  among  the  bourgeoisie  become 
especially  lugubrious  when  they  think  of  the  Soviet 
Union.  They  begin  to  sense  Communism  as  a 
higher  and  inevitable  order  of  society.  They  more 
and  more  realize,  as  their  own  society  goes  deeper 
into  crisis,  that  the  U.S.S.R.,  forging  ahead,  is 
having  a  profoundly  revolutionary  effect  upon  the 
masses  of  starving  workers  and  poor  peasants  still 
under  capitalism.  Prof.  Pollock,  a  bourgeois  sci- 
entist, at  the  1931  World  Congress  for  Social  Plan- 
ning, said: 

"The  Soviet  Union  has  filled  millions  of  workers  and 
peasants  with  hope  and  belief  in  a  better  future  and  of 
the  possibility  of  further  progress.  With  us,  on  the  con- 
trary, things  get  worse  every  year.  If  capitalism  is  not 
capable  of  arousing  equal  enthusiasm  and  readiness  for 
sacrifice  in  the  masses,  then  there  can  be  no  doubt  that 
th^y  will  finally  choose  the  path  of  the  Soviets." 

It  is  well  known,  of  course,  that  the  European 
bourgeoisie,  animated  by  such  fears,  are  taking 
many  precautions  for  their  personal  safety.  But 
it  is  "news"  that  American  capitalists  feel  the  need 
for  similar  measures.  In  Liberty,  Jan.  2,  1932, 
Cornelius  Vanderbilt,  Jr.,  says,  speaking  of  the 


ultra-rich:  "They  see  the  possibility  of  long  vistas 
of  hungry  faces  in  breadlines  again  this  winter, 
and  they  fear  the  red  specter  of  revolution.  .  .  It 
is  interesting  to  note  that  since  the  beginning  of 
the  depression  the  yachts  of  society  millionaires  (in 
New  York  Harbor)  have  invariably  been  anchored 
in  places  where  their  owners  could  board  them  on 
short  notice." 

These  dark  forebodings  are  true  expressions  of 
the  fear  eating  at  the  consciousness  of  the  capi- 
talist class.  They  serve  to  stimulate  the  offensive 
against  the  workers.  But,  of  course,  the  general 
policy  of  the  capitalists  does  not  limit  itself  to 
spreading  such  pessimism.  On  the  contrary,  espe- 
cially in  the  United  States,  they  systematically  cul- 
tivate optimism.  As  the  capitalists  intensify  their 
drive  against  the  workers'  standards  of  living,  they 
at  the  same  time  increase  their  propaganda  about 
the  impending  return  of  prosperity.  The  burden 
of  their  song  is  that  this  is  "just  another  crisis," 
that  the  crises  of  the  past  have  been  overcome  and 
have  been  followed  by  "prosperity,"  and  that  the 
same  thing  must  happen  again.  The  cultivation 
of  such  prosperity  illusions  is  one  of  the  principal 
methods  of  the  capitalists  to  break  the  resistance 
of  the  workers  against  wage-cuts,  starvation,  relief 
systems,  etc. 

This  pollyanna  propaganda  is  best  illustrated  in 
the  policy  of  the  federal  government.  President 
Hoover  started  out,  at  the  time  of  the  Wall  Street 


crash)  by  assuring  everyone  that  this  was  only  a 
financial  bubble,  that  the  great  "prosperity"  was 
safe.  Then,  when  the  industrial  crisis  was  upon 
us  on  all  sides,  he  assured  us,  March  8,  1930,  that 
"the  depression  will  be  over  in  60  days."  And 
from  that  time  on  every  department  in  the  govern- 
ment has  harped  upon  a  similar  string.  Undoubt- 
edly, the  effect  of  sowing  such  illusions  has  been 
to  facilitate  the  wholesale  cutting  down  of  the 
workers'  living  standards  that  has  taken  place. 
The  theory  that  the  crisis  will  cure  itself  and  that 
all  will  be  wTell  again,  is  further  classically  illus- 
trated by  Prof.  Taussig,  who  advises  us:  "Don't 
spend  too  much;  don't  hoard;  don't  worry;  just  live 
normally  and  everything  will  right  itself  in  due 
time  as  it  has  always  done."  10 

The  capitalist  optimists  are  wrong;  the  fears  of 
the  pessimists  are  justified.  What  we  have  to  deal 
with  is  not  "just  another  crisis,"  which  will  soon 
liquidate  itself  and  be  followed  by  a  higher  and 
worldwide  wave  of  "prosperity."  It  is  a  profound 
economic  crisis  developing  on  the  basis  of  a  rapidly 
deepening  general  crisis  of  capitalism.  Arising 
out  of  fundamental  weaknesses  of  the  present  so- 
cial system,  it  is  setting  on  foot  forces  that  are 
drastically  undermining  the  very  economic,  po- 
litical and  social  foundations  of  capitalism,  and 
hastening  that  system  ever  faster  towards  the  prole- 
tarian revolution. 

10  Radio   Broadcast,  Jan.   23,   1932. 


Cyclical  Crises 

IN  ORDER  to  understand  what  is  the  matter  with  the 
capitalist  system,  why  it  is  torn  with  economic 
crises,  war  and  revolution  and  why  it  is  sentenced 
to  death  as  a  social  order,  it  is  necessary  to  take  at 
least  a  brief  glance  at  the  basic  processes  of  capi- 
talism. If  this  is  done  it  is  readily  seen  that  the 
capitalist  system  is  a  shaky  house  built  upon  sand. 
It  is  full  of  incurable  internal  contradictions  which 
cause  its  conflicts  and  crises,  which  deepen  with 
the  development  of  capitalism,  which  produce  its 
decline  and  decay,  and  which  must  culminate  in  its 
revolutionary  overthrow.  Over  80  years  ago  Marx 
pointed  out  these  innate  weaknesses  of  capitalism. 

The  basic  contradiction  of  capitalism,  the  source 
of  all  its  weakness  and  of  its  final  dissolution,  is 
found  in  the  fact  that  this  system  does  not  carry 
on  production  for  the  benefit  of  society  as  a  whole 
but  for  the  profit  of  a  relatively  small  owning  class. 
The  great  industries  by  which  society  must  live 
are  owned  by  private  individuals  who  ruthlessly 
exploit  the  masses  who  work  in  these  industries. 
Under  capitalism  production  is  regulated  not  by 
the  needs  of  the  masses  but  by  whether  or  not  the 
capitalist  class  can  make  a  profit  by  such  produc- 
tion; commodities  are  not  produced  primarily  for 
use,  but  for  profit. 

The  system  of  private  ownership  and  production 
for  profit  generates  the  whole  series  of  contradic- 


tions  and  conflicts  —  economic,  political  and  social 
—  which  torment  present  day  society,  causing  dis- 
ruption in  the  economic  life  and  violent  struggles 
between  individual  capitalists,  between  social  classes 
and  between  capitalist  States.  This  maze  of  con- 
flict turns  around  the  two  major  contradictions 
into  which  the  basic  contradiction  of  capitalism  re- 
solves itself.  The  first  of  these  is  economic,  the 
tendency  of  capitalist  production  to  exceed  the  buy- 
ing capacity  of  the  masses  and  thus  to  cause  crises 
of  over-production.  The  second  contradiction  is 
social  in  character,  the  division  of  capitalist  society 
into  classes  of  exploiters  and  producers,  with  re- 
sultant class  struggle  between  them.  The  first 
contradiction,  making  for  the  disruption  of  capi- 
talist economy  and  the  impoverishment  of  the 
masses,  provides  the  objective  conditions  for  even- 
tual revolution ;  the  second,  organizing  the  political 
struggle  of  the  toiling  masses,  prepares  the  sub- 
jective factor,  the  revolutionary  working  class. 

Now  let  us  examine  briefly  the  first  of  these 
major  contradictions,  the  tendency  of  capitalist 
production  to  outstrip  the  markets,  to  cause  over- 
production. Over-production  is  inherent  in  the 
capitalist  system  because  the  toiling  masses,  robbed 
in  the  industries  by  the  employers,  are  paid  back 
in  the  shape  of  wages  only  a  fraction  of  the  value 
they  create.  The  wage  of  the  worker  remains 
essentially  at  the  subsistence  level,  regardless  of  his 
productive  capacity. 


This  exploitation  results  in  a  piling  up  of  com- 
modities in  the  hands  of  the  capitalists,  for  natu- 
rally a  worker  getting  a  wage  of  three  to  five 
dollars  a  day  cannot  buy  back  the  ten  to  twenty  or 
more  dollars'  worth  of  commodities  he  has  pro- 
duced. This  gap  between  his  producing  and  buy- 
ing powers  widens  by  the  constant  increase  in  the 
workers'  productive  capacity  through  machinery 
and  the  speed-up  and  also  by  the  lowering  of  their 
standards  of  living.  The  gigantic  booty  in  the 
possession  of  the  capitalists  is  further  increased  by 
their  wholesale  robbery  of  the  poor  farmers  by  pay- 
ing them  low  prices  for  their  products,  charging 
them  monopoly  prices  for  the  commodities  they 
must  buy,  loading  them  down  with  exorbitant  taxes, 
usurious  loans,  etc. 

The  capitalists  waste  huge  masses  of  these  stolen 
commodities  through  luxurious  living,  by  the  crea- 
tion of  hordes  of  parasitic  occupations,  by  immense 
military  establishments  and  wars.  They  seek  to 
dispose  of  them  by  export  trade.  But  the  sur- 
pluses are  not  exhausted  by  these  means.  There 
is  an  inevitable  tendency  to  glut  the  market  with 
unsaleable  commodities.  Even  though,  as  now, 
the  millions  of  producers,  who  make  up  the  bulk  of 
the  population,  may  actually  starve  and  die  for 
want  of  the  barest  necessities  of  life,  the  market 
suffers  from  over-production. 

This  basic  tendency  of  capitalism  to  over-pro- 
duction (while  the  masses  starve)  results  in  actual 


economic  crisis  because  of  the  competitive  character 
of  the  capitalist  system.  Under  capitalism  there 
is  and  can  be  no  general  plan  of  production  to  fit 
social  needs.  Capitalist  production  is  anarchic. 
The  innumerable  individual  capitalists  and  com- 
panies, ruthlessly  exploiting  the  toiling  masses, 
produce  whatever  they  think  they  can  sell  by  dint 
of  sharp  competition  with  each  other.  The  results 
are,  the  impoverished  masses  not  being  able  to  buy 
back  what  they  have  produced,  over-expansion  of 
the  industries,  a  general  flooding  of  the  markets 
and  a  hastening  of  the  capitalist  crisis  of  over- 

But  the  basic  tendency  of  capitalism  towards 
over-production  does  not  result  in  immediate  and 
chronic  industrial  stagnation,  because  it  is  partially 
offset  by  a  counter  tendency  towards  the  expansion 
of  the  capitalist  market.  Among  the  principal 
factors  historically  in  this  market  expansion  have 
been  the  extension  of  capitalism  upon  a  world  scale, 
with  a  consequent  wide  development  of  transporta- 
tion and  communication  industries,  the  gradual 
conquest  of  the  peasant  and  handicraft  occupations 
and  their  re-organization  upon  a  capitalist  basis, 
the  large  increase  in  population  in  all  countries,  the 
building  of  elementary  public  services  such  as 
water  and  lighting  plants  in  many  countries,  the 
huge  growth  of  munitions  making  and  the  military 
establishment,  etc. 

These  developments  of  the  capitalist  market  have 


provided  outlets  for  the  investment  of  the  capital 
robbed  from  the  workers  in  the  shape  of  surplus 
value.  But  the  tendency  for  the  market  to  expand 
has  always  lagged  behind  the  tendency  to  clog 
the  market  with  over-production.  In  consequence 
there  is  periodic  need  for  the  readjustment  of 
these  mutually  antagonistic  tendencies.  These  re- 
adjustments are  the  cyclical  crises  of  capitalism. 

Marx  made  the  first  analysis  of  the  causes  and 
consequences  of  these  crises.  Cyclical  crises  are 
common  to  all  capitalists  countries,  including  the 
United  States,  which  has  experienced  15  of  such 
major  economic  disturbances  since  1814.  In  the 
various  countries  the  cycles  have  averaged  from 
seven  to  nine  years.  The  development  of  the  capi- 
talist system  has  not  been  even  and  steady,  but  by 
a  series  of  jerks.  The  zigzag  graph  made  by  the 
cyclical  crises  is  the  normal  graph  of  capitalist 
growth  the  world  over. 

The  general  course  of  the  capitalist  cycle  is  quite 
familiar.  First,  the  upward  trend,  a  period  of  in- 
dustrial expansion,  with  rising  prices  and  wages, 
an  era  of  good  employment,  "prosperity"  and  op- 
timism, gradually  developing  into  a  boom,  with  its 
characteristic  orgies  of  feverish  production,  stock 
speculation,  etc.;  secondly,  the  downward  trend, 
with  the  gradual  surfeit  of  the  market  from  excess 
production,  slowing  down  of  industry,  wage-cuts, 
fall  of  prices,  mass  unemployment,  financial  "pan- 
ics" and  general  economic  crisis;  and  thirdly,  the 


trough  of  the  crisis,  in  which  the  productive  forces 
are  diminished  and  the  choking  surplus  of  com- 
modities, in  the  low  state  of  production,  are  con- 
sumed or  wasted  in  various  ways  and  the  markets 
thus  cleared  for  a  fresh  race  between  the  swiftly 
expanding  productive  forces  and  the  more  slowly 
developing  capitalist  market. 

But  the  cyclical  crisis  is  more  than  an  economic 
disturbance.  It  also  greatly  sharpens  the  major 
social  contradiction  of  capitalism,  the  ever-active 
antagonism  between  the  working  class  and  the 
capitalist  class.  In  economic  crises  the  capitalists 
always  seek  to  shift  the  economic  burden  onto  the 
workers  through  wage-cuts,  etc.,  and  this  still 
further  stokes  the  class  struggle.  Hence,  the  capi- 
talist cyclical  crises  have  been  especially  periods 
of  great  strikes  fiercely  fought,  growing  class  con- 
sciousness of  the  workers,  etc. 

The  present  economic  crisis  bears  this  cyclical 
character,  but  it  develops  under  the  special  condi- 
tions of  the  deepening  general  crisis  of  capitalism, 
which  profoundly  change  its  character  and  deepen 
its  effects  in  every  direction. 

The  General  Crisis  of  Capitalism 

THE  TREND  of  capitalist  development  is  not,  how- 
ever, a  simple  repetition  of  cycles,  with  capitalism 
necessarily  having  a  broadened  base  and  stronger 
sinews  after  each  cyclical  crisis.  It  is  a  bourgeois 


fallacy  that  production  and  exchange,  in  the  long 
run,  automatically  balance  each  other  under  capi- 
talism, that  the  capitalist  market  mechanically  ex- 
pands to  accommodate  the  increased  production. 
On  the  contrary,  as  we  have  seen,  the  capitalist 
system,  in  its  very  essence,  leads  to  over-pro- 
duction. This  tendency  to  over-production  is  vastly 
strengthened  as  capitalism  develops.  The  pro- 
ductive powers  of  the  workers  more  and  more 
outrun  their  consumptive  capacity.  Thus  the  ma- 
jor economic  contradiction  of  capitalism,  that  be- 
tween production  and  exchange,  becomes  ever 
deeper  and  more  devastating,  and  with  it,  like  its 
shadow,  grows  an  intensification  of  the  revolu- 
tionary class  struggle. 

Capitalism  can  live  only  by  a  rapid  extension  of 
its  market,  so  that  the  ever-increasing  masses  of 
surplus  value  robbed  from  the  workers  may  be 
disposed  of  through  new  capital  investment. 
Therefore,  the  widening  of  the  gap  between  the 
productive  forces  and  the  consuming  power  of  the 
impoverished  masses  progressively  brings  the  whole 
capitalist  system  into  broader  and  deeper  crises, 
into  sharper  class  struggle,  and  eventually  into 
decay  and  decline.  Karl  Marx  clearly  foresaw  the 
development  of  this  general  crisis  of  capitalism 
when,  speaking  of  the  manner  of  liquidating  the 
cyclical  crises,  he  said  it  was  "paving  the  way  for 
more  extensive  and  more  destructive  crises  and 
diminishing  the  means  whereby  crises  are  pre- 


vented."  As  Varga  says:  "Each  cycle  is  at  the 
same  time  a  step  in  the  history  of  capitalism,  bring- 
ing it  nearer  to  its  termination."  1X  So  far,  in  fact, 
has  this  general  trend  gone  that  the  world  capi- 
talist system  can  be  said  definitely  to  have  entered 
its  period  of  decay.  That  is,  capitalism  no  longer 
has  to  deal  simply  with  cyclical  crises,  each  of  which 
left  it  upon  a  higher  plane,  but  a  growing  general 
crisis,  political  as  well  as  economic,  which  marks 
its  decline  as  a  world  system. 

The  history  of  capitalist  development  may  be 
divided  into  two  general  eras,  industrial  capitalism 
and  imperialism.  The  former  was  the  period  of 
"healthy"  capitalism,  of  its  rapid  rise  and  exten- 
sion; the  latter  is  the  period  of  its  decay  and  de- 
cline. As  Lenin  says,  "Imperialism  is  the  final 
stage  of  capitalism."  Regarding  the  early  phase 
of  capitalism,  the  Program  of  the  Communist  In- 
ternational states: 

"The  period  of  industrial  capitalism  was,  in  the  main,  a 
period  of  'free  competition,'  a  period  of  a  steady  develop- 
ment and  expansion  of  capitalism  throughout  the  entire 
world,  when  the  as  yet  unoccupied  colonies  were  being 
divided  up  and  conquered  by  armed  force;  a  period  of 
continued  growth  of  the  inherent  contradictions  of  capi- 
talism, the  burden  of  which  fell  mainly  upon  the  sys- 
tematically plundered,  crushed  and  oppressed  colonial 

Imperialism  is  the  era  of  monopolistic  capitalism. 
It  has  been  analysed  by  Lenin  in  his  Imperialism, 

11  International  Press  Correspondence,  No.  27,  1931. 


which  may  be  summarized  as  follows:  (a),  the  con- 
centration of  industry  and  the  development  of 
trusts  and  other  monopoly  forms;  (b),  the  concen- 
tration of  banking  capital  and  its  amalgamation 
with  industrial  capital  under  the  hegemony  of  fi- 
nance capital;  (c),  the  export  of  capital  from  the 
imperialist  countries;  (d),  the  division  of  the  world 
among  monopolistic  unions  of  capitalists,  cartels, 
syndicates  and  trusts;  (e),  the  territorial  division 
of  the  world  among  the  great  imperial  powers. 

The  correctness  of  this  elementary  analysis  is 
clear.  It  would  serve  no  purpose  to  summon  sta- 
tistics to  show  the  gigantic  growth  of  trusts  and 
powerful  banks  in  all  capitalist  countries,  and  the 
supremacy  of  finance  capital.  The  significance  of 
the  export  of  capital  is  that  when  it  takes  place  it 
means  that  the  faster  developing  productive  forces 
have  quite  outrun  the  slower  developing  home  mar- 
ket in  the  given  country  and  that  it  becomes  neces- 
sary to  find  foreign  markets  for  the  excess  of 
capital  and  other  commodities.  All  the  great  capi- 
talist countries  have  reached  this  stage,  England 
being  the  earliest  and  most  classical  example.  The 
growth  of  the  international  trusts  and  cartels  and 
"spheres  of  influence"  are  a  matter  of  common 
knowledge.  And  as  for  Lenin's  final  proposition, 
the  division  of  the  world  among  the  capitalist  pow- 
ers with  the  growth  of  imperialism,  he  says:  "In 
1876  three  powers  had  no  colonies;  and  a  third  one, 
France,  had  hardly  any.  In  1914  those  four  pow- 


ers  had  acquired  a  colonial  empire  of  14,100,000 
square  kilometers,  or  approximately  one  and  a  half 
times  greater  than  the  area  of  Europe,  with  a  popu- 
lation of  some  100,000,000  souls  .  .  .  the  division 
of  the  world  was  'completed'  by  the  dawn  of  the 
20th  century."  12 

The  United  States  began  clearly  to  show  its  im- 
perialistic character  about  1900.  This  was  evi- 
denced by  the  intensification  of  the  growth  of 
trusts,  the  rapid  rise  to  dominance  of  the  great 
banking  interests,  and  by  the  beginnings  of  a  sys- 
tem of  colonies  through  the  seizure  of  the  Philip- 
pines, Cuba,  Porto  Rico,  etc.,  and  the  development 
of  "spheres  of  influence"  in  China,  Latin  America, 
etc.  All  these  tendencies  increased  with  the  pas- 
sage of  the  years,  but  it  was  only  after  the  World 
War  that  American  imperialism  came  to  maturity. 
Fattening  upon  the  slain  of  that  great  slaughter, 
with  the  other  imperialist  countries  paralysed  by 
the  murderous  struggle,  American  imperialism  was 
able  to  export  capital  (including  the  war  loans)  to 
the  gigantic  amount  of  27  billion  dollars.  It  has 
widely  penetrated  into  a  score  of  Latin  American 
countries,  reducing  them  to  semi-colonies.  Its  in- 
fluence in  Canada  is  tremendous.  It  tries,  with  its 
Young  Plan  and  other  financial  schemes  of  enslave- 
ment, to  reduce  Europe  to  its  control.  It  has  a 
hand  in  every  imperialistic  robbery  in  China  and 
Africa.  With  its  great  navy  and  potentially  tre- 

12  Imperialism,  p.  66. 


mendous  military  establishment,  it  has  become  the 
most  powerful  and  ruthless  of  imperialist  powers, 
aiming  at  hegemony  over  the  world. 

The  development  of  world  imperialism  enor- 
mously sharpened  all  the  contradictions  of  capital- 
ism. The  major  economic  contradiction  between 
the  producing  and  consuming  powers  of  the  masses 
was  vastly  deepened.  The  productive  powers  were 
increased,  the  exploitation  of  the  workers  in  the  in- 
dustrial countries  and  the  colonial  masses  was  in- 
tensified. The  class  struggle  became  more  acute, 
the  war  danger  more  menacing.  The  great  pow- 
ers began  to  fight  more  relentlessly  to  conquer  the 
lagging  world  markets  to  dispose  of  their  choking 
surpluses  of  commodities,  to  win  new  sources  of 
supplies  of  raw  materials  for  their  industries  and 
to  re-divide  the  world  to  their  respective  advan- 
tage. Capitalism  began  definitely  to  show  signs 
of  the  developing  general  crisis. 

The  World  War  was  a  great  clash  of  the  sharp- 
ening imperialist  antagonisms,  an  acute  expression 
of  the  growing  general  crisis  of  the  capitalist  econ- 
omy. It  was  an  attempt  of  the  various  powers  to 
solve  their  deepening  problems  by  eliminating  each 
other  as  competitors  in  the  world  market  and  by  re- 
dividing  the  colonial  world.  The  capitalist  na- 
tions, developing  with  uneven  tempo,  could  not 
tolerate  the  pre-existing  division  of  markets  and 
colonies.  The  great  capitalist  crisis  which  was  the 
World  War  naturally  caused  a  tremendous  inten- 


sification  of  the  class  struggle.  Revolutionary 
upheavals  took  place  in  many  countries.  The  out- 
standing result  was  the  loss  to  capitalism  of  one' 
sixth  of  the  globe,  Russia,  and  what  prevented  its 
losing  Germany,  Italy  and  several  other  countries 
were  the  counter-revolutionary  activities  of  the  So- 
cialist parties  against  the  revolutionary  workers, 
which  defeated  the  revolution  in  these  countries. 

After  the  great  war  and  these  revolutionary  up- 
heavals, which  nearly  killed  it,  capitalism  got  a 
brief  breathing  spell.  By  1924  it  had  achieved 
what  the  Communist  International  called  a  "par- 
tial and  temporary  stabilization/'  both  economi- 
cally, and  politically.  Economically  this  was  based 
upon  the  replacement  of  the  material  destruction 
wrought  by  the  war,  catching  up  with  the  war- 
caused  building  shortage,  and  by  investment  of 
capital  necessary  to  rationalize  antiquated  indus- 
tries in  various  countries;  and  politically  it  was 
based  on  the  defeat  of  the  revolutionary  attempts 
of  the  proletariat. 

But  this  breathing  spell  for  capitalism  did  not 
last  long.  The  tendency  for  capitalist  production 
to  outrun  the  markets  soon  manifested  itself 
stronger  than  ever.  In  a  number  of  capitalist 
countries  there  has  been  an  intense  rationalization 
of  industry.  Thus  in  the  United  States,  which  is 
the  extreme  illustration,  from  1923  to  1928  there 
was  a  total  of  200,000  less  workers  required  to  pro- 


duce  42%  more  in  the  industries.13  On  the  rail- 
roads a  given  quantity  of  freight  is  transported  now 
by  33%  fewer  workers  than  20  years  ago.14  Tug- 
well  shows  increases  in  efficiency  in  the  various 
industries,  1914  to  1925,  of  from  10%  (meat  pack- 
ing) to  210%  (automobiles).15  And  in  agricul- 
ture, 14%  less  farm  workers  produced  20%  more 
crops  in  1925  than  in  1910.16  Besides,  in  the 
colonial  and  semi-colonial  countries,  such  as  India, 
China,  Africa,  Australia,  etc.,  there  has  been  con- 
siderable industrialization  in  spite  of  the  deter- 
mined efforts  of  the  imperialist  countries  to  prevent 
it  and  to  retain  these  countries  simply  as  markets 
for  their  manufactured  articles  and  as  sources  of 
raw  materials. 

The  purchasing  power  of  the  masses  has  in  no 
sense  kept  pace  with  this  increased  producing 
capacity.  On  the  contrary,  there  has  been  a  vast 
crippling  of  the  capitalist  market  through  whole- 
sale reductions  in  the  real  wages  of  workers  and 
the  incomes  of  farmers  the  world  over;  that  is,  by 
the  widespread  impoverishment  and  decline  in  the 
living  standards  of  the  masses.  The  result  is  a 
great  clogging  of  the  world  markets  and  the 
present  unprecedented  economic  crisis. 

is  A.  F.  of  L.,  Business  Survey,  November,  1931. 

i*  Labor  Fact  Book,  p.  107. 

15  Industry's  Coming  of  Age,  p.  3. 

1°  Harvey  Baum,  p.  73. 


The  Decaying  Capitalist  System 

IN  RECENT  years,  especially  since  the  beginning  of 
the  present  economic  crisis,  the  process  of  the  con- 
centration of  capital  has  been  greatly  speeded  in 
all  sections  of  capitalist  economy  and  in  all  capi- 
talist countries.  In  the  United  States  this  has 
been  marked  by  the  wholesale  wiping  out  of  small 
business,  the  mergers  of  banks,  the  liquidation  of 
stock-holdings  of  the  petty  bourgeoisie,  the  con- 
fiscation of  great  areas  of  farm  land  by  foreclosure, 
etc.  This  rapid  concentration  of  capital  intensifies 
all  the  contradictions  of  capitalism. 

It  has  produced,  together  with  the  unparalleled 
depth  and  breadth  of  the  economic  crisis  and  mass 
starvation,  previously  discussed,  many  other  mani- 
festations which,  in  sum,  constitute  the  general 
crisis  and  decay  of  capitalism  in  this,  its  final  stage 
of  monopoly  and  imperialism.  Most  of  these  de- 
cay factors  were  already  in  evidence,  but  the  pres- 
ent economic  crisis  is  greatly  emphasizing  and 
developing  them.  They  sharpen  the  capitalist  con- 
tradictions in  every  direction.  They  intensify  the 
contradiction  between  the  capitalist  methods  of 
production  and  exchange;  they  broaden  and  deepen 
the  struggles  between  workers  and  capitalists,  be- 
tween the  various  capitalist  countries,  between  the 
imperialist  countries  and  the  colonies,  and  between 
the  two  world  systems  represented  by  capitalism  as 
a  whole  and  the  U.S.S.R.  They  are  undermining 


the  foundations  and  breaking  down  the  very  fiber 
of  capitalism.  They  make  more  and  more  for  in- 
dustrial paralysis,  mass  starvation,  war,  revolution. 

Some  of  the  more  outstanding  of  these  manifes- 
tations of  the  growing  general  crisis  are,  without 
analyzing  in  detail  the  specific  gravity  of  each: 

(a)  Over-expansion  of  Industry:  In  view  of 
the  limited  capacities  of  the  capitalist  markets, 
there  is  a  large  over-expansion  of  the  industrial 
plant  in  all  the  leading  capitalist  countries.  This 
constantly  grows  more  pronounced.  The  United 
States  is  a  striking  example  of  this  condition.  It 
is  typically  illustrated  by  the  automobile  industry 
with  a  capacity  estimated  at  10,000,000  cars  yearly 
and  a  record  output  of  but  4,500,000;  the  bitumi- 
nous coal  mines  with  a  capacity  of  750,000,000  tons 
yearly  and  an  output  (1929)  of  535,000,000;  the 
steel  industry  with  a  capacity  of  65,000,000  tons 
and  a  maximum  output  (1929)  of  56,000,000;  tex- 
tiles with  50%  excess  plant  capacity,  etc.  Even 
in  the  greatest  boom  periods  these  capacities  can- 
not be  fully  utilized.  Such  conditions,  common  to 
the  most  highly  industrialized  countries  of  capi- 
talism, are  not  only  basic  causes  of  the  economic 
crisis  but  also  prolific  breeders  of  the  ultra-reac- 
tionary practices  of  the  destruction  of  commodities 
and  such  dismantling  of  industry  as  the  present 
proposal  to  tear  out  100,000  British  looms  and 
10,000,000  spindles. 


(b)  Chronic  Industrial  Stagnation:  In  the 
growing  general  crisis  of  capitalism  there  is  an 
intensification  of  the  whole  phenomenon  of  the  eco- 
nomic crisis.  As  Varga  says:  "Crises  now  follow 
more  speedily  upon  one  another,  attain  a  greater 
depth,  and  shake  bourgeois  rule  more  violently  than 
before."  Besides  this,  whole  sections  of  the  capi- 
talist economy,  even  before  the  present  crisis,  had 
fallen  into  a  state  of  more  or  less  chronic  depression. 
Thus  England  and  Germany,  the  one  with  its  for- 
eign trade  ruined  and  the  other  hamstrung  by  its 
imperialist  rivals,  had  been  in  practically  perma- 
nent crisis  since  the  end  of  the  war.  Besides,  the 
older  industries  (coal,  textiles,  shipbuilding,  etc.) 
had  suffered  a  similar  stagnation  in  all  industrial 
countries  including  the  United  States;  only  the 
newer  industries  (automobiles,  chemicals,  electri- 
cal, etc.)  experiencing  substantial  growth  and  ex- 
pansion. As  for  agriculture,  it  had  been  in  a 
prolonged  world-wide  crisis  of  unprecedented  di- 
mensions, due  primarily  to  a  vast  over-production 
of  wheat,  cotton,  rubber,  coffee,  sugar,  etc.,  caused 
by  the  lowered  buying  power  of  the  world's  toilers, 
improved  methods  of  production,  increased  acre- 
age, etc. 

The  present  economic  crisis,  despite  eventual  re- 
covery here  and  there,  will  unquestionably  intensify 
and  spread  this  condition  of  chronic  industrial  stag- 
nation. At  the  same  time  that  the  purchasing 
capacity  of  the  producing  masses  drops,  the  ra- 


tionalization  of  industry  is  proceeding  apace,  at 
least  on  the  stronger  sectors  of  capitalism.  A.  T. 
Sloan  says,  for  example:  "As  a  result  of  the  re- 
adjustment and  refinement  that  is  going  on,  our 
industrial  machine  is  more  efficient,  more  effective 
from  every  standpoint  than  ever  before  in  its  his- 
tory." 17  That  is  it  exactly;  more  able  than  ever 
to  flood  the  sickly  market  with  a  fresh  mass  of  un- 
saleable commodities.  We  can  be  sure  that  the 
present  economic  crisis  will  involve  the  older  indus- 
tries and  weaker  sections  of  capitalist  economy  into 
still  deeper  and  more  permanent  stagnation. 

(c)  Permanent  Mass  Unemployment:  Through- 
out the  leading  capitalist  countries,  as  one  of  the 
most  basic  features  of  the  growing  crisis  of  capi- 
talism, is  an  ever-increasing  army  of  unemployed. 
Capitalism,  unable  to  provide  work  for  the  work- 
ers, faces  permanent  mass  unemployment  on  a 
gigantic  scale.  This  tendency  was  typically  illus- 
trated by  the  large  army  of  jobless  in  England 
ever  since  the  end  of  the  World  War,  and  by  the 
fact  that  in  the  United  States,  even  during  the 
boom  period  of  1929,  there  were  at  least  3,000,000 
unemployed.  In  Germany  and  England  it  has 
reached  the  point  where  many  youths  graduate 
from  school  and  reach  manhood  without  ever  hav- 
ing had  a  job,  and  with  little  prospect  of  getting 
one.  In  the  present  economic  crisis  this  perma- 
nently jobless  mass  of  workers,  full  of  fatal  por- 

n  New  York  Times,  Jan.  7,  1932. 


tent  to  capitalism,  is  being  added  to  by  many  mil- 

(d)  The  Choking  of  International  Trade:  One 
of  the  sure  signs  of  the  decline  of  capitalism  is  the 
systematic  strangling  of  international  trade  that  is 
now  taking  place.  This  is  being  done  principally 
by  high  tariffs  and  under  slogans  of  "economic  na- 
tionalism" and  "autarchy."  In  their  bitter  fight 
for  markets,  the  capitalist  countries  generally  have 
adopted  the  double-phased  policy  of  high  tariffs 
and  dumping.  Tariffs  everywhere  are  at  un- 
precedented heights  and  constantly  going  higher. 
"Free  trade"  England  has  now  become  a  leader  in 
this  reactionary  movement.  The  general  result  is 
to  greatly  intensify  the  industrial  paralysis  and 
trade  stagnation.  The  tendency  is  for  each  capi- 
talist country  to  wall  itself  off  from  the  commerce 
of  the  others.  Mussolini  says:  "This  blockading 
of  the  free  flow  of  trade  has  caught  hold  of  the 
world  and  the  grip  is  placed  like  that  of  a  power- 
ful wrestler  on  his  adversary.  It  cannot  move  its 
component  parts  and  though  it  writhes  and  rebels 
it  is  helpless."  19  Then,  to  show  what  a  construc- 
tive program  Fascism  has,  he  jacks  up  the  Italian 
tariff  a  few  notches  and  launches  a  "Buy  Italian" 
campaign  to  match  the  "Buy  British,"  "Buy 

is  Marx  (Capital,  Vol.  I,  p.  308)  indicated  the  revolutionary- 
significance  of  the  rapidly  growing  army  of  unemployed  when  he 
said  :  "A  development  of  the  productive  forces  which  would  diminish 
the  actual  number  of  laborers  .  .  .  would  cause  a  revolution,  be- 
cause it  would  put  the  majority  of  the  population  on  the  shelf." 

i»  New  York  American,  Dec.  27,  1931. 


French,"  etc.  movements.  This  "economic  na- 
tionalism" cannot  lessen,  but  must  intensify  the 
general  crisis  of  capitalism. 

(e)  The  Breakdown  of  the  Medium  of  Ex- 
change: An  important  sign  of  the  general  weaken- 
ing of  capitalism  is  the  breakdown  of  the  medium 
of  exchange  in  the  individual  countries  and  inter- 
nationally. More  than  half  of  the  capitalist  world 
is  now  off  the  gold  standard,  and  the  percentage 
constantly  grows;  in  every  capitalist  country,  in- 
cluding the  United  States  (Finance  Reconstruction 
Corporation,  etc. ) ,  various  systems  of  inflating  the 
currency  are  in  effect.  Not  only  are  the  individual 
capitalist  countries  of  themselves  unable  to  main- 
tain a  stable  currency,  but,  in  their  brutal  struggles 
with  each  other,  they  are  breaking  down  the  capi- 
talist exchange  medium  generally.  They  fight  to 
bankrupt  each  other.  The  raid  on  the  mark  early 
in  1931  smashed  the  German  and  Austrian  finan- 
cial system,  compelled  the  United  States  to  grant 
the  moratorium,  forced  Germany  and  Austria  to 
their  knees  before  French  imperialism  and  almost 
provoked  a  gigantic  economic  collapse  in  Central 
Europe.  The  raid  on  the  pound  following  soon 
after  drove  Great  Britain  off  the  gold  standard, 
wrecked  the  Labor  government  and  deposed  Lon- 
don as  the  world's  money  center.  Then  came  the 
raid  on  the  dollar,  which  cost  the  United  States  the 
loss  of  $500,000,000  in  20  days  and  which  menaces 
the  gold  standard  in  this  country.  All  this  was 


tied  up  with  the  internecine  struggle  over  the  ques- 
tion of  the  international  war  debts  and  reparations. 

(f)  The  Development  of  Fascism:  Another  of 
the  pronounced  symptoms  of  the  decline  of  capi- 
talism is  the  growth  of  Fascism  in  various  forms 
in  all  capitalist  countries.     The  capitalists,  faced 
with  the  task  of  drastically   slashing  the  living 
standards  of  the  workers  and  poor  peasants  and, 
where  the  political  crisis  is  acute,  the  job  of  trying 
to  save  the  capitalist  system  itself,  no  longer  find 
adequate  their  bourgeois  "democracy,"  of  which  the 
Social  Democracy  is  a  part,  to  hold  the  rebellious 
masses  in  check.     Consequently,  with  the  aid  of  the 
Social  Democrats,  or  Social  Fascists,20  they  are 
transforming  the  masked  "democratic"  capitalist 
dictatorship  into  open  Fascist  dictatorship,  with  its 
extreme  demagogy  and  use  of  violence  against  the 
workers  and  poor  peasants.     Mussolini  is  not  the 
symbol  of  a  new  era  of  capitalist  development,  but 
the  sign  of  a  decadent  system  of  society  vainly  try- 
ing to  hold  back  the  clock  of  social  progress. 

(g)  The  Birth  of  a  New  World  Social  System: 
The  most  significant  of  all  signs  of  the  decline  of 
capitalism  is  the  rise  of  the  Union  of  Socialist 
Soviet  Republics.     Capitalism  no  longer  stands 
dominant  in  the  world  with  its  only  rival  the  de- 
clining remnants  of  feudalism.     Today  it  faces  a 
new  and  deadly  rival,  the  forerunner  of  the  new 

20  Communists  use  the  terms  "Social  Democrat,"  "Social  Fascist" 
and  "Social  Reformist"  practically  interchangeably;  why,  we  shall 
see  in  Chapter  IV. 


world  social  order.  The  rise  of  the  Soviet  Union 
enormously  weakens  the  world  capitalist  system. 
Capitalism  has  thereby  lost  territorially  one-sixth 
of  the  globe,  and  it  is  rapidly  losing  more  to  the 
Chinese  Soviets;  it  has  lost  control  of  the  great 
markets  and  raw  materials  of  what  was  old  Russia ; 
it  suffers  enormously  in  loss  of  prestige  in  the  com- 
parison of  its  industrial  crisis  and  generally  de- 
cadent conditions  with  the  great  advance  of  the 
U.S.S.R.;  it  confronts  the  deadly  menace  of  its 
workers  inspired  and  organized  by  this  great  ex- 
ample of  the  success  of  Socialism.  And  all  these 
losses  and  dangers  for  capitalism  in  the  rise  of  the 
U.S.S.R.  will  increase  as  time  goes  on. 

To  the  foregoing  signs  of  the  growing  capitalist 
crisis  and  decline  many  more  could  be  added,  in- 
cluding the  increase  of  the  socially  parasitic  classes 
of  mere  bond  clippers,  the  growth  of  artificial  stimu- 
lants for  the  market  such  as  instalment  buying,  the 
reversion  to  pre-capitalist  forms  of  production  and 
barter,  the  smothering  of  inventions  and  improved 
methods  of  production,  etc.  But  most  significant 
are  the  menacing  danger  of  war  and  the  world- wide 
revolutionary  upsurge  of  the  toiling  masses. 

The  War  Danger 

WAK  is  inevitable  under  the  capitalist  system. 
Imperialism  is  the  era  of  great  world  wars.  The 
capitalist  imperialists  consciously  use  war  as  a 


weapon  for  furthering  their  interests  just  as  they 
do  tariffs  and  dumping.  They  cold-bloodedly  send 
millions  to  slaughter  in  order  to  eliminate  their 
imperialist  competitors  and  to  reduce  whole  popu- 
lations to  their  programs  of  exploitation.  The 
general  crisis  of  capitalism,  with  its  vastly  sharpen- 
ing antagonisms,  is  fast  driving  capitalism  to  a 
new  world  war;  in  fact,  war  is  already  here,  in 
Manchuria  and  China  proper.  Only  14  years  after 
the  great  "war  to  end  all  war"  we  stand  on  the 
brink  of  a  still  more  frightful  shambles. 

How  deliberately  capitalists  consider  war  as  a 
necessary  part  of  their  business  was  shown  by  the 
New  York  correspondent  of  the  London  Daily 
Telegraph  who,  on  Dec.  23,  1916,  wrote:  "The 
rumors  of  peace  which  were  current  during  the 
last  week  caused  alarm  on  the  New  York  Exchange 
and  a  sharp  drop  in  the  value  of  bonds.  The  price 
of  wheat  dropped  heavily.  Everybody  is  talking 
about  the  disasters  which  will  occur  upon  the  con- 
clusion of  peace."  Now  the  capitalists  of  the  world 
are  just  as  cynically  looking  to  war  as  the  broad 
way  out  of  the  present  crisis.  They  see  in  mass 
murder  on  the  battlefields  the  way  to  make  busi- 
ness good  with  bonanza  profits  for  themselves. 
They  are  circulating  propaganda  among  the  un- 
employed workers  that  war  is  the  only  way  to  re- 
start the  crippled  industries,  to  do  away  with 
unemployment.  They  prepare  war  to  beat  back 
the  advancing  world  revolution,  to  overthrow  the 


Soviet  Union.  The  cynical  militarist,  General 
William  Mitchell,  says:  "Many  nations  think  that 
at  this  time  a  foreign  war  would  do  them  a  great 
deal  more  good  than  domestic  insurrection  and 
revolution."  21 

But  capitalism,  characteristically,  hides  its  war 
plans  behind  a  mask  of  pacifism.  This  is  to  throw 
dust  in  the  eyes  of  the  masses  who  would  rebel 
against  a  frank  statement  of  imperialist  war  aims. 
As  the  war  nears  the  capitalists  multiply  their 
camouflage  peace  conferences,  disarmament  meets, 
etc.,  behind  which  the  preparations  for  war  pro- 
ceed ever  faster.  For  modern  warfare  pacifism  is 
just  as  necessary  as  airplanes.  It  is  characteristic 
of  capitalist  pacifist  hypocrisy  that  the  principal 
architect  of  the  militaristic  French  imperialism, 
Briand,  is  hailed  as  the  great  apostle  of  interna- 
tional peace. 

The  League  of  Nations  is  not  a  peace-striving 
institution,  as  the  capitalists  and  their  Social  Fas- 
cist flunkeys  would  have  us  believe;  it  is  a  grouping 
of  imperialist  bandits  intent  only  upon  their  own 
schemes  of  mass  exploitation  and  war  making. 
The  Kellogg  Pact,  instead  of  being,  as  Nicholas  M. 
Butler  says,  "the  supreme  act  of  the  age  in  which 
we  live,"  is  a  monstrous  lure  to  blind  the  masses  to 
the  slaughter  that  is  being  prepared.  In  Man- 
churia, Japan,  a  member  of  the  League  and  a 
signer  of  the  Pact,  wiped  its  feet  on  this  "scrap  of 

21  Liberty,  Jan.  30,  1932. 


paper"  and  exposed  the  League  of  Nations'  im- 
perialist character.  And  what  could  be  more 
bankrupt  than  the  present  "disarmament"  confer- 
ence of  the  League  now  being  held  in  Geneva. 

The  Social  Fascists  and  bourgeois  pacifists  who 
support  the  various  "peace"  plans  of  the  capitalist 
governments  (while  at  the  same  time  they  vote  the 
war  budgets)  are  only  catspaws;  they  play  the 
game  of  imperialism  by  creating  illusions  among 
the  masses  that  the  warlike  capitalist  governments 
actually  want  peace.  Only  by  the  mass  resistance 
of  the  workers  can  the  war  plans  of  the  capitalists 
be  delayed;  only  when  the  toiling  masses  have  de- 
feated the  world  bourgeoisie  can  war  be  abolished 

Behind  the  smoke-screen  of  pacifism  war  arma- 
ments pile  up.  Now  they  are  greater  than  ever 
before  in  "peace"  times.  Over  10,000,000  men  are 
now  under  arms  and  35,000,000  are  in  reserve. 
The  total  world  military  expenditures  are  now  5 
billion  dollars  yearly,  against  2^  billion  in  1913, 
with  the  United  States  expending  far  more  for  its 
armed  forces  than  any  other  nation.22  If  the  price 
index  is  taken  as  a  basis  it  is  found  that  since  1928 
military  expenditures  of  the  principal  powers  have 
increased  as  follows:  United  States  48%,  Japan 
40  % ,  France  43  % ,  Italy  25  % .  The  following  fig- 
ures show  the  large  increases  in  the  direct  military 

22  "War  and  its  by-products  (pensions,  etc.)  cost  the  United 
States  government  $2,201,390,992  during  the  fiscal  year  that  ended 
last  June."— United  Press  dispatch,  Feb.  3,  1932. 


outlay  of  the  five  great  powers,  the  United  States, 
Great  Britain,  France,  Japan  and  Italy: 

1914 $1,182,000,000 

1923 1,828,000,000 

1928 2,167,000,000 

1930 2,324,000,000 

These  huge  expenditures  are  being  accompanied 
by  an  unheard-of  militarization  and  mobilization  of 
the  masses  and  the  whole  industrial  system  for  war. 
New  and  hideous  weapons  are  constantly  being  de- 
vised for  mass  murder;  frightful  poison  gases  and 
germ  bombs;  airplanes,  tanks,  submarines,  etc.,  a 
hundred  times  more  efficient  at  wholesale  killing  of 
human  beings  than  during  the  World  War.  The 
decadent  capitalist  system,  fighting  to  prolong  its 
anti-social  existence,  menaces  the  very  life  of  the 
peoples  with  its  program  of  mass  slaughter. 

What  these  murderous  war  preparations  mean  is 
indicated  by  the  jingo  General  Mitchell,  who  is 
trying  to  stir  up  a  war  against  Japan.  He  says: 
"These  (Japanese)  towns,  built  largely  of  wood 
and  paper,  form  the  greatest  aerial  targets  the 
world  has  ever  seen.  .  .  Incendiary  projectiles 
would  burn  the  cities  to  the  ground  in  short  order. 
An  attack  by  gas,  surging  down  through  the  val- 
leys, would  completely  blot  their  population  out."  23 
And  even  as  I  write  these  lines,  Japanese  planes 
are  bombarding  and  burning  Shanghai,  slaughter- 

23  Liberty,  Jan.  30,  1932. 


ing  thousands  of  non-combatants.  Stuart  Chase, 
under  the  heading,  "The  Two-Hour  War,"  gives 
a  vivid  picture  of  the  new  capitalist  war-makers  in 
action : 

"War  is  declared.  Nay,  war  is  only  threatened  —  for 
he  who  speaks  first,  speaks  last.  In  Bremen,  or  Calais, 
a  thousand  men  climb  into  the  cockpits  of  a  thousand 
aircraft,  and  under  each  is  slung  a  bomb  which  the  pres- 
sure of  finger  may  release.  A  starting  signal,  an  hour  or 
two  of  flight  —  one  muffled  roar  after  another  as  the 
bombs  are  dropped  per  schedule  —  and  so,  the  civiliza- 
tion which  gave  Bacon,  Newton,  and  Watt  to  the  world, 
comes,  in  something  like  half  an  hour,  to  a  close.  Fin- 
ished and  done.  London,  Liverpool,  Manchester,  Lan- 
cashire, Bristol,  Birmingham,  Leeds.  Not  even  a  rat,  not 
even  an  ant,  not  even  a  roach,  can  survive  the  entire  and 
thorough  lack  of  habitability.24 

The  world  stands  in  the  most  imminent  danger 
of  such  a  horrible  blood  bath.  The  whole  capitalist 
system  is  a  maze  of  acute  war  antagonisms,  bred 
of  and  stoked  by  the  increasing  general  capitalist 
crisis.  The  deeper  the  crisis,  the  more  acute  the 
war  danger.  Growing  Fascism,  with  its  intense 
nationalism,  renders  the  danger  all  the  sharper. 
The  war  antagonisms  flare  up  between  the  various 
capitalist  powers,  between  the  imperialist  countries 
and  the  colonial  and  semi-colonial  countries,  and 
especially  between  world  imperialism  and  the 
Soviet  Union.  In  order  to  preserve  their  system 
of  exploitation  the  capitalists  are  proceeding  direct 

24  Men  and  Machines,  p.  310. 


to  a  slaughter,  beside  which  that  of  1914-18  will 
seem  pale,  and  which  may  well  result  in  the  de- 
struction of  the  capitalist  system.  But,  of  this, 
more  anon. 

Among  the  great  capitalist  powers  there  exist 
many  antagonisms,  any  of  which  may  produce  a 
devastating  war,  and  these  antagonisms  constantly 
become  more  acute  under  the  pressure  of  the  deep- 
ening crisis  of  capitalism.  Of  them  the  more 
important  are:  the  struggle  between  the  United 
States  and  Great  Britain  for  world  imperialist 
hegemony; 25  the  conflict  between  the  United  States 
and  the  rising  system  of  French  imperialism;  the 
four-cornered  fight  between  the  United  States, 
Japan,  Great  Britain  and  France  for  domination 
of  the  Far  East;  the  struggle  between  Great 
Britain  and  France  for  financial  supremacy  and 
general  leadership  in  Europe;  the  struggle  of 
France  and  her  vassal  States  (Poland,  Rumania, 
Czecho- Slovakia,  etc.)  to  choke  Germany  into 
submission  and  to  hang  on  to  their  Versailles 
Treaty  blood  booty;  the  sharp  antagonisms  between 
France  and  Italy  over  control  of  the  Mediter- 
ranean area ;  the  tangle  of  potential  war  conflicts  in 
the  Balkans;  and,  of  present  special  acuteness,  the 
struggle  between  the  United  States  and  Japan  for 
imperialist  control  in  the  Far  East.  In  short, 
world  capitalism  presents  the  picture  of  a  medley 

25  For  the  vast  ramifications  of  this  great  struggle  see  Ludwell 
Denny's  America  Conquers  Britain. 


of  hostile  imperialist  groupings  preparing  inevi- 
tably to  cut  each  other's  throats,  and  if  they  have 
not  already  done  so  it  has  been  chiefly  from  fear  of 
revolutionary  upheavals  of  the  workers. 

The  antagonisms  between  the  imperialist  coun- 
tries and  the  colonial  and  semi-colonial  countries 
likewise  grow  constantly  more  sharp.  Stalin 
says:  "The  European  bourgeoisie  is  in  a  state  of 
war  with  'its'  colonies  in  India,  Indo-China,  Indo- 
nesia and  Northern  Africa."  26  One  of  the  basic 
indications  of  the  growing  decline  of  world  capi- 
talism is  the  weakening  of  the  hegemony  of  the 
imperialist  powers  over  the  colonial  countries,  the 
necessity  of  the  imperialists  to  use  more  and  more 
armed  force  against  the  colonies.  These  growing 
conflicts  are  caused  primarily  by  the  attempts  of 
the  imperialist  countries  to  shift  the  burden  of  the 
crisis  onto  the  colonial  countries  by  means  of  in- 
tensified exploitation  of  the  peasants  and  workers, 
tariffs,  high  taxes,  the  crippling  of  local  industry, 
etc.,  all  backed  by  imperialist  troops,  and  by  the 
rebellion  of  the  colonial  masses  against  this  im- 
poverishment. Great  Britain,  in  increasing  col- 
lision with  its  dominions,  Canada,  South  Africa, 
Australia  and  Ireland,  over  the  tariff  and  other 
questions,  proceeds  with  armed  force,  under  the 
leadership  of  the  "Socialist"  MacDonald,  to  crush 
rebellious  India.  France  maintains  its  grip  peri- 

2«  Speech  at  the  XVI  Congress  of  the  Communist  Party  of  the 
Soviet  Union. 


lously  upon  Indo-China  by  "fiercest  terror,  mass 
shootings,  the  annihilation  of  whole  villages  by 
French  occupational  troops."  Japan  carries  out 
its  colonial  policy  by  the  armed  conquest  of  Man- 
churia. And  American  imperialism,  to  hang  onto 
its  great  Latin- American  hinterland,  finds  neces- 
sary an  ever-greater  terrorism  by  its  puppet  gov- 
ernments in  Cuba,  Nicaragua,  Chile,  Salvador,  the 
Philippines,  etc.  In  all  these  situations  lurks  the 
danger  of  sudden  and  far-reaching  war. 

But  the  greatest  and  most  imminent  of  war 
dangers  is  that  between  world  imperialism  and  the 
Soviet  Union.  This  antagonism  is  the  most  fun- 
damental of  all  economic,  political  and  social  con- 
flicts. The  major  political  objective  of  world  capi- 
talism is  to  overthrow  the  Soviet  government.  The 
capitalists'  central  world  strategy  is  to  bridge  over 
their  own  contradictions  sufficiently  to  enable  them 
to  make  a  united  front  in  war  against  the  first 
Workers'  Republic.  Ingrained  in  the  very  fibre 
of  world  imperialism  is  the  slogan,  "Death  to  the 
Soviet  Union."  This  is  the  struggle  between  two 
antagonistic  world  systems,  capitalism  and  Social- 
ism. It  grows  ever  sharper  with  the  deepening  of 
the  general  capitalist  crisis.  Upon  this  central 
contradiction  capitalism  will  eventually  break  its 
worthless  neck. 

In  1918-20,  at  the  very  birth  of  the  Soviet  gov- 
ernment, France,  Great  Britain,  United  States, 
Germany,  Japan,  Czecho- Slovakia,  Poland,  etc., 


sent  their  armies  against  the  revolutionary  Rus- 
sians. But  these  armed  assaults  were  defeated  by 
the  Soviet  forces.  The  imperialist  powers,  faced 
by  dauntless  revolutionary  soldiers,  fearing  revolu- 
tion at  home  and  learning  to  their  dismay  that 
their  armies  of  workers  and  peasants  often  mu- 
tinied rather  than  fight  against  the  Russians  (this 
being  the  case  also  with  the  310th  United  States 
Infantry  at  Archangel),  had  to  abandon  for  the 
time  being  their  program  of  violent  overthrow  of 
the  Soviets. 

But  the  capitalist  powers  did  not  give  up 
their  counter-revolutionary  determination.  With 
French  and  American  gold  they  built  a  steel 
row  of  armed  Fascist  States  along  the  Rus- 
sian border;  they  established  an  economic,  finan- 
cial and  political  boycott  against  the  Soviets;  they 
sabotaged  the  Russian  industries  from  within;  they 
worked  ceaselessly  with  their  Social  Fascist  tools 
to  discredit  the  Soviet  Union  among  the  workers 
of  the  world,  as  a  preparation  for  a  new  armed 
attack.  With  the  manifest  success  of  the  Soviet 
regime,  especially  the  great  victories  of  the  Five- 
Year  Plan,  the  capitalists  have  redoubled  the  at- 
tacks against  the  Soviet  government.  They  have 
flooded  the  world  with  anti-Russian  propaganda 
—  charges  of  red  imperialism,  dumping,  forced  la- 
bor, red  plots,  religious  persecution,  etc.  France 
has  been  the  most  militant  in  all  this.  Hardly  less 
active  also  is  the  United  States,  with  its  policy  of 


non-recognition,  trade  restriction,  financial  block- 
ade, Fish  committee  propaganda,  etc. ;  this  country, 
the  world  center  of  capitalism,  has  always  viewed 
with  undisguised  hatred  the  world  center  of  Com- 
munism, the  U.S.S.R. 

In  1929  the  imperialists  made  an  effort  to  pro- 
voke an  anti- Soviet  war  by  the  seizure  of  the  Chi- 
nese Eastern  Railroad  through  subsidized  Chinese 
generals.  But  this  was  defeated  by  the  prompt 
and  victorious  action  of  the  Red  Army.  And  the 
exposures  made  in  the  famous  trials  of  the  In- 
dustrial Party  and  the  Mensheviks  broke  up  the 
plans  for  an  armed  intervention  against  the 
U.S.S.R.,  scheduled  to  take  place  in  the  Spring 
of  1931  under  the  leadership  of  the  French  Gen- 
eral Staff.  Doubtless,  the  great  stores  of  wheat 
assembled  at  that  time  by  the  Federal  Farm  Board 
were  to  have  been  used  to  provision  this  war. 

Now,  in  the  Manchurian  invasion  by  Japan, 
world  imperialism  is  developing  a  new  and  still 
more  dangerous  attack  against  the  Soviet  Union. 
In  its  present  imperialist  war  against  the  Chinese, 
Japan  has  clearly  in  mind  the  following  objectives: 
( 1 ) ,  the  dismemberment  of  China  and  the  capture 
of  its  markets;  (2),  the  crushing  of  the  rapidly 
spreading  Chinese  Soviets;  (3),  the  establishment 
of  a  strong  base  in  Manchuria  from  which  to 
launch  an  early  attack  upon  the  Soviet  Union. 
The  deliberation  with  which  Japan  is  developing 
this  strategy  against  the  U.S.S.R.  is  indicated  by 


the  following  quotation  from  a  memorandum  pre- 
sented on  July  25,  1927,  by  the  then-Premier, 
Tanaka,  to  the  Mikado : 

"The  Chinese  Eastern  Railway  will  become  ours  just 
as  the  South  Manchurian  Railway  became  ours,  and  we 
shall  seize  Kirin  as  we  seized  Dairen.  It  seems  that  the 
inevitability  of  crossing  swords  with  Russia  on  the  fields 
of  Mongolia  in  order  to  gain  possession  of  the  wealth  of 
North  Manchuria  is  part  of  our  program  of  national  de- 

While  the  general  strategy  of  world  imperialism 
is  to  develop  the  attack  against  the  Soviet  Union, 
this  does  not  go  forward  on  the  basis  of  a  solid  bloc 
or  united  front  of  all  its  leaders  with  Japan,  spear- 
head of  imperialism,  in  China.  This  is  because 
the  violent  antagonisms  between  the  imperialist 
powers  prevent  such  a  firm  unity.  France,  which 
actively  prepares  the  offensive  against  the 
U.S.S.R.  through  Poland,  etc.,  is  solidly  united 
with  Japan  and  supports  it.  But  England  man- 
euvers against  France  and  Japan  and  has  its  eye 
on  its  Chinese  interests,  especially  in  the  Shanghai 
district.  As  for  the  United  States,  it  views  with 
alarm  the  strengthening  of  its  traditional  enemy  in 
the  Pacific,  Japan. 

But  all  these  powers  are  violent  enemies  of  the 
Soviet  Union,  and  their  mutual  antagonisms  do 
not  prevent  the  development  of  the  imperialist  at- 
tack generally  against  the  U.S.S.R.  In  the  In- 


ter -national  Press  Correspondence,  Mar.  10,  1932, 
a  writer  puts  the  situation  thus : 

"The  sharpness  of  the  imperialist  antagonisms  renders 
difficult  the  formation  of  new  groupings  of  power.  But 
—  as  the  Japanese  campaign  in  Manchuria  and  in  the 
Yangtse  valley  shows  —  it  not  only  does  not  form  an  in- 
surmountable obstacle  to  the  immediate  war  preparations 
but  is  also  no  obstacle  preventing  the  world  from  creep- 
ing into  the  world  war,  into  military  intervention  against 
the  Soviet  Union.  As  experience  shows,  these  groupings 
are  formed  at  the  outbreak  and  partly  even  in  the  course 
of  war,  in  the  carrying  out  of  military  operations." 

The  danger  of  imperialist  war  against  the 
U.S.S.R.  is  now  most  acute.  The  imperialist  ban- 
dits are  trying  to  force  the  Soviet  Union  into  the 
Manchurian  war.  That  is  the  purpose  of  Japan's 
studied  insolence  and  provocation,  its  massing  of 
troops  on  the  Soviet  border,  its  organization  of  the 
counter-revolutionary  White  Russians.  And  the 
significance  of  the  attempted  assassination  of 
the  Japanese  ambassador  in  Moscow  by  Vanek,  a 
Czecho-Slovakian  diplomat,  was  that  France  tried 
to  organize  another  Sarajevo.  Only  the  steadfast 
peace  policy  of  the  Soviet  Union  has  prevented  its 
being  enmeshed  in  war.  But  there  is  a  limit  to 
such  provocation.  As  Molotov  says:  "We  do  not. 
need  an  inch  of  any  other  country's  land;  but 
neither  will  we  give  up  an  inch  of  ours." 

The  capitalists  clearly  intend  to  thrust  war  upon 
the  Soviet  Union.  Their  offensive  may  easily 


come  during  1932.  The  deepening  general  crisis 
of  their  own  system  and  the  growing  successes  of 
the  U.S.S.R.  inevitably  drive  them  on  to  this  war. 
It  is  a  situation  that  should  arouse  every  worker 
to  fight  against  the  robber  war  on  China,  and  to 
rally  in  defense  of  the  Soviet  Union.  When  the 
capitalists,  to  save  their  bankrupt  system,  launch 
their  armed  attack  upon  the  U.S.S.R.  to  destroy 
its  new  Socialism,  they  must  be  taught  a  revolu- 
tionary lesson  from  which  their  system  of  robbery 
and  misery  will  never  recover. 

The  World-Wide  Revolutionary  Upsurge. 

THE  MOST  basic  indication  of  the  growing  general 
crisis  of  capitalism  and  its  decline  as  the  social  or- 
der is  the  increasing  revolutionary  upsurge 
throughout  the  world.  The  toiling  millions,  find- 
ing it  impossible  to  live  in  the  starvation  condi- 
tions everywhere  developing,  are  gradually  getting 
ready  to  wipe  out  capitalism  and  to  establish  So- 
cialism. In  his  profound  analysis  of  capitalist 
society,  Marx  says : 

"Along  with  the  constantly  diminishing  number  of  the 
magnates  of  capital  .  .  .  grows  the  mass  of  misery,  op- 
pression, slavery,  degradation,  exploitation,  but  with  this 
grows  the  revolt  of  the  working  class,  a  class  always  in- 
creasing in  numbers,  and  disciplined,  united,  organized  by 
the  very  mechanism  of  capitalist  production  itself."  27 
*7  Capital,  Vol.  I,  p.  836. 


Reformist  Socialists  have  always  violently  at- 
tacked this  conception  of  growing  working  class 
pauperization  and  revolt.  They  have  put  in  its 
stead  their  own  theory  of  the  gradual  rise  in  the 
standards  of  the  workers  and  their  progressive 
acceptance  of  capitalist  evolution  as  the  way  to  So- 
cialism. For  a  period,  during  the  rise  of  impe- 
rialism in  the  leading  industrial  countries,  bringing 
about  improved  conditions  for  the  labor  aristoc- 
racy, largely  at  the  expense  of  the  exploited  co- 
lonial masses,  the  workings  of  Marx's  principle 
were  somewhat  obscured.  The  opportunist  Social- 
ists were  able  to  lend  an  air  of  plausibility  to  their 
bourgeois  theories  about  the  advancing  standards 
of  the  working  class  under  capitalism. 

But  now,  with  the  development  of  the  general 
crisis  of  capitalism,  the  truth  of  Marx's  formula- 
tion stands  out  with  crystal  clearness.  Truly,  as 
the  Communist  Manifesto  says,  "pauperism  de- 
velops more  rapidly  than  population  and  wealth," 
and  "it  becomes  evident  that  the  bourgeoisie  is  unfit 
any  longer  to  be  the  ruling  class  in  society  .  .  . 
because  it  is  incompetent  to  assure  an  existence  to 
its  slave  in  his  slavery,  because  it  cannot  help  let- 
ting him  sink  into  such  a  state  that  it  has  to  feed 
him,  instead  of  being  fed  by  him."  That  is,  on  the 
one  hand,  as  we  have  already  seen,  there  is  mass 
impoverishment  developing  upon  the  most  gigantic 
scale,  and  on  the  other,  as  we  shall  now  indicate, 


there  is  the  growing  revolt  of  the  workers,   so 
clearly  foreseen  by  Marx. 

The  revolutionary  upsurge  of  the  workers  and 
peasants  is  worldwide.  It  varies  in  intensity, 
corresponding  to  the  uneven  development  of  capi- 
talism in  the  several  countries,  from  intensified 
strike  movements  to  actual  struggles  for  power. 
Its  tempo  is  greatly  increased  by  the  deepening  of 
the  capitalist  crisis.  Hoover  had  a  smell  of  its 
significance  when,  in  his  message  to  Congress  on 
Dec.  8,  1931,  he  informs  us  that:  "Within  two 
years  there  have  been  revolutions  or  acute  social 
disorders  in  19  countries,  embracing  more  than  half 
the  population  of  the  world."  The  resolution  of 
the  XI  Plenum  of  the  Executive  Committee  of  the 
Communist  International,  (April,  1931),  thus 
analyses  the  situation: 

"There  has  been  a  further  increase  in  the  revolutionary 
upsurge  bound  up  with  the  sharp  reduction  in  the  stand- 
ard of  living  of  the  working  class,  the  monstrous  develop- 
ment of  unemployment,  the  ruination  of  the  office  workers 
and  urban  petty  bourgeoisie,  the  mass  robbery  of  the 
peasantry,  the  extreme  impoverishment  of  the  colonies 
and  the  growing  revolutionizing  role  of  the  U.S.S.R. 

"The  growing  revolutionary  upsurge  found  expression 
in:  (a)  the  further  intensification  of  the  strike  struggle 
and  the  unemployment  movement,  (b),  the  development 
and  strengthening  of  Soviets  and  of  the  Red  Army  over 
a  considerable  area  in  China,  (c),  the  growth  of  the  revo- 
lutionary movement  in  the  colonies,  (d),  the  development 
of  the  revolutionary  peasant  movement,  (e),  the  growth 


of  the  political  and  organizational  influence  of  a  number 
of  important  Communist  Parties  (Germany,  China, 
Czecho-Slovakia,  Poland),  (f),  the  sharp  intensification 
of  oppositional  ferments  within  the  Social  Democracy, 
(g),  the  growth  of  an  opposition  among  the  petty  bour- 
geois masses  of  the  towns,  office  employees  and  civil 


In  the  months  since  the  foregoing  was  written 
the  revolutionary  upsurge  has  been  accelerated  on 
every  front.  In  the  industrial  countries  of  Eu- 
rope the  strike  movement  has  been  greatly  broad- 
ened and  intensified,  in  spite  of  the  efforts  of  the 
powerfully  intrenched  Socialists  to  stifle  all  strug- 
gle. The  strikes  are  more  numerous,  they  include 
more  workers  and  they  are  more  militantly  carried 
on.  During  this  period  one  of  the  most  striking 
events  was  the  mutiny  of  the  British  Navy  sailors 
against  a  wage-cut.  This  affair  sent  a  shiver  along 
the  spine  of  the  world  bourgeoisie. 

The  United  States  is  not  exempt  from  the  de- 
veloping world-wide  movement  of  struggle. 
American  workers,  faced  by  intolerable  conditions, 
are  also  exhibiting  the  characteristic  signs  of  radi- 
calization.  During  1931  the  number  of  strikers 
doubled  over  the  previous  year.  A  series  of  im- 
portant strikes  have  been  carried  on  (coal  miners 
in  Western  Pennsylvania,  Ohio,  West  Virginia, 
Kentucky  and  the  anthracite  districts,  textile  work- 
ers in  Lawrence,  Allentown,  Paterson,  etc.)  in 
spite  of  the  rankest  betrayal  by  the  A.  F.  of  L. 


leadership,  all  these  strikes  being  very  militant  in 
character.  The  unemployed  are  also  showing 
increased  radicalization,  indicated  by  such  im- 
portant movements  as  the  National  Hunger  March, 
the  Ford  Hunger  March,  the  big  demonstrations 
in  Chicago,  Cleveland,  etc.;  notwithstanding  the 
extreme  brutality  of  the  police,  nine  workers  hav- 
ing been  killed  in  the  three  latter  movements.  The 
Negro  workers,  in  strikes  and  unemployment 
movements,  have  been  distinguished  for  their  mili- 
tancy, the  Camp  Hill  and  Scottsboro  outrages  be- 
ing attempts  of  local  authorities  to  terrify  them. 
Among  the  skilled  workers  a  striking  demonstra- 
tion of  the  radicalization  taking  place  is  the  rank 
and  file  referendum  of  unemployment  insurance  in 
the  A.  F.  of  L.,  a  movement  involving  hundreds  of 
thousands  of  workers  and  going  directly  contrary 
to  the  policy  of  the  reactionary  leadership.  These 
are  only  a  few  indications  of  the  deep-going  radi- 
calization now  taking  place  among  the  American 
working  class.  But,  of  this  subject,  more  will  be 
said  in  Chapter  IV. 

In  Germany  events  are  moving  towards  a  revo- 
lutionary political  crisis.  The  masses  of  workers, 
in  spite  of  Socialist  treachery  and  Fascist  repres- 
sion, are  preparing  to  free  themselves  from  the 
tyranny  of  the  Versailles  Treaty  and  its  Young 
Plan,  and  with  it,  from  the  capitalist  system  itself. 
The  Communist  party,  rapidly  growing,  now 
counts  almost  five  million  votes.  The  proletarian 


revolution  advances  irresistibly  in  Germany.  It 
is  in  the  vain  hope  of  defeating  it  that  the  employ- 
ers are  building  up  Fascism  through  the  Social 
Fascists,  the  Bruening  government  and  the  Hitler 

Poland  is  another  country  where  the  revolution 
begins  to  menace  capitalism.  The  industrial  and 
agrarian  crises  are  acute.  More  than  half  the 
workers  are  either  wholly  or  partly  unemployed. 
One  wave  of  wage-cuts  follows  another.  The 
peasants  are  expropriated  in  masses  for  non-pay- 
ment of  rent.  The  country  is  burdened  with 
militarism.  The  various  national  minorities  are 
ruthlessly  repressed.  The  country  is  stagnant 
from  the  loss  of  its  former  Russian  markets.  In 
this  situation  the  Communist  party,  in  spite  of  the 
ferocious  terror  of  Pilsudski  and  Social  Fascist 
treachery,  steadily  gains  ground.  The  workers 
and  peasants  are  becoming  rapidly  revolutionized. 
Great  strikes,  unemployment  demonstrations  and 
anti-tax  and  rent  movements  in  the  villages  develop 
in  rapid  succession.  There  is  a  revolutionary 
storm  brewing. 

Spain  is  also  a  country  where  capitalism  faces 
a  developing  revolutionary  crisis.  The  producing 
masses  suffer  intolerable  exploitation  and  misery 
from  capitalist  and  semi-feudal  conditions.  The 
first  phase  of  their  revolt  swept  away  the  mon- 
archy; now  it  turns  sharply  against  capitalism  it- 
self. Social  Fascist,  Anarchist  and  Syndicalist 


illusions  still  act  as  a  brake  on  the  movement,  but 
the  revolutionary  Communist  party  constantly  be- 
comes stronger.  The  recent  seizure  of  many  towns 
and  villages  and  the  hoisting  of  the  red  flag  are 
forerunners  of  the  revolutionary  struggle  that  is 
on  its  way. 

Throughout  the  whole  Asian  colonial  and  semi- 
colonial  world  the  revolutionary  upsurge  manifests 
itself  upon  a  gigantic  scale.  The  basic  trend  of 
the  hundreds  of  millions  of  toilers  in  these  countries 
is  towards  Socialism,  not  capitalism.  The  efforts 
of  the  national  bourgeoisie,  led  by  the  Gandhis, 
Chang  Kai  Sheks,  etc.,  to  build  up  a  powerful 
capitalism  shatter  themselves  upon  the  rocks  of  the 
world  industrial  and  agrarian  crisis,  the  determina- 
tion of  the  imperialists  (to  whom  the  native  bour- 
geoisie always  surrenders)  to  prevent  the  in- 
dustrialization of  the  colonies,  and  the  revolu- 
tionary struggles  of  the  vast  masses  of  incredibly 
exploited  and  impoverished  workers  and  peasants. 
Under  the  increasing  leadership  of  the  Communist 
International,  these  revolutionary  national  strug- 
gles develop  more  and  more,  not  only  into  fights 
again  American,  British,  Japanese,  French  and 
Dutch  imperialist  domination,  but  against  the  whole 
capitalist  system.  Asia  is  now  undergoing  pro- 
found revolutionary  developments. 

In  China,  70,000,000  people  are  already  living 
under  the  Provisional  Chinese  Soviet  government, 
organized  Nov.  7,  1931.  The  Chinese  Red  Army 


controls  one-sixth  of  China  and  is  constantly 
spreading  its  influence.  It  is  now  hammering  at 
the  gates  of  Hankow.  Strikes  and  peasant  move- 
ments develop  in  many  other  parts  of  China.  The 
prestige  of  the  Kuomintang  diminishes ;  that  of  the 
Communist  party  rises.  "Everywhere  a  decided 
swing  to  the  left  is  evident"  said  a  New  York  Times 
Chinese  correspondent  on  Jan.  20,  1931.  And  11 
days  later  another  said  in  the  same  paper :  "Again 
the  Communists  are  making  rapid  progress  in  or- 
ganizing town  and  country  Soviets  as  rapidly  as 
they  overrun  new  territory  .  .  .  the  peasants  and 
common  people  are  giving  a  hearty  welcome  to  the 
returning  Communists.  They  say  that  after  com- 
paring their  status  under  previous  Communist  rule 
with  the  bad  government  and  confiscatory  taxation 
enforced  upon  them  after  the  arrival  of  the  Nan- 
king troops  last  Summer,  they  enjoyed  greater  lib- 
erty and  a  greater  degree  of  prosperity  under  the 
Reds  than  under  Nanking."  It  was  largely  the 
fear  of  the  growing  Chinese  revolution,  its  tre- 
mendous effect  upon  the  vast  millions  of  Asia,  the 
danger  of  a  great  Russian-Chinese  Soviet  Union, 
that  determined  the  imperialists  upon  their  present 
war  to  partition  China  and  to  lay  the  basis  for  an 
attack  upon  the  Soviet  Union. 

In  India  the  revolutionary  struggle,  while  not 
so  advanced  as  in  China,  rapidly  gains  momentum. 
The  masses  of  peasants  and  workers  are  beginning 
to  break  with  the  counter-revolutionary  non-re- 


sistance  policies  of  Gandhi,  which  paralyze  their 
struggle  and  enable  a  handful  of  British  troops  to 
rule  the  country.  The  failure  of  the  London 
Round  Table  Conference  is  being  followed  by  a 
great  intensification  of  revolutionary  activity  in 
India.  Over  50,000  "politicals"  are  in  jail.  The 
newly-organized  Communist  party  consolidates 
itself  and  strengthens  its  position.  Great  strikes, 
militant  peasant  movements,  etc.,  which  sharpen 
to  the  point  of  armed  clashes  with  the  government, 
are  the  order  of  the  day  in  India.  And  the  revo- 
lutionary blaze  will  spread,  despite  the  announced 
policy  of  the  "Socialist"  Ramsay  MacDonald's  gov- 
ernment to  "make  a  desert  out  of  India."  British 
imperialism  and  Indian  capitalism  have  nothing  to 
offer  the  Indian  workers  and  peasants  but  starva- 
tion; and  the  inevitable  reply  of  the  latter  will  be 

In  Indo-China,  controlled  by  French  imperial- 
ism, a  similar  revolutionary  foment  exists.  De- 
spite terrific  repression  by  French  troops,  there  is 
a  growing  wave  of  strikes,  mutinies,  seizures  of 
food  supplies  and  local  governments,  leading  to 
armed  conflicts  and  guerilla  warfare.  In  the 
North,  where  the  influence  of  the  Chinese  revo- 
lution is  strong,  there  has  been  the  formation  of 
local  Soviets.  This  deepening  revolutionary  move- 
ment is  mainly  under  the  leadership  of  the  Com- 
munist party. 

In  Latin  America  there  is  also  to  be  seen  the 


growing  revolutionary  foment  common  to  all  co- 
lonial and  semi-colonial  countries,  although  not  yet 
in  such  acute  form  as  in  Asia.  The  conditions  of 
the  workers  and  peasants,  in  the  deep  industrial 
and  agrarian  crises,  go  from  bad  to  worse.  A 
growth  of  revolutionary  spirit  is  everywhere  evi- 
dent. During  the  past  three  years  many  govern- 
ments in  South  America  have  been  overthrown  by 
coups  d'etat.  While  these  "palace  revolutions" 
were  largely  engineered  by  American  and  British 
imperialism  in  their  struggles  against  each  other, 
they  nevertheless  had  as  a  background  the  discon- 
tent of  the  masses.  This  discontent,  by  under- 
mining the  strength  and  prestige  of  the  existing 
governments,  made  it  easy  for  rival  imperialist 
agents  to  overthrow  them.  In  recent  months,  how- 
ever, the  struggles  in  Latin  America  assume  a  more 
revolutionary  character.  The  working  class  and 
radicalized  peasantry  are  developing  real  mass 
movements.  The  Communist  parties  are  becoming 
more  and  more  the  leaders.  This  development  of 
revolutionary  struggle  in  Latin  America  is  exem- 
plified, among  other  events,  by  the  Chilean  Navy 
mutiny  and  general  strike,  the  Peruvian  general 
strikes  and  armed  struggles,  the  big  Cuban  strikes 
and  the  revolutionary  struggles  in  Salvador.  In 
the  latter  upheaval,  for  the  first  time  in  the  West- 
ern Hemisphere,  local  Soviets  were  established. 
We  may  expect  further  and  still  more  important 


revolutionary  developments  in  Latin  America  in 
the  near  future. 

The  Revolutionary  Perspective 

THE  GENERAL  capitalist  crisis  heads  inevitably,  but 
not  at  the  same  speed  in  all  countries,  towards  the 
revolutionary  overthrow  of  the  world  capitalist 
system.  To  the  American  with  a  bourgeois  out- 
look, such  a  perspective  will  seem  remote  indeed. 
The  American  capitalism  that  he  comes  in  contact 
with  appears  strong  and  no  revolutionary  danger 
seems  to  loom  from  the  toiling  masses.  But  the 
perspective  of  revolution  in  general  and  in  the 
United  States  in  particular  cannot  be  determined 
simply  upon  the  basis  of  the  present  situation  in 
this  country.  American  capitalism  is  part  of  the 
world  capitalist  system,  subject  to  its  general  laws 
and  bound  up  with  its  fate.  This  is  the  first  point 
to  be  borne  in  mind. 

The  second  is  Lenin's  theory  of  the  "weakest 
link."  The  world  capitalist  system,  as  Marx  has 
taught  us,  is  not  of  uniform  strength  in  all  its  parts. 
Hence,  because  of  its  uneven  development  in  point 
of  time,  extent,  etc.,  in  the  several  countries,  it  is 
like  a  chain  of  stronger  and  weaker  links.  The 
revolution  advances,  not  by  breaking  the  chain  si- 
multaneously everywhere,  but  by  beginning  the 
break  at  the  weakest  links.  Old  Russia  was  such  a 


weak  link  and  the  Russian  revolution  was  such  a 

The  capitalist  chain,  with  the  progress  of  the 
general  capitalist  crisis,  is  becoming  full  of  weak 
links.  The  entire  chain  is  weakening.  As  we 
have  seen,  among  the  especially  weak  links  are 
Germany,  Spain,  Poland,  China,  India,  etc.  So 
far  has  the  capitalist  crisis  developed  in  these 
countries  that  the  toiling  masses  may  make  a 
revolutionary  break  through  at  any  time,  with 
disastrous  results  upon  the  whole  chain.  Such 
revolutionary  breaks  may  come  either  as  an  ac- 
companiment of  imperialist  war,  or  by  the  ma- 
turing gradually  of  the  inner  contradictions  of 
capitalism  in  a  given  country,  culminating  in  a 
struggle  for  power  by  the  workers  and  toiling 
masses.  And  world  capitalism  is  faced  with  im- 
minent danger  from  both  these  directions,  which 
are,  of  course,  intimately  related  to  each  other. 

The  revolutionary  danger  to  the  capitalist  sys- 
tem from  the  developing  war  situation  is  acute  and 
menacing.  If  and  when  the  imperialist  powers 
launch  a  great  war  among  themselves  we  may  be 
sure  that  in  many  countries  the  workers  and 
peasants,  following  the  famous  strategy  of  Lenin 
and  under  the  leadership  of  the  Communist  Inter- 
national, will  transform  the  imperialist  war  into 
a  civil  war  against  the  capitalist  system.  The 
World  War  of  1914-18  resulted  in  the  formation 


of  the  first  Soviet  Republic;  another  great  war 
can  well  produce  a  Soviet  Europe. 

Capitalism  will  run  no  less  a  danger  for  its 
existence  when  it  launches  its  eventual  attack  upon 
the  Soviet  Union.  The  Japanese  were  astounded 
at  the  brave  resistance  put  up  by  the  half -armed 
Chinese  soldiers  in  Shanghai,  fighting  to  defend 
their  country  from  imperialist  invasion.  And  the 
capitalist  powers  that  attack  the  Soviet  Union  will 
be  doubly  and  fatally  surprised  when  they  go 
against  the  Red  Army.  They  will  learn  that  their 
drafted  masses  of  workers  and  peasants  will  have 
no  taste  to  fight  their  Russian  brothers;  they  will 
find  out  also  that  revolutionary  soldiers  fighting 
for  Socialism  are  worth  many  times  their  number 
of  toiler  soldiers  pressed  into  the  service  of  capi- 
talism. The  capitalists  will  learn,  finally,  that 
they  will  have  to  face  their  aroused  workers  at 
home,  for  the  defense  of  the  Soviet  Union  will 
be  carried  out  not  only  by  the  Red  Army  but  by 
the  militant  working  class  all  over  the  world.  And 
the  way  this  job  will  be  done  will  bode  ill  for  capi- 

But  the  development  of  the  revolution  does  not 
depend  upon  the  initiation  of  imperialist  war.  As 
we  have  remarked,  it  also  grows  out  of  the  sharp- 
ening of  the  economic  and  eventually  political 
crisis  within  the  given  countries.  This  revolution- 
ary process  now  goes  ahead  on  a  world  scale  with 
the  deepening  of  the  general  crisis  of  capitalism. 


We  have  seen  how  rapidly  the  revolution  ap- 
proaches in  this  way  in  Germany  and  other 

The  proletarian  revolution  in  Germany  would 
be  a  deadly  blow  to  the  whole  capitalist  system 
throughout  the  world.  Such  a  revolution  would 
in  all  probability  draw  with  it  Poland  and  other 
countries  on  the  Russian  border.  Thus,  with  the 
U.S.S.R.,  there  would  be  created  a  gigantic  Soviet 
bloc.  This  great  Soviet  Union,  supported  by  the 
growing  revolutionary  movement  in  the  remaining 
capitalist  countries,  would  be  well  able  to  defend 
itself  from  the  inevitable  military  attacks  of  the 
capitalist  imperialists.  More  than  that,  it  would 
certainly  be  in  a  dominant  world  position  as  against 
the  decadent  capitalist  system.  The  center  of 
gravity  in  the  world  relation  of  class  forces  would 
be  shifted  definitely  on  the  side  of  the  revolution. 
These  far-reaching  possibilities  are  now,  with  the 
sharpening  of  the  crisis  in  Germany,  already  within 
the  scope  of  practical  political  perspectives. 

When  the  situation  is  thus  looked  at  from  the 
Marxist-Leninist  conception  of  capitalism  as  a 
world  economy,  when  it  is  realized  that  the  capital- 
ist system  is  like  a  chain  of  stronger  and  weaker 
links,  and  when  it  is  seen  how  imminent  a  revolu- 
tionary break  becomes  in  some  of  these  links,  and 
how  disastrous  to  world  capitalism  such  a  break 
would  be,  then  the  perspective  for  the  American 
revolution  looms  up  in  a  quite  different  manner 


than  though  we  kept  our  eyes  fastened  solely  upon 
the  immediate  situation  in  this  country.  Ameri- 
can capitalism,  like  capitalism  in  other  countries, 
is  travelling  the  same  road  to  revolution.  The 
chronological  order  of  the  United  States'  entry 
into  the  developing  revolution  is,  as  yet,  a  matter  of 
speculation;  but  it  would  be  sheer  assumption  to 
conclude  that  because  this  is  the  strongest  capi- 
talist country,  it  will  be  the  last  to  go  into  revo- 
lution. One  day,  despite  the  disbelief  of  the 
capitalists  and  of  their  still  more  cynical  Social 
Fascist  lackeys,  the  American  workers  will  demon- 
strate that  they,  like  the  Russians,  have  the  intelli- 
gence, courage  and  organization  to  carry  through 
the  revolution.  The  American  capitalist  class, 
like  that  of  other  countries,  is  living  on  the  brink 
of  a  volcano  which,  sooner  than  it  dreams,  is  going 
to  explode.  George  Bernard  Shaw  is  right:  the 
time  will  surely  come  when  the  victorious  toilers 
will  build  a  monument  to  Lenin  in  New  York. 

It  is  upon  the  background  of  this  growing  gen- 
eral crisis  of  capitalism  that  the  present  economic 
crisis  develops.  That  is  why  it  is  of  such  un- 
precedented scope,  depth  and  duration.  Those 
who  compare  the  prevailing  crisis  with  the  cycli- 
cal crises  of  the  pre-war  period  are  deluding  them- 
selves, living  in  a  realm  of  false  hopes.  The 
pre-war  economic  crises  developed  during  the 
period  of  the  upward  trend  of  capitalism ;  the  pres- 
ent one,  although  retaining  the  cyclical  character, 


occurs  during  the  decline  of  capitalism.  The 
former  liquidated  themselves  into  wider  circles  of 
capitalist  growth;  the  latter  leads  to  deepening 
crisis  and  decay. 

In  view  of  all  this,  the  questions  arise:  can  the 
capitalists  secure  even  a  temporary  respite  from 
the  onward  march  of  the  revolution  by  a  revival  of 
industry  ?  Is  the  present  one  the  last  crisis  of 
capitalism  ?  In  answering  these  questions  there 
must  be  borne  in  mind  the  considerations  that, 
first,  the  present  economic  crisis  is  of  a  cyclical 
character,  and,  second,  the  question  of  the  relation 
of  forces  between  the  working  class  and  the  capi- 
talist class,  with  the  possibility  of  breaks  at  weak 
links  in  the  capitalist  chain  where  the  working  class 
takes  the  revolutionary  path.  Where  there  is  no 
strong  revolutionary  movement  the  capitalists  will 
find  a  way  out  at  the  expense  of  the  toiling  masses ; 
that  is,  the  economic  crisis,  following  the  laws  of 
cyclical  crises,  will  eventually  wear  itself  out  by 
reducing  production,  slashing  prices  and  wages  and 
drastically  reducing  the  living  standards  of  the 

But  that  such  a  turn  will  come  soon  or  extend 
far  is  doubtful.  Already,  as  we  have  seen,  in  the 
deepening  general  capitalist  crisis,  whole  sections 
of  the  capitalist  economy  have  fallen  into  more  or 
less  chronic  paralysis,  and  the  tendency  is  for  this 
paralysis  to  spread.  The  economic  crises  become 


more  frequent,  more  widespread  and  more  lasting. 
Varga  points  out,  in  illustrating  the  severity  of 
the  present  crisis,  that  contrary  to  all  previous 
experience:  "so  far  there  has  been  in  general  no 
diminution  of  visible  (world)  stocks;  nay,  some 
commodities  even  having  increased  in  this  re- 
spect."28 Any  recovery,  therefore,  that  may  be 
registered  from  the  present  economic  crisis  can, 
at  most,  be  only  very  partial  and  temporary  in 
character.  It  must  soon  be  followed  by  another 
crash  still  more  far-reaching  and  devastating  to  the 
capitalist  system. 

Capitalism  is  doomed.  The  capitalist  system  of 
private  ownership  of  industry  and  land,  produc- 
tion for  profit,  and  exploitation  of  the  workers  is 
reaching  the  end  of  its  course.  It  has  outlived  its 
historic  mission.  In  its  earlier  stages  capitalism 
was  a  progressive  system;  it  constituted  an  ad- 
vance over  feudalism,  which  preceded  it.  Under 
capitalism  there  has  been  built  an  industrial  sys- 
tem, at  least  in  the  imperialist  countries ;  industrial 
technique  has  been  developed;  the  proletariat  has 
been  created  and  disciplined.  But  even  the  lim- 
ited progress  that  capitalism  has  accomplished  for 
humanity  has  been  achieved  at  the  cost  of  incred- 
ible misery,  poverty,  ignorance  and  slaughter  of 
the  working  class. 

Capitalism  has  created  the  objective  conditions 
for  Socialism.  But  it  can  go  no  further.  It  can- 

28  International  Press  Correspondence,   Mar.   10,   1932. 


not  carry  society  to  higher  stages  of  development, 
to  Socialism  and  Communism;  it  has  become  an 
obstacle  in  the  upward  path  of  humanity,  a  means 
of  condemning  hundreds  of  millions  of  people  to 
mass  starvation  and  death.  History  will  soon 
sweep  aside  this  obsolete  system.  Capitalism  has 
provided  its  own  executioners  and  grave  diggers, 
the  proletariat.  The  workers  and  peasants  of  the 
world  are  getting  ready  for  their  great  social  task 
of  abolishing  capitalism  and  establishing  Social- 
ism. They  are  freeing  themselves  from  the  illu- 
sion that  capitalism  provides  the  way  to  prosperity; 
they  are  gradually  breaking  the  leadership  of  the 
MacDonalds,  Gandhis,  and  other  similar  mislead- 
ers;  under  the  banner  of  the  Communist  Interna- 
tional they  are  securing  revolutionary  organization 
and  program.  In  due  season  they  will  break 
through  the  Social  Fascist  and  Fascist  trickery  and 
violence  with  which  decadent  capitalism  sustains 
itself.  World  capitalist  society  is  heading  irre- 
sistibly towards  the  proletarian  revolution. 



Now  LET  us  turn  away  from  the  decaying,  declin- 
ing capitalist  system,  with  its  mounting  mass 
misery,  exploitation,  war  and  Fascist  terrorism, 
and  look  at  the  new  rising  system  of  Socialism  in 
the  Union  of  Socialist  Soviet  Republics.  No 
longer  is  Socialism,  which  is  the  first  stage  of 
Communism,  only  a  theory;  no  longer  is  it  simply 
the  aspiration  of  an  oppressed  working  class. 
Now  it  is  a  living,  growing  reality.  Operating 
simultaneously  in  the  world  with  capitalism,  it  is 
showing  in  the  everyday  demonstration  of  life  its 
immense  superiority  in  every  field  over  the  obso- 
lete capitalist  system.  The  very  existence  of  the 
Soviet  Union  has  a  profoundly  revolutionizing 
effect  upon  the  working  class.  It  is  the  growing 
hope  and  strong  leader  of  a  working  world  pre- 
paring to  strike  off  the  shackles  of  the  murderous 
capitalist  system. 

The  workers  and  peasants  of  the  Soviet  Union 
have  overthrown  the  capitalist  State  and  have  set 
up  their  Soviet  government.  They  have  abolished 

capitalist  ownership  of  industry  and  land  and  are 



building  a  great  system  of  socialized  industry  and 
agriculture.  They  have  done  away  completely 
with  all  exploitation  of  the  toiling  masses  by  own- 
ing, ruling  classes.  These  fundamental  political 
and  economic  measures  are  the  substance  of  the 
revolution.  They  solve  the  many  contradictions 
of  capitalism  and  they  open  the  door  to  an  era  of 
general  prosperity,  freedom  and  cultural  advance 
hitherto  completely  unknown  to  the  world. 

In  the  Soviet  Union,  where  the  economic  and 
political  foundations  of  Socialism  have  been  laid, 
production  is  carried  on  for  the  social  good,  not  for 
the  profit  of  an  exploiting  class.  What  deter- 
mines the  character  and  volume  of  production  is 
not  whether  capitalists  can  sell  it  at  a  profit  for 
themselves  in  a  clogged  market,  but  the  needs  of 
the  masses  of  people.  Socialism  thus  liquidates 
the  basic  contradiction  —  that  is,  the  production  of 
social  necessities  for  private  profit  —  out  of 
which  originates  all  the  miseries  and  chaos  of  capi- 
talism. Socialism  thus  revolutionizes  the  aim  of 
production  from  production  for  profitable  sale  to 
production  for  social  use.  In  so  doing  it  frees 
humanity  from  the  narrow  limits  of  capitalist 
economy  and  embarks  upon  a  totally  new  era  of 
social  development. 

This  social  advance  is  made  in  an  orderly  and 
intelligent  way.  Socialism  abolishes  the  chaos  and 
anarchy  of  capitalist  production  and  social  organ- 
ization; it  does  away  with  the  dog-eat-dog  com- 


petition  of  capitalist  industry,  breeder  of  industrial 
crises  and  war.  It  sets  up  instead  a  planned  sys- 
tem of  economy  in  harmony  with  the  national  and 
international  character  of  modern  industry  and 
social  relationships.  Only  under  Socialism,  with 
its  great  nationalized  industries  and  collectivized 
agriculture,  is  such  a  scientific  planned  economy 
possible  and  inevitable. 

In  the  Soviet  Union  this  systematic  advance  on 
every  social  front  is  proceeding  under  the  famous 
Five- Year  Plan.  In  a  world  thrown  into  deepen- 
ing disorder  and  demoralization  by  its  growing 
general  crisis,  the  superiority  of  the  system  of 
planned  Socialist  economy  stands  out  like  a  great 
mountain.  Even  the  capitalists  themselves  are 
compelled  to  recognize  it  and  they  try  vainly  to 
adapt  it  to  the  capitalist  system.  The  correspond- 
ent of  the  New  York  Times  only  voices  an  almost 
universal  opinion  when  he  says:  "The  Soviet 
leaders  know  precisely  what  they  want  and  are 
doing  it,  in  sharp  contrast  to  the  rest  of  the  world 
where  leadership  seems  to  be  a  lost  art." 

The  Five- Year  Plan  constitutes  a  gigantic  mobi- 
lization of  the  social  forces  of  a  great  nation  for  an 
organized  general  forward  movement.  It  covers 
the  most  diverse  phases  of  social  activity,  stimulat- 
ing them  all  into  expansion  and  systematic  de- 
velopment. Ilin  says  of  it : 

"The  Five- Year  Plan  is  a  project:  not  of  one  factory, 
but  of  two  thousand  four  hundred  factories.  And  not 


only  of  factories,  but  also  of  cities,  of  electric  stations,  of 
bridges,  of  ships,  of  railroads,  of  mines,  of  state  farms, 
of  rural  communes,  of  schools,  of  our  libraries.  It  is  a 
project  for  the  rebuilding  of  our  whole  country,  and  was 
prepared,  not  by  one  man  or  by  two  men,  but  by  thou- 
sands of  trained  persons.  To  the  work  of  building  came 
not  tens,  but  millions  of  workers.  All  of  us  will  help  to 
build  the  Five- Year  Plan."  1 

The  Five- Year  Plan  deals  with  industry,  agri- 
culture and  the  transportation  and  communica- 
tion systems,  calculating  the  resources  of  these 
branches  of  economy,  and  providing  for  their  de- 
velopment in  every  direction.  It  deals  with  the 
questions  of  housing,  with  the  building  of  hospitals, 
etc.  It  provides  for  the  maximum  production  and 
distribution  of  foodstuffs,  expanding  the  new  food 
industries  in  every  part  of  the  country.  It  figures 
out  the  number  of  workers  required  for  production 
and  plans  their  mobilization.  It  determines  the 
total  wage  funds,  including  those  for  the  cultural 
needs  of  the  workers,  for  social  insurance,  etc.  It 
makes  provision  for  an  organized  development  of 
science  backed  by  the  resources  of  the  government. 
It  calculates  the  national  income  and  bases  its 
whole  program  thereon.  Besides  the  general  Five- 
Year  Plan,  or  rather  within  the  framework  of  it, 
every  city  and  every  factory  also  has  its  own  plan 
of  organized  work  and  development.  The  great 
Five- Year  Plan  is  not  simply  an  expedient  for  the 

i  The  New  Russian  Primer,  p.  5. 


present  building  of  the  Soviet  economy;  it  repre- 
sents the  basic,  planned  method  native  to  Socialist 
society  and  foreseen  by  Marx  two  generations  ago. 
Planned  economy  is  one  of  the  great  contributions 
of  Socialism  to  humanity. 

Flourishing  Bolshevik  Industries 

IN  THE  Soviet  Union  there  is  taking  place  an 
unparalleled  growth  in  production.  As  Louis 
Fischer  says :  "The  Soviet  frontier  is  like  a  charmed 
circle  which  the  world  economic  crisis  cannot 
cross.  While  banks  crash,  while  production  falls 
and  trade  languishes  abroad,  the  Soviet  Union 
continues  in  an  orgy  of  construction  and  national 
development.  The  scale  and  speed  of  its  progress 
are  unprecedented."  2  This  huge  and  rapid  de- 
velopment, this  immunity  from  the  devastating 
world  economic  crisis,  is  possible  because  Socialism 
by  its  very  nature  provides  the  basis  for  a  steady 
and  enormous  expansion  of  the  productive  forces. 
Capitalism,  as  we  have  seen,  robs  the  toilers  of 
a  large  share  of  what  they  produce.  This  cripples 
their  purchasing  power,  making  the  markets  lag 
behind  the  more  rapidly  expanding  productive 
forces,  and  thereby  causing  over-production  and 
economic  crisis.  It  also,  finally,  puts  positive  re- 
strictions upon  the  development  of  the  productive 
forces  themselves. 

2  The  Nation,  Nov.  25,  1931. 


But  under  Socialism  there  is  no  exploitation  and 
the  masses  as  a  whole  get  the  full  value  of  what 
they  produce  —  after  the  deduction,  of  course,  of 
what  is  necessary  for  the  maintenance  of  the  gov- 
ernment and  the  further  extension  of  industry  — 
consequently,  their  purchasing  power  cannot  fall 
behind  production,  but,  on  the  contrary,  tends  con- 
stantly to  stimulate  it  by  the  ever-increasing  de- 
mand due  to  the  rising  standards  of  living.  There 
can  be  no  clogging  of  the  social  economy  with 
unsaleable  surpluses  of  commodities.  The  way  is 
wide  open  for  continuous  industrial  growth.  The 
economic  crisis  is  a  capitalist  thing  foreign  to  So- 
cialist society.  The  experience  in  the  U.S.S.R. 
proves  this  beyond  question.  Not  even  the  fact 
that  the  Soviet  Union  has  to  trade  with  capitalist 
countries,  and  therefore  feels  the  heavy  downpull 
of  their  sagging  industries  and  declining  prices, 
has  been  able  to  disrupt  its  fundamentally  sound 
Socialist  economy. 

The  existence  in  the  Soviet  Union  of  this  con- 
stant and  huge  impulse  for  the  development  of  the 
productive  forces  explains  why  it  has  no  unemploy- 
ment and  why  its  industries  are  developing  at  a 
pace  totally  unequalled  in  the  whole  world  history 
of  industry.  Stalin  thus  indicates  the  fundamental 
superiority  of  Socialism  over  capitalism  in  the  de- 
velopment of  the  productive  forces: 

"Here  in  the  U.S.S.R.,  the  growth  of  consumption 
(purchasing  capacity)  of  the  masses  constantly  outruns 


the  growth  of  production  and  stimulates  it,  while  there, 
under  the  capitalists,  on  the  contrary,  the  growth  of  con- 
sumption of  the  masses  (purchasing  capacity)  never  keeps 
pace  with  the  growth  of  production  and  constantly  lags 
behind  it,  again  and  again  condemning  production  to 
crises."  3 

When  the  Soviet  government  launched  the  Five- 
Year  Plan,  which  proposed  to  triple  pre-war 
industrial  production  and  to  make  huge  advances 
on  every  social  front,  it  was  greeted  with  a  world 
chorus  of  ridicule  by  the  capitalists  and  their  re- 
tainers. It  was  one  grand  laughing  stock.  "The 
Bolsheviks,"  the  argument  went,  "are  losing  their 
grip  upon  the  masses,  so  now,  to  hold  on  a  bit 
longer,  they  come  forward  with  this  fantastic 
project."  Especially  the  Social  Democrats  dis- 
tinguished themselves  in  "proving"  the  "absurdity" 
of  the  Five- Year  Plan.  Kramer,  President  of  the 
Union  of  German  Industrialists,  typically  ex- 
pressed capitalist  world  opinion  when  he  said :  "If 
the  Five- Year  Plan  could  be  realized  in  50  years, 
it  would  be  a  magnificent  achievement.  But  that 
is  Utopian." 

The  Russian  Communist  Party  replied  to  this 
barrage  of  ridicule  and  cynicism  by  putting  out  the 
slogan,  "The  Five-Year  Plan  in  Four  Years,"  and 
mobilized  all  possible  forces  to  achieve  this  her- 
culean task.  At  the  end  of  the  third,  "decisive" 
year,  Dec.,  1931,  the  record  stood,  in  percentages 

s  Speech  at  XVI  Congress  of  the  Communist  Party  of  the  Soviet 


of  accomplishment  yearly  of  the  Plan's  proposed 
quotas  of  industrial  output:  1929  —  106%,  1930 
—  107%,  1931  —  113%.  Hence,  taking  into  ac- 
count the  progress  in  agriculture  and  all  other 
factors,  and  in  spite  of  a  lag  in  several  industries 
"(coal  mining,  metal,  railroads,  etc.)  in  1931, 
chiefly  because  of  transportation  difficulties,  Kub- 
yshev,  President  of  the  State  Planning  Commis- 
sion, could  correctly  say:  "The  36%  increase  (for 
1932)  of  the  output  of  planned  industry  means 
the  complete  realization  of  the  proposals  of  the 
Five- Year  Plan  in  1932" — that  is,  in  four  years. 
The  "absurd"  and  "fantastic"  is  being  accom- 

Ossinsky,  a  Russian  economist,  says:  "Before 
us  is  one  more  year  of  Bolshevik  attack,  of  decisive 
struggle  for  the  Socialist  industrialization  of  the 
country.  When  we  shall  sum  up  next  year  what  has 
been  done,  out  of  the  removed  scaffoldings,  on  the 
cleared  building  sites,  there  will  arise  before  your 
eyes,  in  harmonious  perspective,  the  mighty  edi- 
fice of  the  completed  Five- Year  Plan  —  a  new 
Socialist  country,  reconstructed  by  the  indomitable 
will  and  inexhaustible  strength  of  the  proletariat, 
headed  by  its  Bolshevist  vanguard." 

In  1932,  as  in  the  past  three  years,  the  main 
stress  is  being  laid  upon  the  heavy  industries  — 
metal,  coal,  chemicals,  engineering,  transport,  etc. 
Also  the  utmost  attention  will  be  paid  to  consoli- 
dating the  gains  made,  by  the  application  of 


Stalin's  celebrated  "six  points"  for  the  organization 
of  the  labor  supply,  the  reorganization  of  the  wage 
scales,  the  establishment  of  greater  personal  re- 
sponsibility, the  creation  of  a  working  class  techni- 
cal intelligentsia,  better  working  relations  with  the 
old  bourgeois  specialists  and  better  accountancy 
systems.  Reporting  on  the  first  three  months  of 
1932,  the  New  York  Times  Moscow  correspond- 
ent states  (Mar.  21) :  "Preliminary  figures  for 
the  first  quarter  produced  yesterday  at  a  meeting 
of  the  State  Planning  Commission  show  a  startling 
advance  over  the  same  period  last  year." 

"Japan,  westernizing  and  industrializing  itself 
50  years  ago,  was  doing  child's  play  compared  to 
what  the  Soviet  Union  is  doing  today,"  says 
Frazier  Hunt.4  Already,  almost  overnight,  the 
U.S.S.R  has  become  an  industrial  country.  In 
1931  the  value  of  the  products  of  industry  exceeded 
those  of  agriculture,  as  60  to  40.  And  that  the 
development  is  going  into  the  direction  of  Social- 
ism, (which  the  Social  Democrats  also  said  was 
impossible) ,  is  decisively  shown  by  the  fact  that  the 
output  of  the  Socialist  sector  of  the  general  econ- 
omy, including  agriculture,  amounted  in  1931  to 
91%  of  all  production,  as  against  52%  in  1928. 

Not  only  is  the  output  of  industry  being  in- 
creased, but  the  industrial  base  also  constantly 
broadens.  A  solid  foundation  of  heavy  industry 
has  already  been  laid,  including  the  big  tractor, 

York  American,  Jan.  14,  1930. 


automobile,  chemical,  electro-technical  and  other 
industries,  which  have  been  built  from  the  ground 
up.  Daily  new  products,  never  before  made  in  the 
U.S.S.R.,  are  being  turned  out,  from  watches  and 
cameras  to  gigantic  blooming  mills  and  great  elec- 
trical machines.  This  year  there  will  be  produced 
$500,000,000  worth  of  commodities  formerly  im- 
ported. A  year  ago  the  construction  of  a  turbo- 
generator of  10,000  kilowatts  was  hailed  as  a  great 
victory;  now  several  of  77,000  kilowatts  are  being 
built.  The  U.S.S.R.  is  rapidly  becoming  a  great 
industrial  unit  practically  independent  economi- 
cally of  the  capitalist  world. 

The  great  speed  with  which  this  industrial  de- 
velopment is  taking  place  is  quite  without  prece- 
dent. Russian  industrial  production  leaps  ahead 
at  an  average  increase  of  22%  to  25%  per  year; 
whereas  the  best  average  achieved  by  the  United 
States,  from  1870  to  1890,  was  8.3%.  The  New 
York  Herald,  of  Jan.,  1930  (Paris  edition),  says: 
"The  Plan  aims  to  accomplish  in  half  a  decade  an 
amount  of  industrialization  which  other  nations  — 
even  one  so  richly  endowed  by  nature  as  the  United 
States  —  took  a  generation  or  two  to  achieve." 
Brand  says :  "There  was  a  time  when  Europe  was 
astounded  at  American  speed,  at  the  rapid  growth 
of  towns,  construction  of  large  enterprises  and 
skyscrapers.  The  U.S.S.R.  has  left  American 
speed  behind."  E.  Lyons  says  in  Current  His- 


tory,  Nov.,  1931:  "The  colossal  economic  program 
on  which  the  Soviet  government  is  now  engaged 
amounts  to  the  telescoping  of  half  a  century  of 
progress  into  a  decade  or  less." 

In  1931  capital  investment  in  Russian  heavy  in- 
dustry equalled  that  of  the  three  previous  years; 
there  was  a  40%  increase  in  the  production  of 
electric  power;  518  new  factories  of  all  kinds  were 
opened.  The  value  of  electrical  products  in  1930 
was  580,000,000  rubles,  in  1931  it  amounted  to 
1,000,000,000,  and  in  1932  it  will  be  1,850,000,000.5 
In  1931  the  food  industries  increased  36%  over 
1930.  In  1932  the  total  new  capital  investment 
in  all  spheres  will  increase  from  16  billion  to  21^ 
billion  rubles.  The  State  budget  will  advance 
from  20%  billion  in  1931  to  27%  billion  in  1932, 
with  a  surplus  of  500,000,000  rubles,  as  compared 
with  the  gigantic  government  deficits  in  the 
capitalist  countries.  The  value  of  industrial  pro- 
duction since  1929  has  increased  50%.  Many 
industries  and  factories  (oil,  tractors,  machine- 
building,  electro-technical,  etc.)  have  completed 
the  "impossible"  Five- Year  Plan  in  two  to  three 
years.  Leningrad,  the  greatest  of  all  Russian  in- 
dustrial cities,  had  already  finished  the  Five- Year 
Plan  at  the  end  of  1931.  In  three  years  the  pro- 
ductivity of  labor  in  the  U.S.S.R.  has  increased 
34%.  On  many  jobs  (Dnieperstroy,  Stalingrad, 

5  A  ruble  is  worth  approximately  51  cents. 


etc.)  world  construction  records  were  broken, 
etc.,  etc.6 

As  against  these  great  achievements,  the  Com- 
munists, with  dynamic  "self-criticism,"  point  out 
many  shortcomings.  Thus  Molotov  says:  "We 
did  not  fulfill  our  estimate  for  the  raising  of  the 
productivity  of  labor  in  industry.  .  .  We  have  also 
not  carried  out  the  proposals  of  the  Five-  Year  Plan 
in  regard  to  increasing  the  harvest  yields.  .  .  We 
have  not  fulfilled  the  tasks  in  regard  to  the  recon- 
struction of  transport,  in  particular  of  railroad 
transport."  These  weak  spots  are  now  the  center 
of  special  attack. 

What  the  present  tremendous  growth  of  Rus- 
sian industry  means  over  a  period  of  years  is  ex- 
pressed by  Pravda,  Feb.  2,  1932  : 

Annual  Production 

1925  1931 

Coal                                 17,600,000    (tons)  56,000,000 

Coke                                   1,600,000        "  6,700,000 

Oil                                      7,200,000        "  22,300,000 

Peat                                   2,500,000        "  9,400,000 

Pig  Iron                            1,500,000        "  4,900,000 

Steel                                    2,100,000        "  5,300,000 

Copper                                    12,000        "  48,800 

Cement                                   872,000        "  3,300,000 

Superphosphates  67,800  "  521,000 
Machine  construction  730,000,000  (rubles)  5,700,000,000 

Tractors  469  (units)  41,200 
Electrical  power  3  billion  (kwhrs.)  lO^  billion 

e  The    daily   press    just    announces,   March   30th,   that   the    great 
Dnieperstroy  dam  has  been  completed  six  months  ahead  of  schedule. 


This  terrific  speed  is  the  famous  "Bolshevik 
tempo"  of  development.  It  is  made  possible  by 
the  sound  economics  of  the  Socialist  system,  which 
makes  for  a  rapid  growth  of  the  productive  forces, 
by  the  determination  of  the  workers  to  build  So- 
cialism (and  thus  prosperity)  as  quickly  as  pos- 
sible, by  the  pressure  of  the  swiftly  rising  living 
standards  and  demands  of  the  toilers,  by  the  revo- 
lutionary enthusiasm  of  the  masses  in  building  the 
industries,  by  the  burning  necessity  to  render  the 
U.S.S.R.  economically  independent  of  the  capital- 
ist world  at  the  earliest  possible  period  and  to 
enable  it  to  defend  itself  against  the  developing 
capitalist  war  attack,  by  the  determination  to  show 
the  workers  of  the  world  the  superiority  of  Social- 
ism over  capitalism. 

One  of  the  basic  factors,  as  we  have  indicated, 
in  the  stormy  advance  of  Russian  industry  is  the 
blazing  enthusiasm  of  the  workers.  They  have 
this  enthusiasm  because  they  realize  they  are  build- 
ing the  great  industrial  system  for  their  own  bene- 
fit, not  for  a  small  clique  of  capitalist  exploiters. 
Thus  they  have  developed  the  celebrated  "Social- 
ist competition,"  by  which  factory  and  factory, 
industry  and  industry,  city  and  city,  compete  with 
each  other  in  comradely  rivalry  to  carry  through 
sooner  and  better  their  production  plans.  Besides, 
the  well-established  plants  "lend"  large  numbers  of 
their  better-trained  workers  to  localities  where  mass 
production  is  just  being  introduced.  They  also 


have  their  "shock  brigades"  of  workers  to  push  for- 
ward difficult  tasks,  and  "self-control"  committees 
to  check  up  on  the  work.  There  are  200,000  shock 
brigades,  with  3,500,000  worker  members,  and  a 
great  mass  of  the  self-control  committees.  The 
workers  submit  their  "counter-plans"  of  production 
against  those  formulated  by  the  industry  heads. 
Examples:  In  the  "Electric  Apparat"  plant  in 
Leningrad  the  management  planned  a  72,000,000 
ruble  output  for  this  year,  whereupon  the  workers 
presented  their  counter-plan  to  increase  the  output 
to  94,500,000  rubles ;  the  great  Saratov  agricultural 
machine  plant  was  officially  scheduled  to  begin 
operations  by  Jan.  1,  1932,  but  the  workers' 
counter-plan  called  for  a  production  of  200  ma- 
chines daily  by  that  date. 

Shock  brigades,  self-control  committees  and  So- 
cialist competition  lead  to  great  improvements  in 
industrial  technique  and  labor  efficiency.  Ruben- 
stein  says:  "The  number  of  suggestions  and 
inventions  by  workers  has  increased  one-hundred- 
fold during  the  past  year.  Frequently  one  finds 
factories  receiving  thousands  of  suggestions  of  the 
workers  in  the  course  of  the  year."  7  How  futile 
are  the  American  B.  &  O.  plan,  "pep  talk"  methods 
in  comparison.  The  young  workers  are  the  prime 
movers  and  organizers  of  this  great  shock-brigade, 
Socialist-competition,  self-control  movement  the 

7  Science  at  the  Crossroads,  p.  20. 


like  of  which  is  totally  unknown  in  capitalist  coun- 

Swift  though  the  present  speed  of  development 
in  the  U.S.S.R.  may  be,  the  Russians  would  and 
could  go  still  faster.  Were  credits  available  they 
would  double  or  triple  their  orders  for  machinery  in 
the  capitalist  countries.  But  most  of  these  coun- 
tries, especially  the  United  States,  systematically 
place  hindrances  in  the  way  of  such  credits,  hoping 
thereby  to  wreck  the  Five- Year  Plan,  or  at  least  to 
slow  down  the,  to  them,  very  dangerous  speed  of 
Russian  industrial  growth.  American  imperial- 
ism, to  the  glee  of  Matthew  Woll  and  Hamilton 
Fish,  prefers  to  shut  down  its  plants  and  throw  the 
workers  out  on  the  streets  to  starve  than  to  let 
them  work  on  Russian  industrial  orders. 

The  new  Russian  industries  are  being  built  upon 
a  scientific  basis,  not  haphazard  as  in  capitalist 
countries.  The  railroads,  with  great  feeder  lines 
of  auto-trucks,  canals,  etc.,  are  being  built  by  plan, 
not  with  the  endless  waste,  duplication  and  general 
anarchy  to  be  found,  for  example,  in  the  United 
States.  The  steel  mills,  chemical  plants,  etc.,  are 
constructed  according  to  the  last  word  in  industrial 
technique,  located  at  the  most  strategic  points  and 
coordinated  with  each  other  and  with  the  whole  in- 
dustrial system.  It  is  all  one  vast  industrial  ma- 
chine, all  the  parts  of  which  fit  into  and  work  with 
each  other. 

Naturally,  the  plants  and  the  industrialization  as 


a  whole  are  on  an  immense  scale.  No  combination 
of  capitalists  anywhere  could  organize  such  gigan- 
tic projects.  This  can  be  done  only  by  a  Socialist 
State.  With  only  one  or  two  exceptions,  the  great 
plants  here  cited  are  by  far  the  largest  in  the  world. 
A  few  of  the  new  industrial  giants,  either  just  fin- 
ished or  in  course  of  construction,  are:  the  well- 
known  Stalingrad,  Leningrad  and  Kharkov  tractor 
plants,  with  a  capacity  of  100,000  tractors  yearly; 
the  great  Amo  and  Nizhni-Novgorod  automotive 
plants,  the  latter  exceeded  in  size  only  by  the  Ford 
River  Rouge  plant;  the  huge  power  plant  and  in- 
dustrial combine  on  the  Dnieper,  costing  840,000,- 
000  rubles  and  employing  35,000  builders;  the 
gigantic  Volga  and  Angara  river  hydro-electric 
plants  and  industrial  combines,  both  larger  than 
any  in  the  world,  the  Volga  plant,  starting  in  1932, 
to  cost  1,200,000,000  rubles,  and  its  combine  of 
local  copper,  chemical,  aluminum,  etc.,  plants  to 
cost  3,000,000,000  rubles,  or  about  as  much  as  all 
the  plants  together  of  the  United  States  Steel  Cor- 
poration; the  monster  steel  mills  on  a  similar  scale 
at  Magnitogorsk,  Kuznetz,  Zaporozhie,  Noginsk, 
etc. ;  the  great  Kamensk-Sinarsk  plant  alone  to  have 
a  capacity  of  2,000,000  tons  of  pig  iron  yearly. 
The  gigantic  Novo-Sibirsk  agricultural  machine 
plants  —  two  years  ago  there  were  only  two  com- 
bined harvesting  machines  in  all  Siberia,  now  this 
plant  will  build  15,000  annually,  in  addition  to 
35?000  tractor  seed  drills,  30,000  tractor  hay  mow- 


ers,  etc.;  the  new  Kashira  electric  locomotive 
works,  capacity  1600  large  American-type  engines 
yearly;  the  Yaroslavl  rubber-asbestos  combine,  un- 
equalled in  size  anywhere,  employing  22,000  work- 
ers and  operating  upon  local- grown  rubber  (the 
newly- found  "towsagis") ;  the  vast  new  textile 
combine  in  Siberia;  the  monster  electrical  machine 
building  combine  in  the  Urals,  to  begin  early  in 
1932  and  to  have  an  output  valued  at  2,000,000,000 
rubles  yearly;  the  monster  Leningrad  clothing  fac- 
tory with  18,000  workers,  the  great  copper  mining 
and  reduction  plant,  larger  than  any  in  the  United 
States,  near  Lake  Balkash,  to  turn  out  400,000 
tons  of  copper  annually,  or  more  than  eight  times 
as  much  as  the  total  Soviet  copper  production  for 
1931,  etc.,  etc. 

Just  a  few  further  details  in  this  wholly  un- 
paralleled industrialization  are  the  building  of  a 
modern  national  meat  packing  industry,  the  set- 
ting up  of  the  most  powerful  radio  station  in  the 
world,  the  construction  of  the  "Turk-Sib"  railroad, 
the  digging  of  the  Volga-Don  and  Volga-Moscow 
canals,  the  latter  to  cost  100,000,000  rubles,  the 
opening  of  10,000  new  retail  stores  in  1932,  the 
completion  of  138  airlines  with  100,000  miles  of 
airways  by  the  end  of  1932,  the  Moscow  subway, 
to  cost  nearly  a  billion  rubles,  the  great  Palace  of 
Soviets,  6,000  new  motion  picture  installations, 
etc.,  etc. 

On  such  a  scale  and  with  such  speed  and  planful- 


ness,  are  the  Russian  workers  building  their  in- 
dustries. And  the  joke  of  it  all  is  that  only  a  year 
or  two  ago  the  Communists  were  universally  con- 
demned by  capitalist  wiseacres  as  hopeless  tyros 
industrially.  Now  they  are  teaching  the  whole 
world  an  entirely  new  perspective  of  industrial 

The  Revolution  in  Agriculture 

IF  SOCIALISM  proceeds  with  great  speed  in  indus- 
try, it  goes  still  faster  in  agriculture.  The  vast 
development  of  the  productive  forces  and  the  re- 
organization generally  that  is  taking  place  with 
almost  lightning  speed  in  Russian  agriculture  is 
something  altogether  new  in  the  world.  During 
the  30  days  from  Jan.  20  to  Feb.  20,  1930,  one- 
third  of  all  the  peasants  entered  the  collective 
farms  in  the  monster  organization  campaign,  rais- 
ing the  total  of  collectivized  homesteads  from 
4,300,000  to  14,000,000  at  one  stroke.  Anna 
Louise  Strong  thus  describes  this  tremendous 
movement:  "Can  one  give  a  smooth  account  of  an 
earthquake  ?  The  storm  of  collectivization  that  I 
found  on  the  Lower  Volga  in  late  November,  1929, 
was  as  elemental  as  an  earthquake,  as  a  tidal  wave, 
as  a  whirlwind."  8 

The  Five- Year  Plan  was  completed  in  two  years 
in  the  collectivized  farms,  in  three  years  in  the 

s  The  Soviets  Conquer  Wheat,  p.  24. 


State  farms.  The  Plan  called  for  20%  of  all 
farms  to  be  collectivized  by  the  end  of  1933;  al- 
ready there  are  62%  and  this  year  will  raise  it  to 
75%,  which  will  practically  complete  the  most  im- 
portant districts.  There  were  1,000,000  collec- 
tivized farms  in  1929,  now  there  are  22,000,000 
organized  into  200,000  collectives;  there  were  143 
State  farms  in  1930,  now  there  are  4,000,  or  far 
in  excess  of  the  quota  called  for  by  the  Five- Year 
Plan.  Duranty  says  (N.  Y.  Times,  Jan.  2,  1932) 
that  nine-tenths  of  the  chief  grain  centers  are  al- 
ready collectivized. 

These  new  farms  are  huge  in  size.  In  1927  the 
average  size  of  Russian  farms  was  11  acres,  now 
it  is  973.  The  State  farms  range  as  large  as  100,- 
000  to  200,000  acres;  the  collectives  are  still  more 
gigantic,  some  running  as  great  as  500,000  acres 
of  cultivated  land,  exceeding  thus  in  size  by  four 
or  five  times  the  biggest  farms  in  any  other  coun- 
try in  the  world.  Whole  districts  have  become 
practically  single  farms,  worked  in  common  by  the 
organized  farmers. 

Russian  farming  is  fairly  leaping  ahead  from  a 
condition  of  almost  medieval  primitiveness  to  the 
most  advanced  in  the  world.  In  many  parts  of 
the  Soviet  Union  farming  methods  of  2,000  years 
ago  were  still  in  use  up  till  the  great  drive  for  col- 
lectivization. Even  close  to  Moscow  things  were 
not  much  better.  Says  A.  L.  Strong:  "In  the 
district  of  Koshira,  only  three  hours  by  rail  from 


Moscow,  a  survey  made  in  1930  of  farm  equipment 
showed  a  population  of  62,000  souls  and  some 
6,200  plows,  of  which  2,659  were  of  the  home-made 
wooden  style."  But  so  swift  is  the  pace  of  develop- 
ment that  Kalinin  could  say  on  Mar.  6,  1931,  at 
the  Sixth  Congress  of  Soviets:  "In  industry  great 
may  be  the  advance  in  comparison  with  our  back- 
ward past,  we  are  still  only  striving  to  overtake 
the  technical  development  of  more  advanced  coun- 
tries. But  in  farming  we  are  leaders  on  a  new 
road.  Here  we  go  before  all  nations" 

The  farms  are  being  rapidly  and  scientifically 
mechanized.  Lenin  said:  "If  100,000  first  class 
tractors  could  be  produced  and  supplied  with  gaso- 
line and  tractorists  tomorrow  (and  you  know  that 
this  is  still  but  a  fantasy) ,  the  middle  peasant  would 
say:  'Yes,  I  am  for  the  commune,'  that  is,  for 
Communism."  Well,  the  tractors  are  now  in  the 
fields,  150,000  of  them,  and  the  middle  peasants 
are  practically  won  for  Socialism,  as  Lenin  fore- 
saw. One  of  the  revolutionary  features  of  the 
new  mechanization  is  the  "tractor  stations." 
These  are  centers  that  furnish  machinery  and  re- 
pairs, instruction,  recreation,  etc.,  to  the  peasants. 
In  Dec.,  1931,  there  were  1400  of  them;  in  1932, 
1700  more  are  being  organized,  thus  covering  the 
entire  country  with  a  network  of  farm  machine 
local  centers,  radiation  points  of  all  that  is  needed 
to  build  the  new  farming  and  Socialism.  With  this 
mechanization  goes  a  fundamental  improvement  of 


methods  in  all  directions,  the  development  of  scien- 
tific fertilization,  the  building  of  great  irrigation 
projects,  the  beginning  of  the  electrification  in 
farming,  etc.  They  are  now  even  sowing  wheat 
by  airplane. 

Already,  although  the  general  movement  is  just 
getting  under  way,  vast  improvements  are  to  be 
registered  in  farming  results.  In  three  years  there 
has  been  a  21%  increase  in  the  total  cultivated 
area.  The  cotton  acreage  now  amounts  to  three 
times  pre-war,  and  other  industrial  crops  show  ac- 
cordingly. Despite  a  still  great  lack  of  machinery 
and  fertilizer,  the  yield  on  the  collectives  runs  from 
25%  to  50%  better  than  on  the  old  individual 
farms.  The  year  1931  was  a  drought  period;  for- 
merly it  would  have  produced  a  famine,  but  with 
collectivized  farming  the  general  output  equalled 
the  previous  year. 

In  1932  there  will  be  a  further  stimulation  of 
the  whole  movement.  The  total  new  capital  in- 
vestment in  the  Socialist  sector  of  agriculture  will 
be  4,360,000,000  rubles  instead  of  the  3,600,000,000 
in  1931.  There  will  be  increases  of  the  State 
cattle  ranches  of  40%,  State  piggeries  200%,  State 
sheep  ranches  40%,  cotton  sowing  14%,  sugar 
beets  13%,  spring  wheat  5%,  and  a  myriad  of 
other  developments  of  agricultural  production. 
The  world  agrarian  crisis  does  not  bear  down  upon 
the  Soviet  Union;  while  in  other  countries  they 
are  burning  coffee,  wheat,  etc.,  and  the  very  farm- 


ers  themselves  are  starving,  in  the  U.S.S.R.  every 
effort  is  being  made  to  increase  production,  and 
the  conditions  of  the  rural  population  rapidly  im- 

The  revolution  in  Russian  agriculture  is  of  pro- 
found economic,  political  and  social  significance. 
The  farmers  are  being  proletarianized  and  revolu- 
tionized. The  collectivized  farms  lay  a  solid  So- 
cialist basis  in  the  country.  The  remnants  of 
competitive,  individualist  farming  are  being  liqui- 
dated, and  the  rich  kulaks  with  them.  The  farms 
are  being  mechanized  and  industrialized,  the  unity 
of  city  and  country  established.  The  workers  in 
the  cities  and  on  the  farms  are  being  knitted  into 
one  solid  working  class.  Light  and  prosperity  are 
being  brought  into  the  dark  Russian  villages.  The 
whole  social  basis  of  the  Soviet  government  is  being 
enormously  strengthened.  The  winning  of  the 
"fundamentally  anti- Socialist"  middle  peasants  to 
Socialism  has  been  practically  accomplished. 

Outstripping  the  Capitalist  Countries 

WHEN  Lenin  called  upon  the  Russian  workers  to 
"overtake  and  outstrip  the  most  advanced  capitalist 
countries"  industrially,  this  historic  appeal  was 
greeted  with  hilarious  guffaws  all  over  the  capitalist 
world,  especially  in  Social-Democratic  circles. 
How  could  the  "impractical"  Bolsheviks  ever 
do  that  ?  Preposterous  !  But  now  capitalism's 


laugh  is  on  the  other  side  of  its  face.  It  is  com- 
pelled to  see  that  the  Soviet  Union,  advancing  with 
giant  strides,  is  fairly  running  past  the  industrially 
stagnant  and  declining  capitalist  countries. 

"In  the  U.S.S.R.,"  says  Premier  Molotov,  "24 
new  blast  furnaces  were  started  in  1931,  while  29 
were  closed  down  in  the  United  States  from  Janu- 
ary to  September  of  the  same  year."  "In  the 
U.S.S.R.,"  states  Brand,  "we  are  building  work- 
shops, in  Europe  and  the  United  States  they  are 
closing  them  down;  the  U.S.S.R.  is  launching  new 
ships,  in  Hamburg,  London  and  New  York  ships 
are  being  converted  into  scrap  iron."  In  1931, 
while  the  Soviet  Union  was  advancing  its  general 
industrial  production  21%,  that  of  the  capitalist 
countries  declined  on  an  average  of  25%.  Since 
1928  Russian  industrial  production  has  increased 
86%,  and  that  of  the  capitalist  world  has  fallen 
29%.9  While  the  national  income  of  the  U.S.S.R. 
increased  14%  in  1931,  the  general  drop  in  capital- 
ist countries  ran  from  15%  to  20%. 

In  the  production  of  oil  the  Soviet  Union  now 
stands  second  among  the  nations,  in  coal  mining 
and  heavy  machine  building  fourth.  In  1927,  it 
stood  seventh  in  the  production  of  electrical  equip- 
ment; in  1931  fourth,  in  1932  it  will  be  second, 
standing  behind  only  the  United  States.  In  the 
making  of  automobiles,  1932  will  put  the  Soviet 

9  Data  from  League  of  Nations'  sources  and  German  Economic 


Union  ahead  of  both  Germany  and  Italy.  In  the 
steel  industry  it  is  overtaking  one  capitalist  coun- 
try after  another;  in  1929  Belgium  was  passed,  in 
1931  England  was  outdistanced,  only  three  coun- 
tries now  being  ahead  of  the  Soviet  Union  in  steel, 
and  they  also  are  being  rapidly  overhauled. 

In  the  matter  of  total  national  income  the 
U.S.S.R.  now  stands  second  in  the  world,  its  figure 
of  38  billions  for  1931  being  twice  that  of  1913  and 
exceeding  the  pre-crisis  figures  for  Germany,  Great 
Britain  and  France. 

In  total  volume  of  industrial  production  the 
U.S.S.R.  also  occupies  second  place.  The  Eco- 
nomic Review  of  the  Soviet  Union  (Apr.  1,  1932) 
informs  us:  "By  August  (1931)  industrial  pro- 
duction of  the  Soviet  Union  already  exceeded  that 
of  Germany  and  was  second  only  to  the  United 
States.  While  in  1928  the  share  of  the  United 
States  in  world  industrial  output  was  nearly  ten 
times  that  of  the  U.S.S.R.,  by  October  of  last  year 
it  was  only  about  three  times."  Few,  if  any,  of 
the  capitalist  countries,  now  stricken  by  economic 
crisis,  that  are  being  so  rapidly  passed  by  the  Soviet 
Union,  will  ever  catch  up  with  it  again,  even  tem- 

The  second  Five- Year  Plan,  recently  announced 
and  which  will  go  into  effect  at  the  end  of  this  year 
when  the  present  Five- Year  Plan  is  completed, 
provides  a  gigantic  program  of  industrial  and  agri- 
cultural development  that  will  further  advance  the 


position  of  the  U.S.S.R.  in  world  economy.  The 
XVII  Party  Conference  of  the  C.P.S.U.  says  in 
its  resolution:  "In  the  second  Five-Year  Plan  the 
Soviet  Union  will  advance  to  the  first  place  in 
Europe  in  regard  to  technique."  The  purpose  of 
the  new  plan  is  to  "transform  the  whole  national 
economy  and  to  create  the  most  modern  technical 
basis  of  all  branches  of  national  economy."  The 
first  Five- Year  Plan  greatly  frightened  the  capi- 
talist world ;  the  second  increases  its  demoralization. 

The  tremendous  scope  of  the  second  Five- Year 
Plan  may  be  realized  from  the  fact  that  it  provides 
for  a  total  new  capital  investment  of  150  billion 
rubles,  or  about  78  billion  dollars.  What  this 
gigantic  sum  means  in  the  way  of  development  is 
indicated  by  the  comparison  that  it  is  equal  to 
three  times  the  I.C.C.  valuation  of  the  total  rail- 
road mileage  of  the  United  States  —  26  billion  dol- 
lars, a  figure  which  includes  one-third  to  one-half 
of  watered  values. 

Some  of  the  details  of  the  immense  second  Five- 
Year  Plan  are  the  following:  the  development  of 
six  times  as  much  electrical  power  in  1937  as  in 
1932,  extension  of  the  machine  building  industry 
3^/2  times,  increase  of  coal  production  from  90 
million  tons  in  1932  to  250  million  in  1937,  300% 
increase  in  the  production  of  oil,  the  yearly  pro- 
duction of  22  million  tons  of  pig  iron,  (requiring 
a  tempo  of  development  twice  as  fast  as  that  of  the 
United  States  and  Germany  in  their  best  days), 


an  output  of  170,000  tractors  per  year,  the  build- 
ing of  30,000  kilometers  of  railroads,  accompanied 
with  a  complete  reorganization,  including  the  estab- 
lishment of  the  block  system,  automatic  couplers, 
bigger  locomotives  and  cars,  new  bridges,  extensive 
electrification,  etc.  The  main  aim  will  be  to  build 
the  heavy  industries  and  power  base,  but  the  light 
industries  will  also  be  developed  200%  to  300%. 
In  agriculture  similar  great  advances  will  be  made, 
including  a  large  extension  of  the  sown  area  (cot- 
ton and  flax  100%,  sugar  beets  200%,  etc.),  com- 
plete collectivization  of  the  land,  complete  mechan- 
ization of  the  main  branches  of  agriculture  and  the 
beginnings  of  electrification,  including  the  electri- 
cal stimulation  of  plant  growth,  a  huge  increase  of 
livestock,  a  large  expansion  of  wheat  production 
to  insure  against  drought  years,  the  construction  of 
automobile  roads  on  a  vast  scale,  etc.,  etc.  The 
Party  resolution  expresses  "the  firm  conviction 
that  the  main  tasks  of  the  second  Five- Year  Plan 
will  not  only  be  fulfilled,  but  even  surpassed." 

The  accomplishment  of  this  stupendous  plan  of 
development  will  put  the  U.S.S.R.  within  hailing 
distance  of  the  United  States  in  the  matter  of  in- 
dustrial output.  In  one  fundamental  (not  to 
mention  many  lesser  ones),  that  of  the  production 
of  electrical  power,  the  Russian  figure  in  1937 
will  exceed  that  of  the  United  States  in  1929.  En- 
gineer C.  A.  Gill  of  the  B.  &  O.  Railroad,  just 
returned  from  the  Soviet  Union,  says  of  the  rail- 


roads:  "Russia  is  today  already  second  only  to 
the  United  States  in  tonnage  carried.  In  the  next 
five  years  she  will  equal  this  country."  10  At  its 
present  rate  of  development  the  U.S.S.R.  will  be 
the  world's  leader  in  industrial  production  within 
10  years.  By  that  time  Lenin's  famous  slogan, 
"to  overtake  and  surpass  the  most  advanced  capi- 
talist countries,"  will  be  fully  realized. 

Eeal  Prosperity  for  the  Toilers 

BUT  THE  Soviet  Union  is  not  only  rapidly  increas- 
ing its  industrial  and  agricultural  production;  it 
is  at  the  same  time  building  an  industrial  (and 
social)  system  superior  in  structure  and  function 
to  that  of  capitalism.  Instead  of  a  hodge-podge 
of  competitive  and  unprogressive  industry  and 
agriculture,  it  is  creating  a  great,  modern,  pro- 
gressive industrial-agricultural  machine ;  instead  of 
a  profit-making  apparatus  to  fatten  a  few  while 
millions  starve,  it  is  building  its  industries  for  the 
benefit  of  the  producing  masses.  That  is  why  the 
Soviet  Union  is  a  land  of  no  strikes.  That  is  why 
the  Russian  workers  and  peasants  are  toiling  so 
resolutely  to  build  their  new  industrial  system,  un- 
deterred by  either  the  appalling  difficulties  of  an 
undeveloped  economy  or  the  endless  obstacles 
placed  in  their  way  by  the  world  capitalist  enemy. 
The  growth  of  Socialism  marks  the  birth  of  the 

10  New  York  Times,  Feb.  19,  1932. 


first  era  of  prosperity  for  the  workers.  Under 
capitalism  everywhere  wealth  piles  up  automat- 
ically in  the  hands  of  the  parasitic  owners  of  the 
industries,  while  the  masses  of  actual  producers 
live  at  the  bare  subsistence  line.  But  in  the  Social- 
ist Soviet  Union  all  this  is  fundamentally  changed. 
There  production  is  carried  on  for  the  benefit  of 
those  who  actually  work.  There  are  no  artificial 
limits  placed  upon  production  by  the  need  to  sell 
in  a  clogged  market.  Hence  productive  forces  de- 
velop freely  and  rapidly,  and  as  production  in- 
creases the  added  output  inevitably  translates  itself 
into  higher  wages,  shorter  hours,  better  working 
conditions,  more  elaborate  cultural  institutions, 
etc.,  for  the  toilers.  "There  are  no  beggars  or 
lines  of  unemployed  in  Soviet  streets  —  no  rent 
evictions,  no  ragged  despair,"  says  Duranty.  One 
of  the  most  infamous  and  ridiculous  capitalist  lies 
against  the  Soviet  Union  is  that  the  Russian  work- 
ers are  "exploited."  How  can  they  possibly  be 
"exploited"  when  there  is  no  ruling,  owning  class, 
no  class  to  get  a  rake-off  from  the  worker's  pro- 
duction ? X1 

It  is  a  revolutionary  fact  of  first  importance  that 
only  in  the  Soviet  Union,  of  all  the  world,  are  the 
conditions  of  the  toilers  now  being  improved.  In 
every  respect  they  are  advancing,  while  in  all  capi- 
talist countries,  the  United  States  included,  the 

11  A  typically  absurd  argument  against  Socialism  is  made  in  The 
Forum,  Nov.,  1931,  by  Andre  Maurois  that,  "a  permanent  better- 
ment of  standards  will  again  build  up  a  bourgeoisie." 


standards  of  the  workers  have  catastrophically  de- 
clined, until  mass  starvation  is  a  common  phenome- 
non. The  workers  everywhere,  penetrating  the 
lies  of  capitalism,  are  beginning  to  understand  the 
significance  of  this  rise  of  workers'  standards  under 
Socialism  and  their  decline  under  capitalism. 
That  is  the  reason  millions  of  them  want  to  go  to 
the  Soviet  Union;  it  explains  why  the  working 
class  everywhere  is  more  and  more  looking  to  the 
Soviet  Union  as  the  guide  it  must  follow  in  its 
fight  for  freedom  and  prosperity. 

The  main  task  of  all  capitalist  governments  is 
the  suppression  and  exploitation  of  the  toiling 
masses;  but  the  very  reason-for-being  of  the  revo- 
lutionary Soviet  government  is  the  fundamental 
improvement  of  the  conditions  of  these  masses. 
This,  characteristically,  the  Soviet  government  does 
according  to  plan.  Not  only  is  the  development 
of  industry  and  agriculture  the  object  of  the  State 
planning,  but  also  the  systematic  improvement  of 
wages,  hours,  living  and  cultural  conditions,  etc. 
Up  till  now,  in  order  to  lay  a  solid  Socialist  founda- 
tion for  real  worker  prosperity,  the  government 
has  had  to  apply  every  possible  energy  and  re- 
source to  the  development  of  industry.  Neverthe- 
less, it  has  been  able  to  accomplish  profound  bet- 
terments in  the  workers'  conditions.  Let  us 
briefly  review  some  of  them: 

Unemployment,  that  terror  of  the  capitalist 
system,  has  no  place  in  a  Socialist  system.  The 


consuming  power  of  the  masses  keeps  pace  with 
and  outstrips  their  producing  power.  Hence, 
unemployment  has  been  wiped  out  in  the  Soviet 
Union.  The  right  to  work,  alien  and  unknown  to 
capitalist  society,  has  been  fully  established. 
While  millions  of  hungry  workers  desperately 
seek  employment  in  capitalist  countries,  in  the 
Soviet  Union  every  worker  has  a  job.  And  it  will 
so  remain.  From  1922  to  1928  there  was  consid- 
erable unemployment  in  the  Soviet  Union,  despite 
the  steady  growth  of  industry  and  increase  in  the 
number  of  workers  employed,  this  being  caused  by 
large  numbers  of  workers  coming  from  the  villages 
to  the  cities.  Originally,  the  Five-Year  Plan  did 
not  contemplate  the  complete  elimination  of  un- 
employment by  1932.  Nevertheless,  this  has  been 
accomplished.  Moreover,  there  is  a  huge  shortage 
of  workers  in  every  industry.  The  working  class, 
the  most  basic  element  in  the  productive  forces  of 
society,  either  stagnant  or  actually  declining  in 
numbers  in  capitalist  countries,  is  rapidly  on  the 
increase  in  the  Soviet  Union.  In  1927,  there  were 
(except  agricultural)  8,866,000  workers  and  in 
1930,  12,429,000.  The  last  year  of  the  Five- Year 
Plan,  1933,  called  for  a  grand  total  of  15,800,000 
workers,  but  this  year  the  number  has  already 
reached  18,700,000.  In  1932  another  3  millions 
will  be  added,  raising  the  total  to  over  21  millions 
or  133%  of  the  Plan.  Thus  the  very  basis  of  the 


revolution,  the  working  class,  is  being  enormously 
strengthened,  and  that,  too,  by  plan. 

Under  Socialism  wages  are  as  high  as  the  total 
economy  will  permit;  under  capitalism  they  are  as 
low  as  the  workers  can  be  compelled  to  accept. 
Hence,  with  the  rapidly  expanding  economy  in 
the  U.S.S.R.,  wages  are  swiftly  on  the  increase, 
in  contrast  to  rapid  wage  declines  in  all  capitalist 
countries.  In  the  U.S.S.R.  average  yearly  wages 
(except  in  agriculture)  were;  1927  —  729  rubles, 

1930  —  956  rubles,  1931  —  1010  rubles.    Calculat- 
ing upon  the  principles  of  purchasing  power  and 
socialized  wages,   (which  include  social  insurance, 
vacations,  etc.),  the  wages  of  Russian  workers  are 
now  about  double  what  they  were  before  the  revo- 
lution.    And  the  tempo  of  wage  advance  becomes 
ever  faster  in  the  Soviet  Union,  as  the  general 
economy  expands,  even  as  the  rate  of  wage  decline 
increases   in   the   industrially   decaying   capitalist 
lands.     Last  year  the  Russian  average  wage  in- 
crease was  18%,  in  1932  it  is  planned  to  be  27%.12 
The  final  year  of  the  Five- Year  Plan  called  for  a 
total  wage  fund  of  15,700,000,000  rubles;  but  in 

1931  it  had  already  reached  21,000,000,000  and  in 

1932  it  will  be  26,800,000,000,  or  171%  fulfillment 
of  the  Plan.     In  the  question  of  wages  the  prin- 
ciple of  "overtaking  and  surpassing"  the  capitalist 
countries  also  applies.     The  Russians  in  this  re- 
is  Associated  Press  dispatches  of  Mar.  31,  1932,  announce  a  gen- 
eral wage  increase  of  11%  to  20%  in  all  the  light  and  heavy  indus- 
tries of  the  U.S.S.R. 


spect  have  already  passed  many  countries;  un- 
doubtedly they  are  even  ahead  of  many  categories 
of  American  workers,  including  miners  and  textile 
workers,  and  with  wages  advancing  so  rapidly  in 
the  Soviet  Union  and  falling  so  fast  in  all  capital- 
ist countries,  they  will  soon  pass  the  rest.  In  all 
likelihood,  considering  the  incomes  of  the  working 
class  as  a  whole,  the  second  Five- Year  Plan,  which 
will  at  least  double  the  wages  of  the  workers,  will 
put  the  Russian  workers  in  the  lead  of  the  whole 

In  the  question  of  the  short  working  period,  the 
Russian  workers  already  are  in  the  forefront  of 
the  world's  working  class.  In  the  U.S.S.R.  the 
average  workday  is  7.02  hours,  with  a  five-day 
week,  as  against  an  average  of  8.50  hours  per  day 
in  the  United  States,  for  an  average  5%-day 
week.  In  the  U.S.S.R  the  maximum  workday  is 
8  hours,  with  the  6-hour  -day  for  the  youth  and 
workers  in  dangerous  and  unhealthy  trades 
(mines,  chemicals,  etc.,) ;  in  the  United  States  the 
sky  is  the  limit  for  hours,  with  the  10-hour  day 
widespread,  53%  of  the  workers  in  the  steel  in- 
dustry working  10  to  12  hours  daily  and  27% 
working  the  7-day  week,13  little  or  no  limitations 
upon  the  hours  of  youth  and  women  workers,  etc. 
The  Five- Year  Plan  contemplated  completing  the 
introduction  of  the  7-hour  day  by  the  end  of  1933, 
but  this  also  will  be  accomplished  in  four  years,  at 

is  Labor  Fact  Book,  p.  87. 


present  about  90%  of  the  industrial  workers  being 
upon  the  7-hour  day  basis  or  less.  In  the  capital- 
ist countries,  despite  the  huge  unemployment,  there 
is  actually  a  tendency  to  increase  the  length  of  the 
working  day;  whereas,  of  course,  in  the  Socialist 
Soviet  Union  the  working  day  is  constantly  being 
cut.  The  second  Five-Year  Plan  will  make  the 
6-hour  day  practically  universal  in  the  Soviet 

The  social  insurance  of  the  Russian  workers, 
already  the  most  comprehensive  in  the  world,  also 
is  being  rapidly  developed.  It  covers  every  form 
of  disability  —  sickness,  accident,  unemployment, 
old  age,  child-birth,  etc.,  etc., —  and  is  fast  reach- 
ing the  stage  of  full  wages  under  all  conditions  of 
disemployment.  In  the  capitalist  countries,  as 
part  of  the  program  of  thrusting  the  burden  of 
the  crisis  upon  the  shoulders  of  the  working  class, 
the  workers'  benefits  under  State  social  legislation 
are  being  drastically  reduced.  In  the  Soviet 
Union,  of  course,  the  reverse  is  the  case.  Even 
the  radical  provisions  of  the  Five-Year  Plan  in  this 
field  are  being  greatly  exceeded  in  accomplish- 
ment; the  Plan  provided  that  the  social  insurance 
budget  for  1933  should  be  1,900,000,000  rubles; 
as  a  matter  of  fact,  however,  it  had  reached  2,500,- 
000,000  already  in  1931,  and  will  mount  to 
3,400,000,000  in  1932,  or  about  double  the  original 
Plan  figure.  "Russia,"  says  Rep.  Sirovich,  (Dem. 
N.  Y.)  (New  York  Journal,  Dec.  10,  1931),  "is 


the  only  place  in  the  world  where  charity  and 
philanthropy  have  been  abolished."  The  Russian 
workers  and  farmers,  with  their  elaborate  social 
insurance,  have  no  need  for  such  miserable  hand- 

The  health  and  safety  of  the  workers,  in  indus- 
try and  in  social  life  generally,  is  in  the  very  nature 
of  Socialism  a  first  concern  of  the  Soviet  govern- 
ment. Tremendous  progress  is  being  made  in 
these  fields.  In  the  same  series  of  articles,  Siro- 
vich  says,  "Russia  has  a  widespread  and  thorough 
health  program.  The  Commissariat  of  Health 
gathers  the  best  medical  knowledge  in  the  world 
and  places  it  free  of  charge  at  the  disposal  of  the 
Russian  people."  While  in  capitalist  countries, 
under  the  pressure  of  the  speed-up  system  in  in- 
dustry, unemployment,  low  wages,  undernourish- 
ment, etc.,  accidents  pile  up  in  industry  and  the 
health  of  the  working  class  is  undermined;  in  the 
Soviet  Union  just  the  reverse  tendencies  are  mani- 
fest. The  old-time  plagues  of  cholera  and  typhus 
are  now  only  terrible  memories;  the  health  of  the 
masses  is  being  scientifically  cultivated.  Industry 
is  being  made  safe  and  healthy.  No  workers  in 
the  world  have  the  vacations  with  pay,  free  rest 
homes  and  sanatoria,  free  medical  services,  etc., 
that  the  Russian  workers  have.  In  1929  the 
Soviet  government  spent  54,500,000  rubles  for 
safety  and  sanitation  in  industry;  in  1931  this  work 
absorbed  124,000,000  rubles,  and  further  huge  im- 


provements  are  planned.  For  the  general  health 
services,  including  sport,  the  national  budget  for 
1932  calls  for  1,737,000,000  rubles.  Such  figures, 
of  course,  do  not  include  the  hundreds  of  millions 
more  spent  by  the  local  Soviets. 

The  housing  problem  in  the  Soviet  Union  is  a  se- 
vere one,  what  with  the  heterogeneous  collection  of 
miserable  shacks  left  over  from  the  Czarist  regime 
and  the  terrific  growth  of  urban  population.  But 
this  problem  is  also  being  solved  rapidly.  The 
national  government  housing  program,  which  does 
not  include  innumerable  large  local  projects,  in- 
creases in  volume  from  year  to  year:  in  1926  it 
amounted  to  292,000,000  rubles;  in  1931,  1,117,- 
000,000;  and  in  1932  it  will  be  2,892,000,000. 
Whole  new  cities  are  being  built  from  the  ground 
up,  and  the  old  ones  rebuilt,  on  Socialist  lines. 
Under  the  State  Institute  for  City  Planning  100 
of  such  gigantic  building  projects  are  being 
pushed.  Never  was  planned  city  building  car- 
ried out  upon  such  a  huge  scale.  Such  places  as 
Leningrad  and  Nizhni-Novgorod  are  being  rebuilt 
into  model  Socialist  cities,  with  great  systems  of 
schools,  theatres,  clubs,  municipal  baths,  libraries, 
athletic  fields,  factory  kitchens,  laundries,  crema- 
toriums, stadiums,  hospitals,  refrigeration  plants, 
etc.  Besides,  Socialist  cities  are  also  being  built 
in  the  country,  the  most  striking  of  these  being  the 
already  famous  "Socialist  Farm  City"  of  Filanova. 
This  city,  to  be  completed  by  1934,  will  contain  a 


population  of  60,000,  now  scattered  in  127  villages, 
and  it  will  have  all  modern  facilities.  The  whole 
district  will  be  one  great  farm,  the  toilers  living  in 
the  city  and  going  to  their  work  in  automobiles. 
This  revolutionary  city  is  being  built  in  a  district 
where  the  peasants  are  just  emerging  from  the 
darkness  of  the  middle  ages. 

The  improved  living  standards  of  the  workers 
are  paralleled  by  similar  advances  in  the  peasants' 
conditions.  The  whole  village  life  is  being  trans- 
formed. More  food,  better  clothing,  better  hous- 
ing, a  raised  standard  of  living  generally  is  the 
order  of  the  day  in  the  country.  The  collective 
farm  movement  is  freeing  the  peasants  from  the 
hopeless  drudgery  of  the  past;  it  is  giving  them  a 
much  greater  return  for  their  work;  it  brings  edu- 
cation and  a  new  culture;  it  makes  a  huge  saving 
in  labor  power  which  is  being  used  to  rebuild  and 
modernize  the  whole  life  in  the  country.  The 
Russian  peasants  are  now  taking  the  most  gigantic 
and  swiftest  steps  forward  in  culture  and  well- 
being  ever  made  in  any  country  in  the  history  of 
the  world. 

The  general  rise  in  Russian  living  standards  is 
manifested  by  a  large  increase  in  consumption  of 
the  more  nutritious  foods.  The  consumption  of 
meat,  for  example,  has  increased  25%  in  four 
years,  with  a  further  heavy  increase  planned  for 
in  1932.  The  production  of  eggs  and  potatoes, 
exceeded  last  year  by  20  %  to  50  % ;  the  produc- 


tion  of  meat,  butter,  sunflower  seeds  and  linseed  by 
50%  to  100%  ;  that  of  poultry  and  tobacco  100%. 
Whereas  government  experts  in  the  United  States 
are  now  teaching  the  workers  how  to  live  on  a  few 
cents  a  week,  while  masses  of  foodstuffs  rot  in  the 
warehouses,  the  Soviet  government  is  bending 
every  effort  to  increase  food  production  —  which 
automatically  means  to  increase  consumption.  In 
10  years  it  is  planned  to  quadruple  the  present 
number  of  cattle,  sheep  and  hogs.  The  resolution 
of  the  Central  Executive  Committee  of  the  Soviet 
government  says:  "In  the  year  1932,  the  fund 
allotted  to  goods  intended  for  mass  consumption 
will  be  greatly  increased.  This  fund  is  rising 
(computed  according  to  the  retail  prices  of  last 
year)  from  27,200,000,000  rubles  to  35,000,000,- 
000.  That  is  to  say,  the  retail  turnover  of  the 
Socialist  sector  increases  30%."  What  govern- 
ment other  than  that  of  the  U.S.S.R.,  would  thus 
plan  the  betterment  of  the  toilers'  conditions  ? 

The  second  Five- Year  Plan  will  greatly  accel- 
erate the  rise  in  Russian  living  standards.  This 
will  be  possible  with  the  more  developed  industrial 
base.  Wages  will  be  doubled  or  tripled.  The  six- 
hour  day  will  become  almost  universal.  The 
social  insurance  system  will  reach  the  stage  of  full 
wages  for  every  form  of  disability.  Production 
of  consumption  goods  will  be  enormously  increased. 
Vast  housing  plans  will  be  completed.  The  reso- 
lution of  the  XVII  conference  of  the  Communist 


Party  of  the  Soviet  Union  provides:  "In  the  light 
industries  and  in  the  food  industries  production  is 
to  be  extended  and  a  three-fold  increase  in  the 
standard  of  consumption  of  the  population  is  to 
be  secured." 

The  Russian  workers  and  peasants,  it  is  true, 
are  still  poor.  This  poverty  is  their  heritage  from 
Czarism  and  capitalism.  But  with  control  of  the 
industries  and  the  land,  with  capitalist  exploita- 
tion and  robbery  stopped,  with  rapidly  developing 
Socialist  industries  and  farms,  they  have  the  solid 
basis  for  such  a  prosperity  as  no  working  class  in 
the  world  has  ever  even  remotely  approached. 
The  rapidity  with  which  this  prosperity  will  de- 
velop and  its  great  depth  and  breadth  will  soon 
astound  the  world.  Capitalists  everywhere  under- 
stand this.  They  sense  the  revolutionizing  effect 
it  will  have  upon  the  millions  of  workers  in  their 
countries  who,  in  the  growing  crisis  of  the  capi- 
talist system,  are  falling  deeper  and  deeper  into 
poverty  and  starvation.  This  is  the  basic  reason 
why  the  capitalists  are  redoubling  their  efforts  to 
develop  war  against  the  Soviet  Union. 

The  Cultural  Revolution 

THE  PROLETARIAN  revolution  ushered  a  new  era  of 
social  culture  into  what  was  old  Russia.  Culture, 
instead  of  being  the  monopoly  of  the  few  ex- 
ploiters and  a  tool  to  maintain  their  class  rule,  has 


now  become  the  boon  of  the  broad  masses,  and  a 
means  for  their  emancipation.  Instead  of  being 
designed  to  make  intellectual  slaves  of  the  toilers, 
as  is  always  the  aim  of  the  capitalist  "culture,"  the 
new  culture  in  the  Soviet  Union  is  free  and  scien- 
tific. For  the  first  time  in  history  the  working 
masses  have  a  chance  to  understand  life  and  to 
enjoy  the  intellectual  treasures  that  modern  condi- 
tions are  able  to  produce.  It  is  a  veritable  cultural 
revolution  which,  in  the  next  few  years,  by  drawing 
out  the  repressed  intellectual  capacities  of  the 
masses  under  the  conditions  of  Socialism,  will  pro- 
foundly transform  every  feature  and  phase  of 
human  thought  and  intellectual  activity.  The 
Russian  revolution  is  giving  the  greatest  stimula- 
tion to  science,  literature,  music,  the  theatre,  etc., 
that  the  world  has  ever  known. 

In  the  Soviet  Union  the  foundations  of  the  new 
culture  are  being  laid  by  a  huge  campaign  of  popu- 
lar education.  This  is  also  being  conducted  ac- 
cording to  the  principles  of  Socialist  planning.  In 
providing  for  the  building  of  great  factories,  the 
Five-Year  Plan  also  utilizes  the  new  industrializa- 
tion for  the  education  of  the  masses.  Mass  educa- 
tion in  the  Soviet  Union  assumes  the  aspect  of  a 
great  "cultural  offensive"  which  also  develops  with 
"Bolshevik  tempo."  Even  foreign  capitalistic 
observers  must  remark  the  breadth  and  depth  of 
this  unprecedented  movement.  Duranty  cor- 
rectly says,  (New  York  Times,  Dec.  1,  1931): 


"There  seems  to  be  no  parallel  in  history  to  the 
drive  for  learning  in  all  branches  of  knowledge, 
from  reading  and  writing  to  the  abstruse  sciences, 
now  in  progress  in  the  Soviet  Union." 

Before  the  revolution  only  about  7,000,000  chil- 
dren attended  school;  now  there  are  23,000,000. 
The  whole  school  system  is  growing  by  leaps  and 
bounds ;  the  teaching  is  according  to  the  most  scien- 
tific methods,  it  is  carried  on  in  70  languages,  there 
being  over  100  peoples  going  to  make  up  the  Soviet 
Union.  A  system  of  compulsory  schooling  has 
been  adopted  and  everywhere  applied.  In  the 
secondary  schools  there  are  now  eight  times  as 
many  pupils  as  in  pre-war  days.  All  told,  46,000,- 
000  people,  one-third  of  the  population,  are  at- 
tending educational  institutions.  In  1932  the 
national  government  budget  calls  for  an  expendi- 
ture of  9,200,000,000  rubles  for  social-cultural 
enterprises.  This  is  aside  from  a  veritable  net- 
work of  educational  institutions  of  the  Communist 
party,  the  Communist  Youth  League,  the  trade 
unions,  cooperatives,  factories,  the  Red  Army,  etc. 
There  is  a  whole  deluge  of  books  pouring  from  the 
printing  presses,  the  Soviet  Union  being  already 
the  world  leader  as  a  publisher  of  books  —  not  to 
speak  of  their  superior  quality.  The  theatre,  the 
swiftly-growing  radio  and  motion  pictures,  are  also 
tremendous  educational  instruments. 

One  of  the  great  achievements  of  this  vast  work 
is  the  rapid  wiping  out  of  illiteracy.  In  1913  only 


25%  above  the  age  of  10  could  read;  90%  of 
women  were  illiterate.  Illiteracy  has  now  been 
practically  eliminated  from  the  industrial  centers 
and  it  will  also  soon  go  from  the  villages.  By  the 
end  of  1932  illiteracy  is  to  be  liquidated  com- 
pletely. The  fight  against  illiteracy  is  not  simply 
a  matter  of  the  regular  educational  institutions;  a 
real  assault  is  being  made  upon  it  by  the  more 
educated  sections  of  the  masses  under  the  historic 
slogan,  "Literate,  Teach  the  Illiterate."  The 
struggle  against  illiteracy  and  for  education  in 
general  keeps  pace  with  the  growth  of  industry  and 
the  collectivization  of  the  farms.  Thus  in  those 
districts  where  the  collectivization  is  well  advanced 
the  whole  body  of  illiterates  are  undergoing  in- 

But  the  cultural  revolution,  as  we  have  already 
indicated,  is  much  more  than  merely  giving  the 
masses  an  elementary  education.  It  is  also  more 
significant  than  simply  a  rapid  extension  of  schools, 
scientific  institutes,  theatres,  etc.,  that  is  now 
taking  place  in  the  Soviet  Union.  It  is  a  pro- 
found revolution  in  all  culture.  A  whole  new 
cultural  system  is  being  born. 

Under  capitalism  science  is  a  slave  to  the  class 
interests  of  the  bourgeoisie.  Thus  biology  justi- 
fies the  mad  class  struggle  and  war;  economics  puts 
an  unqualified  blessing  upon  wage  slavery;  history 
proves  that  capitalism  is  society  perfected;  psy- 
chology explains  away  poverty  on  the  basis  of 


inferior  beings,  etc.  Capitalist  science  is  also  a 
veritable  fortress  of  metaphysical  concepts  of  every 
kind.  But  Socialism  strikes  all  these  fetters  from 
science.  The  working  class  exploits  no  subject 
class.  Therefore,  it  has  no  interest  to  degrade 
science  into  a  subtle  system  of  propaganda,  but  on 
the  contrary  to  give  it  the  freest  possible  develop- 
ment. Marxian  dialectical  materialism  destroys 
the  metaphysics  that  paralyzes  bourgeois  science. 

Capitalist  science  is  planless  and  anarchic,  the 
hit-or-miss  task  of  whoever  may  be.  But  Social- 
ism organizes  science.  In  the  Soviet  Union  scien- 
tific work  is  being  done  on  a  planned  basis,  with 
full  government  support.  There  is  a  special 
Scientific  Research  Sector  of  the  Supreme  Eco- 
nomic Council.  Bukharin  says:  "The  plan  of  So- 
cialist construction  is  not  only  a  plan  of  economy; 
the  process  of  the  rationalization  of  life,  beginning 
with  the  suppression  of  irrationality  in  the  eco- 
nomic sphere,  wins  away  from  it  one  position  after 
another;  the  principle  of  planning  invades  the 
realm  of  mental  production,  the  sphere  of  science, 
the  sphere  of  theory."  14 

Capitalist  science  sets  up  a  metaphysical  separa- 
tion of  theory  and  practice,  and  a  corresponding 
arbitrary  division  of  intellectual  from  manual  labor. 
It  is  based  upon  a  caste  theory  and  does  not  de- 
velop the  creative  abilities  of  the  masses.  But 
Socialism  liquidates  this  reactionary  system.  In 

14  Science  at  the  Crossroads,  p.  20. 


the  U.S.S.R.  scientific  theory  and  practice  are 
being  linked  up;  science  is  being  brought  to  the 
masses  and  in  so  doing  is  revolutionized;  a  great 
mass  development  in  science  is  going  on  such  as 
exists  in  no  other  country;  the  basis  is  being  laid 
for  the  eventual  wiping  out  of  the  difference  be- 
tween so-called  "mental"  and  "physical"  labor. 

In  the  U.S.S.R.,  as  part  of  the  general  cultural 
revolution,  religion  is  being  liquidated.  Religion, 
which  Marx  called,  "the  opium  of  the  people,"  has 
been  a  basic  part  of  every  system  of  exploitation 
that  has  afflicted  humanity  —  chattel  slavery,  feu- 
dalism, capitalism.  It  has  sanctified  every  war 
and  every  tyrant,  no  matter  how  murderous  and 
reactionary.  Its  glib  phrases  about  morality, 
brotherly  love  and  immortality  are  the  covers  be- 
hind which  the  most  terrible  deeds  in  history  have 
been  done.  Religion  is  the  sworn  enemy  of  lib- 
erty, education,  science. 

Such  a  monstrous  system  of  dupery  and  ex- 
ploitation is  totally  foreign  to  a  Socialist  society; 
firstly,  because  there  is  no  exploited  class  to  be 
demoralized  by  religion;  secondly,  because  its 
childish  tissue  of  superstition  is  impossible  in  a 
society  founded  upon  Marxian  materialism;  and 
thirdly,  because  its  slavish  moral  system  is  out  of 
place,  the  new  Communist  moral  code  developing 
naturally  upon  the  basis  of  the  new  modes  of  pro- 
duction and  exchange. 

Religion  is  now  in  deep  crisis  throughout  the 


capitalist  world.  The  quarrels  between  "modern- 
ists" and  "fundamentalists"  in  American  churches 
are  one  form  of  this  crisis.  Religion,  born  in  a 
primitive  world,  finds  it  extremely  difficult  to  sur- 
vive in  a  world  of  industry  and  great  cities.  When 
capitalism  was  young  and  strong  its  great  scien- 
tists, the  Darwins,  Spencers  and  Huxleys,  were 
Atheists;  but  capitalism,  grown  decrepit  and  in 
crisis,  tries  to  preserve  religion  in  order  to  check 
the  rebellion  of  the  workers.  This  is  why  Einstein 
("cosmic  religion"),  Millikan,  Eddington,  and 
other  bourgeois  scientists  now  are  trying  so  dili- 
gently to  "harmonize  science  and  religion."  In 
the  U.S.S.R.,  as  it  must  be  in  any  Socialist 
country,  religion  dies  out  in  the  midst  of  the  grow- 
ing culture.  As  the  factories  and  schools  open  the 
churches  close.  But  stories  of  religious  persecu- 
tion in  the  U.S.S.R.  are  utterly  false,  being  part 
of  the  anti- Soviet  campaign.  Freedom  of  wor- 
ship exists  unrestricted  for  all  those  who  desire  to 
practice.  Religious  liberty  is  guaranteed  by  the 
Soviet  Constitution,  which  declares: 

"In  order  to  guarantee  to  all  workers  real  freedom  of 
conscience,  the  church  is  separated  from  the  State  and 
the  school  from  the  church,  and  freedom  of  religious 
and  anti-religious  propaganda  is  bestowed  on  all  citizens." 

In  the  realms  of  art,  literature,  music,  etc.,  the 
cultural  revolution  also  proceeds  at  a  rapid  pace. 
New  standards,  freed  from  the  stultifying  profit- 


motive,  conventionalism  and  general  reactionary 
spirit  of  capitalism,  are  being  developed  in  all  these 
spheres.  In  this  great  field,  as  in  all  others,  the 
Russian  revolution  is  carrying  humanity  on  to  new 
and  higher  stages.  The  capitalist  world  as  yet 
has  not  even  an  inkling  of  the  profound  changes 
involved  in  the  cultural  revolution  in  the  U.S.S.R. 

Accomplishing  the  "Impossible" 

IN  CARRYING  the  revolution  on  to  success  the  Rus- 
sian toilers  have  faced  difficulties  without  parallel 
in  history.  They  have  had  to  deal  with  a  whole 
series  of  problems  quite  unique  in  human  experi- 
ence. But  under  the  leadership  of  the  Communist 
party,  with  a  clear  Marxist-Leninist  program,  and 
with  the  irresistible  power  of  the  revolutionary 
masses,  they  have  been  able  to  batter  their  way 
through  all  of  them  and  to  fight  on  to  victory  after 
victory.  At  every  step  in  their  hard- won  progress, 
they  have  had  to  face,  as  part  of  the  world  capi- 
talist attack,  a  persistent  chorus  of  "It  cannot  be 
done."  And  when  the  Russian  workers  have 
solved  one  set  of  problems  their  capitalist  enemy 
has  ignored  or  grossly  misrepresented  their  victory 
and  at  once  developed  a  whole  group  of  new 
reasons  why  the  Russian  "experiment"  could  not 
possibly  succeed. 

No    defenders    of   capitalism   have    been   more 
energetic  in  these  counter-revolutionary  attempts 


to  discredit  the  Soviet  Union  in  the  eyes  of  the  toil- 
ing masses  than  the  Social  Democrats  of  the  world 
and  their  American  brothers,  the  A.  F.  of  L.  lead- 
ers, the  Gompers,  Wolls,  Greens,  etc.  It  has  been 
the  special  task  of  the  Social  Democrats  to  lend  an 
air  of  Marxism  to  these  capitalist  anti- Soviet  lies. 
To  this  end  they  have  macerated,  juggled  and  dis- 
torted Marx  to  "prove"  that  the  Socialist  revolu- 
tion must  come  first  in  the  countries  most  advanced 
industrially  and  that  it  is  impossible  in  a  country 
so  backward  industrially  as  old  Russia.  Every 
capitalist  lie  against  the  Soviet  Union  has  been 
fitted  into  this  counter-revolutionary  thesis  and 
peddled  to  the  masses  of  workers  through  the  big 
organizations  controlled  by  the  Social  Democrats. 
Even  now,  although  he  becomes  ridiculous  to  the 
whole  world,  Kautsky,  the  leading  Socialist  theo- 
retician, denies  that  any  progress  has  been  made 
towards  Socialism  in  the  Soviet  Union.15  He  says: 
"Since  1918  the  Russian  proletariat  has  sunk  ever 
deeper  from  year  to  year  from  the  height  it  reached. 
It  is  not  approaching  Socialism  but  is  receding 
farther  and  farther  away  from  it." 

According  to  these  capitalistic  Socialist  pes- 
simists, first  it  was  impossible  for  the  Bolsheviki 
to  seize  the  power,  and  then  it  was  doubly  impos- 
sible to  defend  the  new  government  against  the 
armed  attacks  of  world  capitalism;  next  the 
U.S.S.R.  could  not  possibly  exist  in  the  face  of 

is  Bolshevism  at  a  Deadlock,  and  other  writings. 


the  capitalist  economic  and  political  blockade ;  then 
all  was  surely  lost  when  the  great  famine  of  1921 
came;  and  as  for  the  introduction  of  the  New 
Economic  Policy,  which  temporarily  made  some 
concessions  to  private  production  and  trading 
while  the  foundations  of  the  Socialist  industries 
were  being  laid,  this  was  hailed  as  the  beginning 
of  the  end  by  the  gradual  re-growth  of  capitalism ; 
and,  of  course,  it  was  also  quite  "impossible"  to  set 
in  order  the  chaotic  financial  system  by  stabilizing 
the  ruble,  balancing  the  State  budget,  etc. 

All  these  grave  problems,  and  many  more  that 
could  be  cited,  were  indeed  extremely  difficult. 
Defeat  in  any  one  of  them  would  have  been  a 
major  and  possibly  fatal  disaster  for  the  revolu- 
tion. But  the  heroic  Russian  workers  and  peas- 
ants with  the  Communist  party  at  their  head, 
solved  them  all.  Consequently,  one  after  another, 
the  capitalist  arguments  against  the  revolution 
have  been  bankrupted  in  the  face  of  reality.  But 
no  matter,  the  capitalists  have  never  failed  quickly 
to  cook  up  a  new  mess  of  "impossibilities"  for  the 
Russian  revolution,  all  of  which  were  widely  ad- 
vertised among  the  working  class  by  their  Social- 
ist and  A.  F.  of  L.  tools. 

Especially  in  the  realms  of  industry  were  the 
problems  of  the  revolution  "insoluble."  First  it 
was  said  that  never  could  the  "impractical"  Bol- 
sheviks put  again  into  operation  the  industries 
ruined  in  the  long  years  of  world  war  and  civil  war 


—  in  1921  industrial  production  averaging  about 
20%  of  pre-war,  and  in  the  metal  industry  it  was 
as  low  as  2  % .  Lenin's  plans  at  this  time  for  elec- 
trification were  typically  scoffed  at  as  impossible 
by  H.  G.  Wells,16  who  had  imagined  so  many 
Utopias  and  bizarre  worlds,  but  whose  mind  could 
not  encompass  the  hard  realities  of  Leninist  policy. 
The  Communists,  so  it  was  said,  could  never  set 
up  a  voluntary  labor  discipline  in  industry,  nor 
hold  in  line  the  then  semi-starved  workers.  They 
could  not  defeat  the  counter-revolutionary  strikes 
and  sabotage  of  the  engineers,  nor  could  they  pro- 
duce a  new  supply  of  technicians  and  skilled  work- 
ers. Later  on,  when  these  earlier  problems  were 
either  completely  solved  or  well  on  the  way  to 
solution,  then  the  capitalist  argument  had  it  that 
the  Bolsheviks,  although  they  could  restart  the  old 
industries,  never  could  build  new  ones;  especially 
was  the  Five- Year  Plan  absurd,  etc.  And  finally, 
when  the  great  new  plants  were  built  and  their 
existence  impossible  to  ignore,  the  capitalist  apolo- 
gists, with  a  myriad  voices,  declared  that  the  work- 
ers never  could  learn  to  operate  these  modern 

But  the  workers  have  overcome  all  these  "im- 
possibilities." One  of  the  most  stubborn  of  all  the 
problems  they  have  had  to  meet  is  that  of  securing 
an  adequate  supply  of  reliable  managers,  engi- 
neers, technicians  and  skilled  workers,  of  building 

i6  Russia  in  the  Shadows. 


up  whole  new  industrial  cadres.  This  problem  has 
been  attacked  in  various  ways;  the  old  engineers 
have  been  disciplined  and  paid  highly,  foreign  spe- 
cialists have  been  brought  in,  including  many 
Americans;  but  the  basic  approach  to  the  problem 
is  the  education  of  new  cadres  of  industrial  tech- 
nicians. This  is  being  done  on  a  huge  scale.  In 
1931  there  were  21,000  engineers  and  technicians 
graduated;  in  1932  there  will  be  38,000.  In  1932 
it  is  planned  to  graduate  from  technical  colleges 
and  schools  of  all  kinds  175,000,  from  "rabfaks" 
(workers'  faculties)  121,000,  from  factory  schools 
364,000.  By  the  end  of  1932  there  will  be  a  grand 
total  of  4,000,000  students  in  technical  colleges, 
rabfaks,  factory  schools,  etc.,  as  against  2,700,000 
in  1931.  One  of  the  most  striking  developments 
in  this  direction  is  the  Society  of  Worker  Inventors, 
with  700,000  members,  at  the  recent  Congress  of 
which  the  slogan  was  put  forward  of,  "Save  one 
billion  rubles  for  the  U.S.S.R.  in  1932." 

In  the  second  Five- Year  Plan  it  is  planned  to 
train  1,500,000  technicians  and  specialists  and  to 
give  technical  instruction  to  from  six  to  seven  mil- 
lion workers.  Such  measures  have  cracked  the 
backbone  of  this  gigantic  problem.  But  the  need 
for  skilled  technical  help  in  the  Soviet  Union  is  still 
a  burning  one.  The  Americans  and  other  foreign 
engineers  will  play  an  important  role  for  some  time 
to  come;  but  the  Russians  themselves,  with  their 
gigantic  educational  program,  are  settling  defi- 


nitely  the  "totally  insoluble"  problem  of  the  indus- 
trial technician  by  the  creation  of  a  full  supply  of 
Red  factory  administrators  and  engineers,  skilled 
workers,  etc.,  out  of  the  Russian  working  class. 

In  Feb.,  1931,  Stalin,  at  a  great  national  work- 
ers' production  congress,  declared : 

"The  Bolsheviks  mu$t  become  masters  of  technique  ! 
It  is  said  that  technique  is  difficult.  Untrue  1  There  are 
no  fortresses  that  Bolsheviks  cannot  capture.  We  have 
solved  a  series  of  most  formidable  problems.  We  have 
overthrown  capitalism.  We  have  seized  power.  We 
have  built  up  a  mighty  Socialist  industry.  We  have 
turned  the  middle  peasant  towards  Socialism.  The  most 
important  task  of  our  construction  we  have  accomplished. 
Not  much  is  left  to  do ;  to  gain  technique,  to  master 
science.  And  when  this  is  achieved,  our  pace  shall  be- 
come such  as  we  dare  not  even  dream  of  at  present." 

Events  are  proving  Stalin  right  and  the  pes- 
simists wrong.  The  workers  are  refuting  in  prac- 
tice the  capitalist  assertions  that  they  cannot 
operate  the  new  plants  being  built  under  the 
Five- Year  Plan.  The  huge  problem  of  taking 
raw  peasants  from  the  fields  and  putting  them  to 
operate  the  latest  type  of  modern  industry  clearly 
is  being  solved.  Likewise  that  of  combining 
democracy  and  efficiency  in  the  industries.  The 
productivity  of  Russian  workers  is  rapidly  rising, 
a  34%  increase  in  three  years.  Small  wonder  in- 
deed, with  the  newness  of  mass  production  in  the 
U.S.S.R.,  that  there  were  initial  difficulties  in 


putting  into  full  production  such  great  plants  as 
that  in  Stalingrad. 

The  New  York  Times,  Dec.  1,  1931,  declares: 
"The  Stalingrad  plant  began  work  with  10,000 
hands,  a  great  majority  of  whom  were  peasants, 
mostly  illiterate,  many  of  whom  had  never  seen 
a  machine."  It  is  in  the  face  of  such  unparalleled 
difficulties  that  the  Russian  workers  are  building 
Socialism.  And  what  has  since  happened  in  this 
plant,  the  "failure"  of  which  was  gleefully  hailed 
all  over  the  capitalist  world  ?  Duranty  says  fur- 
ther: "In  Stalingrad  today  the  latest  American 
machinery  is  being  handled  by  girls  of  20  no  less 
efficiently  than  by  men  in  the  factories  of  Detroit." 
The  official  production  records  show  for  the  latter 
months  of  1931:  Aug.  1866  tractors,  Sept.  2151, 
Dec.  2735,  Feb.  2875,  thus  bringing  the  plant  to 
a  full  program  basis.  Ford  recently  praised  the 
quality  of  these  tractors. 

"According  to  the  Plan,  the  Azneft  oil  fields 
were  supposed  to  reach  American  rapidity  of  drill- 
ing only  at  the  end  of  the  Five- Year  Plan  (1933). 
Several  shock-fields,  however,  caught  up  to  the 
American  rates  in  the  latter  quarter  of  1930,"  says 
the  USSR  in  Construction,  No.  12. 

In  the  other  great  industries  and  modern  works 
the  same  record  is  to  be  found.  Many  difficulties 
are  still  encountered,  as  for  example  recently  in 
the  Nizhni-Novgorod  automobile  plant,  but  these 
are  chiefly  local  in  character  and  are  soon  over- 


come.  Duranty  says  (New  York  Times,  Jan.  2, 
1932),  "1931  did  for  the  first  time  demonstrate 
that  the  Soviet  Union  not  only  could  build  great 
producing  units  but  could  operate  them  success- 
fully." And  lo,  another  great  capitalist  "impos- 
sibility" has  gone  to  smash  in  the  face  of  the 
revolution.  Almost  overnight  the  Russian  work- 
ers have  mastered  mass  production.  The  whole 
history  of  capitalist  development  cannot  register 
an  equal  achievement. 

But  the  extra-special,  grand  "impossibility" 
confronting  the  revolution  was  to  win  the  peas- 
antry to  Socialism.  This,  indeed,  it  was  said,  was 
utterly  out  of  the  question.  The  great  masses  of 
farmers,  making  up  an  overwhelming  majority  of 
the  population,  were  hopelessly  attached  to  the 
institutions  of  private  property  and  bred-in-the- 
bone  enemies  of  Socialism.  Sooner  or  later  they 
were  bound  to  organize  and  drown  out  the  Com- 
munist party  and  all  its  works. 

How  the  world  capitalists  and  their  Socialist 
allies  gloated  over  this  prospect ;  how  they  depended 
upon  the  peasants  as  their  great  ace-in-the-hole. 
But  alas,  it  was  not  to  be;  the  Russian  workers  and 
peasants  also  found  the  answer  to  this  terrific 
problem  in  the  gigantic  growth  of  collectivized 
farming.  This  has  not  only  won  the  masses  of 
middle  peasants  for  Socialism  but  has  enabled  the 
practical  liquidation  of  the  rich  kulaks  as  a  class. 

Driven  from  one  propaganda  "impossibility"  to 


another  by  the  achievements  of  the  revolution, 
capitalist  apologists  are  now  hard-pressed  to  find 
new  "arguments."  An  example  of  their  bank- 
ruptcy was  given  by  Isaac  Don  Levine  in  a  recent 
series  of  sensationalized  articles  in  the  New  York 
American.  The  thesis  of  Levine  is  that  the  capi- 
talists should  not  worry  over  the  successes  of  the 
Five- Year  Plan  because  the  Soviet  Union  has  no 
basic  natural  resources  anyhow  and  the  whole  busi- 
ness is  hollow  and  unimportant.  Levine,  after  a 
reckless  twisting,  misrepresenting  and  distorting 
of  official  Soviet  reports,  says:  "Singularly  poor  in 
iron,  copper,  gold  and  silver,  the  Soviet  Union 
lacks  the  four  essential  metals  for  the  attainment 
of  the  goals  set  by  Stalin's  jazzed  edition  of  the 
Five- Year  Plan."  He  says  further:  "The  iron 
found  above  ground  in  America  in  the  form  of  ma- 
chinery, buildings  and  equipment,  exceeds  all  the 
reserves,  visible  and  possible,  in  the  immense  terri- 
tory of  the  Soviet  Union."  Then  he  goes  on  to 
negate  the  supply  of  coal  and  water  power  in  the 
Soviet  Union,  to  belittle  its  oil  and  timber  reserves, 
etc.,  reducing  the  U.S.S.R.  to  a  beggarly  country 
indeed  in  point  of  resources. 

Now  what  are  the  facts  ?  First  of  all,  it  must 
be  borne  in  mind  that  the  U.S.S.R.  has  been  as 
yet  but  sketchily  prospected  for  its  mineral  wealth. 
It  is  only  now  that  this  work  is  being  systematically 
undertaken,  and  almost  daily  reports  arrive  of  the 
discovery  of  new  resources.  Already,  with  vast 


regions  still  practically  unexplored,  the  U.S.S.R. 
has  known  raw  materials  resources  of  gigantic,  if 
not  unequalled  proportions.  It  has  a  super- 
abundance of  practically  all  the  basic  materials 
necessary  for  the  building  of  a  great  industrial 

(1)  Coal:  by  1930  the  known  coal  deposits  of  the 
U.S.S.R.  were  conservatively  estimated  at  700 
billion  tons,  putting  it  fourth  as  a  coal  country. 
Besides  this,  however,  there  are  rich,  undeveloped 
deposits  in  Siberia,  stretching  over  an  area  as  large 
as  Belgium.  (2)  Oil:  the  U.S.S.R.  is  the  first 
country  with  regard  to  oil  reserves,  containing 
35  %  of  known  world  supplies  and  with  new  fields 
being  discovered  from  time  to  time.  (3)  Water 
power:  already,  as  we  have  seen,  the  second  Five- 
Year  Plan  definitely  provides  for  a  greater  elec- 
trical power  development  than  that  of  the  United 
States,  the  most  of  it  from  water  projects,  and 
with  much  still  undeveloped.  The  Angara  River 
power  possibilities  are  30  times  as  much  as  the 
great  Dnieperstroy.  (4)  Iron:  the  largest  iron 
ore  deposits  in  the  world  are  the  new  Kursk  fields ; 
Prof.  Gubkin  (Soviet  Yearbook,  1930),  estimates 
these  at  40  billion  tons  of  high  class  ore,  and  says, 
"Preliminary  computations  permit  us  to  conjec- 
ture that  the  Kursk  iron  ores  will  probably  double 
the  known  world  resources  of  iron  ore."  (5)  Cop- 
per: until  recently  the  known  supplies  were  lim- 
ited; but  large  deposits  have  lately  been  found  in 


Kazakstan,  and  in  Feb.,  1932,  a  great  new  field 
was  reported  from  the  Okhostk-Udsk  region,  with 
deposits  of  rich  quality  and  extending  over  20 
square  kilometers.  (6)  Manganese:  of  this  metal 
the  U.S.S.R.  contains  the  world's  greatest  deposits. 
(7)  Platinum:  same  as  in  case  of  manganese. 

(9)  Gold:  important  new  fields  have  heen  found 
which  will  make  U.S.S.R.  a  chief  world  producer. 

(10)  Silver:  a  weak  spot  but  new  developments 
are    extending    production.     (11)     Timber:    the 
U.S.S.R.  has  the  greatest  body  of  standing  timber 
in  the  world.     The  bourgeoisie,  seeking  reasons 
why  "it  cannot  be  done,"  will  have  to  look  in  some 
other    direction    than    that    of    supplies    of    raw 

The  capitalist  arguments  that  "it  is  impossible" 
also  found  their  echoes  within  the  Communist  party 
of  the  Soviet  Union,  where  they  reflected  the 
despair  of  the  defeated  and  declining  capitalist 
remnants  in  the  U.S.S.R.  Their  outspoken  rep- 
resentative was  Trotzky.  He  formulated  theories 
that  it  was  impossible  to  build  Socialism  in  one 
country  —  that  first  the  world  revolution  was  nec- 
essary; that  the  Party  was  degenerating  and  sur- 
rendering to  a  rapid  growth  of  capitalist  elements 
in  city  and  country;  that  the  Socialist  industry 
development  was  destined  to  go  on  in  a  declining 
curve  of  new  production;  that  the  Soviet  Union 
had  abandoned  the  world  revolution,  etc.  The 
logic  of  his  position  would  have  led  to  the  precipi- 


tation  of  abortive  and  fatal  Communist  revolts 
abroad  and  disastrous  civil  war  at  home  against 
the  great  middle  masses  of  peasants.  All  this 
would  have  surely  defeated  the  revolution. 

Such,  in  brief,  was  the  "left"  deviation,  which 
was  Menshevism  in  thin  disguise,  an  opportunist 
retreat  from  the  hard  struggle  under  cover  of 
"left"  phrases.  Then  there  was  the  openly  right 
deviation,  led  by  Bukharin,  Rykov  and  Tomsky. 
The  rights  were  alarmed  at  the  rapid  speed  of  in- 
dustrialization; they  were  frightened  at  the  sharp 
class  struggle  against  the  kulaks;  they  feared  the 
workers  would  not  stand  the  strain  of  carrying  out 
the  Five- Year  Plan;  they  believed  it  impossible  to 
raise  the  gigantic  amounts  of  necessary  capital  in 
the  face  of  the  world  capitalist  financial  blockade 
against  the  Soviet  Union;  they  scoffed  at  the  pros- 
pect of  building  the  State  farms  and  collectives. 
As  a  result  of  their  wrong  analysis,  they  wanted  to 
make  concessions  to  the  kulaks  and  to  slow  down 
the  fast  tempo  of  industrialization.  This,  like 
Trotzky's  plans,  would  have  been  a  fatal  error.  It 
would  have  strengthened  the  capitalist  elements  in 
the  U.S.S.R.  and  disastrously  checked  the  growth 
of  Socialism. 

The  capitalist  world  was  filled  with  great  hope 
by  the  development  of  these  deviations,  which  were 
the  subject  of  wide  discussion  in  the  Russian  Com- 
munist party  from  1926-29.  Surely  now,  it  was 
said,  the  Party  will  be  split  and  the  Soviet  govern- 


ment  disastrously  weakened,  if  not  overthrown. 
But  again  their  hopes  came  to  naught.  Under  the 
leadership  of  the  Central  Committee  so  ably  headed 
by  Stalin,  the  Party  masses,  supported  by  the 
working  class  generally,  rejected  and  completely 
crushed  first  Trotzkyism  and  then  the  openly  right 
deviation.  Trotzky  later  developed  a  definitely 
counter-revolutionary  position;  he  is  now  capital- 
ism's chief  maligner  and  slanderer  of  the  Soviet 
Union,  the  whole  bourgeois  press  being  open  and 
willing  to  pay  for  his  attacks  upon  the  Party  and 
the  U.S.S.R. 

Life  has  fully  justified  the  position  of  the  Party 
in  these  historic  controversies.  The  final  answer  to 
both  the  "left"  and  right  deviations  is  the  tremen- 
dous success  of  the  Five-Year  Plan,  with  its 
gigantic  growth  of  Socialist  industry  and  collectiv- 
ized farming,  burning  enthusiasm  of  the  workers, 
rising  living  standards  of  the  toiling  masses,  the 
winning  of  the  middle  peasants  for  Socialism,  the 
practical  liquidation  of  the  kulaks  and  nepmen, 
the  great  perspectives  opened  up  by  the  second 
Five-Year  Plan,  the  growing  world  prestige  and 
revolutionizing  effect  of  the  Soviet  Union  upon 
the  enslaved  masses  in  all  countries,  and,  in  conse- 
quence of  all  this,  the  greatest  degree  of  unity  that 
the  Russian  Communist  party  has  ever  known. 

The  building  of  Socialism  in  the  Soviet  Union 
still  confronts  many  great  problems.  And  the 
Socialist  system  there  will  continue  to  face  grave 


dangers  and  difficulties  until  the  world  power  of 
the  bourgeoisie  is  broken  by  the  world's  workers. 
But  its  inner  problems  are  those  of  a  successful, 
growing  new  social  order.  Socialism  in  the  U.S. 
S.R.  has  definitely  proved  its  soundness.  At  the 
XVI  Party  Congress  Stalin  thus  put  the  question : 

"When  we  speak  of  our  difficulties,  we  have  in  view  not 
decline  and  not  stagnation  in  our  development,  but  the 
growth  of  our  forces,  the  surging  upwards  of  our  forces, 
the  forward  march,  of  our  economy.  How  many  points 
to  advance  by  a  given  date,  by  what  percentage  to  in- 
crease our  output,  how  many  more  million  hectares  to 
sow,  how  many  months  earlier  than  the  plan  to  build  a 
works,  a  factory,  a  railway  —  our  difficulties,  in  contra- 
distinction to  the  difficulties  of,  say,  America  or  Britain, 
are  difficulties  of  growth,  difficulties  of  progress." 

Socialism  and  Communism 

THE  FINAL  aim  of  the  Communist  International  is 
to  overthrow  world  capitalism  and  replace  it  by 
world  Communism,  "the  basis  for  which  has  been 
laid  by  the  whole  course  of  historical  development." 
On  this  the  Program  of  the  Communist  Interna- 
tional says : 

"Communist  society  will  abolish  the  class  division  of 
society,  i.e.,  simultaneously  with  the  anarchy  in  produc- 
tion, it  will  abolish  all  forces  of  exploitation  and  oppres- 
sion of  man  by  man.  Society  will  no  longer  consist  of 
antagonistic  classes  in  conflict  with  each  other,  but  will 
represent  a  united  commonwealth  of  labor.  For  the  first 


time  in  its  history  mankind  will  take  its  fate  into  its  own 
hands.  Instead  of  destroying  innumerable  human  lives 
and  incalculable  wealth  in  struggles  between  classes  and 
nations,  mankind  will  devote  all  its  energies  to  the  strug- 
gle against  the  forces  of  nature,  to  the  development  and 
strengthening  of  its  own  collective  might." 

The  future  Communist  society  will  be  Stateless. 
With  private  property  in  industry  and  land  abol- 
ished (but,  of  course,  not  in  articles  of  personal 
use) ,  with  exploitation  of  the  toilers  ended,  and  with 
the  capitalist  class  finally  defeated  and  all  classes 
liquidated,  there  will  then  be  no  further  need  for 
the  State,  which  in  its  essence,  is  an  organ  of  class 
repression.  The  revolutionary  State  of  the  period 
of  transition  from  capitalism  to  Communism,  the 
dictatorship  of  the  proletariat,  will,  in  the  words  of 
Engels,  "wither  away"  and  be  replaced  by  a  scien- 
tific technical  "administration  of  things."  The 
present  planning  boards  in  the  Soviet  Union  are 
forerunners  of  such  a  Stateless  society. 

Under  Communism  the  guiding  principle  will  be: 
"From  each  according  to  his  ability,  to  each  accord- 
ing to  his  needs."  That  is,  the  distribution  of  life 
necessities  —  food,  clothing,  shelter,  education,  etc. 
—  will  be  free,  without  let  or  hindrance.  Commu- 
nist production,  carried  out  upon  the  most  efficient 
basis  and  freed  from  the  drains  of  capitalist  ex- 
ploiters, will  provide  such  an  abundance  of  neces- 
sary commodities  that  there  will  be  plenty  for  all 
with  a  minimum  of  effort.  There  will  then  be  no 


need  for  pinch-penny  measuring  and  weighing. 
Proletarian  discipline  and  solidarity  will  be  quite 
sufficient  to  prevent  possible  idlers  from  taking 
advantage  of  this  free  regime  of  distribution  by 
either  refusing  to  work  or  by  unsocial  wasting. 

The  Communist  system  will  bring  the  greatest 
advance  in  culture  and  general  well-being  of  the 
masses  in  the  history  of  the  human  race.  The 
present  progress  in  the  Soviet  Union  in  this  re- 
spect is  only  a  bare  indication  of  the  tremendous 
developments  to  come.  Industry,  freed  from  capi- 
talist anarchy  and  exploitation,  will  develop  a  high 
efficiency  and  lay  the  basis  for  genuine  mass  pros- 
perity. Culture,  emancipated  from  bourgeois 
class  ends,  will  become  the  property  of  the  masses 
and  pass  to  new  and  higher  levels. 

The  road  to  this  social  development  can  only  be 
opened  by  revolution.  This  is  because  the  question 
of  power  is  involved.  The  capitalist  class,  like  an 
insatiable  blood-sucker,  hangs  to  the  body  of  the 
toiling  masses  and  can  be  dislodged  only  by  force. 
But  when  the  workers  have  conquered  power,  how- 
ever, then  the  way  is  clear  for  an  orderly  de- 
velopment of  society  by  a  process  of  evolution. 
Naturally,  even  after  capitalism  has  been  over- 
thrown and  the  power  taken  by  the  workers,  society 
cannot  simply  leap  to  a  complete  Communist  sys- 
tem. There  are  stages  of  development  to  be  gone 
through.  The  first  of  these  is  the  transition  period 
from  the  overthrow  of  capitalism  to  the  establish- 


ment  of  Socialism;  then  there  is  the  period  of 
Socialism,  which  is  the  first  phase  of  Communism. 
The  complete  realization  of  Socialism  and  Com- 
munism in  any  country  implies  the  defeat  of  the 
world  bourgeoisie. 

The  Soviet  Union  has  been  passing  through  the 
transition  period  from  the  overthrow  of  capitalism 
to  the  establishment  of  Socialism.  It  has  been 
laying  the  economic  and  social  foundations  of 
Socialism  by  the  building  of  a  great  system  of 
socialized  industry  and  agriculture,  by  raising  the 
living  and  cultural  standards  of  the  toiling  masses, 
by  decisively  defeating  the  nepmen  and  kulaks, 
remnants  of  the  old  exploiting  classes.  The  foun- 
dations of  the  Socialist  economy  are  being  com- 
pleted with  the  carrying  out  of  the  Five-Year 
Plan.  Capitalism  has  been  decisively  defeated  in 
the  Soviet  Union.  Molotov  says:  "The  funda- 
mental Leninist  question  'who  will  beat  whom'  has 
been  decided  against  capitalism  and  in  favor  of 

The  second  Five-Year  Plan  carries  the  Soviet 
Union  definitely  into  the  period  of  Socialism;  the 
resolution  of  the  XVII  conference  of  the  Com- 
munist party  of  the  Soviet  Union  says :  "The  funda- 
mental political  task  of  the  second  Five-Year  Plan 
is  the  final  liquidation  of  the  capitalist  class  and  of 
classes  in  general,  the  complete  removal  of  the 
causes  which  produce  class  differences  and  exploi- 
tation, the  overcoming  of  the  remnants  of  capital- 


ism  in  economy  and  in  the  minds  of  the  people,  the 
conversion  of  the  whole  of  the  working  population 
of  the  country  into  conscious  and  active  builders 
of  the  classless  Socialist  society."  But,  says  Molo- 
tov,  the  stage  of  Socialism,  "will  not  by  a  long  way 
be  ended  in  the  second  five-year  period." 

On  the  general  characteristics  of  the  Socialist 
stage  of  development  and  its  relation  to  Com- 
munism, the  Program  of  the  Communist  Inter- 
national says : 

"This  higher  stage  of  Communism,  the  stage  in  which 
Communist  society  has  already  developed  on  its  own 
foundations,  in  which  an  enormous  growth  of  social  pro- 
ductive forces  has  accompanied  the  manifold  development 
of  man  —  pre-supposes,  as  an  historical  condition  prece- 
dent, a  lower  stage  of  development,  the  stage  of  Socialism. 
At  this  lower  stage  Communist  society  only  just  emerges 
from  capitalist  society  and  bears  all  the  economic,  ethical 
and  intellectual  birthmarks  it  has  inherited  from  the 
society  from  whose  womb  it  is  just  emerging.  The  pro- 
ductive forces  of  Socialism  are  not  yet  sufficiently  de- 
veloped to  assure  a  distribution  of  products  of  labor 
according  to  needs ;  these  are  distributed  according  to 
the  amount  of  labor  expended.  Division  of  labor,  i.e.,  the 
system  whereby  certain  groups  perform  certain  labor 
functions,  and  especially  the  distinction  between  mental 
and  manual  labor,  still  exists.  Although  classes  are 
abolished,  traces  of  the  old  class  divisions  of  society,  and, 
consequently,  remnants  of  the  proletarian  State  power, 
coercion,  laws,  still  exist.  Consequently,  certain  traces 
of  inequality  which  have  not  yet  managed  to  die  out 
altogether,  still  remain.  The  antagonism  between  town 


and  country  has  not  yet  been  entirely  removed.  But  none 
of  these  survivals  of  former  society  is  protected  or  de- 
fended by  any  social  force.  Being  the  product  of  a 
definite  level  of  productive  forces,  they  will  disappear 
as  rapidly  as  mankind,  freed  from  the  fetters  of  the  capi- 
talist system,  subjugates  the  forces  of  nature,  re- 
educates itself  in  the  spirit  of  Communism,  and  passes 
from  Socialism  to  complete  Communism." 

The  Dictatorship  of  the  Proletariat 

THE  PROLETARIAN  revolution  marks  the  birth  of  real 
democracy.  For  the  first  time  the  toiling  masses 
become  free.  Under  chattel  slavery,  feudalism 
and  capitalism  they  were  oppressed  and  enslaved, 
merely  the  forms  of  this  slavery  changing  with  the 
varying  modes  of  exploitation.  All  the  capitalist 
"democracies,"  the  United  States  included,  are 
only  the  dictatorship  of  the  bourgeoisie,  masked 
with  hypocritical  democratic  pretenses.  But  the 
proletarian  revolution,  by  doing  away  with  private 
ownership  of  the  social  means  of  production  and 
distribution  and  by  abolishing  the  exploitation  of 
the  toilers,  destroys  the  very  foundations  of  en- 
slavement and  lays  the  groundwork  for  the  estab- 
lishment of  a  true  democracy  in  which  there  are 
neither  oppressors  nor  oppressed. 

The  first  form  of  the  new  toilers'  democracy 
after  the  overthrow  of  capitalism  is  the  dictatorship 
of  the  proletariat.  Of  this  type  of  State  Marx 


said,  with  wonderful  penetration,  over  two  genera- 
tions ago: 

"Between  capitalist  and  Communist  society  there  lies  a 
period  of  revolutionary  transformation  from  the  former 
to  the  latter.  A  stage  of  political  transition  corresponds 
to  this  period,  and  the  State  during  this  period  can  be 
no  other  than  the  revolutionary  dictatorship  of  the  pro- 

The  dictatorship  of  the  proletariat,  unlike  the 
capitalist  dictatorship,  makes  no  pretenses  of  being 
an  all-class  democracy,  a  democracy  of  both  ex- 
ploiters and  exploited.  It  is  frankly  a  democracy 
of  the  toiling  masses,  directed  against  the  ex- 
ploiters. Its  freedom  is  only  for  useful  producers, 
not  for  social  parasites.  Lenin,  writing  before  the 
Russian  revolution,  says:  "Together  with  an  im- 
mense expansion  of  democracy  —  for  the  first  time 
becoming  democracy  of  the  poor,  democracy  of  the 
people  and  not  democracy  of  the  rich  folk  —  the 
dictatorship  of  the  proletariat  will  produce  a  whole 
series  of  restrictions  of  liberty  in  the  case  of  the 
oppressors,  exploiters  and  capitalists." 

The  dictatorship  of  the  proletariat,  or  the  Work- 
ers' and  Farmers'  government,  is  a  kind  of  State. 
Lenin  thus  defines  a  State:  "The  State  is  a  par- 
ticular form  of  organization  of  force;  it  is  the  or- 
ganization of  violence  for  the  holding  down  of  some 
class."  Thus  the  capitalist  State,  strong  right  arm 
of  the  bourgeoisie,  has  as  its  basic  function,  the 

17  The  State  and  Revolution,  p.  90. 


holding  by  force  of  the  working  class  under  capi- 
talist exploitation.  But,  Lenin  goes  on  to  ex- 
plain: "What  is  the  class  which  the  proletariat  must 
hold  down?  It  can  only  be,  naturally,  the  exploit- 
ing class,  i.e.,  the  bourgeoisie."  The  fundamental 
difference  between  the  capitalist  State  and  the  dic- 
tatorship of  the  proletariat,  however,  is  that  the 
former  is  the  rule  of  a  small,  exploiting  minority, 
and  it  perpetuates  this  rule  by  force  and  dema- 
gogy; while  the  latter  is  the  rule  of  the  great  toil- 
ing majority  and  it  directs  its  power  towards 
abolishing  every  form  of  exploitation  and  the 
liquidation  of  the  exploiting  classes.  The  Pro- 
gram of  the  Communist  International  says : 

"The  dictatorship  of  the  proletariat  is  a  continuation 
of  the  class  struggle  under  new  conditions.  The  dicta- 
torship of  the  proletariat  is  a  stubborn  fight  —  bloody  and 
bloodless,  violent  and  peaceful,  military  and  economic, 
pedagogical  and  administrative  —  against  the  remnants 
of  the  exploiting  classes  within  the  country,  against  the 
upshoots  of  the  new  bourgeoisie  that  spring  up  on  the 
basis  of  the  still  prevailing  commodity  production.'* 

To  establish  the  dictatorship  of  the  proletariat 
it  is  not  merely  a  question  of  making  over  the  de- 
feated capitalist  government.  Engels  states  in  his 
1888  preface  to  the  Communist  Manifesto:  "One 
thing  especially  was  proved  by  the  (Paris)  Com- 
mune, viz.,  that  the  working  class  cannot  simply  lay 
hold  of  the  ready-made  State  machinery  and  wield 
it  for  its  own  purposes."  The  capitalist  State 


must  be  broken  down  and  the  Workers'  State  built 
from  the  ground  up  on  entirely  different  princi- 
ples, and  this  was  done  in  the  U.S.S.R,.  In  doing 
so  it  has  been  necessary  to  set  up  a  powerful  Red 
Army  and  the  well-known  O.G.P.U.  to  defend 
the  revolution  against  the  capitalist  attacks  from 
within  and  without. 

The  dictatorship  of  the  proletariat  is  the  demo- 
cratic rule  of  the  toiling  masses,  with  the  working 
class  in  the  lead,  developing  the  revolutionary 
program  and  forming  the  core  of  the  revolutionary 
organization.  The  Program  of  the  Communist  In- 
ternational says : 

"The  dictatorship  of  the  proletariat  implies  that  the 
industrial  workers  alone  are  capable  of  leading  the  entire 
mass  of  the  toilers.  On  the  other  hand,  while  represent- 
ing the  dictatorship  of  a  single  class,  the  dictatorship  of 
the  proletariat  at  the  same  time  represents  a  special  form 
of  class  alliance  between  the  proletariat,  as  the  vanguard 
of  the  toiling  masses,  and  the  numerous  non-proletarian 
sections  of  the  toiling  masses,  or  the  majority  of  them. 
It  represents  an  alliance  for  the  complete  overthrow  of 
capital,  for  the  complete  suppression  of  the  opposition 
of  the  bourgeoisie  and  its  attempts  at  restoration,  an 
alliance  aiming  at  the  complete  building  up  and  consoli- 
dation of  Socialism." 

Only  when  the  capitalist  class  is  decisively  beaten 
on  a  national  and  international  scale  and  class  lines 
finally  broken  down  will  the  workers'  need  for  a 
State  die  out  and  the  proletarian  dictatorship 
"wither  away."  Under  the  classless,  Stateless 


regime  of  Communism  there  will  exist  a  broad  and 
genuine  freedom  such  as  the  world  heretofore  has 
not  even  remotely  approached.  Lenin  says  in  his 
The  State  and  Revolution,  p.  91 : 

"Only  then  will  be  possible  and  will  be  realized  a  really 
full  democracy,  a  democracy  without  any  exceptions. 
And  only  then  will  democracy  itself  begin  to  wither  away 
in  virtue  of  the  simple  fact  that,  freed  from  capitalist 
slavery,  from  the  innumerable  horrors,  savagery,  absurdi- 
ties, and  infamies  of  capitalist  exploitation,  people  will 
gradually  become  accustomed  to  the  observance  of  the 
elementary  rules  of  social  life,  known  for  centuries,  re- 
peated for  thousands  of  years  in  all  sermons.  They  will 
become  accustomed  to  their  observance  without  force, 
without  constraint,  without  subjection,  without  the  spe- 
cial apparatus  for  compulsion  which  is  called  the  State." 

The  government  of  the  Soviet  Union  is  a  dicta- 
torship of  the  proletariat,  or  rule  of  the  workers. 
For  the  toiling  masses  of  factory  and  farm  it  es- 
tablishes a  genuine  democracy,  a  democracy  totally 
different  from  and  incomparably  in  advance  of  the 
so-called  democracy  of  the  capitalist  countries. 
But,  as  we  have  remarked,  this  democracy  does  not 
extend  to  the  exploiting  classes,  or  rather  what  is 
left  of  them.  The  Soviet  government,  as  a  Work- 
ers' State,  is  liquidating  these  classes  and  the  whole 
system  of  robbery  upon  which  their  rule  was  based. 
The  economic  and  political  power  of  the  big  capi- 
talists and  landlords  has  been  completely  shattered 
and  they  no  longer  exist  as  a  class ;  now  the  kulaks 
(rich  farmers)  and  nepmen  (petty  traders)  are 


going  the  same  way  into  social  oblivion  as  classes. 
All  this  has  not  been  accomplished  without  the 
sharpest  struggle  which,  in  its  early  stages, 
amounted  to  civil  war.  But  the  current  blood- 
curdling stories  of  violence  and  persecution  are 
gross  fabrications,  circulated  by  capitalist  agents 
to  discredit  the  Soviet  Union  in  the  eyes  of  the 
world's  toilers. 

Citizenship  in  the  Soviet  democracy  is  based 
upon  work,  only  those  doing  useful  labor  being 
allowed  to  vote.  The  parasitic  remnants,  such  as 
ex-nobles,  Czarist  officers,  landlords,  capitalists, 
clericals,  etc.,  are  disfranchised.  There  are  no 
qualifications  of  sex,  nationality,  residence,  etc.; 
whoever  works  can  vote.  The  Soviets  are  made 
up  of  representatives  coming  directly  from  the 
toiling  masses,  from  the  factories  and  the  villages. 
Not  wealth,  as  in  all  the  capitalist  countries,  but 
actual  service  to  society,  is  the  foundation  of  citi- 
zenship in  the  U.S.S.R. 

Not  only  in  politics  do  the  toiling  masses  exer- 
cise their  democracy,  but  also  in  every  field  of 
social  organization  and  activity.  The  trade  unions, 
based  upon  factory  committees,  establish  an  indus- 
trial democracy  completely  without  parallel  in  any 
other  part  of  the  world.  Even  in  the  realms  of 
art  and  science  and  literature,  the  influence,  direct 
and  indirect,  of  the  working  masses  in  the  factories 
and  fields  is  felt.  For  example,  the  formula- 
tion of  the  second  Five- Year  Plan  is  being  made 


on  the  basis  of  the  broadest  mass  discussion. 
Duranty  says,  (New  York  Times,  Mar.  5,  1932)  : 
"Every  stage  of  the  work  is  subjected  to  full  dis- 
cussion by  workers,  party  members,  executives  and 
government  officials."  In  no  country  in  the  world 
do  the  toilers  enjoy  such  free  speech,  right  of  or- 
ganization and  general  participation  in  every  social 
institution  as  in  the  Soviet  Union.  Tales  about 
the  personal  dictatorship  of  Stalin,  about  "forced 
labor,"  about  the  suppression  of  the  freedom  of 
the  masses,  are,  like  the  earlier  stories  about 
the  "nationalization  of  women,"  etc.,  plain  lies. 
Charges  by  enemies  that  the  Soviet  system  is  an 
oppressive  autocracy  conflict  fatally  with  their 
other  charges  that  there  is  so  much  democracy  in 
industry  that  it  interferes  with  efficiency. 

Lenin  says:  "The  Soviet  democracy  consists  of 
workers  organized  so  informally  that  for  the  first 
time  the  people  as  a  whole  are  learning  to  gov- 
ern." 18  To  carry  out  their  democratic  activities 
in  all  social  fields,  the  Russian  workers  and  peas- 
ants have  built  up  the  most  gigantic  mass  organiza- 
tions in  human  history.  These  stretch  over  all 
phases  of  the  economic,  political  and  social  life,  and 
are  of  decisive  influence.  Among  the  more  impor- 
tant of  them  are  the  Communist  organizations 
proper  (the  Party,  the  Youth  and  the  Pioneers) 
with  about  15,000,000  members  all  told,  the  trade 
unions  with  17,000,000,  and  the  consumers'  co- 

is  The  Soviets  at  Work. 


operatives  with  70,000,000.  Besides,  there  are 
many  more  vast  organizations  for  culture,  defense, 
sport,  aviation,  etc.,  containing  scores  of  millions 
of  members.  The  Soviet  electorate,  numbering 
85,000,000  voters,  is  by  far  the  largest  in  the  world. 
These  tremendous  mass  organizations  of  toilers, 
entirely  without  comparison  in  capitalist  countries, 
are  the  very  backbone  of  the  whole  Soviet  system. 
They  are  all  growing  very  rapidly,  an  example 
being  the  Party,  which  has  increased  seven-fold, 
from  440,000  members  to  2,800,000,  since  the  death 
of  Lenin. 

While  the  workers  in  all  capitalist  countries  face 
ever-increasing  tendencies  towards  Fascism  and 
the  denial  of  their  most  elementary  rights,  in  the 
Soviet  Union  the  workers  and  peasants  are  build- 
ing a  great  new  freedom.  In  the  comparison, 
fatal  to  the  world  capitalist  system,  of  the  decaying 
capitalism  as  against  the  rising  Socialism,  this  fact 
has  a  vital  significance  that  the  oppressed  toilers 
of  the  world  will  not  fail  to  understand.  It  is  one 
of  the  revolutionary  nails  that  are  being  driven  into 
the  coffin  of  moribund  capitalism. 

The  Communist  Party  of  the  Soviet  Union 

THE  LEADER  and  organizer  of  the  proletarian  dic- 
tatorship is  the  Communist  party.  In  a  Socialist 
society,  based  upon  the  workers  and  farmers  and 
where  the  aim  of  the  government  is  to  advance 


solely  the  interests  of  these  toiling  masses,  there 
is  room  for  only  one  Party,  the  Communist  Party. 
Of  course,  in  the  capitalist  countries  the  Socialists 
and  other  defenders  of  the  pseudo-democracy  of 
capitalism  protest  against  this  situation  and  de- 
mand the  right  of  political  organization  for  the 
remnants  of  the  old  exploiting  classes.  But  what 
stupidity  it  would  be  for  the  victorious  workers, 
whose  aim  it  is  to  liquidate  all  classes,  to  permit 
these  counter-revolutionary  elements  to  organize 
themselves  into  political  parties  and  thus  enable 
them  to  sabotage  the  new  regime,  to  fight  for  the  re- 
establishment  of  their  system  of  robbing  the  work- 
ers and  generally  to  act  as  a  barrier  to  the 
progress  of  the  new  society. 

It  is  a  capitalist  lie  that  pictures  the  Russian 
Communist  party  as  a  sort  of  clique  ruling  over 
the  masses.  On  the  contrary,  the  doors  of  the 
Party,  although  they  are  closed  against  the  rem- 
nants of  the  former  ruling  classes,  are  wide  open 
to  all  earnest  workers  and  poor  farmers  who  accept 
its  full  program  and  are  willing  to  perform  the 
hard  tasks  which  it  demands  of  its  members.  A 
great  mass  organization  itself  and  growing  by 
leaps  and  bounds,  the  Communist  party  gives  all 
possible  stimulation  to  the  other  vast  mass  organiza- 
tions which,  under  its  general  leadership,  are  the 
foundations  of  the  proletarian  democracy.  The 
toiling  masses  of  the  Soviet  Union  know  that  the 
Communist  party  is  their  great  leader  and  they 


give  it  their  enthusiastic  support.  They  have 
learned  from  long  years  of  the  bitterest  struggle 
any  people  has  ever  passed  through  that  the  Party 
of  Lenin  is  the  only  Party  of  the  revolution. 

The  Russian  Communist  party  is  unique  in 
function  and  structure.  As  the  Party  of  the  toil- 
ers it  has  the  responsibility  of  facing  and  solving 
every  major  problem  of  the  revolution.  It  is  the 
Communist  party  that  works  out  the  basic  line  of 
action  in  all  spheres  of  the  economic  and  political 
life.  As  the  crystallization  of  the  most  class  con- 
scious elements  of  the  toiling  masses,  it  gives  the 
revolutionary  lead  in  every  direction.  For  this 
purpose  its  structure  is  especially  adapted,  being 
based  upon  nuclei  (units)  in  the  shops,  villages, 
army,  trade  unions,  cooperatives,  schools,  Soviets 
and  every  other  institution.  It  is  thus  part  of  the 
very  flesh  and  bone  of  the  toilers  everywhere. 
Without  a  doubt,  the  Russian  Communist  party, 
with  its  manifold  tasks  and  roots  deep  into  the 
masses,  is  by  far  the  most  complicated  and  highest 
type  of  organization  ever  developed  by  mankind 
in  all  its  history. 

The  Communist  party  is  the  brain  and  heart  and 
nerves  of  the  Russian  revolution,  and  so  it  must 
be  in  any  proletarian  revolution.  It  makes  the 
most  severe  demands  upon  its  membership.  They 
must  be  models  of  proletarian  courage,  initiative, 
energy  and  resourcefulness.  They  are  the  leaven 
that  lightens  the  whole  lump.  In  the  bitter  civil 


war  they  were  the  leaders  and  inspirers  at  the  fight- 
ing front.  In  the  dark  period  of  the  great  hunger 
and  famine  it  was  the  Communists  who  set  the 
example  of  self-denial  and  encouragement  for  the 
masses.  And  now,  in  the  building  of  Socialism, 
it  is  they,  who,  in  the  face  of  incredible  obstacles, 
are  carrying  through  the  great  Five- Year  Plan  to 
success,  to  the  amazement  of  the  whole  capitalist 
world.  In  every  crisis  it  is  the  Communists  who 
fling  themselves  into  the  breach;  for  every  great 
problem  it  is  they  who  come  forward  with  the  solu- 
tion and  militantly  apply  it.  That  is  why  the 
Party  of  Lenin  stands  unchallenged  as  the  leader 
of  the  masses  in  the  Soviet  Union. 

The  Communist  party  of  the  U.S.S.R.  is  based 
upon  the  principles  of  democratic  centralism,  de- 
veloped by  Lenin.  That  is,  first  the  decision  is 
democratically  arrived  at  by  the  widest  mass  dis- 
cussion and  then,  the  discussion  closed,  the  policy 
is  executed  with  strong  discipline  and  the  mobiliza- 
tion of  all  possible  forces.  This  is  an  irresistible 
combination.  The  mass  discussion  lays  the  basis 
not  only  for  a  correct  decision  but  also  for  the  dis- 
cipline necessary  to  carry  it  through  effectively. 
The  Communist  party  of  the  Soviet  Union  is  in- 
comparably more  democratic  than  the  Socialist 
parties,  the  A.  F.  of  L.  and  other  conservative 
trade  unions  of  the  world.  These  organizations, 
with  their  hard  bureaucratic  ruling  cliques  and 
their  contempt  for  the  masses,  are  true  expressions 


of  the  autocratic  capitalist  system  of  which  they 
are  such  loyal  defenders.  The  Communist  party 
is  the  bearer  of  the  first  real  democracy  in  the  mod- 
ern world. 

A  recent  example  of  the  workings  of  Com- 
munist democratic  centralism  was  seen  in  con- 
nection with  the  struggle  against  Trotzkyism  and 
the  right  deviation.  These  issues  were  the  sub- 
jects of  the  broadest  mass  discussions,  no  other 
country  or  organization  in  the  world  has  seen  the 
like.  Not  only  the  Party  membership  but  millions 
of  other  workers  were  involved.  The  results  were 
briefly:  a  fundamental  and  mass  analysis  of  every 
angle  of  the  industrialization  and  other  problems 
confronting  the  U.S.S.R.;  the  crystallization  of  a 
clear  policy,  backed  by  a  solid  mass  opinion  united 
and  clarified  in  the  great  discussion;  the  over- 
whelming defeat  of  Trotzky  and  Bukharin,  both 
ideologically  and  by  the  almost  unanimous  vote  of 
the  workers;  the  achievement  of  an  unparalleled 
unification  of  the  Party;  and  finally,  the  building 
up  of  a  militant  and  intelligent  mass  discipline  and 
mobilization  of  forces  which  is  the  basis  of  the  ter- 
rific pace  in  carrying  through  the  Five- Year  Plan. 
Democratic  centralism,  the  expression  of  the  fun- 
damental democracy  of  the  workers  and  their  natu- 
ral discipline,  bodes  ill  for  the  capitalist  system. 

The  proof  of  the  effectiveness  of  the  Russian 
Communist  party  and  its  program  stands  amply 
demonstrated  by  life  itself.  It  is  the  Communist 


party  that  has  led  and  organized  the  toiling  masses 
to  the  accomplishment  of  all  the  "impossibilities" 
of  building  Socialism  in  the  Soviet  Union.  It  is 
the  Communist  parties  in  the  other  countries,  led 
by  the  Communist  International  and  supported  by 
the  masses,  that  will  strike  the  death-blow  to  world 
capitalism  and  build  Socialism  universally.  The 
Soviet  Union,  the  crystallization  of  the  Communist 
program  in  life,  and  the  shock-brigade  of  the  world 
proletariat,  rising  and  flourishing  with  its  great 
revolutionary  strength  in  the  midst  of  a  decaying, 
declining  capitalist  system,  is  the  hope  and  guar- 
antee of  a  new  life  for  the  starved  and  exploited 
of  the  earth. 



(a)    Quack  Capitalist  Economic  Remedies 

IN  CHAPTER  i  we  have  seen  that  the  capitalists  all 
over  the  world  try  to  find  a  way  out  of  the  crisis 
for  themselves  by  throwing  the  burden  of  the 
crisis  upon  the  workers  and  poor  farmers  through 
wage-cuts,  reductions  in  social  insurance,  speed-up 
in  industry,  lengthening  of  working  hours,  tax  laws 
directed  against  the  producers,  inflation  of  the  cur- 
rency, etc.,  by  intensifying  their  competition 
against  each  other  through  tariffs,  dumping,  rate 
wars,  etc.,  and  by  preparing  to  deluge  the  world 
with  a  new  blood-bath  of  war. 

This  is  the  main  line  of  capitalist  policy.  Be- 
sides, and  in  connection  with  it,  the  capitalists  have 
developed  a  whole  series  of  additional  "remedies" 
to  cure  the  economic  weaknesses  of  capitalism  and 
to  shield  the  capitalists  from  their  effects.  It  is 
with  these  measures  especially  that  we  shall  now 
deal.  They  have  to  do  with  both  of  the  major 
contradictions  of  capitalism;  the  economic  gap  be- 
tween the  producing  and  consuming  powers  of  the 
masses,  and  the  class  conflict  between  the  capital- 



ists  and  the  exploited  masses  of  workers  and  farm- 
ers. First  let  us  deal  with  those  of  an  economic 

The  Rationalization  of  Industry 

IN  THE  years  following  the  World  War  the  capi- 
talist countries,  under  stress  of  the  growing  eco- 
nomic crisis,  developed  a  world-wide  movement  for 
the  rationalization  of  industry.  In  this  the  United 
States  took  the  lead.  Mass  production,  the  speed- 
up in  industry,  became  the  cure-all  for  capitalism. 
Ford  was  worshipped  as  the  patron  saint  of  the 
capitalists  everywhere.  American  speed-up  meth- 
ods spread  themselves  throughout  the  capitalist 
world.  The  League  of  Nations  officially  supported 

True  to  their  role  as  "agents  of  the  bour- 
geoisie," the  Socialist  parties  in  the  various  coun- 
tries took  up  the  program  of  the  rationalization  of 
industry  and  made  a  fetish  of  it.  They  even  be- 
came more  enthusiastic  than  the  capitalists  them- 
selves. They  put  it  forward  to  the  masses  not  only 
as  the  way  to  capitalist  prosperity,  but  also  the 
golden  road  to  the  gradual  establishment  of  So- 
cialism. The  British  Labor  Party  and  trade 
unions  became  a  tail  to  the  speed-up  plans  of  Mond 
and  other  industrialists,  endorsing  the  League  of 
Nations'  rationalization  program,  the  first  pro- 
vision of  which  is  "to  secure  the  maximum  efficiency 
of  labor  with  the  minimum  of  effort."  The  Ger- 


man  Social  Democracy  was  no  whit  behind,  its 
unions  declaring  that:  "In  full  agreement  with  the 
memorandum  of  the  German  industrialists,  we  con- 
sider that  rationalization  is  the  most  important 
condition  for  the  well-being  of  the  nation."  The 
Socialist  party  of  the  United  States,  including  the 
Muste  "left"  group,  grew  no  less  enthusiastic  over 
this  bosses'  plan  to  still  more  sharply  exploit  the 

The  leaders  of  the  American  Federation  of 
Labor,  of  course,  fell  into  step  with  the  bosses  for 
the  rationalization  of  industry.  Their  main  pol- 
icy, variously  expressed  as  the  B.  &  O.  Plan,  the 
"higher  strategy  of  labor,"  and  the  "new  wage  pol- 
icy," was  collaboration  with  the  bosses  to  increase 
production.  Industrial  efficiency  became  the  tin 
god  of  trade  unionism.  Wm.  Green  said,  Ameri- 
can Federationist,  (Jan.,  1928) :  "The  Union  is  the 
workers'  business  agency  for  industrial  efficiency." 
The  trade  union  leaders  made  a  strong  plea  to  the 
capitalists  to  let  them  organize  their  workers  for 
joint  exploitation.  They  declared  that  the  labor 
movement  had  come  to  maturity;  the  class  struggle 
was  over;  class  consciousness  was  out-of-date;  now 
nothing  remained  to  do  but  cooperate  with  the 
capitalists  for  the  industrial  speed-up,  which  would 
automatically  benefit  everybody.  They  hired  ef- 
ficiency engineers  for  the  unions  and  set  out  arm- 
in-arm  with  the  employers  to  drive  the  workers 
ever  faster  in  industry. 


But  now  the  whole  rationalization  of  industry 
movement  is  ideologically  bankrupt.  While  the 
bosses,  of  course,  seek  to  increase  the  speed-up  in 
the  plants  that  are  operating,  it  is  patent  for  all 
who  have  eyes  to  see  that  it  offers  no  solution  for 
the  crisis.  The  entire  rationalization  of  industry 
philosophy  was  based  upon  the  illusion  that  capi- 
talist markets  automatically  extend  themselves  to 
absorb  capitalist  production.  But  in  reality  the 
rationalization  movement,  by  hugely  developing 
the  productivity  of  labor  while  the  consuming 
power  of  the  masses  lagged  far  behind,  greatly 
sharpened  the  major  contradiction  between  capi- 
talist production  and  markets,  and  it  was  one  of 
the  main  factors  in  bringing  about  the  present 
world-wide  economic  collapse.  That  which  was  to 
save  capitalism  just  about  ruined  it. 

The  American  "New  Capitalism" 

THE  RATIONALIZATION  movement  reached  its  high- 
est pitch  in  the  United  States.  Here  it  was  based 
on  the  principles  of  mass  production  and  "high" 
wages,  "protection"  and  inflation  of  the  home  mar- 
ket by  sky-high  tariffs  and  installment  buying,  and 
a  militant  imperialistic  drive  all  over  the  world  to 
conquer  markets  for  capital  and  other  commodi- 
ties. This  was  the  so-called  new  capitalism. 

This  "new  capitalism"  was  hailed  as  ushering  in 
a  new  era.     Its  proponents  declared  that  it  pro- 


vided  the  way  to  liquidate  the  conflict  between 
capitalist  production  and  exchange,  and  that,  con- 
sequently, it  had  solved  the  tormenting  cyclical 
crisis.  The  "new  capitalism"  was  to  abolish  pov- 
erty, to  do  away  with  the  class  struggle  and  to 
open  up  an  endless  perspective  of  industrial  devel- 
opment. Its  champions  boastfully  shouted  that 
Ford  had  hopelessly  beaten  Marx  and  that  there 
never  could  be  a  revolution  in  the  United  States. 
And  all  the  capitalist  world,  harassed  by  the  ever- 
encroaching  general  crisis,  looked  to  the  American 
capitalist  heaven  with  wonder  and  hope,  patterning 
after  it  as  best  they  could.  The  Social  Fascists 
of  the  world  hailed  the  movement  as  the  savior  of 
capitalism.  Even  in  the  ranks  of  the  American 
Communist  party  the  theory  found  expression; 
Lovestone,  later  expelled,  developing  the  notion 
that  American  capitalism  provided  an  exception  to 
the  general  laws  of  capitalism. 

But  what  a  sad  awakening  was  in  store.  The 
American  capitalist  dream  has  turned  into  a  dread- 
ful nightmare.  The  terrible  economic  crisis  is 
upon  us  again  and  with  more  devastating  effects 
than  ever  before.  It  is  exactly  in  the  United 
States  where  the  drop  in  production  has  been  most 
catastrophic,  where  the  army  of  the  unemployed  is 
the  largest.  Mass  production  has  flooded  the  lim- 
ited markets  with  a  tidal  wave  of  unsaleable  com- 
modities; "high"  wages  have  turned  out  to  be  a 
tragic  joke  in  the  face  of  the  gigantic  unemploy- 


ment  and  wholesale  wage-cuts.  The  "new  capi- 
talism" has  proved  itself  to  be  very  much  a  part 
of  the  old  capitalism  of  the  rest  of  the  world.  The 
savior  very  badly  needs  saving.  And  the  purse- 
proud  Ajnerican  businessman  is  humiliated  in  the 
eyes  of  the  whole  capitalist  world.  Indeed,  his 
erstwhile  admirer,  Mussolini,  was  unkind  enough 
recently  even  to  blame  the  world  economic  crisis 
upon  exactly  the  boasted  American  mass  produc- 
tion. After  all,  Marxism  has  triumphed  over 

In  the  "new  capitalism"  the  thing  counted  upon 
to  cure  the  basic  economic  weakness  of  capitalism 
was  "high"  wages.  Its  advocates,  with  Ford  at 
their  head,  had  a  glimmering  of  the  menacing  con- 
tradiction between  the  producing  and  consuming 
powers  of  the  masses,  of  the  folly  of  going  ahead 
developing  production  on  the  simple  theory  of 
unlimited  markets.  In  words  at  least  they  recog- 
nized the  necessity  of  increasing  the  low  purchas- 
ing power  of  the  masses.  Their  whole  conception 
was  best  developed  by  Foster  and  Catchings  in 
their  books,  Business  Without  a  Buyer  and  The 
Road  to  Plenty.  They  argued,  with  their  theory 
of  "financing  the  buyer,"  that  economic  crises 
could  be  averted  if,  at  the  first  sign  of  such,  the 
declining  purchasing  power  of  the  masses  was 
promptly  bolstered  up  by  the  initiation  of  broad 
building  programs.  President  Hoover,  as  is 
known,  was  an  advocate  of  this  theory. 


But  it  was  all  a  sham  and  a  delusion.  The  so- 
called  "financing  of  the  buyer"  never  took  place 
under  the  "new  capitalism,"  nor  could  it.  To  sup- 
pose otherwise  is  to  assume  the  possibility  of  the 
capitalists  progressively  giving  up  their  profits. 
The  alleged  high  wages  during  the  heyday  of  this 
theory  were  confined  almost  entirely  to  the  skilled 
workers.  The  gains  to  the  buying  power  of  the 
masses  in  this  respect  were  more  than  offset  by  the 
accompanying  huge  increases  in  industrial  and 
agricultural  productivity.  The  whole  thing  was 
only  an  elaborate  method  of  intensified  rational- 
ization of  industry.  The  exploitation  of  the  work- 
ers was  increased,  not  diminished.  The  mass  of 
surplus  value  taken  by  the  employers  was  relatively 
and  actually  greater,  not  less.  The  basic  economic 
effect  was  to  still  further  widen  the  gap  between 
the  producing  and  consuming  powers  of  the 
masses.  This  deepening  of  the  economic  contra- 
diction is  graphically  illustrated  by  the  following 
figures,  taken  from  Tugwell's  Industry's  Coming 
of  Age  and  the  1927  U.  S.  Census  of  Manufac- 
tures : 

Wages  paid  Value  added  l»y  manufacture 

1914 — $  4,009,000,000  $  9,224,000,000 

1923 —  11,000,000,000  25,832,000,000 

1927—  10,800,000,000  27,500,000,000 

During  the  Coolidge  period  American  capitalism 
was  able  to  make  a  great  show  of  prosperity,  not 
because  it  had  overcome  the  major  economic 


contradiction  of  capitalism,  but  because  of  a 
whole  series  of  temporarily  advantageous  factors. 
Among  these  were  the  huge  loans  to  war-stricken 
Europe,  which  translated  themselves  largely  into 
exports  of  manufactured  goods;  the  easy  conquest 
of  world  markets  by  powerful  American  imperial- 
ism, unscathed  by  the  war,  in  the  face  of  the 
broken-down  European  competitors ;  the  growth  of 
the  automobile  industry;  the  development  of  in- 
stallment buying,  which  for  a  time  artificially 
stimulated  the  market,  etc. 

But  these  erstwhile  favorable  factors  have  now 
radically  altered.  The  automobile  industry  has 
become  more  than  saturated;  the  installment  sys- 
tem has  exploded;  exports  have  fallen  off,  with 
the  European  capitalist  powers  constantly  meeting 
the  United  States  with  a  sharper  competition,  etc. 
Hence,  the  inner  contradictions  of  American  im- 
perialism are  able  to  manifest  themselves  with  full 
force  and  they  are  doing  so  with  a  vengeance. 
When  Hoover  blames  Europe  and  the  war  for  the 
crisis  he  is  only  a  shallow  apologist  for  capitalism. 
The  fact  is  that  American  capitalism,  like  world 
capitalism  in  general,  is  rotten  at  the  heart.  The 
present  great  economic  world  crisis  began  in  the 
United  States. 

The  crisis  has  shown  conclusively  just  how  feeble 
and  artificial  was  the  American  plan  of  "financing 
the  buyer."  At  the  outset  of  the  crisis  President 
Hoover  made  many  spectacular  gestures  in  line 


with  this  theory.  He  called  national  conferences 
of  industrialists,  bankers,  and  "labor  leaders." 
Then  he  filled  the  country  with  rosy  prophecies 
that  the  crisis  would  be  promptly  liquidated  by  the 
gigantic  building,  no-wage-cut  program  outlined 
by  his  conferences. 

But  the  whole  thing  turned  out  an  inglorious 
fizzle.  The  "financing  of  the  buyer"  degenerated 
into  an  attempt  by  Hoover  to  exorcize  the  crisis 
by  pollyanna  prosperity  ballyhoo.  The  "great" 
construction  program  developed  into  the  biggest 
sag  the  building  industry  has  ever  known.  Even 
the  government  building  program  failed  to  mate- 
rialize, the  New  York  American,  (Mar.  16,  1932), 
stating,  "The  total  expended  on  public  works  (na- 
tional, state,  local)  was  actually  less  in  1931  than 
in  1929."  And  as  for  keeping  up  wage  scales, 
hardly  were  the  Hoover  conferences  concluded 
than  the  wage-cuts  began,  and  since  then  sweeping 
slashes  have  taken  place  in  the  railroad,  mining, 
steel,  textile  and  many  other  industries.  The 
Grand  Lama  of  the  "high"  wage  theory,  Ford 
himself,  has  also  put  through  general  wage-cuts. 
Likewise,  the  government,  locally  and  nationally, 
is  reducing  wages  in  every  direction. 

But  the  most  graphic  repudiation  of  the  scheme 
of  "financing  the  buyer"  is  to  be  found  in  the 
starvation  unemployment  relief  system  of  the 
Hoover  government.  The  throwing  of  12,000,- 
000  workers  into  unemployment  gave  the  market 


an  awful  jolt  because  of  the  reduction  in  the  gen- 
eral purchasing  power  of  the  masses.  Here  was 
a  good  chance  to  "finance  the  buyer"  by  giving 
the  unemployed  a  system  of  government  insur- 
ance. But  instead  they  have  been  given  only  the 
most  miserable  charity  dole.  To  do  otherwise 
would  touch  the  sacred  profits  of  the  bosses.  The 
only  elements  to  which  the  Hoover  government 
has  extended  assistance  in  the  crisis  are  the  banks, 
the  railroads,  the  big  taxpayers. 

Thus  the  fire  of  the  economic  crisis  exposes  the 
fact  that  the  results  of  the  "new  capitalism"  are 
the  same  basically  as  those  of  capitalist  imperialism 
generally,  only  more  ruthless  and  devastating. 
The  American  capitalist  class  is  as  deep  in  the 
mud  as  its  European  rivals  are  in  the  mire,  and 
like  them,  it  throws  the  burdens  of  the  crisis  upon 
the  working  class,  it  rationalizes  its  industries, 
enters  more  desperately  than  ever  into  the  struggle 
for  international  markets,  and  takes  the  world  lead 
in  preparing  war  as  a  way  out  of  the  crisis.  The 
"new  capitalism"  has  not  cured  the  contradictions 
of  capitalism,  but  has  enormously  sharpened  them. 

Trusts  and  Cartels 

IN  HIS  work,  Imperialism,  (p.  12),  Lenin  says, 
"Half  a  century  ago  when  Marx  wrote  Capital 
free  competition  was  considered  by  the  majority 
of  economists  as  one  of  Nature's  laws."  But  the 


development  of  imperialism  and  the  intensification 
of  competition  on  every  front  has  ended  such  no- 
tions. Now  capitalism  everywhere  strives  to 
eliminate  competition  and  to  establish  monopoly. 
Thus  the  maze  of  trusts  and  cartels  on  a  local, 
national  and  international  scale.  The  aims  of 
these  monopolistic  organizations  is  to  screw  up 
prices,  to  cut  labor  costs,  to  control  markets,  etc. 
One  of  their  major  objectives  is  to  restrict  pro- 
duction, to  cramp  the  expansive  productive  forces 
within  the  confines  of  the  narrow  markets.  To 
this  end  every  reactionary  practice  has  been  used, 
from  suppression  of  important  inventions  to  whole- 
sale destruction  of  commodities  and  means  of 
production.  This  is  typical  of  the  anti-social, 
parasitic  character  of  decadent  monopolistic  capi- 
talism, to  attempt  to  limit  production  for  the 
benefit  of  a  few  idle  owners  in  a  world  where  the 
overwhelming  majority  of  the  people  are  lacking 
the  necessities  of  life.  In  Solidarity,  (Nov., 
1931),  P.  Boyden  gives  a  number  of  examples  of 
such  commodity  destruction,  from  which  the  fol- 
lowing items  are  culled: 

"A  few  months  ago,  in  Oakland,  Cal.,  100,000  gallons 
of  milk  were  dumped  into  the  river.  At  about  the  same 
time,  40,000  salmon  were  destroyed  in  Ketchikan  Bay, 
Alaska.  In  Los  Angeles  120  carloads  of  cabbages  were 
plowed  under  in  the  fields.  Not  long  ago  in  California 
a  Rotary  Club  played  baseball  with  60,000  eggs  that 
were  destroyed  to  keep  them  out  of  the  market.  And  it 


is  the  same  in  other  parts  of  the  world ;  in  Brazil  2,000,000 
sacks  of  coffee  were  thrown  into  the  sea,  in  Australia  vast 
herds  of  sheep  are  simply  massacred  to  keep  the  price  of 
lamb  high.  Corn  is  poisoned  so  that  it  will  be  unfit  for 
human  consumption."  * 

But  trusts  and  cartels  have  not  proved  a  cure 
for  the  economic  crisis,  any  more  than  has  the 
American  "new  capitalism."  This  is  true,  both 
for  capitalism  as  a  whole  and  for  the  respective 
industries.  Instead  of  "stabilizing"  industry,  as 
their  proponents  say,  these  organizations  are,  on 
the  contrary,  feeding  the  crisis  with  their  policies 
of  rationalization  of  industry,  mass  lay-offs,  wage- 
cuts  and  intensified  exploitation  of  the  workers. 
Even  their  very  resistance  to  price  declines  pro- 
longs and  intensifies  the  crisis.  As  Stalin  said  in 
a  recent  speech,  "The  capitalists  are  chopping  off 
the  branch  that  supports  them.  Instead  of  escap- 
ing the  crisis,  they  are  aggravating  it,  piling  up 
new  causes  for  a  still  more  severe  crisis." 

Consider  the  plight  of  the  United  States,  home 
of  the  trusts.  Here  24  banks  hold  assets  worth 
more  than  those  of  20,000  small  banks;  four  great 
financial  interests  control  95  %  of  the  total  output 
of  electrical  power;  the  entire  railroad  system  is 
dominated  by  a  half  dozen  New  York  banks.  Yet 
the  whole  industrial-financial  machine  is  prostrate 
in  deepest  crisis.  Nor  have  the  individual  trusti- 

i  Press  dispatches  announce  that  the  Brazilian  government  has 
decided  to  burn  12,000,000  sacks  of  coffee  and  to  cut  down  400,- 
000,000  coffee  trees  in  the  State  of  Sao  Paulo. 


fied  industries  been  able  to  shield  themselves.  The 
great  automobile  industry,  erstwhile  boast  of 
American  industrialists,  in  which  three  of  each 
four  cars  are  constructed  by  either  Ford  or  Gen- 
eral Motors,  is  working,  as  I  write  these  lines,  at 
only  20%  of  capacity.  Or  take  steel,  with  two 
big  corporations  controlling  52%  of  the  industry, 
operating  at  only  20%.  The  oil  industry,  home 
of  great  combinations,  is  likewise  a  picture  of  an- 
archy, over-production  and  paralysis.  The  other 
industries,  whether  trustified  or  not  —  coal,  tex- 
tiles, chemicals,  etc. —  are  in  a  similar  pickle.  Also 
the  railroads,  government-regulated  and  most 
highly-monopolized  of  all  American  industries,  ex- 
perience the  general  economic  crisis,  with  two- 
thirds  of  their  workers  either  totally  unemployed 
or  working  only  part-time  and  with  bankruptcy 
knocking  at  the  doors  of  many  companies. 

It  is  exactly  in  the  most  trustified  countries — 
the  United  States,  Germany,  Great  Britain, 
Japan  —  that  the  crisis  bears  down  most  heavily. 

The  trusts  do  not  escape  the  laws  of  capitalist 
society.  They  cannot  get  away  from  competition. 
They  compete  against  the  untrustified  sections  of 
their  own  industries;  against  other  industries  (coal 
against  oil  and  waterpower,  railroads  against  auto- 
trucks, etc.)  and  against  the  industries  of  other 
countries.  Besides,  their  whole  position  is  under- 
mined by  the  crisis  in  backward,  hopelessly  com- 
petitive agriculture.  But  more  important  than  all 


this  is  the  fact  that  the  whole  trend  of  the  trusts  is 
to  increase  the  exploitation  of  the  workers  and  poor 
farmers  and  thus  to  render  these  masses  still  less 
able  to  buy  back  what  they  produce.  The  trusts 
unavoidably  widen  the  fatal  gap  between  capitalist 
production  and  distribution,  the  basic  cause  of  the 

The  cartel  movement  has  had  no  better  success 
than  the  trusts  in  checking  the  economic  crisis, 
either  in  general  or  in  individual  industries.  The 
cartels  have  the  same  major  objectives  as  the 
trusts,  to  curtail  production,  boost  prices,  etc.,  but 
their  inner  organization  is  more  frail,  even  when 
headed  by  "dictators"  like  Will  Hayes  and  Dud- 
ley Field  Malone.  In  the  present  crisis  the 
cartels,  so  hopefully  welcomed  by  capitalism  gen- 
erally, are  breaking  under  the  strain.  It  is  no  con- 
tradiction for  the  capitalists  of  the  various  countries 
to  drastically  rationalize  their  industries  so  that 
they  can  the  more  effectively  compete  with  each 
other,  and  at  the  same  time  set  up  international 
cartels  presumably  for  the  purpose  of  limiting 
competition  and  production.  This  is  because  these 
international  cartels,  in  reality,  are  only  new  battle- 
grounds for  the  competitors ;  the  fight  for  markets 
goes  on  inside  their  limits,  with  the  stronger  groups 
pushing  the  weaker  ones  to  the  wall,  forcing  them 
to  accept  smaller  production  quotas,  poorer  mar- 
kets, etc. 

This  is  clearly  reflected  in  the  experience  of  the 


famous  European  Steel  and  Iron  Agreement, 
signed  in  1926.  This  organization  faced  not  only 
ruinous  competition  from  without,  from  the  steel 
barons  of  Great  Britain,  Poland,  etc.,  but  also  from 
within.  The  New  York  Times,  (Sept.  9,  1931), 
says  that  the  members  of  the  cartel  "engaged  in 
a  free-for-all  scramble  for  orders,  cartel  regula- 
tions and  prices  being  entirely  disregarded."  It 
is  not  surprising  therefore  that  this  great  cartel  has 
collapsed.  Chadbourne's  international  sugar  car- 
tel is  fast  going  the  same  road  because  of  the  same 
disease.  The  New  York  Times,  (Mar.  19,  1932), 
states  that  the  Chadbourne  plan  is  now  "practically 
abandoned"  because  of  incurable  dissensions  among 
the  sugar  producers. 

Mr.  Chadbourne  attaches  very  great  impor- 
tance to  his  cartel.  He  has  declared  that  in  this 
attempt  to  limit  the  world  production  of  sugar 
and  to  boost  prices  "the  capitalist  system  itself  is 
on  trial."  If  so,  then  capitalism  will  surely  be 
found  guilty  and  sentenced  to  death,  for  the  cartel 
movement  cannot  overcome  the  over-production 
that  causes  the  capitalist  crisis.  On  the  contrary, 
as  I.  Lippincott  says,  the  cartel  "is  a  great  stimu- 
lant to  further  production,  and  it  thus  aggravates 
the  problem  which  it  is  designed  to  solve."  2  Sum- 
marizing the  experiences  of  the  cartel  movement, 
a  dispatch  to  the  Scripps-Howard  papers  (Mar.  3, 
1931)  says:  "European  cartels  in  steel,  rayon, 

2  Economic  Resources  and  Industries  of  the  World,  p.  55. 


cement,  aluminum  and  coal,  and  international 
agreements  in  nitrates,  sugar  and  coffee  were 
studied  by  the  U.  S.  Government  trade  experts 
in  their  examination  of  world  price-fixing  arrange- 
ments. In  no  case  was  the  objective  of  the  cartel 
attained  in  full  and,  in  several  instances,  the  entire 
project  was  abandoned." 

Viewing  the  general  capitalist  economic  collapse 
and  the  failure  of  all  trust  and  cartel  remedies  to 
cure  it,  The  Course  and  Phases  of  the  World  Eco- 
nomic Depression,  a  League  of  Nations  publica- 
tion, is  forced  to  this  lugubrious  conclusion: 

"When  we  consider  the  magnitude  of  the  losses  from 
which  the  world  suffers  during  a  period  of  economic 
stagnation  similar  to  that  through  which  the  world  is 
now  passing  it  is  impossible  not  to  be  impressed  by  the 
almost  absolute  failure  of  society  up  to  the  present  to 
devise  any  means  by  which  such  disasters  may  be  averted." 

The  Movement  for  Capitalist  Planned  Economy 

ALARMED  on  the  one  hand  at  the  breakdown  of  the 
chaotic  capitalistic  economy  in  the  crisis  and  on 
the  other  at  the  forging  ahead  of  the  Soviet  Union 
with  its  planned  Socialist  economy,  defenders  of 
capitalism,  especially  in  the  United  States,  are  rais- 
ing a  great  clamor  for  a  planned  capitalist  econ- 
omy. "Give  us  a  plan,"  they  cry  in  every  key  and 
in  manifest  confusion.  Many  of  them  frankly 
state  that  it  is  a  case  of  either  a  planned  capitalist 


economy  or  Communism.  Prof.  W.  B.  Donham 
says  in  the  New  York  Times  of  Mar.  15,  1931, 
"Unless  greater  stability  is  achieved,  it  is  doubtful 
whether  capitalist  civilization  can  long  endure." 
The  frightened  Nicholas  Murray  Butler  declares 
in  the  New  York  Times  of  July  12,  1931  .  .  . 
"the  world  today  is  in  the  grasp  of  the  greatest 
economic,  financial,  social  and  political  series  of 
problems  which  have  ever  faced  it  in  history.  .  . 
The  period  through  which  we  are  passing  is  a  period 
like  the  fall  of  the  Roman  Empire,  like  the  Re- 
naissance, like  the  beginning  of  the  political  and 
social  revolution  in  England  and  France ;  it  is  dif- 
ferent from  them  all,  is  more  powerful  than  them 
all  and  holds  the  world  more  in  its  grasp  than  any 
of  them."  Mr.  Butler  then  cries  out  somewhat  hys- 
terically for  "an  international  plan  designed  to  show 
that  capitalism  is  a  superior  system  to  Communism." 
Such  clamor  has  resulted  in  a  whole  series  of 
"plans"  being  devised  to  stabilize  the  anarchistic 
capitalist  economy.  The  country  is  infested  with 
a  plague  of  5-  and  10-year  plans,  and  the  deepening 
crisis  will  bring  more.  Among  them  are  the  proj- 
ects of  Swope  (General  Electric),  U.  S.  Cham- 
ber of  Commerce,  Associated  General  Contractors 
of  America,  Civic  Federation,  A.  F.  of  L.,  La- 
Follette,  Stuart  Chase,  Norman  Thomas,  The 
Forum,,  Beard,  Donham,  etc.,  etc.  These  schemes 
range  from  mere  statistics-gathering  and  advice- 


giving  to  drastic  general  reorganizations  of  in- 

What  these  "plans"  usually  have  in  common  is 
a  demand  for  more  active  participation  of  the  gov- 
ernment in  the  trustification  and  control  of  indus- 
try. Capitalist  "planning"  is  a  step  still  further 
into  State  capitalism.  The  capitalist  government, 
as  the  instrument  of  the  ruling  class,  always  has 
as  its  main  function  the  furtherance  of  capitalist 
industry  and  the  increase  of  profits  at  the  expense 
of  the  workers,  and  it  more  and  more  directly  in- 
tervenes in  industry,  hut  never  was  this  interven- 
tion so  direct  and  far-reaching  as  the  capitalist 
"planners"  now  propose.  The  movement  for  capi- 
talist "planning"  is  an  effort  to  hasten  the  process 
of  monopolization  with  still  more  vigorous  aid  of 
the  government.  It  also  tends  in  the  general  di- 
rection of  Fascism. 

It  is  characteristic  that  the  Social  Fascist  and 
Fascist  leaders  of  the  Socialist  party  and  A.F. 
of  L.,  together  with  many  liberals,  are  advocates 
of  capitalist  "planning."  They  try  to  prove  that 
the  revolution  is  not  necessary  for  an  ordered 
economy  and  prosperity  for  the  workers.  As 
agents  of  finance  capitalism,  these  elements  always 
manage  to  find  "progress"  in  every  new  step  that 
the  capitalists  find  necessary  for  the  exploitation 
of  the  workers.  The  A.F.  of  L.  leaders'  demand 
now  for  "planning"  and  the  abrogation  of  the  anti- 
trust laws  is  just  as  much  in  the  service  of  the 


employers  as  their  support  of  the  tariff,  the  ration- 
alization of  industry,  the  present  wage-cut  drive, 

But  these  capitalistic  economic  "plans"  must  and 
do  fail.  They  are  wrecked  on  the  same  reefs  as 
the  trusts  and  cartels :  viz.,  the  inability  of  capital- 
ism, whether  "planned"  or  not,  to  sell  its  commodi- 
ties in  a  market  that  lacks  the  wherewithal  to  buy 
them;  and  the  hopelessly  competitive  character  of 
the  capitalist  system.  Capitalism  "cannot  eat  its 
cake  and  have  it."  "Planned"  capitalist  economy 
cannot  bridge  over  the  basic  economic  and  political 
contradictions  of  capitalism.  It  is  as  fruitless  as 
capitalist  "efforts"  to  end  war. 

In  fact,  capitalist  economic  "plans"  are  not 
plans  at  all,  in  the  sense  of  a  fundamental  control 
of  the  whole  resources  and  production  of  society,  as 
the  Russians  practice  it.  At  most  they  are  only 
a  crude  sort  of  government  regulation.  Private 
ownership  of  industry,  exploitation  of  the  work- 
ers, production  for  profit,  competitive  scramble 
for  markets  —  all  foundation  stones  of  capitalist 
economy  —  make  totally  impossible  the  orderly 
balance  between  production  and  exchange  and  the 
thorough  mobilization  of  all  economic  forces,  either 
by  agreement  or  compulsion,  that  is  fundamentally 
necessary  for  real  social  planning.  In  such 
"plans"  as  that  of  Charles  A.  Beard  in,  America 
Faces  the  Future,  which  is  an  example  of  modern 
industrial  utopianism,  such  basic  objections  to  capi- 


talist  "planning"  as  profit-making  and  competition 
are  glossed  over  with  a  glib  phrase  or  two  and  the 
whole  problem  is  considered  merely  as  a  technical 
one,  instead  of  primarily  as  one  of  class  struggle. 

By  going  in  for  "planned"  production,  capital- 
ism would  steal  a  leaf  from  the  Soviet  book,  despite 
the  frenzied  denials  of  Matthew  Woll.  Stuart 
Chase  says:  "The  American  problem  is  to  'plan' 
without  revolution."  But  this  will  not  work;  it  is 
a  case  of  the  whole  Soviet  book  or  nothing. 
Planned  economy  and  capitalism  are  mutually  ex- 
clusive. Rubenstein  correctly  declares:  "A  plan 
is  in  contradiction  to  the  very  structure  of  capital- 
ism." 3  As  Milyutin  says :  "Planned  economy  pre- 
supposes the  dictatorship  of  the  proletariat,  the 
abolition  of  private  property  in  the  means  of  pro- 
duction, the  socialization  of  the  means  of  produc- 
tion —  in  other  words :  the  victory  of  Socialism." 
Only  when  the  industries  are  socialized,  when  ex- 
ploitation has  ceased,  when  production  and  the 
markets,  freed  of  the  profit  motive,  automatically 
balance  each  other  —  that  is,  under  Socialism  —  is 
a  genuine  planned  economy  possible.  The  central 
principle  of  Socialist  planning  cannot  be  grafted 
onto  the  alien  capitalist  system.  Socialism  in  the 
Soviet  Union  works  with  a  plan,  because  its  whole 
nature  calls  for  planfulness  and  system.  Capital- 
ism has  never  developed  a  plan  in  any  country, 

s  Science  at  the  Crossroads,  p.  21. 

*  International  Press  Correspondence,  Nov.  5,  1931. 


because  it  is  in  its  very  substance  planless,  com- 
petitive, chaotic. 

All  the  capitalist  "planners"  enthusiastically  cite 
the  experience  of  the  War  Industries  Board  as  a 
glowing  example  of  the  success  of  their  principle. 
But  they  overlook  one  fundamental  fact  which 
wrecks  all  their  calculations.  This  is  that  during 
the  war  period  the  question  of  finding  a  market  for 
the  products  of  industry  presented  no  problem. 
Capitalism's  task  now  is  not  to  improve  produc- 
tion, which  was  all  the  War  Industries  Board  did, 
but  to  find  markets  for  its  commodities.  The 
movement  now  for  capitalist  "planning"  will  come 
to  a  no  better  end  than  the  even  more  enthusiastic 
movement  for  the  famous  slogan,  "Mass  produc- 
tion and  high  wages,"  in  the  "new  capitalism"  era. 

But  the  capitalist  "planners"  have  also  passed 
from  the  word  to  the  deed.  Only  calamitous  fail- 
ure has  been  the  result.  In  the  United  States 
capitalist  "planning'  has  proved  no  more  effective 
in  checking  the  crisis  than  have  the  Economic 
Councils  of  Germany  and  France.  We  have 
already  remarked  the  sad  fate  of  Hoover's 
"planned"  building  boom  and  his  "planned"  main- 
tenance of  high  wages,  but  the  most  outstanding 
examples  of  Hoover's  "planning"  are  the  adven- 
tures of  the  Federal  Farm  Board  in  wheat  and 
cotton.  These  are  comparable  only  to  the  exploits 
of  Jack,  the  giant-killer,  or  Sindbad,  the  sailor. 

With   wheat   and   cotton   in   deep   crisis   from 


over-production,  the  Hoover  government  set  out 
blithely  to  "stabilize"  these  great  crops,  of  course, 
in  the  interests  of  the  capitalist  elements  in  agricul- 
ture. The  government's  confidence  was  equalled 
only  by  its  arrogance  and  stupidity.  It  set  up  the 
Federal  Farm  Board  and  gave  it  $500,000,000 
with  which  to  begin  its  great  work  of  capitalist 
"planning"  by  cutting  production,  regulating  sales 
and  boosting  prices. 

Let  us  first  see  what  happened  to  wheat:  the 
Farm  Board  bought  some  330,000,000  bushels  of 
wheat  and  carried  on  a  wide  propaganda  for  re- 
duced acreage,  backed  up  by  refusals  of  the  banks 
to  make  loans  to  small  farmers.  The  general  re- 
sult was  that  the  price  of  wheat  dropped  about  40 
cents  a  bushel,  production  was  35,000,000  bushels 
more  in  1931  than  in  1930,  the  unmarketable  sur- 
plus of  wheat  is  larger  than  ever  and  the  Farm 
Board  has  thrown  away  vast  sums  of  money. 
Quoting  Stone,  the  head  of  the  Farm  Board,  the 
New  York  Times,  (Nov.,  1931),  says,  "The  Farm 
Board's  holdings  of  wheat  on  Oct.  31,  totalling 
189,656,187  bushels,  represented  an  investment  of 
$1.17  a  bushel  .  .  .  about  $222,000,000.  It  was 
worth  on  Oct.  31  about  (57  cts.  a  bushel,  WZF) 
$120,000,000  or  $102,000,000  less  than  cost." 

Capitalist  "planning,"  Hoover  brand,  made  a  no 
less  brilliant  showing  in  cotton.  Again,  as  in  the 
case  of  wheat,  the  market  price  of  cotton  has  fallen 
about  60%,  many  millions  of  dollars  have  been 


squandered,  and  production,  despite  the  Farm 
Board's  notorious  slogan,  "Plow  under  each  third 
row  of  cotton,"  has  been  increased  700,000  bales 
over  last  year.  Says  the  New  York  Times,  fur- 
ther quoting  the  "planner,"  Mr.  Stone :  "In  cotton 
the  Farm  Board  on  Oct.  31,  held  1,310,789  bales, 
representing  on  the  same  basis  as  wheat,  an  in- 
vestment of  18  cents  a  pound,  or  about  $120,000,- 
000.  The  value  of  the  cotton  at  quotations  on 
Oct.  31,  was  about  (6  cents  a  pound,  WZF)  $45,- 
000,000,  or  a  loss  of  $75,000,000." 

These  official  figures  of  the  Farm  Board  show 
a  loss  to  the  government  of  $177,000,000.  But 
this  by  no  means  covers  all;  it  accounts  only  for 
the  devaluation  of  the  stocks  now  on  hand.  There 
should  be  added  another  $100,000,000  or  so  on  ac- 
count of  the  vast  quantities  of  wheat  and  cotton 
sold  for  less  than  the  purchase  price.  Besides, 
there  are  the  many  hundreds  of  millions  lost  by  the 
farmers  themselves. 

Thus  operates  capitalist  "planning"  even  under 
powerful  American  imperialism.  The  wheat  and 
cotton  farmers  have  been  impoverished  to  the  point 
of  pauperization;  the  crisis  of  over-production  has 
been  intensified;  hundreds  of  millions  of  dollars 
have  been  handed  over  to  the  bankers  and  specu- 
lators in  wheat  and  cotton.  And  meanwhile,  as 
the  storehouses  are  bursting  with  the  unsaleable 
wheat  and  cotton,  millions  of  unemployed  workers 
and  their  families  clamor  in  vain  for  bread  and 


clothes.  All  this  is  a  clear  example  of  the  suicide 
economics  of  capitalism,  of  the  forces  that  impel 
the  workers  and  poor  farmers  towards  the  estab- 
lishment of  a  Soviet  United  States. 

The  Question  of  an  Organized  Capitalism 

THE  DEVELOPMENT  of  the  movement  for  capitalist 
"planning"  raises  afresh  the  question  of  whether 
or  not  an  organized  capitalist  system  is  possible, 
for  proposals  of  a  "planned"  capitalist  economy 
are  proposals  of  an  "organized  capitalism."  Here 
the  Social  Fascists  come  forward  in  full  panoply. 
They  are  the  special  champions  of  the  theory  of 
organized  capitalism,  although  the  present  crisis 
has  given  them  a  sad  jolt.  Hilferding,  (Arbeiter 
Zeitung,  Vienna,  Jan.  1,  1930),  says:  "The  year 
of  1928  was  a  year  of  powerful  development  of 
organized  capitalism.  A  new  capitalist  era  com- 
menced in  1929.  Modern  capitalism  is  overcom- 
ing and  removing  everything  which  made  for  the 
anarchy  of  capitalist  production." 

The  theory  of  organized  capitalism  is  found  best 
developed  in  Hilf  erding's  and  Kautsky's  conception 
of  super-imperialism,  and  it  is  a  foundation  premise 
of  Social  Fascism  in  general.  Kautsky  and  other 
Social  Fascist  theoreticians  hold  that  the  process 
of  capitalist  trustification  is  overcoming  and  will 
continue  to  overcome  the  contradictions  of  capital- 
ism. That  is,  eventually  trustification  will  become 


world-wide,  thus  at  once  liquidating  the  economic 
crisis,  abolishing  the  class  struggle,  and  dissolving 
the  war  conflicts  between  the  rival  imperialist  na- 
tions into  an  organized  and  monopolized  world 
system  of  production  and  distribution.  Mean- 
while, as  this  develops,  capitalism  will  at  the  same 
time,  by  a  process  of  purchase  by  the  ever-more 
democratic  State,  be  gradually  turned  into  a  system 
of  Socialism.  This  is  the  theory  of  the  peaceful 
evolution  of  capitalism  into  Socialism. 

But  this  whole  theory  of  organized  capitalism 
goes  contrary  to  the  most  basic  development  of 
capitalism.  The  capitalist  system  cannot  be  "or- 
ganized"; it  is  fundamentally  competitive  and 
chaotic.  An  ordered,  balanced  social  system  is 
incompatible  with  the  private  ownership  of  the 
industries  and  land  and  with  production  for  profit. 
Monopolization,  instead  of  diminishing  the  contra- 
dictions of  the  capitalist  system,  is  increasing  and 
deepening  them.  While  trustification  undoubt- 
edly brings  a  modicum  of  regulation  and  system 
within  the  confines  of  its  direct  organization,  it  at 
the  same  time,  aggravates  the  conflicts  within  capi- 
talism as  a  whole.  With  the  development  of  mo- 
nopolization, in  this  period  of  imperialism,  of  the 
decline  of  capitalism  and  of  the  rise  of  Socialism, 
the  collisions  increase  in  severity  between  trusts 
and  untrustified  industry,  between  the  trusts  them- 
selves, between  industries  as  such,  between  the  vari- 
ous imperialist  nations,  between  the  producers  and 


the  exploiters,  and  between  the  decaying  capitalist 
system  and  the  advancing  Soviet  Union.  This 
process  of  growing  conflict  and  struggle  is  thus 
stated  in  the  Program  of  the  Communist  Inter- 

"The  development  of  capitalism,  and  particularly  the 
imperialist  epoch  of  its  development,  reproduces  the 
fundamental  contradictions  of  capitalism  upon  an  in- 
creasingly magnified  scale.  Competition  among  small 
capitalists  ceases,  only  to  make  way  for  competition  be- 
tween big  capitalists ;  where  competition  between  big  capi- 
talists subsides,  it  flares  up  between  gigantic  combinations 
of  capitalist  magnates  and  their  governments;  local  and 
national  crises  become  transformed  into  world  crises  af- 
fecting a  number  of  countries  and,  subsequently,  into 
world  crises ;  local  wars  give  way  to  wars  between  coali- 
tions of  states  and  world  wars ;  the  class  struggle  changes 
from  isolated  actions  of  single  groups  of  workers  into 
nation-wide  conflicts  and  subsequently,  into  an  inter- 
national struggle  of  the  world  proletariat  against  the 
world  bourgeoisie.  Finally,  two  main  forces  are  or- 
ganizing against  the  organized  might  of  finance  capital 
—  on  the  one  hand  the  workers  in  the  capitalist  states, 
on  the  other  hand,  the  victims  of  oppression  of  foreign 
capital,  the  masses  of  the  people  in  the  colonies,  marching 
under  the  leadership  and  hegemony  of  the  international 
revolutionary  movement." 

The  decisive  trend  in  capitalism  is  towards  the 
sharpening  of  its  contradictions.  Nor  will  this  be 
overcome  by  the  process  of  trustification.  As  the 
tendency  develops  to  "organize,"  that  is,  to  trustify 
sections  of  capitalist  economy,  this  tendency  is  out- 


run  by  the  counter-tendency  to  sharpen  and  deepen 
the  antagonisms  within  the  capitalist  system  and 
between  it  and  the  new  Socialist  system  of  the 
Soviet  Union.  In  short,  the  very  process  of  capi- 
talist monopolization  speeds  capitalist  society  ever 
faster  along  the  road  to  imperialist  war  and  pro- 
letarian revolution.  Lenin  thus  analyses  capital- 
ist development: 

"There  is  no  doubt  that  the  development  is  going  in 
the  direction  of  a  single  world  trust  that  will  swallow 
up  all  enterprises  and  all  States  without  exception.  But 
the  development  in  this  direction  is  proceeding  under 
such  stress,  with  such  a  tempo,  with  such  contradictions, 
conflicts,  and  convulsions  —  not  only  economical,  but  also 
political,  national,  etc.,  etc. —  that  before  a  single  world 
trust  will  be  reached,  before  the  respective  national 
finance  capitalist  will  have  formed  a  world  union  of 
'ultra-imperialism,*  imperialism  will  inevitably  explode, 
capitalism  will  turn  into  its  opposite." 

(b)  Futile  Efforts  to  Quench  the  Class  Struggle 

THE  MAJOR  social  contradiction  of  the  capitalist 
system  is  the  conflict  in  interest  between  the  own- 
ing capitalist  class  and  the  producing  working 
class.  This  gives  rise  to  class  struggle,  the  capi- 
talists always  seeking  to  more  intensely  exploit  the 
workers,  and  the  workers  struggling  to  retain  the 
products  of  their  labor.  The  class  struggle,  as  we 
have  already  seen,  becomes  ever  sharper  with  the 

6  Preface  to  Bukharin's  Imperialism  and  World  Economy,  p.  14. 


intensification  of  the  general  crisis  of  capitalism, 
and  it  eventually  culminates  in  the  proletarian 

Necessarily,  the  capitalist  class  has  always  had 
as  a  fundamental  objective  the  liquidation  or  soft- 
ening of  this  revolutionary  contradiction.  But  the 
facts  demonstrate  that  it  is  proving  no  more  suc- 
cessful in  accomplishing  this  than  it  is  in  its  ef- 
forts to  wipe  out  the  basic  economic  contradiction 
of  capitalism,  the  conflict  between  the  capitalist 
modes  of  production  and  distribution.  In  spite  of 
all  the  efforts  of  the  capitalists  to  quench  the  class 
struggle,  by  damping  down  or  beating  out  the 
workers'  opposition,  it  flares  up  ever  broader,  more 
vigorously  and  more  menacing  to  capitalism. 

Throughout  the  capitalist  world  the  trend  of  the 
exploiters  is  towards  Fascism;  that  is,  to  push 
through  their  offensive  against  the  working  class 
by  policies  of  extreme  demagogy  and  violence. 
The  speed  of  the  development  of  Fascism  and  the 
forms  that  it  takes  in  the  various  countries  depend 
upon  the  extent  to  which  the  capitalist  crisis  has 
progressed.  Fascism  develops  along  two  main 
channels;  that  is,  open  Fascism  and  Social  Fas- 

In  Italy  and  some  of  the  Balkan  countries, 
where  the  revolutionary  crisis  early  became  acute, 
Fascism  came  into  power  by  the  violent  seizure  of 
the  State  power,  followed  by  the  wholesale  smash- 
ing of  workers'  unions,  cooperatives,  political 


parties,  the  complete  liquidation  of  bourgeois  de- 
mocracy, the  setting  up  of  government  trade 
unions,  etc.  In  other  countries  the  capitalists,  ap- 
proaching the  crisis  at  a  somewhat  slower  pace, 
follow,  at  least  at  the  outset,  the  "dry  road"  or 
"legal"  way  to  Fascism.  By  this  process  of  fas- 
ciszation  the  Bruening  government  in  Germany  is 
gradually  developing  the  Fascist  dictatorship;  the 
MacDonald  government  in  Great  Britain  is  going 
in  the  same  direction;  Japan  is  openly  menaced  by 
Fascism;  and  in  the  United  States  many  Fascist 
tendencies  are  in  evidence,  as  exampled  by  the  dic- 
tatorial methods  of  Hoover  in  the  question  of  un- 
employment relief,  etc.;  by  the  decline  in  prestige 
of  parliamentary  government  and  the  demand  for 
a  "strong  man"  dictator;  by  the  demand  of  the 
American  Legion  convention  for  a  "peace-time 
National  Council  of  Defense";  by  the  appearance 
of  many  Fascist  "planning"  schemes  (Swope, 
Woll,  etc.),  and  by  the  wave  of  unpunished  lynch- 
ings,  wholesale  arrest  and  deportation  of  militant 
workers,  etc.  One  of  the  most  basic  features  of 
this  trend  of  world  capitalism  towards  Fascism  is 
the  gradual  fasciszation  of  the  conservative  trade 
unions  and  Socialist  parties. 

From  Social  Reformism  to  Social  Fascism 

IT  HAS  always  been  a  policy  of  the  capitalist  class, 
especially  in  the  imperialist  countries,  to  split  and 


weaken  the  working  class  by  making  certain  con- 
cessions to  the  skilled  workers.  This  provided  the 
base  of  Social  Reformism.  The  Socialist  parties 
of  the  world  and  such  trade  unions  as  the  Ameri- 
can Federation  of  Labor  fitted  themselves  into  this 
bosses'  strategy,  seeking  to  develop  the  skilled 
workers  as  a  privileged  aristocracy  of  labor.  They 
based  their  organization,  economic  and  political, 
upon  the  skilled  workers,  ignoring  or  openly  be- 
traying the  unskilled  workers,  as  a  thousand 
sold-out  strikes  testify.  They  cultivated  illusions 
among  the  skilled  workers  that  their  interests  lie 
in  collaboration  with  the  bourgeoisie  rather  than 
in  class  struggle  of  the  workers.  Social  Reform- 
ism was  and  is  a  tool  of  the  capitalist  class  in  its 
struggle  against  the  working  class.  The  Social 
Reformists  are  in  reality,  as  Lenin  called  them, 
"agents  of  the  bourgeoisie  in  the  ranks  of  the 

The  hey-day  of  Social  Reformism  was  during 
the  early,  "peaceful"  stage  of  capitalist  develop- 
ment and  in  the  first  phase  of  imperialism.  This 
general  period  may  be  said  to  have  closed  with  the 
beginning  of  the  World  War.  In  this  period, 
with  the  world  capitalist  system  generally  on  the 
upgrade,  the  capitalists,  especially  in  United 
States,  England  and  Germany,  could  and  did 
make  many  concessions  to  the  skilled  workers. 
Few  of  these,  however,  seeped  down  to  the  un- 
skilled and  semi-skilled,  who  remained  in  a  state 


of  poverty.  Upon  this  economic  foundation  So- 
cial Reformism  built  for  itself  a  strong  mass  fol- 
lowing among  the  workers. 

But  the  development  of  the  general  crisis  of 
capitalism  has  changed  the  complexion  though  not 
the  basic  role  of  the  Social  Reformistic  "lieuten- 
ants of  capital."  The  employers,  trying  to  find  a 
way  out  of  their  difficulties  and  to  preserve  their 
profits  at  the  expense  of  the  workers,  intensify 
their  wage-cut  drive,  reduction  of  unemployment 
benefits,  etc.;  not  even  the  skilled  workers,  al- 
though they  are  partly  shielded,  escaping  the  rapid 
downward  trend.  The  old  system  of  concessions 
to  the  skilled  workers,  the  basis  of  Social  Reform- 
ism, becomes  increasingly  narrowed  down  and  is 
succeeded  by  more  direct  and  rigorous  methods  of 

Adapting  themselves  to  the  needs  of  the  em- 
ployers, the  reformist  Socialist  and  trade  union 
leaders  have  developed  their  movement  into  an 
organ  of  the  bosses  for  the  Fascist  repression 
and  intensified  exploitation  of  the  working  class. 
They  have  practically  grafted  the  Social  Democ- 
racy and  the  conservative  unions  onto  the  capitalist 
State  and  the  employers'  exploitation  machinery. 
They  devote  to  capitalism  their  long-established 
prestige  as  workers'  leaders,  their  strong  organi- 
zational control  over  the  masses,  and  their  unques- 
tioned demagogic  skill  in  covering  up  their  services 
to  capitalism  with  pleas  that  it  is  all  necessary  in 


the  building  of  Socialism.  Where  necessary  they 
do  not  hesitate  to  use  open  violence  against  the 
revolutionary  toilers.  The  policy  of  the  Social 
Democracy  is  basically  that  of  Fascism;  the  beat- 
ing back  of  the  proletarian  revolution,  the  saving 
of  capitalism  and  the  profits  of  the  employers  at 
the  expense  of  the  workers.  The  principal  differ- 
ence is  that  Social  Democracy  hides  its  Fascism 
under  a  mask  of  Marxian  Socialism.  Thus,  in  the 
period  of  the  decline  of  capitalism,  Social  Reform- 
ism becomes  Social  Fascism. 

The  Fasciszation  of  the  American  Federation  of 


IN  THE  A.F.  of  L.  the  process  of  fasciszation  is 
far  advanced.  In  fact,  the  top  leadership  of  this 
organization,  the  Greens,  Wolls,  Lewises,  etc.,  are 
already  practically  open-Fascist.  They  are  brazen 
defenders  of  capitalism.  They  have  become  the 
chief  strike-breaking  agency  of  the  employers. 
To  this  end  they  work  hand-in-glove  with  the 
Hoover  government,  the  American  Legion,  the  Ku 
Klux  Klan,  the  National  Civic  Federation,  the 
Chambers  of  Commerce,  the  churches,  and  all  and 
sundry  other  institutions  of  the  employers  for  the 
exploitation  of  the  workers.  Their  policy  is  to 
make  the  trade  unions  more  company-union-like 
than  the  company  unions  themselves.  Politically 
illiterate  and  with  the  sycophancy  typical  of  para- 


sites,  these  leaders  take  their  "opinions"  ready- 
made  from  the  most  reactionary  sections  of  the 
bourgeoisie.  They  greedily  lap  up  every  mess  of 
capitalist  economics  and  politics  that  their  masters 
set  before  them.  Developing  Fascism  in  the  United 
States  has  a  main  foundation  in  the  leadership  of 
the  American  Federation  of  Labor.  Their  sys- 
tem of  craft  unionism,  maintained  as  against  in- 
dustrial unionism  to  prevent  unity  of  action  by  the 
workers  and  to  furnish  additional  jobs  to  officials, 
is  a  shameless  method  of  union  scabbery.  Their 
endorsement  of  election  candidates  of  the  capital- 
ist parties,  or  "reward-your-friends"  policy,  is  a 
plain  sell-out  of  the  working  class.  Their  support 
of  the  rationalization  of  industry  is  part  of  the 
speed-up  program  of  the  bosses.  Their  systematic 
betrayal  of  the  Negroes,  women  and  young  work- 
ers dovetails  into  the  employers'  special  exploita- 
tion of  these  sections  of  the  workers.  Their  long 
years  of  peddling  the  interests  of  the  unskilled 
workers  and  their  breaking  up  of  attempts  of  these 
workers  to  organize  constitutes  the  greatest  of  all 
their  crimes  against  the  working  class.  They  are 
saturated  with  graft  —  racketeering  was  born  in 
the  A.F.  of  L.  With  their  huge  salaries,  ranging 
from  $10,000  to  $20,000  yearly  or  as  much  as  those 
of  United  States  governors,  senators,  etc.,  they 
have  nothing  in  common  with  the  workers  in  their 
way  of  living  and  thinking.  So  faithful  a  servant 
of  capitalism  is  the  A.F.  of  L.  leadership  that,  if 


one  wants  to  know  its  policy  in  any  field  of  politics 
or  economics,  all  that  is  necessary  is  to  find  out  the 
policy  of  the  bosses  and  you  have  the  answer. 

The  present  tasks  of  the  A.F.  of  L.  leadership, 
dictated  by  the  employers,  are  to  defeat  the  de- 
mand of  the  workers  for  unemployment  insurance 
and  relief,  to  push  through  the  employers'  wage- 
cutting  campaign,  to  advance  the  preparations  for 
imperialist  war,  to  beat  back  the  advance  of  the 
Trade  Union  Unity  League  and  the  revolutionary 
minorities  in  the  reformist  unions. 

In  the  question  of  unemployment  the  A.F.  of  L. 
leadership  sinks  to  the  greatest  depths  of  cynical 
betrayal  of  the  workers.  The  Vancouver,  1931, 
convention  of  the  A.F.  of  L.,  re-affirming  the  ex- 
isting policy,  said:  "Compulsory  unemployment 
insurance  legislation  such  as  is  now  in  effect  in 
Great  Britain  and  Germany  would  be  unsuited  to 
our  economic  and  political  requirements  and  are 
unsatisfactory  to  American  workmen."  When 
Green,  Woll  and  Co.  say  this  they  speak  for  their 
capitalist  masters,  not  for  the  workers.  The  A.F. 
of  L.  convention  which  could  adopt  such  a  decision 
was  made  up  of  90%  high-paid  officials;  the  work- 
ers had  no  voice  or  representation.  The  A.F.  of 
L.  membership,  who  favor  unemployment  insur- 
ance, have  never  in  any  way  been  consulted  or 
given  an  opportunity  to  express  their  opinion  on 
the  question.  The  A.F.  of  L.  leadership,  either 
openly  or  by  their  silence,  have  endorsed  every 


attack  of  the  police  upon  unemployed  demon- 
strations. The  millions  of  unemployed  workers, 
destitute  of  unemployment  insurance  and  in  a  con- 
dition of  semi-starvation,  have  the  A.F.  of  L.  very 
much  to  thank  for  their  present  plight.  It  may 
be  that  under  the  growing  mass  pressure  many 
A.F.  of  L.  leaders  will  be  forced  to  tip  their  hat 
to  "unemployment  insurance"  of  the  Groves  Law 
type,  (half  a  dozen  governors  having  endorsed  it), 
but  this  demagogy  will  not  change  their  real  op- 
position. The  A.F.  of  L.  leaders  are  a  central  pillar 
of  the  Hoover  program  of  starving  the  unem- 

The  A.F.  of  L.  leaders  are  also  a  principal  in- 
strument of  the  bosses  for  cutting  the  workers' 
wages.  During  the  past  two  years,  despite  the 
Hoover-Green  no-wage-cut  agreement,  the  wages 
of  the  workers  in  practically  every  industry  have 
been  slashed  and  the  A.F.  of  L.  has  not  waged  a 
single  major  strike  against  this  offensive.  Where 
the  militancy  of  the  workers  has  forced  strikes, 
(Ohio  miners,  needle  trades,  etc.),  these  have  been 
betrayed  into  means  for  accomplishing  wage-cuts. 
Agreeing  with  the  bosses  that  the  standards  of 
the  workers  must  come  down,  the  A.F.  of  L.  leaders 
have  adopted  a  policy  of  "voluntary"  wage-cuts. 
They  are  accepting  cuts  off-hand  in  the  building, 
textile,  printing,  clothing  and  other  industries  all 
over  the  country,  and  glorying  in  them  as  victories. 
Matthew  Woll  called  the  recent  "voluntary" 


cut  of  the  railroad  workers,  which  was  a  most 
shameful  sell-out,  "an  achievement  such  as  we 
have  never  before  witnessed  in  the  United  States." 
In  their  wage-cutting  program  the  A.F.  of  L. 
leaders  do  not  hesitate  to  cut  the  wages  of  organ- 
ized workers  even  below  those  of  the  unorganized. 
In  the  Colorado  mines  of  the  Rocky  Mountain 
Fuel  Co.  the  U.M.W.  of  A.  leaders  "voluntarily" 
gave  up  50%  of  the  workers'  pay  in  order  to  enable 
that  company  to  out-compete  its  competitors.  In 
West  Virginia,  the  U.M.W.  of  A.  leader  Van 
Bittner  declared  that  he  would  "out scab  the 
scabs,"  and  signed  an  agreement  with  the  Purs- 
glove  Company,  cutting  the  already  starvation 
wages  of  its  1600  workers  from  30  to  22  cents 
per  ton,  thereby  reducing  them  far  below  the 
unorganized  miners  of  the  vicinity.  The  Ameri- 
can Federation  of  Full  Fashioned  Hosiery  Work- 
ers, (U.T.W.),  in  the  Fall  of  1931,  accepted  a 
cut  of  35%  to  45%,  shamelessly  announcing  that 
its  purpose  was  to  undercut  the  production  costs 
of  the  non-union  mills  and  to  drive  them  out  of 
business.  In  all  this  wage-cutting  campaign  no 
unions  have  been  more  active  than  the  Socialist- 
controlled  needle  trades  organizations. 

Not  only  does  the  A.F.  of  L.  take  the  initiative 
in  forcing  through  wage-cuts,  but  it  also  actively 
breaks  the  resistance  of  the  workers,  the  unorgan- 
ized or  those  united  in  the  Trade  Union  Unity 
League,  when  they  strike  against  reductions  of 


their  standards,  examples  of  this  being  the  recent 
strikes  in  Western  Pennsylvania,  Kentucky,  Law- 
rence, Paterson,  New  York,  etc.  It  used  to  be 
that  when  the  employers  broke  strikes  of  their 
workers  they  called  in  such  professional  scab- 
herders  as  Farley,  Pinkerton,  the  Feltz-Baldwins, 
etc.,  but  now  they  use  the  Greens,  Lewises,  Doaks, 
Schlessingers,  Hillmans,  etc. 

Notoriously,  the  A.F.  of  L.  leaders  are  milita- 
ristic jingoes,  and  support  every  phase  of  the  im- 
perialists' war  program.  They  are  rabid  enemies 
of  the  Soviet  Union.  The  A.F.  of  L.  convention 
poisonously  declared:  "We  regard  the  Soviet  re- 
gime in  Russia  as  the  most  unscrupulous,  most  anti- 
social institution  in  the  world  today.  Between  it 
and  our  form  of  political  and  social  organization, 
there  can  be  no  compromise  of  any  kind."  Their 
hatred  of  the  U.S.S.R.  is  a  class  hatred,  as  is  that  of 
the  employers.  They  fear  the  revolution  like  all 
other  exploiters  of  labor,  usually  more  acutely  than 
even  the  capitalists  themselves. 

Naturally,  to  enforce  in  the  unions  the  poli- 
cies of  wage-cuts,  starvation  of  the  unemployed, 
speed-up,  etc.,  more  and  more  use  has  to  be  made 
of  Fascist  methods  of  control  of  these  organiza- 
tions. Democracy,  never  vigorous  in  the  A.F.  of 
L.  and  railroad  Brotherhoods,  has  now  been  prac- 
tically wiped  out.  The  organizations  are  domi- 
nated from  top  to  bottom  by  bureaucrats  and 


gangsters;  including  the  "Socialist"  unions.  The 
rank  and  file  have  little  or  nothing  to  say  on  vital 
questions  of  policy.  Union  elections  are  a  farce, 
the  ruling  cliques  stealing  as  many  votes  as  they 
may  require.  Often  they  even  refuse  to  put  the 
opposition  candidates  on  the  ballot.  Conventions 
are  packed  with  administration  henchmen.  The 
union  journals  are  closed  to  all  serious  discussion. 
And  when  the  workers  object  to  this  growing  Fas- 
cist regime  they  face  gangsterism  and  expulsion 
from  the  organizations. 

The  employers  directly  assist  the  reactionaries 
in  controlling  the  unions.  Rebellious  workers  in 
the  unions  are,  upon  the  proposal  of  the  union 
leaders,  blacklisted  from  the  industries.  More 
than  ever  the  check-off  is  used  to  hold  the  work- 
ers in  the  organizations  by  force  (anthracite, 
needle  trades,  textiles,  etc.).  In  Illinois,  for  ex- 
ample, the  miners  have  led  several  revolts  against 
the  U.M.W.A.  but  are  still  compelled,  by  the 
check-off,  to  remain  members. 

Fascism  everywhere  seeks  to  amalgamate  the 
trade  unions  with  the  State,  so  that  the  workers 
may  be  the  more  effectively  controlled,  Musso- 
lini's "trade  unions"  being  actual  State  organs. 
Gradually  the  A.F.  of  L.  and  railroad  unions  are 
becoming  Statized,  being  already  practically  the 
official  government  unions.  Their  foreign  policy 
dovetails  completely  with  that  of  American  im- 
perialism and  obediently  follows  all  the  windings 


of  the  State  Department.  Significantly,  Mr. 
Hoover,  together  with  a  flock  of  governors,  sena- 
tors, mayors,  generals,  etc.,  went  to  the  Boston, 
(1930),  convention  to  tell  the  A.F.  of  L.  leaders 
to  fight  against  unemployment  insurance.  And 
during  the  1931  coal  strike  of  the  National  Min- 
ers Union  in  Western  Pennsylvania,  President 
Hoover,  Secretary  Doak,  and  Governors  Pinchot 
and  White  actively  interfered  to  break  the  strike, 
assisting  and  often  calling  upon  the  coal  operators 
to  rebuild  the  U.M.W.A.  and  arranging  confer- 
ences to  this  effect. 

Between  the  police  and  the  A.F.  of  L.  bureau- 
crats there  is  a  close  working  arrangement.  At 
the  top  Matthew  Woll  and  the  Department  of 
Justice  cooperate  in  the  issuance  of  their  periodic 
joint  "red  scares";  at  the  bottom,  the  lesser  officials 
turn  the  names  of  revolutionary  workers  over  to 
the  police.  The  Department  of  Labor,  when  35 
members  of  Local  28  of  the  Sheet  Metal  Workers 
got  out  an  injunction  against  their  crooked  offi- 
cials, sent  its  agents  to  terrorize  these  workers  as 
"Reds,"  (New  York  World-Telegram,  Apr.  1, 
1932)  this  being  a  direct  support  of  A.F.  of  L. 
racketeer  leaders  by  the  Federal  government. 
Nor  do  the  courts  fail  in  protecting  the  A.F.  of 
L.  officials  against  attacks  by  the  workers.  They 
issue  injunctions  against  the  TUUL  unions  on  be- 
half of  the  A.F.  of  L.  And  in  Southern  Illinois, 
Gebert,  Tash,  Frankfeld,  et  al.,  were  indicted  for 


criminal  syndicalism,  being  charged  by  the  State 
with  "maliciously,  unlawfully  and  knowingly  com- 
bining, federating,"  etc.,  "to  injure  the  character 
of  the  United  Mine  Workers  of  America." 

The  Fasciszation  of  the  Socialist  Party 

TRAVELING  to  Fascism,  the  Social  Democrats,  in- 
ternationally as  well  as  in  this  country,  are  fulfill- 
ing every  task  assigned  them  by  the  employers. 
In  summing  up  their  intellectual  fasciszation,  the 
Program  of  the  Communist  International,  says: 

"In  the  sphere  of  theory,  Social  Democracy  has  utterly 
and  completely  betrayed  Marxism,  having  traversed  the 
road  from  revision  to  complete  liberal  bourgeois  reform- 
ism and  avowed  social-imperialism;  it  has  substituted  in 
place  of  the  Marxian  theory  of  the  contradictions  of 
capitalism,  the  bourgeois  theory  of  its  harmonious  de- 
velopment ;  it  has  pigeon-holed  the  theory  of  crises  and 
of  the  pauperization  of  the  proletariat;  it  has  turned 
the  flaming  and  menacing  theory  of  class  struggle  into 
prosaic  advocacy  of  class  peace;  it  has  exchanged  the 
theory  of  growing  class  antagonisms  for  the  petty  bour- 
geois fairy  tale  about  the  'democratization'  of  capital; 
in  place  of  the  theory  of  the  inevitability  of  war  under 
capitalism  it  has  substituted  the  bourgeois  deceit  of 
pacifism  and  the  lying  propaganda  of  'ultra-imperialism'; 
it  has  changed  the  theory  of  the  revolutionary  downfall 
of  capitalism  for  the  counterfeit  coinage  of  'sound'  capi- 
talism transforming  itself  peacefully  into  Socialism;  it 
has  replaced  revolution  by  evolution;  the  destruction  of 
the  bourgeois  State  by  its  active  upbuilding,  the  theory 


of  proletarian  dictatorship  by  the  theory  of  coalition 
with  the  bourgeoisie,  the  doctrine  of  international  soli- 
darity—  by  preaching  defense  of  the  imperialist  father- 
land; for  Marxian  dialectical  materialism  it  has  sub- 
stituted the  idealist  philosophy  and  is  now  engaged  in 
picking  up  the  crumbs  of  religion  that  fall  from  the 
table  of  the  bourgeoisie. '* 

The  practice  of  the  Socialist  parties  and  trade 
unions  conforms  to  this  Fascist  theoretical  degen- 
eration. There  have  been  no  demands  made  upon 
them  by  capitalism  in  crisis  which  they  have  not 
obeyed.  When  the  capitalists  of  the  various  coun- 
tries called  upon  them  to  organize  the  great  World 
War  they  responded  by  identifying  everywhere 
their  interests  with  those  of  their  national  bour- 
geoisie and  by  mobilizing  the  workers  for  the 
slaughter.  And  ever  since  they  have  worked  with 
their  capitalist  masters  to  help  them  prepare  the 
next  war.  In  Great  Britain  the  MacDonald  "So- 
cialist" government  maintained  intact  the  great 
war  machine  of  British  imperialism;  in  Germany 
the  Social  Fascists  voted  for  the  rebuilding  of  the 
German  navy;  in  France  they  prepared  the  in- 
famous universal  military  service  law  now  in  force ; 
in  Poland,  Czecho- Slovakia  and  many  other  coun- 
tries they  vote  the  war  budgets.  Everywhere  they 
are  the  special  decoy  ducks  of  capitalist  pacifism, 
the  shield  of  imperialist  war. 

In  the  war  plans  of  the  capitalist  nations  against 
the  Soviet  Union  the  Social  Democrats  play  a  lead- 


ing  role.  They  scoff  at  the  danger  of  capitalist 
war  against  the  Soviet  Union  and  thus  disarm  the 
workers'  defense;  they  make  the  capitalist  war  ap- 
pear as  a  fight  against  autocracy  in  the  U.S.S.R. 
The  Social  Fascists  hate  the  Soviet  Union  because 
they  see  in  it  the  living  refutation  of  their  whole 
policy,  a  menacing  threat  to  the  capitalist  system 
of  which  they  are  the  most  profound  theoretical 
and  practical  defenders.  They  have  never  hesi- 
tated, (in  Georgia  and  elsewhere),  to  take  up  arms 
against  the  Soviet  Union.  The  exposures  in  the 
recent  political  trials  in  Moscow  showed  that  the 
Second  International  is  working  hand-in-glove 
with  the  French  imperialists  in  preparing  armed 
intervention  against  the  U.S.S.R.  As  a  recent 
resolution  of  the  Communist  International  says: 
"The  Social  Democracy  has  turned  itself  into  a 
shock-brigade  of  world  imperialism  which  is  pre- 
paring for  war  against  the  U.S.S.R." 

The  special  task  of  the  Social  Fascists  is  to  dis- 
credit the  Soviet  Union  among  the  workers.  As 
we  have  seen,  they  are  the  most  skilled  in  building 
up  arguments  against  the  Soviet  Union,  covering 
their  sophistries  with  a  cloak  of  pseudo-Marxism. 
They  take  up  every  capitalist  anti- Soviet  lie  and 
assiduously  propagate  it  among  the  workers. 
These  they  alternate  with  hypocritical  pretensions 
of  friendship,  knowing  that  the  masses  are  sympa- 
thetic to  the  U.S.S.R.  A  few  quotations  will  show 


their  malignant  attacks  upon  the  Russian  revolu- 
tion and  their  true  attitude  towards  it : 

"Russian  Soviet  imperialism,  which  has  robbed  a  whole 
series  of  non-Russian  peoples  of  their  rights  and  prin- 
ciples, is  striving  to  extend  its  rule  still  further  and  to 
cause  trouble  between  other  countries.  This  is  the  great- 
est danger  of  war.'96 

"The  Soviet  Government  has  been  the  greatest  disaster 
and  calamity  that  has  ever  occurred  to  the  Socialist 
movement.  Let  us  dissociate  ourselves  from  the  Soviet 
government."  7 

"I  agree  in  the  main  with  Prof.  Beard's  vigorous  state- 
ment: 'One  thing,  however,  is  certain;  the  Russian  gov- 
ernment rules  by  tyranny  and  terror,  with  secret  police, 
espionage  and  arbitrary  executions.' ' 

In  the  great  revolutionary  upheavals  following 
the  World  War  the  Social  Fascists  saved  Euro- 
pean capitalism.  In  Italy  they  betrayed  the  revo- 
lution into  the  hands  of  Mussolini.  In  Germany, 
in  their  efforts  to  preserve  the  capitalist  system, 
they  shot  down  thousands  of  revolutionary  work- 
ers. All  this  was  done  in  the  name  of  fighting 
for  Socialism.  The  MacDonald  "Socialist"  gov- 
ernment simply  displayed  its  true  Social  Fascist 
character  by  shooting  and  jailing  thousands  of 
revolutionary  workers  and  peasants  in  India.  The 
Social  Fascists  were  the  main  force  in  the  speed- 

6  Vorwearts,  official  organ  of  the  German  Social  Democratic  Party. 

7  Morris   Hillquit,  American   Socialist  leader,  New  Leader,   Feb. 
4,  1928. 

8  Norman  Thomas,  As  I  See  It,  p.  93. 


up,  rationalization  movement,  their  real  leader 
being  Henry  Ford,  not  Karl  Marx. 

Now  again,  when  capitalism  is  trying  to  find  a 
way  out  of  its  deep  crisis  by  reducing  the  standards 
of  the  workers,  its  main  allies  are  the  Social  Fas- 
cists. The  world  Social  Democracy  is  not  better 
than  a  strike-breaking,  wage-cutting,  dole-slashing 
tool  of  the  employers.  In  every  capitalist  country 
the  Social  Fascists  are  cooperating  closely  with  the 
capitalists,  accepting  as  their  working  principle 
that  in  the  crisis  the  workers'  living  conditions  must 
come  down.  In  the  United  States  J.  P.  Morgan 
speaks  over  the  radio  for  the  starvation,  "block-aid" 
system,  and  so  does  Norman  Thomas.  In  Great 
Britain,  with  the  aid  of  the  Labor  government,  the 
bosses  have  deeply  cut  the  wages  in  every  industry, 
besides  making  sharp  reductions  in  the  State  unem- 
ployment insurance.  In  Germany  the  Bruening 
and  other  capitalist  governments,  all  the  while  re- 
ceiving the  active  support  of  the  Social  Demo- 
cratic party,  have  cut  the  wages  of  the  workers  and 
the  benefits  of  the  jobless  to  starvation  levels. 

The  Socialist  parties  of  the  world  are  the  third 
parties  of  capitalism.  They  do  not  fight  for  even 
the  most  elementary  demands  of  the  workers. 
They  are  a  part  of  the  capitalist  machinery  for 
taking  the  bread  out  of  the  mouths  of  the  workers 
and  their  families,  the  principal  barrier  to  the  revo- 
lution. That  is  why  in  Great  Britain,  Germany 


and  other  countries  the  capitalists  have  supported 
Social  Fascists  to  head  their  governments.  In 
every  case  their  record  has  been  one  of  subservience 
to  the  program  of  the  exploiters.  In  practice 
their  policy  of  the  gradual  building  of  Socialism 
has  resolved  itself  simply  into  a  desperate  effort 
to  keep  the  breath  of  life  in  capitalism.  Their  so- 
called  nationalization  of  industry  is  only  a  covert 
aid  to  capitalist  trustification.  In  no  country  have 
they  achieved  the  slightest  progress  towards  So- 
cialism, or  even  made  serious  proposals  looking  in 
that  direction.  The  Liberal  English  writer,  Rat- 
cliffe,  says  in  Current  History,  (Dec.,  1931)  :  "The 
first  nominally  Socialist  Prime  Minister  of  Eng- 
land has  at  no  time  proposed  a  single  Socialist 
measure."  The  same  may  be  said  with  equal  truth 
of  every  "Socialist"  Prime  Minister  in  every  coun- 
try. Even  Norman  Thomas  has  to  grudgingly 
admit  that  "the  record  of  parliamentary  govern- 
ments by  Socialist  parties  in  Europe  is  no  record 
of  thrilling  achievement."  Manuilsky  states  the 
case  correctly  when  he  calls  the  Social  Democracy, 
"a  party  more  reactionary  and  counter-revolution- 
ary than  the  bourgeois  parties  were  in  the  past 
when  capitalism  was  still  on  the  upgrade." 

The  Social  Democracy  not  only  increasingly  ap- 
plies more  Fascist  methods  itself  against  the  work- 
ers, but  it  further  serves  its  capitalist  masters  by 
preparing  the  ground  for  open  Fascism.  In  Italy 

» America's  Way  Out,  p.  181. 


the  betrayal  of  the  great  metal  strike  by  the  So- 
cialists opened  the  door  to  Mussolini.  In  Austria 
the  Social  Democracy  disarms  the  workers  before 
the  advancing  Fascism.  In  Great  Britain,  by 
their  betrayal  of  the  great  general  strike  and  by 
the  debacle  of  the  Labor  government,  the  Social 
Fascists  threw  demoralization  into  the  ranks  of  the 
workers  and  petty  bourgeois  sympathizers,  giving 
direct  encouragement  to  Fascism.  In  Germany 
the  Social  Fascist  leaders  are  clearing  the  way 
for  Fascism  through  their  theory  and  practice  of 
"the  lesser  evil/'  With  the  argument  that  the 
starvation  capitalist  system  is  a  "lesser  evil"  than 
the  dictatorship  of  the  proletariat  they  support  the 
Bruening  government,  with  its  wholesale  wage- 
cuts,  suppression  of  the  workers'  rights  and  pro- 
gram of  gradual  fasciszation.  Under  the  name  of 
Socialism  they  call  upon  the  workers  to  vote  for 
the  monarchist,  von  Hindenburg.  In  many  places 
they  join  hands  with  the  Hitlerites  and  police  for 
armed  attacks  on  the  Communists.  To  the  Social 
Fascists  the  major  danger  is  the  Communist  revo- 
lution; to  defeat  this  the  end  justifies  the  means. 
The  "fight"  between  Social  Fascism  and  Fas- 
cism is  so  much  "sound  and  fury  signifying 
nothing."  The  two  movements  are  blood-brothers. 
Manuilsky  says:  "Fascism  and  Social  Fascism  are 
two  aspects  of  one  and  the  same  bulwark  of  bour- 
geois dictatorship,"  and  Stalin  says:  "Fascism  is  a 
militant  organization  of  the  bourgeoisie  resting 


upon  the  active  support  of  Social  Democracy." 
Their  quarrel  is  only  a  case  of  friction  between  two 
methods  of  repressing  the  workers,  between  two 
sets  of  capitalist  agents  fighting  for  the  fleshpots 
of  office  and  control.  The  Social  Fascists  would 
maintain  the  semblance  of  capitalist  democracy  as 
the  best  means  of  forestalling  the  revolution  and 
they  would  be  its  administrators ;  whereas  the  Fas- 
cists would  sweep  aside  this  fake  democracy  and 
its  champions  and  proceed  to  more  direct  methods 
of  repression.  But  an  accommodation  of  these 
conflicting  ideas  and  interests  is  being  arrived  at 
by  the  gradual  fasciszation  of  the  State  and  of  the 
mass  organizations  of  the  Social  Democrats.  In 
due  season  the  Social  Fascist  leaders,  in  the  name 
of  Socialism,  will  join  with  the  Hitlerites  in  shoot- 
ing down  the  revolutionary  workers.  It  is  because 
of  the  essential  unity  of  Fascism  and  Social  Fas- 
cism that  Hamilton  Fish,  one  of  the  most  conscious 
Fascists  in  this  country,  could  enthusiastically  en- 
dorse Norman  Thomas  for  office  in  the  1931 
elections.10  The  Mussolinis,  Pilsudskis,  Briands, 
and  MacDonalds  are  only  fully-matured  Social 

The  record  of  the  Socialist  Party  of  the  United 
States  is  altogether  in  line  with  that  of  its  brother 
parties  in  Europe.  It  has  undergone  the  same 
ideological  degeneration  in  the  direction  of  Fas- 
cism. It  supported  the  imperialist  program  of 

10  New  York  Herald-Tribune,  Nov.  2,  1931. 


MacDonald  and  the  endorsement  of  the  Bruening 
government.  It  advocated  the  whole  capitalist 
rationalization  of  industry,  and  class  collaboration, 
removing  from  its  program  all  reference  to  the 
class  struggle.  Now,  naturally,  it  comes  forward 
for  capitalist  "planning."  In  Reading  and  Mil- 
waukee, Socialist  strongholds  and  long  notorious 
for  their  low  wages  and  open-shop  conditions,  the 
same  starvation  program  for  the  unemployed  pre- 
vails, the  same  jailing  of  unemployed  demonstra- 
tors as  in  Mayor  Walker's  New  York.  The 
Socialist  party  has  cemented  its  alliance  with  the 
A.F.  of  L.  leadership  and  carries  out  the  same  line 
of  wage-cutting  and  strike-breaking  against  the 
revolutionary  unions,  but  with  more  skillful  strat- 
egy and  demagogy.  The  Socialist-controlled  New 
York  needle  trades  unions,  saturated  with  cor- 
ruption and  gangsterism,  are  just  as  much  at  the 
service  of  the  employers  as  any  unions  in  the  whole 
A.F.  of  L.  Wherever  it  is  to  be  found,  the  So- 
cialist party,  under  its  false-face  of  working  class 
phrases,  is  a  maid-of-all-work  for  the  capitalist 

The  "'Left"  Social  Fascists 

THE  DEEPENING  of  the  crisis  and  the  growing  revo- 
lutionization  of  the  masses  is  accompanied  by  a 
strong  development  of  radical  phrase-mongering 
on  the  part  of  many  groups  of  open  and  covert  de- 
fenders of  capitalism.  This  demagogy  is  part  of 


the  capitalist  offensive  against  the  workers.  Its 
aim  is  to  delude  the  workers  with  promises  of  dras- 
tic relief,  while  at  the  same  time  holding  them  tied 
in  practical  policy  to  the  basic  capitalist  program 
of  exploitation.  It  is  a  means  to  prevent  the 
masses  from  following  the  leadership  of  the  Com- 

Of  such  demagogues  the  Fascists  are  outstanding 
examples.  Before  Mussolini  seized  power  his 
program  was  extremely  "radical,"  containing  de- 
mands for  a  republic,  suppression  of  all  chambers 
of  commerce  and  stock  companies,  confiscation  of 
church  properties,  nationalization  of  the  war  in- 
dustries, etc.,  all  of  which  he  completely  repudiated 
in  practice.  At  the  present  time  Hitler  is  trying 
to  carry  out  the  same  Mussolini  strategy,  to  de- 
ceive the  German  masses  with  pretenses  of  radi- 
calism as  a  screen  for  the  naked  capitalist 
dictatorship  and  exploitation  he  has  in  store  for 
them.  The  new-found  radicalism  of  the  Roose- 
velts,  Pinchots,  LaFollettes,  Murphys,  Father 
Coxes,  etc.,  is  of  essentially  the  same  stripe  in  this 
country,  so  much  empty  demagogy  to  win  a  mass 
following  of  the  discontented. 

The  Social  Fascists  are  still  more  dangerous  mas- 
ters at  this  demagogic  art.  As  we  have  seen  they 
have,  under  pretense  of  fighting  for  Socialism, 
backed  up  every  plan  that  capitalism  has  put  for- 
ward for  saving  itself  and  more  intensely  exploiting 
the  toilers.  Under  the  fig-leaf  of  Socialism  they 


supported  the  World  War,  the  Versailles  Treaty, 
the  Dawes  and  Young  Plans,  the  Kellogg  Pact, 
the  Chinese  butcher,  Chang  Kai  Shek,  and  the  In- 
dian faker,  Gandhi.  Even  as  these  lines  are  being 
written,  they  are  working  together  with  the  Span- 
ish coalition  government  to  shoot  down  the  heroic 
revolt  of  the  Spanish  workers,  (Daily  Worker, 
Jan.  23,  1932).  Nor  are  the  Greens  and  Wolls 
anything  lacking  in  demagogic  ability,  with  their 
blather  about  the  5-hour  day,  their  vague  talk  of 
"revolution  if  something  is  not  done,"  etc. 

But  the  most  insidious  and  dangerous  to  the 
workers  of  all  this  crop  of  demagogues  are  the  so- 
called  "left"  Social  Fascists.  The  substance  of 
their  activities  is,  while  giving  practical  support  to 
the  right  Social  Fascists,  to  criticize  them  in  the 
name  of  the  revolution.  They  are  the  radical 
phrase-mongers  par  excellence.  Their  objective 
task  is  the  confusion  of  the  most  advanced  elements 
of  the  workers  and  therefore  the  breaking  up  of 
serious  movements  against  the  capitalists  and  their 
reactionary  labor  henchmen.  Throughout  the  Sec- 
ond International  there  are  such  groupings,  in- 
cluding the  Maxtonites  in  Great  Britain,  the 
"left"  Social  Democrats  in  Germany,  the  various 
renegade  Communist  grouplets,  etc.  Trotzky 
belongs  to  this  general  category.  The  harm  of 
such  elements  is  typically  illustrated  by  Trotzky's 
present  denial  of  an  immediate  war  danger  between 


Japan  and  the  U.S.S.R.,  while  at  the  same  time  he 
poses  as  an  ultra-revolutionist. 

During  the  post-war  revolutionary  upheavals  in 
Germany  and  other  countries  such  pseudo-left  ele- 
ments sprang  up,  forming  a  separate  world  or- 
ganization, the  so-called  2^  International.  These 
"lefts,"  despite  many  radical  phrases,  always 
supported  the  right  Social  Democrats  against  the 
Communists,  thereby  doing  much  to  break  up  the 
revolutionary  attacks  of  the  workers  upon  capi- 
talism. After  the  workers  were  defeated  the 
"lefts"  amalgamated  with  the  Second  Inter- 
national, of  which,  at  all  times,  they  were  essen- 
tially a  specialized  part.  Now,  in  this  great  crisis, 
they  are  attempting  to  come  forth  and  repeat  their 
treacherous  role  of  1918-23. 

In  the  United  States  the  principal  representa- 
tive of  this  insidious  pseudo-revolutionary  tendency 
is  the  Conference  for  Progressive  Labor  Action,  or 
the  so-called  Muste  group.  This  is  made  up  of 
miscellaneous  "progressive"  petty  trade  union 
bureaucrats,  remnants  of  the  old  Labor  party 
movements,  liberals  and  Brookwood  intellectuals, 
dilettante  churchmen,  social  workers,  etc.  Its 
chief  political  expression  is  the  "left"  Stanley 
group  in  the  Socialist  party  and  its  principal  activi- 
ties are  on  the  trade  union  field.  Such  Socialists 
as  Thomas  and  Maurer  flirt  with  the  movement. 
On  the  fringes  of  the  Muste  group  are  the  rene- 
gade Communist  groups  of  Lore,  Lovestone, 


Cannon  and  Weisbord.  They  serve  to  give  the 
whole  tendency  a  more  "red"  tinge  with  their  pre- 
tense at  Communism;  but  their  practice  dovetails 
with  the  Muste  group.  The  "left"  Social  Fascists 
are  in  reality  specialized  troops  of  the  reactionary 
bureaucrats  for  struggle  against  the  revolutionary 
sections  of  the  working  class. 

The  line  of  the  Muste  group  is  typical  of  such 
tendencies  the  world  over.  While  criticising  the 
betrayals  of  the  A.F.  of  L.  leaders  and  the  So- 
cialist party,  they  nevertheless  give  them  practical 
support.  They  are  bitter  enemies  of  the  Com- 
munist party  and  the  Trade  Union  Unity  League. 
They  are  special  opponents  of  the  policy  of  in- 
dependent revolutionary  unions,  seeking  to  draw 
the  unorganized  workers  under  the  control  of  the 
American  Federation  of  Labor.  They  are  the 
loyal  "opposition"  within  the  A.F.  of  L.  They 
talk  of  starting  a  more  radical  Socialist  party  as  a 
rival  to  the  Communist  party. 

In  its  short  life  of  about  three  years  the  Muste 
group  has  clearly  shown  the  unity  of  its  basic 
policy  with  that  of  the  A.F.  of  L.  How  this 
"radical"  group  makes  a  division  of  labor  with 
the  A.F.  of  L.  leaders  is  typically  illustrated  by  the 
campaign  of  the  A.F.  of  L.  to  "organize"  the 
Southern  textile  workers  recently.  On  the  one 
hand,  Mr.  Green,  accompanied  by  an  efficiency  en- 
gineer, Jeffrey  Browne,  proposed  to  "organize"  the 
textile  workers  by  offering  to  speed  them  still  more 


and  to  kill  off  radicalism  among  them.  Along  this 
line  he  spoke  to  many  Southern  Chambers  of  Com- 
merce and  employers'  associations.  "The  policies 
he  advocated,"  says  the  Memphis  Commercial  Ap- 
peal, "might  have  come  with  propriety  from  the 
President  of  the  American  Banking  Association." 
On  the  other  hand,  the  Muste  group  got  into  action 
to  help  Green  control  the  workers  within  his  reac- 
tionary scheme.  Muste  grew  enthusiastic  over  the 
campaign,  called  upon  the  workers  to  give  the 
A.F.  of  L.  misleaders  an  organizing  fund  of  $1,- 
000,000,  sent  his  speakers  to  talk  radical  to  the 
workers  at  the  mill  gates,  and  his  organizers  to 
play  a  shameful  role  in  the  final  strike  sell-outs. 
Thus  this  "progressive"  wing  of  the  A.F.  of  L. 
cooperated  perfectly  with  the  top  bureaucracy  to 
defeat  the  militant  movement  of  the  Southern 
workers  and  to  keep  them  away  from  the  revolu- 
tionary National  Textile  Workers  Union. 

The  recent  Lawrence  strike  was  another  typical 
example  of  the  Musteites  as  auxiliaries  of  the 
A.F.  of  L.  leadership.  With  the  A.F.  of  L.  ac- 
cepting wage-cuts  all  over  the  country  on  principle, 
manifestly  it  could  not  afford  to  have  these  23,000 
unorganized  textile  workers  win  their  strike  against 
the  wage-cut.  The  A.F.  of  L.  organizers  went 
into  Lawrence  to  bring  about  the  acceptance  of  the 
cut,  that  is,  to  sell-out  the  strike.  The  Musteites 
helped  them.  They  viciously  attacked  the  revolu- 
tionary union  and  aided  the  reactionary  A.F.  of  L. 


leadership  to  secure  prestige  among  the  masses  by 
the  Muste  show  of  radicalism.  In  the  1931  Pater- 
son  strike  of  silk  workers  there  was  a  complete 
united  front  of  capitalist  politicians,  A.F.  of  L., 
Socialist  Party,  Muste  group,  Lovestoneites,  etc., 
against  the  National  Textile  Workers  Union. 

Every  "left"  maneuver  of  the  A.F.  of  L.  bu- 
reaucrats to  deceive  the  masses  has  the  enthusiastic 
support  of  the  Muste  group  and  their  renegade 
Communist  allies.  The  putting  over  of  the  recent 
general  wage-cut  of  the  railroad  workers  provided 
a  good  example  of  Musteism  in  practice.  From 
the  outset  of  the  negotiations  between  the  com- 
panies and  the  union  leaders  it  was  evident  that 
the  latter  intended  to  accept  the  cut  after  making 
a  few  maneuvers  to  create  the  impression  among 
the  rank  and  file  that  they  were  fighting  the  com- 
panies' proposition.  Manifestly,  the  task  of  every 
militant  was  to  expose  this  plot  and  to  organize 
the  workers  against  it.  But  no  sooner  did  the 
latter  begin  their  sham  battle  against  the  cut  than 
Muste's  paper,  The  Labor  Age,  Dec.,  1931, 
declared:  "The  fact  that  the  twenty-one  railroad 
labor  unions  in  this  country  have  informed  a  com- 
mittee of  railroad  presidents  that  they  will  not 
accept  a  Voluntary'  cut  in  wages  of  10%  is  a 
hopeful  sign.  It  may  mean  a  turning  point  in 
American  trade  union  history."  This  was  plain 
aid  and  comfort  to  the  enemy,  deceiving  the  work- 


ers  and  making  it  easy  for  the  leaders  to  betray 

The  Bankruptcy  of  Social  Fascism 

Now  LET  us  see  whether  or  not  capitalism  is  de- 
veloping in  Social  Fascism  a  means  with  which  it 
can  quench  the  class  struggle  and  beat  down  the 
surging  proletarian  revolution.  Even  a  cursory 
glance  shows  that  with  the  narrowing  of  the  eco- 
nomic base  of  Social  Fascism,  caused  by  the  in- 
ability of  capitalism  to  so  widely  corrupt  the  labor 
aristocracy,  goes  a  narrowing  of  its  mass  base 
among  the  working  class.  Social  Fascism  is  bank- 
rupt in  theory  and  practice  and,  despite  (and  be- 
cause of)  the  support  it  gets  from  the  employers 
and  the  State,  it  is  entering  into  a  period  of  disin- 

By  its  daily  role  in  the  class  struggle  Social 
Fascism  shows  itself  to  be  the  road,  not  to  Socialism 
but  to  the  still  deeper  enslavement  of  the  workers. 
The  Social  Democratic  theory  that  the  capitalist 
"democracy"  would  gradually  evolve  into  a  Social- 
ist government  leads  in  hard  reality  to  Socialist 
support  of  growing  Fascist  dictatorships  all  over 
the  capitalist  world;  its  conception  of  a  steadily 
rising  standard  of  living  for  the  workers  under  an 
organized  capitalism  leads,  in  the  decaying  capi- 
talist system,  to  the  acceptance  of  wholesale  wage- 
cuts,  starvation  of  the  unemployed,  preparations 
for  war  against  the  Soviet  Union,  etc. 


Inevitably  the  meaning  of  all  this  is  seeping 
into  the  minds  of  the  masses  of  workers  who  have 
hitherto  followed  the  lead  of  the  Social  Democrats. 
Although  they  still  have  many  stubborn  illusions, 
they  are  learning  that  the  Social  Democracy  is 
their  enemy,  and  they  are  starting  to  turn  against 
it.  Hence,  there  is  beginning  a  world-wide  decline 
in  the  mass  influence  and  organizational  strength 
of  the  Social  Democracy  and  a  growth  of  the  Com- 
munist movement.  In  Germany,  where  the  capi- 
talist crisis  is  farthest  advanced  and  the  process 
of  fasciszation  of  the  Social  Democracy  most  com- 
plete, the  above  trends  are  best  illustrated.  Thus, 
while  the  vote  of  the  Social  Democratic  party 
steadily  falls  off,  that  of  the  Communist  party, 
4,982,000  in  the  recent  election,  as  rapidly  increases. 

Nor  is  the  United  States  an  exception  to  this 
general  tendency.  Since  the  war  the  A.F.  of  L. 
has  lost  about  2,000,000  members.  The  United 
Mine  Workers,  once  the  backbone  of  the  A.F.  of 
L.,  has  been  reduced  to  one-fourth  of  its  former 
membership  and,  because  of  its  reactionary  poli-< 
cies,  it  has  become  a  stench  in  the  nostrils  of  the 
miners.  During  the  past  two  years  the  building 
trades  unions  have  lost  at  least  one-third  of  their 
members  and  other  unions  accordingly.  Moreover, 
throughout  the  A.F.  of  L.,  there  is  brewing  an 
explosive  rank  and  file  opposition  to  the  reactionary 
policies  of  the  leaders.  Never  was  the  prestige  of 
the  A.F.  of  L.  so  low  among  its  members  and  the 


broad  masses  of  workers.  As  against  all  this,  there 
is  the  spreading  mass  influence  of  the  Communist 
party  and  the  Trade  Union  Unity  League. 

The  capitalists,  naturally,  do  not  passively  ob- 
serve the  disintegration  of  Social  Fascism,  but  try 
to  save  it.  Thus  American  employers  are  defi- 
nitely cultivating  the  reactionary  unions  more  and 
more.  This  amounts,  in  substance,  to  a  modifica- 
tion of  their  historic  open-shop  policy.  This 
tendency  manifests  itself  in  many  ways,  such  as 
the  "re-build  the  U.M.W.  of  A."  movement;  the 
"granting"  of  the  check-off  to  the  anthracite 
miners;  the  close  collaboration  of  the  bosses,  the 
government  and  the  union  leaders  in  the  fake 
needle  trades  strikes;  the  recognition  accorded  the 
shop  unions  by  the  railroad  companies  in  the  recent 
wage  negotiations  for  many  roads  where  they  had 
no  members,  the  close  cooperation  of  the  A.F.  of 
L.  and  the  Federal  government,  etc. 

One  of  the  most  recent  and  striking  mani- 
festations of  this  tendency  was  the  practically 
unanimous  passage  of  the  Norris-La  Guardia 
Anti-Injunction  bill.  This  bill,  which  presuma- 
bly abolishes  the  "yellow  dog"  contract  and  limits 
the  power  of  federal  courts  to  issue  injunc- 
tions, in  reality  does  not  do  away  with  injunctions 
at  all,  but  lays  the  basis  for  their  application 
primarily  against  the  revolutionary  unions.  It  is 
a  definite  move  to  facilitate  the  organization  of 
the  A.F.  of  L.  unions,  and  to  give  their  reactionary 


leaders  a  "paper  victory"  to  support  the  paralyzing 
non-partisan  A.F.  of  L.  political  policy.  It  does 
not  originate  in  a  sudden  burst  of  liberalism  on 
the  part  of  the  government,  but  in  a  realization  of 
the  necessity  to  develop  the  A.F.  of  L.  leadership 
still  further  as  a  strike-breaking  organization. 

The  capitalist  policy  to  strengthen  Social 
Fascism  as  a  barrier  against  the  Communist  party 
and  the  Trade  Union  Unity  League  is  further  ex- 
pressed in  the  distinct  cultivation  of  the  Socialist 
party  that  is  now  to  be  seen  all  over  the  country. 
The  S.P.  has  become  a  thoroughly  respectable 
party  of  "opposition."  The  capitalists  realize  that 
the  lack  of  a  strong  social  reformist  movement  is 
a  great  disadvantage  for  them,  hence,  they  are  con- 
sciously building  the  Socialist  party  as  a  weapon 
against  the  Communist  party.  Its  candidates  and 
activities  are  given  access  to  every  avenue  of  pub- 
licity. The  endorsement  of  Norman  Thomas  by 
most  of  the  capitalist  press  in  New  York  in  the 
recent  elections  shows  the  way  the  wind  is  blowing. 
The  capitalists  know  their  own. 

Such  methods  of  galvanizing  Social  Fascism  into 
life  must  fail.  The  masses  of  workers  can  never  be 
dragooned  into  organizations  that  are  so  mani- 
festly carrying  out  policies  hostile  to  their  interest. 
But  this  is  not  to  minimize  the  danger.  The  Social 
Fascist  method  of  obscuring  the  capitalist  policy 
under  the  guise  of  Socialism  is  an  insidious  menace. 
It  is  now  and  will  remain  until  the  revolution  the 


most  dangerous  capitalist  influence  among  the 
working  class,  the  most  serious  brake  upon  the 
class  struggle.  The  progress  of  the  revolutionary 
movement  is  to  be  measured  by  the  breaking  of  the 
Social  Democracy's  grip  upon  the  workers,  ideo- 
logically and  organizationally. 

That  there  is  such  a  breaking-down  process  now 
going  on  is  self-evident,  and  this  disintegration  will 
increase  with  the  sharpening  of  the  general  crisis  of 
capitalism.  The  Social  Democratic  illusions  of  the 
masses  are  weakening,  despite  the  frantic  efforts  of 
the  "left"  phrase-mongers  to  keep  them  alive. 
Less  and  less  able  are  the  employers  to  put  into 
effect  their  traditional  policy  of  corrupting  the 
strategically  situated  labor  aristocracy  and  thus  to 
play  them  off  against  the  rest  of  the  working  class. 
The  differences  between  the  skilled  and  unskilled 
are  diminishing,  the  working  class  is  becoming  uni- 
fied. More  and  more  skillful  become  the  newly- 
organized  Communist  parties  in  mobilizing  the 
rebellious  masses.  Consequently,  the  employers 
are  compelled  to  make  ever  greater  use  of  open 
force  against  the  workers,  to  resort  to  a  policy  of 
naked  Fascism. 

The  Futility  of  Fascism 

ABOVE,  we  have  pointed  out  the  tendency  towards 
the  development  of  Fascism  in  all  capitalist  coun- 
tries. Italy  is  the  classical  example  of  this  tend- 


ency  carried  to  its  logical  conclusion.  Defenders 
of  capitalism  the  world  over  have  looked  hopefully 
towards  Italy  for  a  solution  of  the  capitalist  crisis. 
Mussolini,  as  well  as  Ford,  seemed  to  have  the  an- 
swer for  capitalism's  woes.  But  we  shall  see  that 
this  is  not  so. 

Fascism  is  not  an  alternative  to  capitalism;  it 
is  capitalism,  the  most  extreme  expression  of  the 
capitalistic  dictatorship.  As  Manuilsky  says: 
"The  Fascist  regime  is  not  a  new  type  of  State; 
it  is  one  of  the  forms  of  the  bourgeois  dictatorship 
in  the  epoch  of  imperialism."  "  Fascism  does  not 
amend  capitalist  economics.  The  economic  policy 
of  Fascism  is  the  familiar  capitalist  program  of  the 
exploitation  of  the  workers  and  poor  farmers. 
The  difference  between  Fascism  and  a  bourgeois 
democratic  regime  is  that  the  former  is  more  ex- 
treme and  brutal  in  its  exploitation  of  the  toilers. 
As  Manuilsky  says  further:  "The  main  factor  in 
Fascism  is  its  open  offensive  against  the  working 
class  with  the  employment  of  every  form  of  vio- 
lence and  coercion."  Thus,  inevitably,  Fascism 
deepens  the  contradictions  of  capitalist  society.  It 
must  result  in  intensifying  the  economic  crisis  and 
in  stimulating  the  revolutionization  of  the  toilers. 

The  wide  development  of  Fascism  in  various 
forms  in  the  several  capitalist  countries  is  not  a 
sign  of  capitalism  growing  stronger,  but  weaker. 
Fascism  arises  with  the  deepening  of  the  capitalist 

11  The  Communist  Parties  and  the  Crisis  of  Capitalism,  p.  36. 


crisis.  It  is  the  desperate  means  by  which  capi- 
talism in  its  extremity  of  crisis  vainly  tries  to  save 
itself.  It  is  significant  that  Fascism  is  most  de- 
veloped in  exactly  those  countries  that  are  the 
weakest  links  in  the  capitalist  world  chain.  In 
some  instances,  to  crush  the  workers,  it  incorpo- 
rates the  Social  Fascist  parties  and  unions  into  its 
machinery;  in  others,  it  destroys  not  only  the  So- 
cial Fascist  organizations  but  also  Liberal  group- 

Fascism  is  the  instrument  of  finance  capital.  It 
speeds  the  development  of  State  capitalism,  linking 
the  employers'  organizations,  "trade  unions,"  etc. 
directly  to  the  government.  Here,  indeed,  is  a 
heaven  for  capitalist  "planners."  Hence,  all  over 
the  world,  the  advocates  of  an  "organized  capi- 
talism" have  looked  hopefully  towards  Italy.  We 
even  find  people  who  falsely  dub  themselves  Com- 
munists asserting  that  Fascism  can  liquidate  the 
economic  crisis  and  do  away  with  the  class  struggle. 
Thus  V.  F.  Calverton  says  in  The  Modern  Quar- 
terly, (Jan.-Mar.,  1931):  "In  either  case  (Com- 
munism or  Fascism,  WZF)  industry  can  be 
organized  into  a  scientific  unit,  the  present  dissipa- 
tion of  energy  be  saved,  and  the  friction  of 
democratic  struggle  be  destroyed." 

But  capitalism's  hope  in  Fascist  Italy  has  been 
no  less  futile  than  its  enthusiasm  for  the  "new 
capitalism"  in  the  United  States.  Italy  is  just 
as  deep  in  the  mud  of  the  capitalist  crisis  as  other 


countries  are  in  its  mire.  During  the  past  year 
Italian  industrial  production  has  rapidly  declined, 
examples  of  this  decrease  being  steel  16%,  cotton 
30%,  automobiles  50%,  etc.,  the  general  average 
of  decline  being  about  40%.  Exports,  notwith- 
standing government  forced-draft  methods  of 
dumping,  have  dropped  seriously.  The  crisis  also 
manifests  itself  heavily  in  the  realm  of  finance; 
the  stocks  of  the  largest  and  most  important  in- 
dustrial undertakings  having  fallen  off  50%  to 
75%  since  1929;  in  November  the  Banca  Com- 
merciale  Italiana,  the  largest  bank  in  Italy,  was 
saved  from  bankruptcy  only  by  drastic  govern- 
ment aid;  in  1931  the  government  faced  a  deficit  of 
896,000,000  lire  as  against  a  surplus  of  150,000,000 
lire  in  1930. 

The  living  standards  of  the  Italian  workers  and 
peasants  have  also  catastrophically  declined.  An 
Associated  Press  dispatch  of  Mar.  15,  1932,  says: 
"Italy's  unemployed  at  the  end  of  February  to- 
talled 1,147,000,  a  new  high  and  an  increase  of 
96,000  in  a  month."  Only  one-fourth  receive  the 
beggarly  unemployment  benefits.  Wages  have 
been  slashed  as  much  as  40%  in  the  past  four  years. 
The  prices  paid  to  the  peasants  for  their  products 
have  been  similarly  cut.  So  greatly  have  the 
masses  been  impoverished  that  Mussolini  could 
cynically  remark:  "It  is  fortunate  for  Italy  that 
the  Italian  workers  and  peasants  are  not  in  the 
habit  of  eating  more  than  once  a  day." 


The  inevitable  result  of  such  conditions  is  a  rising 
revolutionary  movement  in  Italy  also,  despite  the 
ferocious  terror.  The  Chicago  Tribune,  (Feb.  20, 
1932),  says:  "A  wave  of  unrest  is  sweeping  Italy 
from  North  to  South  and  in  many  places  disturb- 
ances have  taken  on  the  character  of  mass  risings 
of  the  countryside  against  the  authorities  .  .  .  the 
ordinary  police  forces  are  helpless  and  only  the  ar- 
rival of  reserves  prevented  the  rioters  from  lynch- 
ing the  authorities." 

Fascism,  the  weapon  of  big  capitalists,  bankers 
and  land-owners,  finds  its  chief  mass  base  among 
the  petty  bourgeoisie  until  these  eventually  be- 
come revolutionized  by  the  intolerable  conditions. 
The  mass  of  the  workers  cannot  be  won  over  to 
Fascism.  They  see  in  Fascism  a  murde*-ous  enemy 
of  the  working  class.  The  most  that  the  Musso- 
linis  and  Hitlers  can  do  is  to  temporarily  win  the 
support  of  sections  of  office  employees  and 
agricultural  workers  and  others  of  the  more  back- 
ward and  politically  inexperienced  toilers.  As 
the  workers  free  themselves  from  Social  Demo- 
cratic illusions  they  go  to  Communism,  not  to 

In  his  new  book,  As  I  See  It,  Norman  Thomas 
develops  the  theory  that  the  revolt  of  the  workers 
cannot  succeed  in  the  face  of  the  highly-destructive 
arms  possessed  by  the  capitalists,  that  the  airplane 
can  defeat  the  barricade.  But  this  is  only  a  call 
to  the  workers  to  surrender.  The  ruling  class, 


also  under  Fascism,  must  have  a  mass  base.  It  can 
not  maintain  power  without  one,  notwithstanding 
all  its  airplanes  and  artillery.  Fascism,  as  we  have 
seen,  has  such  a  base  in  the  petty  bourgeoisie,  and 
Fascism  will  disintegrate  as  this  base  collapses.  In 
Italy,  Poland  and  other  Fascist  countries  this  dis- 
integration is  clearly  proceeding  with  the  develop- 
ment of  the  capitalist  crisis.  The  revolution 
attacks  Fascism  not  only  from  without  but  from 

The  proletarian  revolution  cannot  be  crushed 
by  force,  even  with  the  assistance  of  the  most  tricky 
Social  Fascist  and  Fascist  demagogy.  Chang  Kai 
Shek  slaughtered  200,000  militant  workers  and 
peasants  in  the  greatest  reign  of  terror  of  modern 
history,  but  the  wave  of  revolution  in  China  mounts 
higher  and  higher.  Poland,  in  spite  of  its  extreme 
Fascist  terrorism,  goes  rapidly  to  the  revolutionary 
crisis.  De  Rivera  in  Spain  learned  something 
about  trying  to  rule  by  violence,  and  the  Russian 
Czar  likewise.  Hitler,  if  he  comes  to  power  in 
Germany,  will  eventually  learn  the  same  bitter  les- 
son. And  in  Italy  there  is  a  revolutionary  storm 
brewing  that  will  blow  Fascism  to  bits. 

Mussolini  was  able  to  seize  the  power  in  Italy 
because  of  the  Socialist  betrayal  of  the  great  metal 
strike  of  1920,  which  demoralized  the  workers  who 
had  hoped  to  make  the  revolution.  Fascism  is  not 
an  inevitable  stage  of  the  capitalist  dictatorship; 
the  revolution  may  forestall  it.  But  it  is  possible 


that  Fascism  will  secure  the  power  in  Germany, 
England,  Japan,  the  United  States  and  other  coun- 
tries through  similar  Socialist  betrayals.  In  any 
event,  however,  Fascism  will  not  be  able  to  solve 
the  capitalist  crisis,  and  to  save  the  present  decay- 
ing social  system.  It  cannot  liquidate  the  class 
struggle;  it  cannot  permanently  hold  down  the 
workers  and  poor  farmers  by  force.  Faced  by 
constantly  worsening  conditions  and  mass  starva- 
tion, these  masses  will,  under  the  leadership  of  the 
Communist  party,  eventually  break  through  every 
system  of  Fascist  terrorism  and  establish  a  Soviet 



IN  THE  preceding  chapters  we  have  seen  that  world 
capitalism,  of  which  American  capitalism  is  an  in- 
tegral part,  sinks  deeper  and  deeper  into  general 
crisis,  with  consequent  widespread  impoverishment 
of  the  masses,  development  of  the  menacing  danger 
of  imperialist  war,  and  growth  of  a  world- wide 
revolutionary  upsurge  by  the  exploited  masses  of 
toilers.  We  have  seen,  further,  that  every  effort 
of  the  world  bourgeoisie  to  halt  or  reverse  these 
conditions  only  results,  in  the  long  run,  in  their 
intensification.  Special  measures  to  ease  the  pres- 
ent economic  cyclical  crisis  —  inflation,  interna- 
tional moratoriums,  State  budget  reductions,  etc. 
—  cannot  permanently  cure  the  basic  general  crisis 
of  capitalism.  This  general  crisis,  with  each  re- 
curring cyclical  crisis,  deepens  and  spreads. 

In  revolutionary  contrast,  we  have  seen  the  strik- 
ing success  of  Socialism  in  the  Soviet  Union. 
There  the  workers  and  farmers  have  overthrown 
capitalism  and  established  the  dictatorship  of  the 

proletariat;  they  have  found  the  solution  to  the 



economic,  political  and  social  contradictions  which 
are  undermining  the  capitalist  world.  As  the 
capitalist  system  internationally  sinks  deeper  and 
deeper  into  crisis,  the  Socialist  system  in  the 
U.S.S.R.  achieves  an  even  faster  rate  of  progress 
to  higher  stages  of  well-being  and  culture  for  the 

The  implications  of  all  this  are  clear:  to  escape 
the  encroaching  capitalist  starvation  and  to  emanci- 
pate themselves,  the  workers  of  the  world,  includ- 
ing those  in  this  country,  must  and  will  take  the 
revolutionary  way  out  of  the  crisis.  That  is,  they 
will  carry  out  a  militant  policy  now  in  defense  of 
their  daily  interests  and,  finally,  following  the  ex- 
ample of  the  Russian  workers,  they  will  abolish 
capitalism  and  establish  Socialism. 

The  Conquest  of  Political  Power 

BY  THE  term  "abolition"  of  capitalism  we  mean 
its  overthrow  in  open  struggle  by  the  toiling 
masses,  led  by  the  proletariat.  Although  the  world 
capitalist  system  constantly  plunges  deeper  into 
crisis  we  cannot  therefore  conclude  that  it  will  col- 
lapse of  its  own  weight.  On  the  contrary,  as 
Lenin  has  stated,  no  matter  how  difficult  the  capi- 
talist crisis  becomes,  "there  is  no  complete  absence 
of  a  way  out"  for  the  bourgeoisie  until  it  faces  the 
revolutionary  proletariat  in  arms. 

For  the  capitalists  the  way  out  of  the  crisis  is 


by  forcing  great  masses  of  unemployed  into  semi- 
starvation,  driving  down  the  wage  levels  of  the 
employed,  waging  desperate  imperialist  war,  and 
instituting  a  regime  of  Fascist  terrorism.  This  is 
the  way  the  whole  capitalist  world  development 
goes.  For  the  workers,  the  capitalist  way  out 
means  deeper  enslavement  and  poverty  than  ever. 

The  capitalists  will  never  voluntarily  give  up 
control  of  society  and  abdicate  their  system  of  ex- 
ploiting the  masses.  Regardless  of  the  devastating 
effects  of  their  decaying  capitalism;  let  there  be 
famine,  war,  pestilence,  terrorism,  they  will  hang 
on  to  their  wealth  and  power  until  it  is  snatched 
from  their  hands  by  the  revolutionary  proletariat. 

The  capitalists  will  not  give  up  of  their  own 
accord ;  nor  can  they  be  talked,  bought  or  voted  out 
of  power.  To  believe  otherwise  would  be  a  deadly 
fatalism,  disarming  and  paralyzing  the  workers  in 
their  struggle.  No  ruling  class  ever  surrendered 
to  a  rising  subject  class  without  a  last  ditch  open 
fight.  To  put  an  end  to  the  capitalist  system  will 
require  a  consciously  revolutionary  act  by  the  great 
toiling  masses,  led  by  the  Communist  party;  that  is, 
the  conquest  of  the  State  power,  the  destruction 
of  the  State  machine  created  by  the  ruling  class, 
and  the  organization  of  the  proletarian  dictator- 
ship. The  lessons  of  history  allow  of  no  other  con- 

It  is  the  historical  task  of  the  proletariat  to  put 
a  last  end  to  war.  Nevertheless,  the  working  class 


cannot  itself  come  into  power  without  civil  war. 
This  is  not  due  to  the  choice  of  the  toilers ;  it  is  be- 
cause the  ruling  class  will  never  permit  itself  to  be 
ousted  without  such  a  fight.  "Force,"  says  Marx, 
"is  the  midwife  of  every  old  society  when  it  is  preg- 
nant with  the  new  one ;  force  is  the  instrument  and 
the  means  by  which  social  movements  hack  their 
way  through  and  break  up  the  fossilized  political 
forms."  The  Program  of  the  Communist  Inter- 
national thus  puts  the  matter : 

"The  conquest  of  power  by  the  proletariat  does  not 
mean  peacefully  'capturing'  the  ready-made  bourgeois 
State  machinery  by  means  of  a  parliamentary  majority. 
The  bourgeoisie  resort  to  every  means  of  violence  and 
terror  to  safeguard  and  strengthen  its  predatory  prop- 
erty and  its  political  domination.  Like  the  feudal  no- 
bility of  the  past,  the  bourgeoisie  cannot  abandon  its 
historical  position  to  the  new  class  without  a  desperate 
and  frantic  struggle." 

The  Social  Fascists  make  a  great  parade  of 
their  theory  of  the  "gradual"  evolution  of  capi- 
talism into  Socialism  through  a  process  of  peaceful 
parliamentarism.  Thus  Mr.  Hilquit,  the  million- 
aire leader  of  the  Socialist  party  says :  "In  the  more 
democratic  countries,  especially  those  in  which  the 
Socialist  and  labor  movements  constitute  important 
political  and  social  factors,  the  necessary  transi- 
tional reforms,  or  at  least  a  large  part  of  them,  may 
be  gradually  conquered  through  the  direct  control 
by  the  proletariat  of  important  organs  of  the  State, 


such  as  municipalities  or  legislatures,  or  through 
the  indirect  influence  of  the  growing  labor  move- 
ment." 1  Mr.  Hillquit,  like  Social  Fascists  gen- 
erally, goes  on  to  say  that  the  present  imperialist 
government  is  actually  the  "Socialist  transitional 
State,  although  it  would  be  impossible  for  us  to 
say  just  when  we  entered  it." 

We  have  seen  in  the  previous  chapter  just  what 
this  "gradualness"  theory  of  the  Social  Fascists 
means  in  practice  —  simply  the  creation  of  a  united 
front  with  the  capitalists  to  throw  the  burden  of 
the  crisis  upon  the  workers,  to  try  desperately  to 
save  the  capitalist  system  and  to  crush  back  the 
revolution.  Nor  does  the  future  hold  any  better 
perspective  for  this  theory  so  far  as  the  workers 
are  concerned.  Nowhere  in  the  experience  of  the 
world  class  struggle  can  any  justification  be  found 
for  the  conception  that  the  capitalists  have  per- 
mitted or  ever  will  permit  themselves  to  be  shifted 
from  their  ruling  position  without  an  open  strug- 
gle. On  the  contrary,  the  evidence  is  entirely  in 
the  other  direction.  The  capitalist  class  always 
brutally  uses  its  armed  forces  against  rebellious 
workers,  meanwhile  throwing  its  democracy  and 
parliamentarism  into  the  waste-basket. 

What  the  capitalist  class  does  when  it  is  in  a 
revolutionary  situation  is  conclusively  shown  by 
the  experience  in  Italy.  In  1920  the  Italian  capi- 
talists found  themselves  confronting  a  revolution- 

i  Socialism  in  Theory  and  Practice,  p.  103. 


ary  crisis.  Hence,  they  made  no  delay  in 
scrapping  their  whole  parliamentary  system,  adopt- 
ing a  program  of  Fascist  violence  and  proceeding 
with  fire  and  sword  against  the  working  class,  pre- 
viously betrayed  and  demoralized  by  the  Socialist 
party.  Workers  and  peasants  were  murdered  and 
a  reign  of  terror  instituted  on  every  front.  Par- 
liamentary representatives  were  expelled  or  assas- 
sinated, unions  and  cooperatives  broken  up,  etc. 
Who  but  a  political  illiterate  or  a  plain  betrayer 
of  the  working  class  can  assert  that  these  Italian 
Fascist  capitalist  bandits  can  ever  be  voted  out  of 
power  ? 

The  situation  in  Germany  teaches  the  same  les- 
sons. The  German  bourgeoisie,  fearing  the  revo- 
lution, are  developing  Fascism  to  drown  it  in  blood. 
The  Reichstag  is  only  a  democratic  sham  to  hide 
the  almost  naked  Fascist  dictatorship.  In  Eng- 
land, although  the  crisis  is  not  so  far  developed, 
Fascist  trends  are  beginning  to  be  seen.  The  Eng- 
lish bourgeoisie,  like  the  German,  French,  and 
others,  will  not  surrender  without  the  bitterest  war 
against  the  proletariat.  Or  perhaps  India  and 
China  present  valid  examples  of  how  the  toiling 
masses  can  achieve  their  emancipation  without 
struggle?  Chang  Kai  Shek  would  be  especially 
responsive,  mayhap,  to  parliamentary  action  by 
the  workers  and  peasants  ? 

But  the  history  of  the  American  capitalist  class 
offers  ample  evidence  that  the  toilers  can  defeat  the 


ruling  class  only  in  an  open  struggle.  The  Ameri- 
can bourgeois  revolution  of  1776,  even  as  the  Rus- 
sian Bolshevik  revolution  of  1917,  was  carried 
through  on  the  basis  of  armed  struggle.  This  fact 
the  patriotic  ladies  of  the  D.A.R.,  fearful  of  the 
"bad"  example  set  to  the  rising  proletariat,  would 
like  to  forget.  "American  history  gives  us  another 
example  of  the  same  principle  when,  by  the  elec- 
tion of  Lincoln,  the  overwhelming  majority  voted 
out  of  power  in  the  United  States  government  the 
southern  slave  holders,  these  slave  holders  took  up 
arms  to  maintain  their  particular  system  of  exploi- 
tation against  the  will  of  the  majority."  2 

Nor  has  the  American  capitalist  class  ever  hesi- 
tated to  use  violence  against  the  toilers  whenever 
its  smallest  interests  were  involved.  Have  we  not 
seen  that  time  and  again  when  workers  have  struck 
against  actual  starvation  conditions  they  have  had 
to  face  troops,  as  well  as  armies  of  police,  gunmen, 
etc.  ?  Ludlow,  Paint  and  Cabin  creeks  in  West 
Virginia,  Gastonia,  Kentucky,  and  innumerable 
other  examples  of  the  use  of  armed  force  tell  their 
own  story.  If  the  capitalists  of  this  country  pass 
so  quickly  to  the  use  of  violence  against  the  work- 
ers when  the  latter  are  fighting  for  the  simplest 
economic  demands,  what  will  they  do  when  they 
face  a  revolutionary  situation  in  which  their  whole 
system  is  at  stake  ?  To  ask  the  question  is  to  an- 
swer it. 

2  Statement  of  Communist  Party  to  the  Fish  Committee. 


In  view  of  the  universal  lessons  to  the  contrary, 
it  is  a  crime  to  teach  the  workers  that  they  can  de- 
feat such  a  ruthless  capitalist  class  without  open 
struggle.  The  Social  Fascist  theory  that  the  eco- 
nomic and  political  contradictions  of  capitalism, 
will  of  themselves,  by  a  gradual  democratization  of 
the  State,  bring  about  the  automatic,  peaceful,  and 
painless  transformation  of  capitalism  into  Social- 
ism paralyzes  the  struggle  of  the  workers  and 
facilitates  the  rule  of  the  bourgeoisie.  The  social 
Fascists,  with  the  help  of  the  Trotzkyist,  Max 
Eastman,3  vainly  try  to  distort  Marx  in  support 
of  their  theory. 

This  Social  Fascist  theory  of  "gradualness"  is 
the  most  insidious  that  the  workers  have  to  deal 
with.  But  there  are  many  others,  if  less  important, 
that  tend  in  a  similar  direction.  Among  these  are 
the  "folded-arm"  general  strike  conception  of  the 
Syndicalists;  the  sectarian  scholasticism  of  the  So- 
cialist Labor  party  and  the  Proletarian  party;  the 
petty  bourgeois  Anarchist  theories  of  individual 
violence ; 4  Gandhi's  non-cooperation,  non-violence 
program;  the  capitalistic  Utopias  of  Carver,  Gil- 
lette and  others  for  the  workers  directly  to  buy  out 
the  capitalist  industries  (expressed  in  their  books 
respectively,  The  Present  Economic  Revolution  in 
the  United  States  and  The  People's  Corporation); 
the  fatalism  of  Veblen  who,  in  The  Price  System 

3  Marx  and  Lenin. 

*  See  Living  My  Life,  by  Emma  Goldman,  to  learn  how  remote 
petty  bourgeois  Anarchism  is  from  the  proletarian  revolution. 


and  the  Engineers,  maintains  that  capitalism  will 
eventually,  through  the  working  of  its  inner  contra- 
dictions, get  into  such  a  chronic  and  devastating 
crisis  that  in  desperation  society  will  spontaneously 
call  upon  the  engineers  to  take  over  the  operation 
of  the  industries  and  the  government. 

The  question  of  the  revolution  is  not  merely  one 
of  a  ripe  objective  situation.  Such  is,  of  course,  a 
first  requisite  for  the  revolution.  But  the  subjec- 
tive factor  is  no  less  decisive.  Capitalism  will  not 
grow  into  Socialism.  The  great  masses  of  toilers 
must  be  in  a  revolutionary  mood;  they  must  have 
the  necessary  organization  and  revolutionary  pro- 
gram ;  they  must  smash  capitalism.  This  all  means 
that  they  must  be  under  the  general  leadership  of 
the  only  revolutionary  party,  the  Communist  party. 
The  real  measure  of  a  revolutionary  situation  in 
any  given  country  is  the  strength  of  the  Com- 
munist party. 

Capitalism  established  itself  as  a  world  system 
by  force.  It  defeated  feudalism  and  laid  the  basis 
of  its  own  power  in  a  whole  series  of  revolutionary 
civil  wars  in  England,  the  United  States,  France, 
etc.  Moreover,  it  has  lived 'by  violence,  its  regime 
being  marked  by  the  most  terrible  exploitation  and 
devastating  wars  in  human  history.  And  capi- 
talism will  die  sword  in  hand,  fighting  in  vain  to 
beat  back  the  oncoming  revolutionary  proletariat. 


The  Revolutionary  Forces  in  the  United 

Now  LET  us  see  if  there  are  enough  latent  revolu- 
tionary forces  in  the  United  States  to  carry 
through  the  revolution,  and  what  progress  has  been 
made  in  organizing  them.  In  Chapter  I  we  have 
seen  how  deep  is  the  impoverishment  of  the  toiling 
masses  of  workers  and  farmers  and  how  tre- 
mendously this  is  being  intensified  by  the  economic 
crisis.  We  must,  therefore,  examine  how  extensive 
these  impoverished  classes  are;  see,  in  fact,  who 
owns  America,  and  who  has  a  stake  in  the  revo- 

The  Labor  Fact  Book,  basing  its  conclusions 
upon  the  report  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commis- 
sion, says,  "The  richest  1%  of  the  population  in 
the  United  States  owns  at  least  59  %  of  the  wealth ; 
the  petty  capitalists,  (12%),  own  at  least  31  %  of 
the  wealth;  and  the  great  mass  of  industrial  work- 
ers, working  farmers,  and  small  shop  keepers,  or 
87%  of  the  population,  own  barely  10%."  These 
figures,  constantly  developing  more  favorably  for 
the  rich  and  spelling  deepening  exploitation,  pov- 
erty and  misery  for  the  poor,  show  graphically 
enough  who  has  a  real  stake  in  the  country  and 
who  has  not. 

The  choicest  "flowers"  of  American  capitalism 
are  such  multi-billionaires  as  the  House  of  Mor- 
gan, which  controls  corporations  worth  $74,000,- 


000,000,  including  innumerable  railroads,  banks, 
insurance  companies,  auto  plants,  steel  mills,  etc.; 
the  Rockefellers  with  their  billions  in  oil,  chemi- 
cals, railroads,  banks,  etc.;  the  Mellon  family, 
whose  wealth  control  is  estimated  by  W.  P.  Beazell, 
in  the  current  World's  Work,  at  eight  billion  dol- 
lars; the  great  Ford  fortune,  etc.  "In  1929,  504 
millionaires  had  incomes  of  $1,185,100,000,  or  more 
than  the  selling  price  of  all  American  wheat  and 
cotton  in  1930."  6 

It  is  among  the  great  masses  of  the  87%  who 
own  only  10%  of  the  national  wealth  that  the  revo- 
lution will  find  a  sufficiency  of  forces  to  overthrow 
capitalism.  Capitalism  in  this  country  will  learn 
to  its  undoing  that  the  producing  masses  will  not 
tolerate  a  condition  where  they  are  forced  to  work 
and  starve  while  the  great  wealth  they  produce 
flows  automatically,  by  the  operation  of  the  capi- 
talist system,  to  still  further  swell  the  fortunes  of 
a  handful  of  wealthy  social  parasites.  "Wars  and 
panics  on  the  stock  exchange;  machine  gunfire  and 
arson;  starvation,  lice,  cholera  and  typhus;  good 
growing  weather  for  the  House  of  Morgan,"  says 
John  Dos  Passos,  in  his  book,  1919,  and  the  same 
can  be  said  for  capitalists  generally.  The  statistics 
of  the  distribution  of  wealth  in  the  United  States 
and  the  general  worsening  of  the  toilers'  standards 
are  figures  and  conditions  that  speak  in  terms  of 
eventual  revolution. 

5  America  Faces  the  Future,  p.  356. 


In  analyzing  the  potentially  revolutionary  forces 
the  first  group  to  be  considered  are  the  workers. 
They  are  the  very  heart  of  the  revolutionary  move- 
ment and  lead  it  in  all  its  stages.  Including  the 
agricultural  wage  workers,  the  total  number  of 
wage  and  salaried  workers  in  the  United  States 
is  about  35,000,000,  out  of  a  total  of  approximately 
43,000,000  "gainfully  employed."  With  their 
families  they  constitute  at  least  70%  of  the  total 
population  of  this  country.  Overwhelmingly  they 
are  low-paid  unskilled  and  semi-skilled  workers 
who  are  manifestly  being  radicalized  rapidly  under 
pressure  of  worsening  conditions.  The  so-called 
skilled  workers,  although  somewhat  better  off  than 
the  rest,  are  losing  their  privileged  position.  Un- 
employment, wage-cuts,  etc.,  are  also  radicalizing 
these  skilled  workers,  whose  position  in  industry 
has  steadily  become  less  strategic  through  speciali- 
zation, mechanization,  etc.  Their  aristocratic  iso- 
lation from  the  rest  of  the  workers  is  being  broken 
down;  the  crisis  is  unifying  the  working  class. 
The  most  conservative  sections  of  the  working 
class  are  the  office  workers,  who  comprise  about 
10%  of  the  whole.  But  here  again,  rapidly  wors- 
ening conditions  are  having  their  inevitable  results. 
Although  in  the  first  phases  of  the  crisis  these 
white  collar  elements  offer  a  recruiting  ground  for 
Fascism,  eventually,  as  events  in  Germany  show, 
their  trend  is,  in  the  main,  in  the  direction  that  the 
working  class  travels. 


Next  to  the  workers  in  revolutionary  importance 
are  the  poor  farmers.  Although  not  wage  work- 
ers themselves,  the  poor  farmers  play  a  decisive 
revolutionary  role  in  all  countries  as  the  allies  of 
the  proletariat.  Especially  important  are  they  in 
the  United  States  where  agriculture  occupies  such 
a  large  position  in  the  national  economy.  The  es- 
timated farm  population  on  Jan.  1,  1931,  was 
27,430,000,  a  decline  of  4,500,000  since  1910.  The 
great  masses  are  poor  and  getting  poorer.  The 
income  of  the  whole  group,  including  the  richer 
farmers,  amounts  only  to  about  10%  of  the  total 
national  income  of  all  classes  in  the  United  States, 
although  the  farmers  comprise  about  22%  of  the 
entire  population.  Capitalism  has  nothing  to  offer 
the  poor  farmer  except  more  and  more  pauperi- 
zation. An  official  of  the  Federal  Reserve  Bank, 
quoted  in  Current  History,  Mar.,  1932,  brutally 
states  this  as  follows:  "Our  farmers  should  stop 
buying  radios  and  Ford  cars  and  live  like  peas- 
ants." Talk  about  collectivization  of  the  farms 
under  capitalism  is  Utopian;  this  can  take  place 
only  under  a  Soviet  system.  The  way  to  the  big 
farm  under  capitalism  is  by  the  starvation  and  ex- 
propriation of  the  small  farmers,  which  goes  ahead 
ever  faster.  Mr.  Pitkin  is  wrong  when  he  declares 
in  The  Forum,  Aug.,  1931,  that  "The  American 
farmer  must  go  the  way  of  the  coolie  or  the  cor- 
poration." He  will  go  neither  way,  but  to  So- 
cialism. The  American  small  farmer  will  play  a 


vital  role  in  the  developing  Communist  movement 
in  the  United  States. 

The  Negroes  also  constitute  a  great  potentially 
revolutionary  force.  Comprising  about  12,000,000, 
they  are  the  poorest  of  the  poor.  They  are  made 
up  of  the  most  impoverished  farmers,  the  lowest 
paid  workers  in  the  industries  and  in  domestic 
service.  They  are  the  most  bitterly  exploited  and 
persecuted  element  of  the  whole  population. 
There  is  no  section  which  has  to  confront  such  ter- 
rible economic,  political,  and  social  conditions.  At 
his  every  turn  the  Negro  faces  a  system  of  the 
rankest  discrimination  and  exploitation.  His  out- 
rageous position  in  society  is  a  blazing  indictment 
and  exposure  of  the  sham  American  capitalist 

In  industry  the  Negro  is  forced  to  take  the  hard- 
est, dirtiest  work  for  the  lowest  wages;  he  is  de- 
nied access  to  the  skilled  trades;  he  is  the  last  to 
be  hired  and  the  first  to  be  fired  during  industrial 
crises ;  when  unemployment  relief  is  distributed  he 
is  shamelessly  discriminated  against.  As  an  agri- 
cultural worker  and  share-crop  farmer  in  the 
South,  he  is  subjected  to  an  almost  chattel  slavery 
exploitation  and  terrorism  from  landlords,  bank- 
ers, etc.  In  his  political  life  he  is  disfranchised; 
he  is  denied  the  right  to  hold  office  and  to  vote;  he 
is  refused  the  right  of  trial  by  jury;  he  is  savagely 
lynched  by  mobs  of  whites,  led  by  business  men  and 
landlords,  and  the  State  condones  these  shocking 


murders;  in  court  his  word  counts  for  nothing 
against  a  white  man's;  when  convicted,  he  receives 
sentences  two  or  three  times  as  severe  as  white  men 
get  for  similar  offenses.  Socially  the  Negro  is 
ostracized.  Not  only  in  the  South  but  also  in  the 
North.  He  is  systematically  Jim-Crowed  in  ho- 
tels, restaurants,  theatres,  etc.;  he  is  denied  the 
right  to  an  education;  he  is  made  to  live  in  the 
most  unsanitary  sections  of  towns;  his  women- folk 
are  the  object  of  unpunished  insult  and  assault 
from  the  whites. 

The  capitalists  try  to  keep  the  Negroes  isolated 
by  cultivating  race  prejudice  among  the  white 
workers;  but  this  cannot  permanently  succeed. 
The  white  workers  will  learn  that  only  in  the  most 
complete  solidarity  with  the  Negro  masses  can 
they  make  headway  in  defending  their  interests. 
The  Negro  masses  will  make  the  very  best  fighters 
for  the  revolution.  The  manner  in  which  they  are 
turning  to  the  Communist  party  for  organization 
and  leadership  constitutes  one  of  the  most  impor- 
tant political  facts  in  American  life.  The  Negro 
petty  bourgeois  leaders  are  non-plussed  by  it.  In 
a  symposium  of  17  non-Communist  Negro  editors 
in  The  Crisis,  (April,  1932),  a  Social  Fascist  jour- 
nal, on  the  issue  of  Communism  among  the  Ne- 
groes, W.  M.  Kelly  declares:  "the  wonder  is  not 
that  the  Negro  is  beginning,  at  least,  to  think  along 
Communistic  lines,  but  that  he  did  not  embrace  that 
doctrine  en  masse  long  ago." 


The  revolution  will  not  fail  to  recruit  many  sup- 
porters also  from  the  ranks  of  the  lesser  city  petty 
bourgeoisie.  The  advance  of  capitalism  inevitably 
crushes  down  into  the  proletariat  great  masses  of 
the  small  tradesmen,  petty  manufacturers,  profes- 
sionals, intellectuals,  etc.,  that  make  up  this  big 
class.  The  steady  progress  of  trustified  capital  in 
industry  has  long  since  broken  the  backbone  of 
the  petty  bourgeoisie  in  this  field,  and  now  the 
chain  store  is  ruthlessly  invading  its  greatest 
stronghold,  retail  trade.  According  to  Ray  B. 
Westerfield  in  Current  History,  (Dec.,  1931), 
there  were  in  1930  in  the  United  States  7837  chains 
of  stores  with  198,145  units,  and  the  movement  is 
growing  like  wildfire.  This  wholesale  ruin  of  the 
petty  bourgeoisie,  brought  about  by  the  normal 
development  of  capitalism,  is  hastened  by  the  in- 
dustrial crisis,  during  which  the  process  of  the  con- 
centration of  capital  proceeds  faster  than  ever. 
Large  masses  of  the  petty  bourgeoisie  are  being 
impoverished.  These  elements  are  the  natural  re- 
cruiting ground  for  Fascism,  but  the  Communist 
party  does  not  surrender  them  to  the  Fascists. 
Experience,  especially  in  Germany,  where  the  ex- 
propriation, proletarianization  and  even  pauperi- 
zation of  the  petty  bourgeoisie  has  developed  to 
unprecedented  degree,  shows  that  great  numbers 
of  these  people  logically  become  convinced  that 
capitalism  holds  no  hope  for  them  and  that  only  in 
Communism  is  there  a  prospect  for  life  and  happi- 


ness.  The  recent  significant  mass  protest  against 
the  proposed  Federal  sales  tax  was  principally  a 
movement  of  the  discontented  petty  bourgeoisie. 

Especially  is  there  a  trend  among  the  petty  bour- 
geois intellectuals  towards  Communism.  This  is 
shown  by  the  many  prominent  writers  in  Europe 
and  the  United  States  who  in  the  past  few  years 
have  declared  for  Communism.  In  the  past  pe- 
riod American  imperialism  provided  a  good  living 
for  the  intellectuals  and  professionals  generally. 
Those  already  carrying  on  their  active  work  had 
easy  pickings;  those  who  were  graduating  from 
the  innumerable  colleges  and  universities  found 
soft  berths  awaiting  them.  So  the  American  in- 
telligentsia, almost  unanimously,  united  in  a  hymn 
of  hundred  percentism.  But  the  capitalist  crisis 
has  changed  all  this.  Many  intellectuals  and  pro- 
fessionals now  find  their  means  of  making  a  live- 
lihood either  wiped  out  or  drastically  curtailed, 
with  consequent  heavy  drops  in  their  standards  of 
living.  "A  short  time  ago,"  says  The  Nation, 
(Mar.  3,  1932),  "it  was  revealed  that  45  members 
of  the  Detroit  Bar  Association  were  on-the-wel- 
fare  —  recipients  of  municipal  charity."  It  is 
such  conditions  of  keen  competition,  inferior  re- 
muneration and  actual  unemployment  that  the 
budding  intellectuals  still  in  the  schools  and  col- 
leges have  to  face.  It  is  not  surprising,  therefore, 
that  currents  of  radicalism  begin  to  develop  among 
intellectuals  generally.  Of  this  the  recent  student 


strike  at  Columbia  University  was  an  example. 
Even  the  intellectuals  are  being  compelled  to  think. 
At  first,  in  this  discontent  there  may  be  strong 
Fascist  or  semi-Fascist  currents,  but  eventually 
much  of  it  will  develop  in  the  direction  of  the  revo- 
lution and  Communism. 

In  measuring  the  potential  forces  for  and 
against  the  revolution,  naturally  the  question  of 
the  role  to  be  played  by  the  army  and  navy  is  one 
of  fundamental  importance;  for,  in  the  final  show- 
down, it  is  upon  them  that  the  bourgeoisie  relies 
to  maintain  its  control.  If  it  loses  the  armed 
forces,  then  all  is  lost.  Here,  certainly,  the  revo- 
lution will  recruit  powerful  forces,  with  fatal  ef- 
fects to  capitalism.  The  armed  forces  are  not 
impervious  to  Communism  simply  because  they 
have  patriotic  propaganda  dinned  into  their  ears 
and  are  subjected  to  a  rigid  discipline.  The  great 
bulk  of  these  forces  originate  in  proletarian  or 
farmer  families  and  they  eventually  respond  to  the 
sufferings  and  miseries  of  their  close  relatives. 
Especially  is  all  this  true  of  conscript  armies.  Be- 
sides, they  have  their  own  deep  grievances  in  the 
service.  Experience  teaches  that  such  worker- 
peasant  forces  are  very  unreliable  for  the  bour- 
geoisie. This  was  exemplified  by  the  armies  of 
the  Czar  and  the  Kaiser  in  the  Russian  and  Ger- 
man revolutionary  situations.  It  was  only  a  few 
months  ago  that  the  capitalists  of  the  world  got  a 


shiver  of  fright  and  a  foretaste  of  the  future  by 
the  revolts  in  the  British  and  Chilean  navies. 

Within  these  great  blocs  of  the  population  — 
the  workers,  farmers,  Negroes,  lesser  city  petty 
bourgeoisie  —  there  are  sufficient  potential  revolu- 
tionary forces  to  put  an  end  to  capitalism.  They 
constitute  the  overwhelming  majority  of  the 
people.  And  the  deepening  capitalist  crisis  will 
revolutionize  them.  The  objective  that  the  Com- 
munist party  aims  at  in  the  mobilization  of  these 
forces  is  the  winning  of  the  majority  of  the  work- 
ing class.  With  a  majority  of  the  workers,  which 
in  a  revolutionary  situation  would  necessarily  carry 
along  with  it  large  numbers  of  the  other  revolu- 
tionary elements,  the  Party  would  be  within  strik- 
ing distance  of  the  revolution. 

But,  of  course,  the  American  Communist  party 
is  only  making  a  beginning  in  the  accomplishment 
of  this  great  task.  Formed  in  1919  by  a  split-off 
of  the  left  wing  of  the  Socialist  party,  it  is  now 
laying  its  foundations  among  the  workers.  Al- 
though the  Party  is  still  lagging  very  much  behind 
the  objective  possibilities  and  has  by  no  means 
mobilized  the  masses  who  are  ripe  for  its  leader- 
ship, it  is,  nevertheless,  substantially  increasing  its 
membership  and  influence  in  all  the  key  industries 
and  localities.  The  actual  strength  of  the  Com- 
munist movement  in  the  United  States  is  not  some- 
thing that  can  be  accurately  stated  in  just  so  many 
figures.  It  has  to  be  measured  largely  by  the  gen- 


eral  mass  influence  of  the  Party  and  its  program. 

The  membership  of  the  Communist  party  is 
approximately  15,000.  To  this  should  be  added 
5,000  members  in  the  Young  Communist  League. 
These  figures  represent  the  number  of  dues-payers, 
the  body  of  Communists  who  are  thoroughly  con- 
scious of  the  necessity  of  maintaining  a  permanent, 
disciplined  Party.  But  the  influence  of  the  Party 
stretches  far  and  wide  beyond  the  limits  of  its 
actual  membership.  Thus  the  nine  daily  papers 
of  the  Party  have  a  combined  circulation  of  about 
200,000.  Besides  this  there  are  20  weekly,  semi- 
monthly, and  monthly  papers  with  about  100,000 
circulation.  This  is  the  Party  press  proper.  In 
addition,  there  are  a  large  number  of  weekly  and 
monthly  papers  in  the  revolutionary  unions,  de- 
fense, relief,  fraternal  and  other  organizations, 
with  at  least  another  100,000  circulation. 

In  the  1928  elections,  with  the  Party  on  the  bal- 
lot in  34  states,  it  polled  48,770  votes.  In  the 
"off-year,"  1930,  in  18  states  it  polled  82,651. 
The  Fish  committee,  in  its  report,  with  great 
alarm  pointed  out  that  there  was  an  increase  of 
229%  in  16  states.  In  the  1931  elections  consid- 
erable increases  were  scored  in  many  localities,  two 
Communist  councilmen  being  elected  in  Ohio  and 
four  in  Minnesota.  Doubtless,  the  1932  national 
elections  will  register  a  large  increase  in  the  Party 
vote.  But  elections,  for  a  number  of  reasons,  are 


not  an  exact  register  of  the  Party  strength.  For 
one  thing,  large  numbers  of  the  poorer-paid  work- 
ers, to  whom  naturally  the  Party  makes  the 
strongest  appeal,  are  disfranchised  because  of 
shifts  of  residence,  through  unemployment,  through 
tax  delinquencies  and  foreign  birth.  Also,  in  a 
great  many  cases  Communist  votes  are  scornfully 
ignored  by  the  usual  ultra-reactionary  election 
machines  and  are  not  counted.  Moreover,  in  the 
ranks  of  revolutionary  workers  there  are  many  who 
underestimate  the  great  importance  of  voting  in 
the  elections. 

The  real  power  of  the  Party  is  seen  in  the  mass 
movements  which  it  initiates  itself,  or  which,  ini- 
tiated by  other  revolutionary  organizations,  it  gives 
its  full  support.  The  biggest  of  these  are  the 
movements  of  the  unemployed.  In  the  March 
6th,  1930,  national  demonstration  for  unemploy- 
ment insurance  no  less  than  1,250,000  workers 
participated  throughout  the  country.  This  huge 
outpouring  was  followed  in  the  ensuing  months  by 
many  large  local  demonstrations,  state  hunger 
marches,  etc.  A  demand  upon  the  federal  gov- 
ernment in  1930  for  the  adoption  of  the  Workers' 
Unemployment  Insurance  Bill  contained  approxi- 
mately 1,000,000  individual  and  collective  en- 
dorsements. The  big  National  Hunger  March  of 
December,  1931,  put  in  motion  during  the  many 
hundreds  of  local  demonstrations  held  in  connec- 
tion therewith,  at  least  1,000,000  workers.  The 


unemployed  councils,  organized  under  the  National 
Committee  of  the  Unemployed  Councils  and  made 
up  of  workers  of  all  political  opinions,  number  at 
least  75,000  members. 

The  Communist  party  also  exerts  a  wide  and 
growing  influence  in  the  trade  union  field.  Its 
main  support  is  given  to  the  building  of  the 
revolutionary  unions  of  the  Trade  Union  Unity 
League.  It  also  lays  great  stress  upon  the  forma- 
tion of  revolutionary  minorities  and  movements  in- 
side the  A.F.  of  L.  unions.  During  the  past 
several  years  the  revolutionary  unions  and  minori- 
ties have  conducted  a  number  of  large  mass  strug- 
gles. Among  these  were  the  New  York  cloak 
(35,000)  and  fur  (12,000)  strikes  in  1926-7,  and 
the  Passaic  textile  strike  (15,000)  during  the 
same  period.  In  the  United  Mine  Workers  of 
America,  in  1926,  the  left  wing  candidate  polled 
101,000  votes,  or  an  actual  majority,  but  was 
robbed  of  the  election  by  the  corrupt  Lewis  ma- 
chine. In  the  big  U.M.W.A.  strike  of  1927-8  at 
least  100,000  miners  followed  the  lead  of  the  left 
wing.  The  important  strike  of  the  Gastonia  tex- 
tile workers  in  1929  was  conducted  by  the  revolu- 
tionary National  Textile  Workers  Union.  In 
Lawrence,  in  Feb.,  1931,  the  N.T.W.U.  led  a  short 
strike  of  10,000.  It  has  since  led  a  dozen  smaller 
strikes  in  many  New  England  textile  towns  and 
played  a  big  role  in  the  strikes  later  in  the  year 
in  Paterson  and  Lawrence.  During  the  Spring 


and  Summer  of  1931  the  National  Miners  Union 
of  the  TUUL  conducted  a  strike  of  40,000  miners 
for  three  months  in  Western  Pennsylvania,  East- 
ern Ohio  and  Northern  West  Virginia.  At  pres- 
ent it  is  leading  the  heroic  strike  of  the  Kentucky 
miners.  The  foregoing  are  some  of  the  larger 
struggles  of  the  revolutionary  union  forces.  The 
total  membership  of  the  unions  of  the  TUUL  is 
approximately  40,000,  the  minorities  in  the  trade 
unions,  less  definitely  organized,  are  double  or 
triple  that  number.  In  the  case  of  the  TUUL 
unions  and  minorities,  as  with  all  the  revolutionary 
organizations,  their  influence  over  the  masses  ex- 
tends far  beyond  the  borders  of  their  actual  mem- 

Among  the  Negro  masses  the  Communist  party 
is  developing  a  wide  following.  In  the  unem- 
ployment campaigns,  especially  in  Chicago  and 
Cleveland,  many  thousands  of  Negroes  militantly 
participated.  In  the  1931,  N.M.U.  mine  strike 
more  than  6,000  of  the  strikers  were  Negroes. 
The  Party  leads  the  fight  to  defend  the  nine 
Scottsboro  boys,  whom  the  Southern  capitalists  are 
trying  to  legally  lynch.  It  is  estimated  that  no 
less  than  1,000,000,  a  large  percentage  of  whom 
were  Negroes,  took  part  in  the  innumerable  mass 
meetings  in  which  this  case  played  a  central  role. 
The  Negro  membership  of  the  Party  and  the 
Party's  influence  among  the  Negro  masses  are  rap- 
idly on  the  increase. 


The  Communist  party  also  conducts  movements 
and  supports  revolutionary  organizations  in  many 
other  mass  activities  and  struggles.  It  is  a  strong 
and  leading  factor  in  the  fight  for  the  release  of 
political  prisoners,  including  Mooney  and  Billings, 
the  Kentucky  miners,  the  Centralia  and  Imperial 
Valley  prisoners,  etc.  It  has  organized  great  dem- 
onstrations against  imperialist  war.  Among  the 
farmers,  the  Party  carries  on  considerable  work 
and  is  gradually  laying  the  basis  for  a  mass  or- 

The  foregoing  facts  and  figures  give  at  least  a 
general  idea  of  the  strength  of  the  Communist 
party  at  the  present  stage  of  the  development  of 
the  class  struggle  in  the  United  States.  While 
they  indicate  that  the  Party  has  only  made  a  start 
at  the  mobilization  of  the  potentially  revolutionary 
forces  in  the  United  States,  they,  at  the  same  time, 
sum  up  into  a  picture  of  a  Party  gradually  en- 
trenching itself  among  the  masses,  especially  the 
most  exploited  sections,  and  slowly  building  youth- 
ful bone  and  muscle  in  preparation  for  the  gigan- 
tic revolutionary  work  that  lies  ahead. 

The  Communist  Party;  the  Party  of  the  Toilers 

THE  COMMUNIST  PARTY  is  the  only  Party  that  rep- 
resents the  interests  of  these  toiling  masses  of 
workers,  farmers,  Negroes,  lower  city  petty  bour- 
geoisie. It  alone  fights  for  their  welfare  now  and 


provides  the  means  for  their  ultimate  prosperity 
and  freedom.  The  other  parties  and  groups  — 
Republican,  Democratic,  Progressive  and  Social- 
ist —  are  the  enemies  of  these  classes  and  the  tools 
of  the  big  capitalists. 

The  Republican  party  is  the  party  of  finance 
capital,  of  the  great  bankers  and  industrialists  of 
Wall  Street,  of  which  the  Morgan  interests  stand 
at  the  head.  The  Hoover  government  is  the  in- 
strument of  these  owners  and  rulers  of  America. 
It  uses  all  its  power  to  oppress  the  producing 
masses  for  the  benefit  of  the  capitalist  exploiters. 
The  present  situation,  with  its  economic  collapse 
and  hunger  and  misery  for  the  broad  masses,  is 
the  logical  result  of  this  capitalist  policy.  From 
the  Republican  party  no  relief,  but  only  a  worsen- 
ing of  existing  conditions  may  be  expected. 

The  Democratic  party  is  no  less  the  party  of  the 
big  capitalists.  Raskob,  the  dictator  of  the  Demo- 
cratic party,  is  notoriously  the  representative  of 
the  Morgan  -  General  Motors  -  Dupont  interests. 
The  corrupt  and  reactionary  Tammany  Hall  of 
New  York  City  is  indistinguishable  politically 
from  the  rotten  Republican  Vare  machine  in 
Philadelphia.  The  Democratic  party  is  directly  re- 
sponsible for  the  unspeakable  regime  of  lynching, 
Jim-Crowism  and  discrimination  against  the  Ne- 
gro masses  in  the  South,  although  in  this  it  has  the 
full  support  of  the  Republican  Federal  Adminis- 
tration. Wherever  the  Democratic  party  is  found 


in  power  its  practical  policies  are  identical  with 
those  of  the  Republicans  and  they  sum  up  into  a 
defense  of  the  interests  of  the  capitalists  at  the 
expense  of  the  producing  masses. 

In  recent  years  the  Democratic  party  has  ever 
more  clearly  exposed  its  big  capitalist  character. 
It  long  ago  abandoned  its  demagogic  attacks  on 
the  gold  standard,  imperialism  and  the  trusts. 
And  then,  when  the  Morgan  representative  Ras- 
kob  took  over  the  party  leadership  a  few  years 
ago,  this  was  immediately  followed  by  the  giving 
up  completely  of  the  old  Democratic  policy  of  low 
tariffs  and  the  adoption  of  a  high  tariff  policy  on 
the  Republican  model.  The  thoroughgoing  po- 
litical unity  of  the  two  capitalist  parties  was  fur- 
ther emphasized  by  growing  tendencies  to  link 
them  up  organizationally  without,  however,  aban- 
doning the  two-party  principle  which  is  so  valuable 
to  the  capitalists.  This  developing  organizational 
unity  reached  its  highest  point  in  the  open  alliance 
between  the  heads  of  both  parties  in  the  present 
Congress  to  put  across  the  Hoover-Wall  Street 
program  of  subsidizing  the  great  banks,  starving 
the  unemployed,  cutting  the  wages  of  the  em- 
ployed, shifting  the  tax  burden  upon  the  masses, 
preparing  for  imperialist  war,  etc.  All  went 
swimmingly  for  this  two-party  machine  until  it 
slipped  a  cog  in  trying  to  put  across  the  sales  tax. 

In  1932  elections,  the  Democratic  party  is  sched- 
uled to  play  its  historical  role  as  the  second  party 


of  capitalism.  Although  its  basic  policies  are 
identical  with  the  Republican  party,  it  will  make 
a  great  show  of  opposition.  Large  masses  of  the 
working  class,  farmers,  Negroes  and  petty  bour- 
geoisie are  deeply  discontented  at  their  impossible 
conditions  under  the  Hoover  government.  There- 
fore, it  is  the  task  of  the  Democratic  party,  with 
a  flood  of  demagogy,  to  delude  these  masses,  and 
to  prevent  their  taking  serious  steps  against  the 
capitalists,  by  keeping  them  fettered  with  the  two 
capitalist  party  system.  This  is  the  menace  of  the 
Roosevelts,  Garners,  Hurrays,  Bakers,  etc.  They 
are  among  the  most  effective  instruments  of  the 
capitalists  to  enforce  upon  the  producing  masses  a 
continuation  of  the  present  hunger  regime. 

The  Progressive  bloc  also  does  not  represent  the 
interests  of  the  producing  masses.  It  represents 
the  rich  farmers  and  certain  sections  of  small  capi- 
talists, and  it  supports  the  basic  policies  of  Wall 
Street.  During  the  present  Congress  the  so- 
called  Progressives  supported  the  elementary  pro- 
posals of  the  Hoover  government  to  throw  the 
burden  of  the  crisis  upon  the  producers.  Their 
"fight"  against  the  sales  tax  developed  only  when, 
in  a  broad  movement  of  indignation,  many  mil- 
lions of  the  small  farmers,  city  petty  bourgeoisie 
and  workers  demanded  its  rejection.  Then,  under 
the  lash  of  Wall  Street,  they  fled  precipitately  and 
proceeded,  with  later  taxation,  to  undo  the  defeat 
of  the  sales  tax.  The  only  fight  the  Progressives 


ever  make  is  for  a  few  crumbs  from  the  rich  man's 

The  Progressive  leaders,  like  their  reactionary 
cronies  at  the  head  of  the  American  Federation  of 
Labor,  fit  themselves  comfortably  into  the  in- 
famous two-party  system.  This  constitutes  a  be- 
trayal of  the  exploited  masses  into  the  hands  of 
their  capitalist  enemies.  The  "non-partisan"  pol- 
icy is  not  simply  an  expression  of  political  timidity, 
of  hesitation  to  take  the  initiative  in  forming  a 
new  party;  it  is  essentially  based  upon  a  political 
unity  with  the  capitalists.  We  may  be  sure  that 
if  and  when,  under  the  pressure  of  the  masses,  a 
third  party  is  formed,  these  elements  will  adopt 
the  familiar  devices  of  the  Social  Fascists  to  render 
it  subservient  to  the  capitalist  class. 

Practice  shows  that  the  Progressive  policies  are 
antagonistic  to  the  interests  of  the  exploited 
masses.  They  cultivate  in  the  worst  forms  the 
democratic  illusions  so  essential  to  capitalist  con- 
trol. For  the  unemployed  the  Progressives  have 
produced  the  typical  masterpieces  of  the  massacre 
in  Dearborn,  for  which  Mayor  Murphy,  as  well 
as  Ford,  is  responsible;  and  the  Wisconsin  Groves 
Law,  which,  under  the  name  of  "unemployment 
insurance,"  provides  even  less  relief  for  the  unem- 
ployed than  they  now  receive  in  many  cities  under 
the  Hoover  charity-hand-out  system.  For  the  em- 
ployed the  Progressives  have  provided  wage-cuts, 
on  the  Hoover-Green  model;  example,  the  maneu- 


vers  of  Pinchot  in  Pennsylvania  with  the  U.M.W. 
of  A.  bureaucrats  to  break  the  strikes  of  the  min- 
ers in  the  Pittsburgh  and  anthracite  districts 
against  wage-cuts.  As  for  the  farmers,  the  Pro- 
gressives have  kept  them  thoroughly  disorganized 
by  the  non-partisan  system:  the  Federal  Farm 
Board,  with  its  wheat  and  cotton  speculation  and 
enrichment  of  the  rural  bankers  and  rich  farmers 
at  the  expense  of  the  poor  farmers,  is  the  fine 
flower  of  Progressivism  on  the  farms.  Regarding 
the  Negroes,  the  policies  of  the  Progressives,  al- 
though dressed  up  in  radical  phraseology,  are  in 
practice  indistinguishable  from  those  of  the  ultra- 
reactionaries :  sufficient  proof  of  this  being  the 
enthusiastic  support  given  to  the  candidacy  of  Gov- 
ernor Roosevelt,  Progressive  Mogul,  in  the  most 
Bourbon  sections  of  the  South. 

Progressivism  is  a  grave  danger  to  the  working 
class.  This  is  because  of  the  widespread  existence 
of  petty  bourgeois  illusions  among  the  workers. 
The  LaFollettes,  Borahs,  La  Guardias,  Norrises, 
Pinchots,  Murphys,  etc.,  are  disorganizers  and  de- 
moralizers of  the  workers  and  poor  farmers.  The 
Progressive  bloc  is  just  another  lightning  rod  to 
shield  the  capitalist  profit  edifice. 

The  Socialist  party  is  the  third  party  of  capi- 
talism. This  is  amply  demonstrated  by  its  history 
in  the  United  States  and  all  other  countries.  The 
Socialist  party  has  nothing  constructive  to  offer  the 
workers  in  their  daily  struggles  now  or  for  their 


ultimate  emancipation.  The  fact  that  this  party 
hides  its  capitalist  face  behind  a  pretense  of  radi- 
calism makes  it  more,  not  less  dangerous. 

Already  we  have  dealt  in  considerable  detail 
with  the  policies  and  activities  of  the  Socialist 
party.  Its  advocacy  of  capitalist  trustification 
under  slogans  of  nationalization,  cultivation  of  illu- 
sions regarding  "planned  economy"  under  capital- 
ism, support  of  the  League  of  Nations,  militarist 
imperialism  cloaked  with  pacifism,  alliance  with  the 
corrupt  leadership  of  the  A.F.  of  L.,  policy  of 
putting  through  wage-cuts  by  fake  strikes,  rule  of 
unions  by  gangsterism,  systematic  slander  of  the 
Soviet  Union  and  minimizing  of  the  war  danger, 
etc.,  is  all  directly  antagonistic  to  the  working 

That  is  why  the  capitalists  and  their  press  look 
with  ever  more  favor  upon  the  Socialist  party. 
The  Norman  Thomases  are  being  groomed  to  play 
in  the  United  States  some  day  the  role  of  the  Mac- 
Donalds  in  Great  Britain,  Boncours  in  France, 
Scheidemans  in  Germany,  etc.  The  wage-cutting, 
dole-slashing  activities  of  the  British  Labor  party 
and  the  German  Social  Democracy  in  their  attempt 
to  bolster  up  the  decaying  capitalist  system  pre- 
sent clearly  the  perspective  for  which  the  Socialist 
party  is  being  built  in  this  country. 

The  Socialist  party  all  over  the  world  is  a  main 
pillar  of  the  capitalist  system.  Its  function  is  to 
demoralize  the  workers'  defense  in  the  face  of  the 


capitalist  offensive,  to  break  up  the  workers' 
counter-offensive  against  the  capitalist  system. 
The  Socialist  party  is  a  specialized  section  of  the 
capitalist  machinery  for  exploiting  the  toiling 
masses.  It  is  particularly  dangerous  in  that  it 
takes  the  workers,  just  breaking  the  ideological 
chains  of  capitalist  slavery,  and  confuses  them  with 
a  defense  of  capitalism  under  the  pretense  of  fight- 
ing for  Socialism.  The  Socialist  party  stabs  the 
working  class  in  the  back.  It,  together  with  its 
fringe  elements  of  Musteites,  Lovestoneites,  Trot- 
zkyites,  etc.,  has  nothing  in  common  with  So- 

The  Present-Day  Tasks  of  the  American 
Revolutionary  Movement 

THE  TASKS  of  the  Communist  party  in  a  given 
country  at  a  specified  time,  in  carrying  out  its  pro- 
gram of  class  struggle,  are,  of  course,  determined 
by  the  objective  situation  and  the  state  of  the 
workers'  mood  and  organization.  Thus  these  tasks 
vary  in  the  several  countries,  from  the  building  of 
Socialism  in  the  Soviet  Union,  open  armed  war- 
fare in  China,  and  preparations  for  an  early 
revolutionary  crisis  in  Germany,  to  the  most  ele- 
mentary phases  of  mass  education,  organization 
and  struggle  in  the  United  States,  the  stronghold 
of  world  capitalism. 

In  the  United  States  —  and  this  is  basic  in  Com- 


munist  strategy  everywhere  —  the  action  program 
of  the  Communist  party  has  its  starting  point  in 
the  every-day  pressing  economic  demands  of  the 
workers.  It  is  not  enough  that  the  Party  should 
propagate  its  general  slogans  among  the  masses 
and  then  organize  them  for  the  eventual  revolu- 
tion. Such  a  course,  as  Lenin  so  forcefully 
pointed  out  in  his  famous  pamphlet,  The  Infantile 
Sickness  of  "Leftism"  in  Communism,  would  con- 
demn the  Party  to  isolation  and  sectarianism.  For 
the  workers  the  class  struggle  is  a  never-ending 
matter  of  their  daily  lives;  constantly  they  are 
confronted  with  the  most  urgent  necessity  to  fight 
against  the  employers,  in  defense  of  their  interests. 
The  Communist  party  must  lead  in  all  these  strug- 
gles. It  is  in  such  fights  that  the  workers  become 
class  conscious  and  organized  around  the  Com- 
munist party.  Never  would  the  masses  recognize 
as  their  revolutionary  Party  one  that  ignored 
these  daily  fights  and  confined  itself  to  a  high  and 
lofty  agitation  of  revolutionary  slogans. 

It  is  a  favorite  slander,  however,  that  the  Com- 
munist party  utilizes  the  daily  struggles  of  the 
workers  merely  for  agitational  purposes.  Norman 
Thomas  repeats  this,  saying  that  Communist  im- 
mediate demands  are  "designed  to  be  impossible 
and  so  to  'show  up'  the  capitalist  system."  But 
the  truth  is  just  the  opposite:  the  Communist  party 
always  places  as  immediate  demands  those  mani- 

«  America's  Way  Out,  p.  152. 


festly  possible  of  achievement  under  capitalism 
and  then  it  makes  the  most  determined  effort  to 
win  all  it  can  of  them  in  the  struggle.  This  is  be- 
cause the  Party  has  no  interests  apart  from  those 
of  the  working  class;  it  also  realizes  that  such  vic- 
tories, instead  of  destroying  the  militancy  of  the 
workers,  stimulate  it.  Lenin  called  such  reforms 
or  concessions  forced  from  the  employers  "by- 
products" of  the  revolutionary  struggle.  The 
Party  understands  clearly  that  the  workers  logi- 
cally expect  that  a  Party  which  proposes  eventu- 
ally to  overthrow  the  whole  capitalist  system  should 
know  how  to  organize  them  to  defend  their  inter- 
ests here  and  now.  As  for  "showing  up"  capital- 
ism, this  is  done  by  agitation  and  propaganda  and 
by  the  daily  experiences  of  the  workers  in  the  class 
struggle,  not  by  leading  the  workers  to  defeat  in 
strikes  and  other  movements. 

The  Social  Fascists  try  to  create  the  legend  that 
the  difference  between  them  and  the  Communists 
is  that  while  they  fight  for  immediate  demands, 
the  Communists  confine  themselves  simply  to  ulti- 
mate aims.  This  is  not  so.  The  difference  is  that 
while  the  Communists  fight  for  the  immediate  de- 
mands as  well  as  the  final  goal,  the  Social  Fascists 
betray  both. 

In  the  present  stage  of  development  of  the 
working  class  and  of  the  revolutionary  struggle  in 
the  United  States  the  fight  of  the  workers  is  essen- 
tially a  defensive  struggle  against  the  capitalist 


offensive.  On  all  fronts  the  employers,  with  the 
government  in  the  lead,  are  worsening  the  living 
and  working  standards  of  the  toilers  through  wage- 
cuts,  throwing  millions  of  workers  into  unemploy- 
ment, seizing  the  lands  of  poor  farmers,  shifting 
the  tax  burden  onto  the  producing  masses,  etc.  It 
is  the  policy  of  the  Communist  party  to  organize 
the  workers  and  farmers  and  to  lead  their  resist- 
ance to  the  capitalist  offensive,  to  prevent  the  capi- 
talists from  finding  a  way  out  of  their  crisis  at  the 
expense  and  further  enslavement  of  the  toiling 
masses.  That  is  why  the  Communist  party  is  to 
be  found  everywhere  giving  its  fullest  support  to 
all  struggles  of  the  workers  and  poor  farmers 
against  the  capitalist  attack. 

But  the  Communist  party  policy  is  not  simply 
to  organize  the  defense;  it  seeks  also  to  transform 
the  workers'  defensive  struggles  into  a  counter- 
offensive.  It  strives  to  unite  the  scattered  fights 
of  the  workers  into  broad  class  struggles  and  to 
give  them  more  of  a  political  character.  This 
politicalization  becomes  the  more  urgent  with  the 
sharpening  offensive  of  the  employers  and  their 
increasing  use  of  the  State  against  the  workers. 
The  general  effects  of  politicalizing  the  workers' 
struggle  are  to  draw  larger  masses  of  workers  into 
the  fight,  to  direct  this  fight  against  the  State  as 
well  as  against  the  employers  proper,  and  thus  to 
strengthen  the  workers'  struggle  in  every  respect. 

This  politicalization  is  brought  about  by  the  rais- 


ing  of  political  demands  which  grow  out  of  the 
very  struggle  itself,  not  merely  by  the  active  propa- 
gation of  the  ultimate  revolutionary  program  of 
the  Communist  party.  Thus  during  a  strike  de- 
mands are  made  for  the  right  to  meet,  to  picket, 
to  strike,  for  the  release  of  political  prisoners,  for 
the  adoption,  enforcement  or  repeal  of  labor  leg- 
islation, against  government  arbitration,  for  the 
withdrawal  of  troops,  etc.,  and  the  workers  are 
mobilized  in  various  ways  for  mass  action  in  sup- 
port of  these  demands.  In  this  way,  not  only  are 
the  workers  educated  to  the  class  character  of  the 
State,  but  the  broadest  class  front  and  most  mili- 
tant action  is  secured  in  the  struggle.  In  acute 
conditions  of  class  struggle  this  line  of  strategy 
leads  to  the  development  of  the  mass  political 
strike,  during  which  the  more  fundamental  politi- 
cal demands  may  be  raised.  In  the  question  of 
political  demands,  as  well  as  of  economic  demands, 
the  central  Communist  strategy  always  turns 
around  the  winning  of  the  immediate  struggle  in 

In  the  present  period  of  intense  capitalist  offen- 
sive against  the  workers,  the  question  of  immediate, 
partial  economic  demands  becomes  of  decisive 
importance.  The  workers  have  to  fight  des- 
perately for  the  very  right  to  live.  Becoming 
ever  more  radicalized,  they  make  this  fight  with 
constantly  sharpening  militancy.  Even  the  small- 
est issues  readily  blaze  into  great  conflagrations. 


How  quickly  economic  conflicts  develop  into  major 
political  struggles  was  evidenced  again  by  the  re- 
cent mutinies  in  the  British  and  Chilean  navies, 
both  of  which  began  over  wage-cuts.  It  is  inter- 
esting to  recall,  also,  that  the  mutiny  in  the  Ger- 
man fleet  at  the  end  of  the  World  War,  although 
prepared  by  the  whole  course  of  events,  actually 
began  in  a  flare-up  of  the  men  because  their  ration 
of  soap  had  been  cut  off.  All  of  which  emphasizes 
the  correctness  of  the  stress  that  the  Communist 
party  places  upon  the  question  of  practical  partial 
demands  and  the  necessity  of  developing  the  scat- 
tering economic  fights  of  the  workers  onto  a  higher 
political  level. 

In  thus  politicalizing  the  struggle,  the  Com- 
munists come  into  sharpest  conflict  with  the  labor 
reactionaries  of  the  Socialist  party  and  the  A.F. 
of  L.  type.  As  part  of  these  misleaders'  general 
policy  of  choking  back  the  workers'  struggles,  they 
seek  to  keep  these  fights  upon  a  purely  economic 
basis.  They  resist  all  attempts  of  the  workers  to 
militantly  fight  the  State,  thus  exposing  them  to 
the  sharp  political  attacks  of  the  employers.  A 
typical  example  of  this  was  the  surrender  of  John 
L.  Lewis  to  the  government  injunction  in  the  na- 
tional coal  strike  of  1920  under  the  slogan  of  "We 
can't  fight  the  Government."  Another  outstand- 
ing example  of  this  treacherous  policy  was  during 
the  British  general  strike  of  1926.  In  this  great 
fight,  with  the  bosses  using  every  power  of  the  gov- 


ernment  to  break  the  strike  of  the  5,000,000  work- 
ers, the  Social  Fascist  leaders,  eager  to  find  a  way 
to  sell  out  the  strike,  put  out  the  slogan  that  the 
struggle  was  purely  an  economic  one  and  they  bit- 
terly fought  every  effort  to  give  it  a  political  char- 
acter. Thus  the  government  was  given  a  free  hand 
and  a  terrific  defeat  was  suffered  by  the  workers v 

The  Communist  Party  Program  of  Immediate 

THIS  is  not  the  place  for  a  detailed  statement  of 
the  program  of  action  of  the  Communist  party. 
But  at  least  an  indication  of  its  general  character 
may  be  given.  As  stated  before,  the  Party  bases 
its  immediate  struggle  upon  partial  demands  cor- 
responding to  the  most  urgent  necessities  of  the 
toiling  masses.  The  most  important  of  these  de- 
mands are  concentrated  in  the  Party's  1932  elec- 
tion platform,  as  follows : 


2.  Against  Hoover's  wage-cutting  policy. 

3.  Emergency   relief,   without    restrictions   by   the   gov- 
ernment and  banks,  for  the  poor  farmers,  exemption 
of  poor  farmers  from  taxes,  and  from  forced  collec- 
tion of  debts. 

4.  Equal  rights  for  the  Negroes,  and  self-determination 
for  the  Black  Belt. 

5.  Against  capitalist  terror;  against  all  forms  of  sup- 
pression of  the  political  rights  of  the  workers. 


6.    Against  imperialist  war;  for  defense  of  the  Chinese 
people  and  of  the  Soviet  Union. 

The  Communist  party  puts  the  question  of  un- 
employment insurance  in  the  very  center  of  its  im- 
mediate program.  It  demands  that  the  federal 
government  institute  a  system  of  insurance,  on  the 
basis  of  full  wages,7  for  all  unemployed  and  part- 
time  workers,  the  necessary  funds  to  be  paid  en- 
tirely by  the  employers  and  the  State  and  to  be 
raised  by  the  allocation  of  all  war  funds,  a  capital 
levy,  increased  taxes  upon  the  rich,  etc.  The 
Party,  pending  the  enactment  of  adequate  unem- 
ployment insurance  legislation,  demands  special 
cash  relief  from  the  states  and  municipalities, 
lower  rents,  free  food  for  school  children  of  the 
unemployed,  free  street  car  fare,  public  works  at 
union  wages,  abolition  of  forced  labor  on  such  jobs, 
etc.  It  demands  that  the  insurance  and  relief  sys- 
tems be  administered  by  the  workers  themselves. 
The  Party  also  demands  an  adequate  system  of 
social  legislation  for  old  age,  sickness,  maternity, 
etc.  These  demands  it  supports  by  militant  dem- 
onstrations, hunger  marches,  etc.  It  endorses  the 
Workers'  Unemployment  Insurance  Bill. 

The  Party  concretizes  its  fight  against  the 
Hoover  wage-cutting  program  into  a  militant 
strike  policy.  It  also  fights  against  the  speed-up, 

7  In  1929  average  American  wages  yearly  did  not  exceed  $1200,  a 
figure  ranging  from  $300  to  $1000  less  than  bare  cost-of-living  budg- 
ets of  the  Labor  Department  and  other  capitalist  institutions. 


against  mass  lay-offs  of  workers,  for  the  7-hour  day 
without  reduction  in  weekly  wages,  (with  a  6-hour 
day  for  the  youth,  for  miners,  railroaders,  and 
workers  in  dangerous  and  unhealthful  industries), 
for  the  adoption  and  enforcement  of  adequate  leg- 
islation regarding  safety  and  sanitation  in  in- 

The  Party  lays  the  utmost  stress  upon  its  de- 
mands for  the  Negroes.  It  demands  full  economic, 
political  and  social  equality  for  them;  it  fights  to 
eliminate  the  entire  system  of  discrimination  to 
which  the  Negroes  are  subjected  in  industry,  in 
the  distribution  of  unemployment  relief,  in  segre- 
gated dwelling  districts,  in  hotels  and  restaurants, 
in  trade  unions,  in  the  courts,  in  political  activities ; 
that  is,  the  whole  Jim-Crow  outrage;  it  demands 
death  for  lynchers,  and  it  fights  for  the  right  of 
self-determination  for  the  Negro  nation  in  the 
Black  Belt  of  the  South. 

For  the  farmers  the  Party  demands  immediate 
emergency  cash  relief  from  the  government,  for 
those  crushed  by  the  burden  of  low  prices,  high 
taxes,  usurious  debts,  etc.;  the  exemption  of  poor 
farmers  from  the  tax  burden,  abolition  of  foreclos- 
ures upon  land  for  non-payment  of  mortgages,  the 
full  rights  of  organization  and  free  speech,  etc. 

The  Party  fights  against  the  monstrous  tax  bur- 
den being  heaped  from  year  to  year  upon  the  toil- 
ing masses  and  demands  that  this  be  shifted  upon 
the  rich.  It  opposes  the  sales  tax  and  fights  for 


higher  inheritance  taxes,  surtaxes,  etc.  It  de- 
mands drastic  curtailment  in  the  salaries  of  gov- 
ernment officials  and  opposes  all  wage-cuts  for 
government  workers. 

The  Party  fights  militantly  against  the  growing 
imperialist  war  danger.  It  mobilizes  the  workers 
to  fight  against  the  robber  war  in  China  and  to  de- 
fend the  Soviet  Union.  It  demands  the  with- 
drawal of  American  armed  forces  from  China.  It 
demands  recognition  of  and  trade  relations  with 
the  U.S.S.R.  It  calls  upon  the  workers  not  to 
transport  war  munitions  for  Japanese  imperialism. 
It  fights  against  all  phases  of  American  imperial- 
ism's program  to  militarize  the  American  people. 
It  gives  active  support  to  the  masses  in  Latin- 
America  in  their  fight  against  American  imperial- 
ism. It  educates  the  masses  in  the  revolutionary 
Leninist  strategy  against  war. 

The  Party  fights  against  the  developing  terror- 
ism and  suppression  of  the  workers'  rights.  It  de- 
mands the  rights  of  free  speech,  free  assembly,  and 
to  strike  and  picket.  It  combats  injunctions  by  a 
policy  of  mass  violation.  It  organizes  workers' 
defense  corps  in  mass  organizations  to  defend  them 
from  the  violence  of  the  employers  and  their 
agents.  It  fights  against  the  finger-printing,  de- 
portation and  other  methods  of  discrimination  used 
towards  the  foreign-born  workers.  It  demands 
the  release  of  all  class  war  prisoners,  the  annul- 


ment  of  anti- Syndicalist  laws,  abolition  of  va- 
grancy laws,  etc. 

For  the  young  workers  the  Young  Communist 
League,  supported  by  the  Party,  demands  the 
abolition  of  child  labor,  the  establishment  of  the 
6-hour  day,  equal  pay  with  adult  workers,  rest 
periods  in  industry,  the  right  to  vote,  etc.  In  the 
various  strikes  the  Y.C.L.  always  raises  special 
youth  demands.  In  schools  and  colleges  it  organ- 
izes the  students  and  develops  their  struggle  for 
better  conditions.  It  also  organizes  the  youth  in 
their  own  Y.C.L.  nuclei,  and  it  works  for  the  or- 
ganization of  special  youth  sections  of  local  trade 
unions  to  deal  with  particular  youth  problems  and 
to  develop  the  necessary  special  activities  involved 
in  the  organization  of  the  youth. 

The  Party  makes  special  demands  for  women 
workers,  including  equal  pay  with  men,  special  pro- 
tection in  industry,  maternity  insurance,  etc.,  and 
it  incorporates  them  in  its  immediate  program  in 
given  struggles.  For  the  ex-service  men  it  de- 
mands the  full  payment  of  the  bonus ;  for  those  now 
in  the  army  and  navy  service  better  wages,  food, 
housing,  etc.  It  demands  the  repeal  of  the  18th 
Amendment  and  the  Volstead  Act. 

In  short,  in  every  phase  of  life  where  capitalist 
exploitation  and  persecution  bear  down  upon  the 
masses,  the  Communist  party  comes  forward  with 
partial  demands  corresponding  to  the  most  imme- 
diate needs  of  these  masses.  But  in  so  doing,  it 


does  not  fail  to  point  out  that  the  final  solution  of 
their  intolerable  situation  can  be  achieved  only  by 
the  overthrow  of  the  capitalist  system  and  the  es- 
tablishment of  a  Workers'  and  Farmers'  gov- 

A  Program  of  Class  Struggle 

THE  COMMUNIST  PARTY  bases  its  activities  upon 
the  principles  of  the  class  struggle,  both  with  re- 
gard to  its  every-day  struggles  and  its  ultimate 
revolutionary  goal.  It  relentlessly  fights  against 
the  policy  of  class  collaboration  practiced  by  the 
Socialist  party  and  the  A.F.  of  L.  leaders.  World- 
wide experience  has  fully  demonstrated  the  fact 
that  the  workers  cannot  go  along  with  the  bosses 
as  "friendly  partners."  The  capitalists  and  the 
workers  are  class  enemies,  with  mutually  hostile  in- 
terests. The  exploiters  and  the  exploited  are  natu- 
ral political  foes.  The  relations  between  them 
depend  upon  the  question  of  power.  The  workers 
can  get  from  the  employers  only  what  they  have 
the  power  to  take.  The  A.F.  of  L.  theory  (which 
corresponds  to  the  Socialist  party  practice)  of  the 
"harmony  of  interest  between  capital  and  labor" 
is  the  theory  of  the  surrender  of  the  working  class 
to  the  bourgeoisie. 

Communist  action  is  based  upon  the  slogan  of 
"Class  Against  Class";  that  is,  the  working  class 
against  the  capitalist  class.  This  slogan  expresses 


the  elementary  fighting  policy  of  the  revolutionary 
movement.  In  applying  it,  the  Communist  party 
actively  promotes  the  mass  organization  of  the 
workers,  regardless  of  political  opinion,  into  trade 
unions,  unemployed  councils,  organizations  to  de- 
fend the  rights  of  Negroes,  ex-servicemen's 
leagues,  labor  defense  and  strike  relief  bodies, 
leagues  of  poor  farmers,  proletarian  sports  or- 
ganizations, labor  fraternal  insurance  societies, 
organizations  to  defend  the  foreign  born,  societies 
of  working  class  culture,  etc.,  etc.  Where  no  mass 
organizations  exist  in  these  fields  the  Party  takes 
the  initiative  in  forming  them;  where  such  are  al- 
ready in  existence  and  are  headed  by  conservative 
officials,  the  Party  follows  the  policy  of  building 
an  opposition  within  them  and  fighting  for  the 
revolutionary  program  and  leadership.  This  is  the 
so-called  boring-from-within  policy. 

The  application  of  the  "Class  Against  Class" 
policy  requires  the  making  of  united  front  move- 
ments with  workers  who,  while  not  prepared  to 
accept  the  whole  revolutionary  program  of  the 
Communist  party,  nevertheless  are  willing  to 
struggle  for  immediate,  partial  demands.  It  also 
means  the  carrying  on  of  joint  struggles  with  the 
poor  farmers  and  impoverished  sections  of  the  city 
petty  bourgeoisie.  But  in  all  such  united  front 
movements  the  aim  always  is  for  the  workers  to 
lead  and  for  the  attack  to  be  directed  against  the 
capitalist  class  and  its  government.  By  the  use 


of  the  united  front  the  fighting  ranks  of  the  work- 
ers are  extended  far  beyond  the  limits  of  the  exist- 
ing revolutionary  organizations;  the  united  front 
bridges  the  gap  between  the  organized  and  un- 
organized workers  and  links  them  up  for  common 
struggle.  United  front  organs  may  take  a  variety 
of  forms,  such  as  joint  strike  committees,  shop  com- 
mittees, grievance  committees,  relief  committees, 
defense  committees,  etc.,  being  composed  in  each 
case  of  representatives  of  all  the  unions,  A.F.  of  L. 
and  revolutionary,  as  well  as  of  the  unorganized 
workers  in  the  given  situation.  The  united  front  is 
organized  from  the  bottom;  that  is,  not  with  the 
reactionary  leaders  of  the  various  labor  organiza- 
tions, but  with  the  rank  and  file  workers. 

The  Communist  party  bases  its  work  directly 
upon  the  mills,  mines,  and  factories.  Its  prin- 
ciple is  to  make  every  shop  a  fortress  for  Com- 
munism. It  follows  closely  the  life  of  the  workers 
in  the  industries,  adapting  its  immediate  program 
of  struggle  to  their  needs.  It  concentrates  its 
work  upon  the  heavy  industries  and  those  of  a  war 
character.  The  Party  and  the  revolutionary 
unions  are  organized  especially  for  this  intense 
shop  work.  Instead  of  being  based  upon  terri- 
torial branches,  as  is  the  Socialist  party,  the  Com- 
munist party  has  as  its  basic  unit  the  shop  nucleus ; 
the  TUUL  unions  are  based  upon  the  shop  branch, 
instead  of  the  craft  and  general  locals  of  the  A.F. 
of  L.  type. 


In  carrying  out  its  class  struggle  program  the 
Communist  party  practices  revolutionary  parlia- 
mentarism. It  places  candidates  during  elections 
and  makes  every  effort  to  elect  them.  It  com- 
bines its  parliamentary  action  inside  legislative 
bodies  with  its  mass  action  outside  and  fights  to 
force  all  possible  concessions  from  the  government. 
It  utilizes  the  election  campaigns  to  educate  the 
workers  and  to  mobilize  them  for  every  phase  of 
its  program  on  the  economic  and  political  fields. 
It  seizes  upon  these  periods  of  general  political  dis- 
cussion to  confront  the  reactionary  program  of  the 
capitalists  and  their  Social  Fascist  agents  with 
the  revolutionary  program  of  the  workers.  Where 
the  Party  elects  its  candidates  to  legislative  bodies 
they  make  use  of  these  public  forums  to  expose 
the  capitalist  character  of  the  government  and  to 
bring  forward  the  Communist  program  in  its  vari- 
ous phases.  In  all  its  parliamentary  activities  the 
Communist  party  makes  it  clear  to  the  workers 
that  the  capitalist  democracy  is  a  sham  and  that 
there  must  be  no  illusions  about  peacefully  cap- 
turing the  State  for  the  working  class. 

The  Communist  party  organizes  its  struggles 
upon  the  basis  of  mass  action  of  the  workers.  It  is 
opposed  to  individual  acts  of  terror.  Such  terror- 
ism weakens  the  workers'  struggle  by  tending  to 
substitute  individual  action  for  mass  action  and  by 
exposing  the  movement  to  the  destructive  work  of 
agents  provocateurs.  The  workers'  daily  strug- 


gles  are  to  be  won  and  their  emancipation  finally 
achieved,  not  by  the  desperate  acts  of  isolated 
heroes,  but  by  the  resolute  action  of  the  great 
masses  of  workers. 

A  cornerstone  of  the  Communist  class  struggle 
policy  is  a  ruthless  fight  against  the  Social  Fascist 
leaders,  especially  those  of  the  "left,"  phrase- 
mongering type.  "Class  Against  Class"  implies 
a  war  to  the  finish  against  such  elements,  who  are 
part  of  the  oppressive  machinery  of  the  capitalist 
class.  They  are  enemies  within  the  gates  of  the 
working  class  and  must  be  treated  as  such.  They 
head  the  labor  movement  only  in  order  to  behead 
it.  They  are  a  menace  and  an  obstacle  to  all 
struggle  by  the  workers.  With  their  prestige  as 
labor  leaders,  their  demagogy  is  especially  demoral- 
izing; with  their  control  of  the  workers'  mass 
organizations,  they  are  able  to  effectively  sabotage 
the  struggle.  It  is  idle  to  try  to  "convince"  the 
Social  Fascist  leaders  or  to  "force  them  to  fight 
by  mass  pressure,"  because  they  are  class  enemies 
of  the  workers.  They  must  be  politically  ob- 
literated. To  accomplish  this  is  a  first  condition 
for  successful  working  class  struggle  and  it  is  one 
never  lost  sight  of  by  the  Communist  party. 

The  Communist  party  draws  a  clear  line  of  dis- 
tinction between  the  organized  workers  and  their 
Social  Fascist  leaders.  It  calls  upon  the  workers 
to  take  the  control  of  their  struggles  into  their 
own  hands.  The  policy  of  independent  leadership 


by  the  rank  and  file  workers  is  fundamental  in  the 
general  Communist  action  strategy.  The  Party 
promotes  the  formation  of  the  revolutionary  oppo- 
sition in  reformist  trade  unions;  it  organizes  the 
workers  to  oust  their  reactionary  leaders,  to  them- 
selves take  over  the  leadership  of  their  strikes  and 
other  struggles,  to  break  through  the  cliques  of 
gangsters  who  control  the  local  unions  and  sup- 
press all  trade  union  democracy,  to  disregard  the 
maze  of  trade  union  legalism  that  has  been  built 
up  by  the  bureaucracy  to  prevent  the  development 
of  real  struggles. 

In  the  trade  union  field  the  necessity  for  inde- 
pendent rank  and  file  leadership  has  led  to  the 
formation  of  several  independent  revolutionary  in- 
dustrial unions  in  the  mining,  textile,  metal,  ma- 
rine, needle  and  other  industries.  These  are 
united  in  a  national  center,  the  Trade  Union  Unity 
League,  formed  in  1929  through  a  reorganization 
of  the  Trade  Union  Educational  League.  The 
old  TUEL  was  made  up  solely  of  revolutionary 
opposition  groups  in  the  reformist  unions;  the 
TUUL  is  composed  of  both  revolutionary  opposi- 
tions and  industrial  unions,  with  its  center  of 
gravity  in  the  latter.  The  formation  of  the  inde- 
pendent revolutionary  unions  was  made  impera- 
tive by  the  systematic  sabotage  of  the  struggle 
by  the  more  and  more  Fascist  A.F.  of  L.  leaders 
through  open  strike-breaking,  suppression  of 
democracy  in  the  unions,  mass  expulsions,  be- 


trayal  of  the  unorganized,  etc.  The  TUUL  is  not 
a  dual  organization  in  the  sense  of  the  I.W.W. 
It  does  not  make  war  upon  the  A.F.  of  L.  unions 
as  such,  but  against  their  reactionary  leaders. 
With  the  A.F.  of  L.  rank  and  file  the  TUUL 
makes  united  fronts  and  conducts  joint  strike 
struggles.  It  organizes  and  supports  the  work  of 
the  A.F.  of  L.  opposition  movements.  The  TUUL 
revolutionary  unions  concentrate  their  attention 
upon  the  great  masses  of  unorganized  who  make 
up  about  five-sixths  of  the  working  class,  build- 
ing separate  organizations  where  the  fighting  spirit 
of  the  workers,  lack  of  mass  A.F.  of  L.  unions, 
etc.,  make  this  course  the  most  practical  one  in 
defense  of  their  interests.  The  TUUL  is  the 
American  section  of  the  Red  International  of 
Labor  Unions.  It  is  made  up  of  workers  of  all 
political  opinions.  Its  relations  towards  the  Com- 
munist party  are  those  of  mutual  support  and  co- 
operation in  the  struggle,  without  organizational 

The  Communist  party  of  the  United  States,  in 
line  with  its  program  of  class  struggle,  unites  with 
the  revolutionary  workers  of  the  world.  It  is  the 
American  section  of  the  Communist  International. 
The  Communist  International  carries  out  a  united 
revolutionary  policy  on  a  world  scale,  with  the  nec- 
essary adaptations  for  the  special  conditions  in  the 
various  countries.  The  Communist  International 
is  a  disciplined  world  party;  only  such  a  party  can 


defeat  world  imperialism.  Its  leading  party,  by 
virtue  of  its  great  revolutionary  experience,  is  the 
Russian  Communist  party.  In  its  general  work 
it  applies  the  principles  of  democratic  centralism, 
even  as  its  affiliated  parties  do  in  their  respective 
countries.  That  is,  the  policies  of  the  Interna- 
tional are  worked  out  jointly  with  the  several 
parties  and  then  applied  in  the  usual  disciplined 
Communist  way.  Charges  of  the  Matthew  Woll 
brand  that  these  parties  "take  orders  from  Mos- 
cow" are  ridiculous.  The  united  world  revolu- 
tionary policy  of  the  Communist  International 
differs  fundamentally  from  that  of  the  Socialist 
Second  International,  whose  autonomous  sections 
follow  the  policies  of  their  respective  national 

It  is  only  with  the  foregoing  Communist  prin- 
ciples and  program  of  class  struggle  that  the  work- 
ers can  defeat  the  efforts  of  the  capitalists  to  find 
a  way  out  of  the  crisis  through  more  unemploy- 
ment, wage-cuts,  and  mass  starvation,  more  Fascist 
terrorism  and  the  unleashing  of  devastating  war. 
Under  the  leadership  of  the  Communist  party  and 
following  out  its  class  struggle  policy,  the  workers 
can  defend  their  interests  here  and  now  and  they 
will  ultimately  traverse  fully  the  revolutionary  way 
out  of  the  crisis  by  overthrowing  capitalism  and 
establishing  a  Soviet  system. 


The  American  Workers  and  the  Revolution 

THE  CAPITALISTS  and  their  henchmen  in  this  coun- 
try are  very  certain  of  the  innate  conservatism  of  the 
American  working  class.  They  confidently  assure 
themselves  that,  no  matter  what  may  happen  in 
other  countries,  the  toiling  masses  here  will  have 
nothing  to  do  with  Socialism.  And,  on  the  surface 
of  things,  the  workers  of  the  United  States  are  the 
most  conservative  of  any  great  industrial  country. 
This  is  primarily  because,  living  in  the  land  of  the 
most  powerful  and  rapidly  rising  imperialism,  their 
standards  of  living  have  been  somewhat  higher  than 
those  in  other  countries.  Besides,  their  class  con- 
sciousness has  been  greatly  hindered  by  the  so- 
called  democratic  traditions  in  the  United  States, 
harking  back  to  the  days  of  free  land.  There  has 
also  been  a  retarding  influence  in  the  lack  of  homo- 
geneity among  the  workers — many  races,  many 
nationalities,  many  traditions.  All  of  which  fac- 
tors capitalism  has  thoroughly  understood  how  to 
exploit  in  the  unparalleled  flood  of  propaganda 
that  it  has  poured  into  the  workers  through  the 
countless  newspapers,  schools,  churches,  labor 
leaders,  politicians,  radios,  motion  pictures,  etc. 

But  this  conservatism  is  more  apparent  than 
real;  it  is  merely  a  surface  and  temporary  indica- 
tion. It  is  only  a  few  years  since  the  capitalists 
of  Great  Britain  and  Germany  also  boasted  about 
the  conservatism  of  their  workers.  They  could  do 


this  because  both  of  these  countries  were  on  a  rising 
curve  of  imperialist  development.  It  was  possible 
at  least  for  the  masses  of  their  workers  to  live. 
Illusions  about  the  possibilities  of  capitalist  de- 
velopment flourished  among  them.  But  now  how 
changed  is  the  situation.  In  Germany  the  workers 
are  rapidly  becoming  revolutionized  and  in  Great 
Britain  they  are  traveling  the  same  road,  if  at  a 
somewhat  slower  tempo.  This  revolutionizatiqn 
of  the  workers  develops  because  Germany  and 
Great  Britain  have  been  caught  deeply  in  the 
maelstrom  of  the  general  capitalist  crisis:  Ger- 
many, crushed  by  its  imperialist  rivals,  approaches 
a  revolutionary  upheaval;  Great  Britain,  ousted 
from  its  position  as  world  industrial  leader,  slips 
deeper  and  deeper  into  chronic  crisis.  The  erst- 
while "conservative"  workers  of  these  countries, 
now  facing  mass  starvation,  are  beginning  to  see 
the  logic  of  the  situation  and  are  gradually  pre- 
paring themselves  for  the  fight  to  overthrow  capi- 
talism and  to  establish  Socialism. 

The  American  workers  inevitably  must  go  in  the 
same  direction  and  for  the  same  reasons,  although, 
for  the  causes  above-mentioned,  their  pace  is  as  yet 
much  slower.  A  sure  radicalization  is  being 
brought  about  by  30  to  40  cents  a  day  wages  for 
Kentucky  miners,8  $3.50  wages  for  a  70-hour  week 
for  Southern  textile  workers,9  and  similar  condi- 

s  Theodore  Dreiser,  Harlan  Miners  Speak. 
9  American  Federationist,  Mar.,  1932. 


tions  in  the  other  industries.  Starvation  wages  are 
destroying  the  capitalistic  illusions  of  American 
workers  and  25  cent  wheat  is  making  the  poor 
farmers  their  allies.  Especially  are  the  hunger 
policies  of  the  Hoover  government  in  the  unem- 
ployment question  a  potent  factor  in  the  growing 
radicalization.  The  time  will  come  when  the  capi- 
talists of  this  country  will  realize  that  one  of  the 
greatest  mistakes  ever  made  by  a  ruling  class  was 
that  of  forcing  the  millions  of  unemployed  to  go 
without  the  necessaries  of  life  while  the  warehouses 
were  bursting  with  riches. 

Under  the  pressure  of  the  deepening  crisis  the 
workers  are  throwing  off  their  conservatism  with 
a  speed  and  decisiveness  that  will  soon  startle 
the  ruling  class.  The  British  bourgeoisie  were 
astounded  at  the  recent  sudden  and  significant 
mass  upheavals  in  St.  Johns  and  Auckland.  In 
Chapter  I  we  have  pointed  out  some  of  the  signs 
of  the  new  radicalization.  But  doubtless  the  proc- 
ess has  gone  faster  and  farther  than  the  open  signs 
indicate  and  than  even  the  closest  observers  realize. 
The  radicalization  is  largely  hidden  because  the 
American  working  class,  almost  completely  un- 
organized industrially  and  politically,  shamefully 
betrayed  by  the  trade  union  leaders  and  terrorized 
in  the  industries,  has  great  obstacles  in  the  way  of 
expressing  its  discontent.  It  has  to  be  of  an  ex- 
plosive character  before  it  appears  upon  the  sur- 
face. The  pressure  now  rises  dangerously. 


The  capitalists  are  congratulating  themselves 
upon  the  lack  of  great  mass  struggles  of  the  work- 
ers against  the  wholesale  reductions  in  their  living 
standards  during  the  present  crisis.  The  Wall 
Street  Journal,  (Jan.  5, 1932),  states:  "It  is  doubt- 
ful whether  so  rapid  and  extensive  a  deflation  of 
the  wage  earner's  income  has  ever  before  taken 
place  in  the  United  States,  with  so  nearly  a  total 
absence  of  open  conflict  between  masters  and 
men.  .  .  It  seems  a  far  cry  back  to  the  Homestead 
riots  of  1892,  to  the  Pullman  and  railroad  strikes 
of  2  years  later,  or  even  to  the  Colorado  mine  dis- 
orders of  1914."  Bourgeois  economists  and  writ- 
ers ascribe  the  dearth  of  big  strikes  to  a  lack  of 
militancy  on  the  part  of  the  workers,  and  charac- 
teristically, the  Socialist,  Norman  Thomas,  agrees 
with  them  by  giving  as  the  reason  "the  docility  of 
labor."  10 

The  fallacy  of  this  argumentation  is  readily  ap- 
parent. At  the  door  of  the  American  Federation 
of  Labor  lies  the  chief  responsibility  for  the  failure 
of  the  working  class  to  develop  greater  mass  resist- 
ance against  the  huge  lowering  of  their  living 
standards.  Had  this  organization,  with  its  2,500,- 
000  members  and  its  standing  as  the  traditional 
labor  movement,  issued  a  call  to  strike  against 
wage-cuts  and  to  fight  for  unemployment  insur- 
ance undoubtedly  many  big  strikes  and  unemploy- 
ment demonstrations  would  have  occurred.  But 

10  As  I  See  It,  p.  166. 


the  A.F.  of  L.,  on  the  contrary,  has  used  all  its 
power  and  prestige  to  prevent  struggle.  Repeat- 
ing the  arguments  of  the  bosses,  it  has  unresistingly 
accepted  wage-cuts  and  the  unemployment  hunger 
program  of  the  government.  Besides,  it  has  un- 
hesitatingly used  strike-breaking  methods  (among 
the  worst  of  which  were  the  fake  strikes,  or  lock- 
outs in  the  Socialist-controlled  needle  trades)  to 
defeat  the  workers  who  tried  to  beat  the  wage-cuts 
by  struggle.  This  deadening  influence  of  the  A.F. 
of  L.  extended  far  beyond  the  ranks  of  its  organ- 
ization into  the  unorganized  industries.  The  A.F. 
of  L.  leadership  has  been  the  principal  instrument 
of  the  bosses  to  force  the  workers  to  accept  lower 
conditions  of  living.  All  of  which  goes  to  show 
the  great  value  of  this  leadership  to  the  employers 
and  to  explain  their  systematic  support  of  it. 

The  intensification  of  the  crisis  will  inevitably 
bring  with  it  a  sharpening  and  broadening  of  the 
class  struggle,  despite  all  efforts  of  the  bosses,  the 
government  and  the  A.F.  of  L.-S.P.  leadership 
to  check  it.  Consider  the  meaning  of  the  Ford 
Hunger  March,  in  which  four  workers  were  killed 
and  many  wounded  by  the  police;  just  a  few  years 
ago  the  workers  in  the  Ford  plant  were  rated  the 
best  off  in  the  world.  Now  they  find  themselves 
starving  and  ruthlessly  shot  down  when  they  de- 
mand relief.  Their  answer  is  a  violent  mass  re- 
sentment and  a  rapid  building  of  the  Communist 


party,  the  Unemployed  Councils  and  the  revolu- 
tionary Automobile  Workers'  Union. 

Or  take  the  case  of  the  Kentucky  miners :  facing 
starvation  wages,  murderous  terrorism  by  com- 
pany gunmen  and  police  thugs,  wholesale  arrest 
and  railroading  of  militant  workers,  flagrant  be- 
trayal by  the  U.M.W.  of  A.,  they  turned  to  the 
Communist  party  and  the  National  Miners  Union 
for  leadership.  These  miners,  almost  without  ex- 
ception, are  American-born.  They  and  their  for- 
bears for  generations  back  are  of  the  old  pioneer 
stock.  They  are  intensely  patriotic  and  religious; 
race  prejudice  against  the  Negro  has  been  culti- 
vated amongst  them  from  their  earliest  childhood. 
The  coal  operators,  realizing  these  facts  and 
believing  that  they  made  the  miners  immune  to 
revolutionary  leadership  regardless  of  their  griev- 
ances, met  the  advance  of  the  National  Miners 
Union  into  the  Kentucky-Tennessee  coal  regions 
with  a  franti2  appeal  to  the  prejudices  of  the 
miners.  They  made  it  appear  that  the  developing 
strike  was  an  attempt  to  overthrow  the  government, 
that  it  meant  wiping  out  religion  and  the  estab- 
lishment of  Negro  domination.  But  the  miners 
stood  firm  in  the  face  of  this  unprecedented  "red 
hysteria";  the  strike  went  on  despite  all  the 
demagogy  and  terrorism.  Communism  has  es- 
tablished itself  firmly  among  the  American  miners 
of  the  Kentucky  and  Tennessee  coal  fields. 

Which  way  the  farmers  will  go  may  be  gathered 


from  the  report  of  Professors  Hutchinson  and 
Holt  on  conditions  in  Michigan:  "Then  there  are 
the  farmers  now  talking  the  language  of  revolt. 
Their  backs  are  against  the  wall  and  it  will  take 
only  a  few  dramatic  mortgage  sales  of  lands  held 
by  families  for  two  generations  to  start  the  fire- 
works. For  them  the  passing  of  the  American 
farmer  to  peasantry  will  not  happen  without  a 
struggle  in  the  spirit  of  1776." 

It  is  an  illusion  to  think  that  the  conservative 
American  workers  must  first  pass  through  the 
stage  of  social  reformism  before  they  will  accept 
the  Communist  program.  Doubtless,  large  num- 
bers of  them  will  fall  victims  to  social  reformism, 
hence,  the  great  danger  of  the  Socialist  party  and 
the  A.F.  of  L.  leadership.  But  experience  already 
amply  demonstrates  that  the  Communist  party, 
with  its  program  of  partial  demands  and  united 
front  policy,  coupled  with  its  ultimate  revolution- 
ary objectives,  can  and  does  successfully  mobilize 
masses  of  these  workers  just  breaking  from  the  in- 
fluence of  the  two  old  parties. 

Dearborn,  Kentucky,  England  (Ark.),  Law- 
rence, Pittsburgh  coal  strike,  etc.,  reflect  the  new 
spirit  of  the  American  class  struggle.  The  capi- 
talists, in  the  midst  of  the  sharpening  general 
crisis  of  capitalism,  are  determined  to  force  the 
living  standards  of  American  toilers  down  to  Euro- 
pean levels,  or  lower.  The  workers  will  respond 
to  this  offensive  by  increasing  class  consciousness 


and  mass  struggle.  More  and  more  they  will  turn 
to  the  Communist  party  for  leadership,  and  even- 
tually they  will  be  joined  by  decisive  masses  of 
the  ever-more  ruthlessly  exploited  poor  farmers. 
The  toiling  masses  of  the  United  States  will  not 
submit  to  the  capitalist  way  out  of  the  crisis,  which 
means  still  deeper  poverty  and  misery,  but  will 
take  the  revolutionary  way  out  to  Socialism.  The 
working  class  of  this  country  will  tread  the  path 
of  the  workers  of  the  world,  to  the  overthrow  of 
capitalism  and  the  establishment  of  a  Soviet  gov- 
ernment. Lenin  was  profoundly  correct  when  he 
said  in  his  Letter  to  American  Workingmen,  of 
Aug.  20,  1918: 

"The  American  working  class  will  not  follow  the  lead 
of  its  bourgeoisie.  It  will  go  with  us  against  its  bour- 
geoisie. The  whole  history  of  the  American  people  gives 
me  this  confidence,  this  conviction." 



THE  MARXIAN  principle  holds  true  that  the  pre- 
vailing mode  of  production  and  exchange  deter- 
mines the  character  of  the  general  organization  in 
a  given  society.  Thus  the  pioneer  British  capitalist 
society,  based  upon  the  private  ownership  of  indus- 
try and  the  exploitation  of  the  workers,  forecast  the 
type  which,  with  only  minor  variations,  came  later 
to  be  developed  by  the  whole  capitalist  world.  Its 
parliamentary  democracy,  rampant  patriotism, 
robot-like  education  of  the  masses,  reformist  trade 
unionism,  etc.,  fitted  naturally  into  the  capitalist 
scheme  of  things  everywhere. 

By  the  same  principle,  the  Soviet  Union  now 
forecasts  the  general  outlines  of  the  new  social 
order  that  the  world  is  approaching.  The  Soviet 
system  was  not  an  invention.  Its  basic  institutions 
arose  naturally  from  the  economic  and  political 
necessities  of  workers  and  peasants  freeing  them- 
selves from  capitalist  exploitation.  Thus,  for  the 
United  States  as  well  as  other  countries,  the  Soviet 
Union  is  a  plain  indicator  of  the  society  that  is  to 



be,  taking  into  account  minor  variations  for  special 
conditions  in  the  several  lands.  It  foreshadows  the 
broad  lines  along  which  the  future  Soviet  America 
will  develop.  Here  our  task  is  not  to  work  out 
all  the  details  of  an  American  Soviet  system,  as 
that  would  exceed  the  scope  of  this  book,  but  to 
trace  out,  upon  the  basis  of  actual  experience  to 
date,  the  general  structure  and  workings  of  such 
a  regime. 

From  capitalism  to  Communism,  through  the 
intermediary  stage  of  Socialism;  that  is  the  way 
American  society,  like  society  in  general,  is  headed. 
It  represents  the  main  line  of  march  of  the  human 
race  to  the  next  higher  social  stage  in  its  historical 
advance.  It  is  the  trend  to  which  all  the  economic, 
political  and  social  forces  of  today  are  contributing. 

The  American  revolution,  when  the  workers  have 
finally  seized  power,  will  develop  even  more  swiftly 
in  all  its  phases  than  has  the  Russian  revolution. 
This  is  because  in  the  United  States  objective  con- 
ditions are  more  ripe  for  revolution  than  they  were 
in  old  Russia.  In  his  work,  Imperialism.,  Lenin 
states : 

"Capitalism,  in  its  imperialist  phase,  arrives  at  the 
threshold  of  the  complete  socialization  of  production. 
To  some  extent  it  causes  the  capitalists,  whether  they 
like  it  or  no,  to  enter  a  new  social  order,  which  marks 
the  transition  from  free  competition  to  the  socialization 
of  production.  Production  becomes  social,  but  appro- 


priation  remains  private.     The  social  means  of  produc- 
tion remain  the  private  property  of  a  few." 

This  means  that  in  such  a  highly-industrialized 
country  as  the  United  States  the  industrial  base  for 
Socialism  is  already  at  hand.  The  great  problem 
before  the  workers  is  to  get  the  political  power. 
The  Russian  workers,  however,  not  only  had  to 
conquer  power  but  also  to  build  a  great  industrial 
system.  At  the  Eighth  Congress  of  Soviets,  in 
1920,  Lenin  declared  that,  "Communism  is  the 
Soviet  power  plus  the  electrification  of  the  coun- 
try." In  the  United  States,  the  problem  of  the 
American  working  class  in  achieving  Socialism 
may  be  summed  up,  as  Browder  has  put  it,  as 
the  present  American  industrial  technique  plus 

Besides  this  more  favorable  industrial  base, 
American  workers,  once  in  control,  will  have  other 
advantages  which  will  greatly  speed  the  tempo  of 
revolutionary  development.  These  are,  first,  the 
vast  experience  accumulated  in  the  Russian  revolu- 
tion, and,  second,  the  practical  assistance  of  the 
Soviet  governments  existing  at  the  time  of  the 
American  revolution.  These  are  enormous  ad- 
vantages. As  for  the  Russian  workers,  they  were 
pioneers  blazing  the  revolutionary  trail.  They  had 
to  work  out  for  themselves  a  maze  of  unique 
problems  and  to  struggle  against  a  whole  hostile 
capitalist  world.  The  sum  of  all  which  is  that  the 
period  of  transition  from  capitalism  to  Socialism 


in  the  United  Soviet  States  will  be  much  shorter 
and  easier  than  in  the  U.S.S.R. 

The  American  Soviet  Government 

WHEN  the  American  working  class  actively  enters 
the  revolutionary  path  of  abolishing  capitalism  it 
will  orientate  upon  the  building  of  Soviets,  not 
upon  the  adaptation  of  the  existing  capitalist  gov- 
ernment. Capitalist  governments  have  nothing  in 
common  with  proletarian  governments.  They  are 
especially  constructed  throughout  to  maintain  the 
rulership  of  the  bourgeoisie.  In  the  revolutionary 
struggle  they  are  smashed  and  Soviet  governments 
established,  built  according  to  the  requirements  of 
the  toiling  masses. 

The  building  of  Soviets  is  begun  not  after  the 
revolution  but  before.  When  the  eventual  revolu- 
tionary crisis  becomes  acute  the  workers  begin  the 
establishment  of  Soviets.  The  Soviets  are  not  only 
the  foundation  of  the  future  Workers'  State,  but 
also  the  main  instruments  to  mobilize  the  masses 
for  revolutionary  struggle.  The  decisions  of  the 
Soviets  are  enforced  by  the  armed  Red  Guard  of 
the  workers  and  peasants  and  by  the  direct  seizure 
of  the  industry  through  factory  committees.  A 
revolutionary  American  working  class  will  follow 
this  general  course,  which  is  the  way  of  proletarian 

The  American  Soviet  government  will  be  or- 


ganized  along  the  broad  lines  of  the  Russian 
Soviets.  Local  Soviets,  the  base  of  the  whole 
Soviet  State,  will  be  established  in  all  cities,  towns 
and  villages.  Local  Soviets  combine  in  themselves 
the  legislative,  executive  and  judicial  functions. 
Representation,  based  on  occupation  instead  of 
residence  and  property,  comes  directly  from  the 
shops,  mines,  farms,  schools,  workers'  organiza- 
tions, army,  navy,  etc.  The  principle  of  recall  of 
representatives  applies  throughout.  Citizenship 
is  restricted  to  those  who  do  useful  work,  capital- 
ists, landlords,  clericals  and  other  non-producers 
being  disfranchised. 

The  local  Soviets  will  be  combined  by  direct  rep- 
resentation into  county,  state,  and  national  Soviets. 
The  national  Soviet  government,  with  its  capital  in 
Chicago  or  some  other  great  industrial  center,  will 
consist  of  a  Soviet  Congress,  made  up  of  local  dele- 
gates and  meeting  annually,  or  as  often  as  need 
be,  to  work  out  the  general  policies  of  the  govern- 
ment. Between  its  meetings  the  government  will 
be  carried  on  by  a  broad  Central  Executive  Com- 
mittee, meeting  every  few  months.  This  C.E.C. 
will  elect  a  small  Presidium  and  a  Council  of 
Commissars,  made  up  of  the  heads  of  the  various 
government  departments,  who  will  carry  on  the 
day-to-day  work. 

The  American  Soviet  government  will  join  with 
the  other  Soviet  governments  in  a  world  Soviet 
Union.  There  will  also  be,  very  probably,  some 


form  of  continental  union.  The  American  revolu- 
tion will  doubtless  carry  with  it  all  those  countries 
of  the  three  Americas  that  have  not  previously 
accomplished  the  revolution. 

The  Soviet  court  system  will  be  simple,  speedy 
and  direct.  The  judges,  chosen  by  the  corre- 
sponding Soviets,  will  be  responsible  to  them. 
The  Supreme  Court,  instead  of  being  dictatorial 
and  virtually  legislative,  as  in  the  United  States, 
will  be  purely  juridical  and  entirely  under  the  con- 
trol of  the  C.E.C.  The  civil  and  criminal  codes 
will  be  simplified,  the  aim  being  to  proceed  directly 
and  quickly  to  a  correct  decision.  In  the  acute 
stages  of  the  revolutionary  struggle  special  courts 
to  fight  the  counter-revolution  will  probably  be 
necessary.  The  pest  of  lawyers  will  be  abolished. 
The  courts  will  be  class-courts,  definitely  warring 
against  the  class  enemies  of  the  toilers.  They  will 
make  no  hypocrisy  like  capitalist  courts,  which, 
while  pretending  to  deal  out  equal  justice  to  all 
classes,  in  reality  are  instruments  of  the  capitalist 
State  for  the  repression  and  exploitation  of  the 
toiling  masses. 

The  American  Soviet  government  will  be  the 
dictatorship  of  the  proletariat.  In  Chapter  II  we 
explained  this  dictatorship  as  the  revolutionary 
government  of  the  workers  and  toiling  farmers. 
In  the  proletarian  dictatorship  the  working  class  is 
the  leader  by  virtue  of  its  revolutionary  program, 
superior  organization  and  greater  numbers.  To- 


wards  the  farmers,  the  attitude  of  the  government 
will  vary  from  an  open  alliance  with  the  poor  farm- 
ers and  cooperation  with  the  middle  farmers,  to 
open  hostility  against  the  big,  exploiting  land- 
owners. Towards  the  city  intelligentsia  and  petty 
bourgeoisie  generally,  its  attitude  will  be  one  of 
friendliness  and  cooperation,  insofar  as  these  ele- 
ments break  with  the  old  order  and  support  the 
new.  The  new  Workers'  government,  as  part  of 
its  task  of  building  Socialism,  necessarily  will  have 
to  hold  firmly  in  check  the  counter-revolutionary 
elements  who  seek  to  overthrow  or  sabotage  the 
new  regime.  To  suppose  that  the  powerful 
American  capitalist  class  and  its  vast  numbers  of 
hangers-on  will  tamely  submit  to  the  loss  of  their 
power  to  the  workers  would  be  to  ignore  the  whole 
history  of  that  class.  The  mildness  or  severity  of 
the  repressive  measures  used  by  the  workers  to  liq- 
uidate this  class  politically  will  depend  directly 
upon  the  character  of  the  latter's  resistance. 
While  the  whole  trend  of  the  revolutionary  work- 
ers is  against  violence,  they  always  have  an  iron 
fist  for  counter-revolution. 

In  order  to  defeat  the  class  enemies  of  the  revo- 
lution, the  counter-revolutionary  intrigues  within 
the  United  States  and  the  attacks  of  foreign  capi- 
talist countries  from  without,  the  proletarian  dic- 
tatorship must  be  supported  by  the  organized 
armed  might  of  the  workers,  soldiers,  local  militia, 
etc.  In  the  early  stages  of  the  revolution,  even 


before  the  seizure  of  power,  the  workers  will  or- 
ganize the  Red  Guard.  Later  on  this  loosely  con- 
structed body  becomes  developed  into  a  firmly-knit, 
well-disciplined  Red  Army. 

The  leader  of  the  revolution  in  all  its  stages  is 
the  Communist  party.  With  its  main  base  among 
the  industrial  workers,  the  Party  makes  a  bloc  with 
the  revolutionary  farmers  and  impoverished  city 
petty  bourgeoisie,  drawing  under  its  general  lead- 
ership such  revolutionary  groups  and  organizations 
as  these  classes  may  have.  Under  the  dictatorship 
all  the  capitalist  parties  —  Republican,  Democratic, 
Progressive,  Socialist,  etc. —  will  be  liquidated,  the 
Communist  party  functioning  alone  as  the  Party 
of  the  toiling  masses.  Likewise,  will  be  dissolved 
all  other  organizations  that  are  political  props  of 
the  bourgeois  rule,  including  chambers  of  com- 
merce, employers'  associations,  rotary  clubs, 
American  Legion,  Y.M.C.A.,  and  such  fraternal 
orders  as  the  Masons,  Odd  Fellows,  Elks,  Knights 
of  Columbus,  etc. 

A  Soviet  government  will  provide  the  workers 
and  poor  farmers  with  the  political  instrument  nec- 
essary to  defend  their  interests.  The  whole  pur- 
pose of  such  a  government  will  be  to  advance  the 
welfare  of  those  who  do  useful  work.  This  is  not 
the  case  with  the  present  government  of  the  United 
States.  It  is  dominated  by  the  Morgans,  Mellons 
and  other  big  bankers  and  industrialists.  Its  func- 
tion is  to  protect  the  interests  of  the  capitalist 


class  —  in  first  line  finance  capital  —  at  the  ex- 
pense of  the  working  masses.  Every  piece  of 
legislation,  every  strike,  every  demonstration  of 
the  unemployed  illustrates  this  afresh.  In  no 
matter  what  field,  wherever  the  interests  of  the 
workers  are  involved,  they  find  the  powers  of  the 
government  arrayed  against  them.  The  Ameri- 
can government  is  as  much  the  property  of  the 
capitalists  as  their  mills,  mines,  factories  and  land. 
Only  a  Soviet  government  can  and  will  represent 
the  will  of  the  workers. 

The  establishment  of  an  American  Soviet  gov- 
ernment will  mark  the  birth  of  real  democracy  in 
the  United  States.  For  the  first  time  the  toilers 
will  be  free,  with  industry  and  the  government  in 
their  own  hands.  Now  they  are  enslaved:  the 
industries  and  the  government  are  the  property  of 
the  ruling  class.  The  right  to  vote  and  all  the  cur- 
rent talk  about  democracy  are  only  so  many  screens 
to  hide  the  capitalist  autocracy  and  to  make  it  more 
palatable  to  the  masses.  Consider  the  economic 
and  political  gulf  between  the  Southern  textile 
workers  slaving  for  $5  a  week  and  the  rich  South- 
ern capitalists;  between  the  hungry  unemployed 
workers  in  the  Northern  cities  and  the  fat  capital- 
ist parasite  masters  lolling  the  Winters  through  at 
Palm  Beach;  between  the  semi-slave  Negroes  in 
the  South  and  their  exploiters;  between  the  out- 
rageous treatment  visited  upon  Mooney  and  Bill- 
ings, Sacco  and  Vanzetti  and  many  other  class  war 


prisoners  and  the  protection  given  to  the  Falls, 
Daughertys  and  the  whole  clique  of  capitalist  rob- 
bers of  the  poor  —  then  one  gets  the  true  measure 
of  the  American  capitalist  "democracy"  and  "free- 
dom." Ambassador  Gerard  blurted  out  the  truth 
that  the  American  government  is  a  capitalist  dic- 
tatorship when  he  declared  that  59  bankers  and 
captains  of  industry  are  the  real  rulers  of  the 
United  States. 

The  Expropriation  of  the  Expropriators 

"The  victorious  proletariat  utilizes  the  conquest  of 
power  as  a  lever  of  economic  revolution,  i.e.,  the  revolu- 
tionary transformation  of  the  property  relations  of  capi- 
talism into  relations  of  the  Socialist  mode  of  production. 
The  starting  point  of  this  great  economic  revolution  is 
the  expropriation  of  the  landlords  and  capitalists,  i.e., 
the  conversion  of  the  monopolistic  property  of  the  bour- 
geoisie into  the  property  of  the  proletarian  State."  * 

After  providing  for  the  emergency  defense  and 
provisioning  requirements,  the  first  steps  of  an 
American  Workers'  and  Farmers'  government, 
which  is  the  dictatorship  of  the  proletariat,  will  be 
directed  towards  the  revolutionary  nationalization 
or  socialization  of  the  large  privately-owned  and 
State  capitalist  undertakings. 

In  industry,  transport  and  communication  this 
will  mean  the  immediate  taking  over  by  the  State 
of  all  large  factories,  mines  and  power  plants, 

i  Program  of  the  Communist  International. 


together  with  all  municipal  and  State  industries; 
the  whole  transport  services  of  railroads,  water- 
ways, airways,  electric  car  lines,  hus  lines,  etc. ;  the 
entire  communication  organization,  including  tele- 
graphs, telephones,  post  office,  radio,  etc. 

In  agriculture  it  will  involve  the  early  confisca- 
tion of  the  large  landed  estates  in  town  and 
country,  including  church  property,  together  with 
their  buildings,  factories,  live  stock,  etc.,  and  also 
the  whole  body  of  forests,  mineral  deposits,  lakes, 
rivers,  etc. 

In  finance  it  will  mean  the  nationalization  of  the 
banking  system  and  its  concentration  around  a 
central  State  bank;  the  taking  over  of  the  depart- 
ment stores,  chain  stores,  and  other  large  wholesale 
and  retail  trading  organizations;  the  setting  up 
of  a  State  monopoly  of  foreign  trade;  the  cancel- 
lation of  all  government  debts,  reparations,  war 
loans,  etc.,  to  the  big  foreign  and  home  capitalists. 

The  socialization  program  will  be  carried 
through  on  the  basis  of  confiscation  without  re- 
muneration, except  for  special  consideration  to 
small  investors.  Such  a  program  naturally  evokes 
loud  protest  from  capitalists  and  the  defenders  of 
private  property,  especially  the  Social  Fascists. 
The  latter's  idea,  again  expressed  by  Norman 
Thomas  in  his  book,  America's  Way  Out,  is  for 
the  workers  to  buy  the  industries  and  land  from 
their  capitalist  owners.  Thomas  even  proposes  the 
absurd  plan  that,  through  holding  companies,  the 


workers  can  secure  control  with  a  minority  of  the 

Such  Social  Fascist  proposals  have  nothing  in 
common  with  Socialism.  They  represent  a  defi- 
nite support  of  the  capitalist  class  and  the  land- 
lords in  their  claims  for  the  right  to  exploit  the 
workers;  they  seek  to  conserve  the  dominant 
position  of  these  classes  in  a  new  form,  State 
capitalism.  The  workers  will  never  buy  out  the 
capitalists,  nor  could  they  if  they  would.  There 
is  no  warrant  in  common-sense  or  historical  prece- 
dent for  the  workers  to  buy  the  industries  and  natu- 
ral resources  from  the  present  ruling  class.  In 
confiscating  this  property  of  the  big  landlords  and 
capitalists,  the  workers  and  poor  farmers  will  sim- 
ply be  taking  back  that  which  has  been  ruthlessly 
stolen  from  them.  This  lesson  of  expropriation 
without  compensation  by  a  revolutionary  class  has 
been  amply  taught  in  the  British,  French,  Russian 
and  many  other  revolutions.  The  revolutionary 
American  colonists  did  not  compensate  the  British 
landlords;  the  Northern  capitalists  did  not  pay 
the  Southern  planters  when  they  transformed  the 
Negro  chattel  slaves  into  wage  slaves;  and  the 
working  class  will  follow  the  same  course  of  revo- 
lutionary confiscation. 

The  socialization  of  the  key  sections  of  industry, 
commerce,  agriculture  and  finance  will  lay  a  solid 
economic  foundation  for  the  building  of  Socialism. 
Doubtless,  private  property  will  survive  in  small 


farms,  in  petty  industry  and  in  trade.  But  this 
will  be  only  temporary.  With  the  consolidation 
and  growth  of  Socialism  and  the  general  spread  of 
well-being  all  the  land  will  eventually  and  without 
serious  difficulty  be  nationalized,  and  all  industry 
will  be  concentrated  into  the  Socialist  Soviet 

The  Improvement  of  the  Toilers*  Conditions 

THE  CENTRAL  purpose  of  the  revolution  is  to  con- 
quer political  power  for  the  workers  and  to 
fundamentally  improve  the  economic  and  social 
conditions  of  the  producing  masses.  Immediately 
an  American  Soviet  government  is  established,  the 
shut-down  factories  will  be  opened.  Production 
will  be  started  to  relieve  the  impoverished  work- 
ers and  farmers.  The  great  stores  of  necessities, 
now  piled  up  and  unsaleable,  will  be  released  to 
the  masses.  The  unemployed  will  be  fed,  housed 
and  given  work.  Pending  any  delay  in  putting  the 
industries  into  full  operation,  the  unemployed  will 
be  paid  social  insurance  on  the  basis  of  full  wages. 
The  general  policy  of  the  Soviet  government  will 
be  to  at  once  put  into  effect  at  least  the  immediate 
demands  that  the  workers  are  now  demanding  of 
capitalism,  and  which  we  have  discussed  in  the  pre- 
vious chapter.  Wages  will  be  sharply  raised,  espe- 
cially for  the  lower-paid  categories ;  then  there  will 
be  established  the  7-hour  day  or,  very  probably, 


less,  with  a  correspondingly  still  shorter  workday 
for  young  workers  and  those  engaged  in  dangerous 
occupations;  there  will  also  be  the  development  of 
the  system  of  social  insurance  against  unemploy- 
ment, old  age,  sickness,  accidents,  etc.,  on  a  full 
wage  basis;  the  abolition  of  the  many  discrimina- 
tions against  Negroes,  women,  and  young  workers 
in  industry;  the  establishment  of  free  medical 
services,  vacations  for  workers,  etc. 

The  Soviet  government  will  initiate  at  once  a 
vast  housing  program.  All  houses  and  other 
buildings  will  be  socialized.  The  great  hotels, 
apartments,  city  palaces,  country  homes,  country 
clubs,  etc.,  of  the  rich  will  be  taken  over  and  utilized 
by  the  workers  for  dwellings,  rest  homes,  chil- 
dren's clubs,  sanatoria,  etc.  The  best  of  the  sky- 
scrapers, emptied  of  their  thousand  and  one  brands 
of  parasites,  will  be  used  to  house  the  new 
government  institutions,  the  trade  unions,  coopera- 
tives, Communist  party,  etc.  The  fleets  of  auto- 
mobiles and  steam  yachts  of  the  rich  will  be  placed 
at  the  disposition  of  the  workers'  organizations.  A 
great  drive  will  be  made  to  demolish  the  present 
collection  of  miserable  shacks  and  tenements  and 
build  homes  fit  for  the  workers  to  live  in. 

The  Soviet  government  will  immediately  free  the 
poor  farmers  from  the  onerous  burdens  of  mort- 
gages and  other  debts  which  now  hold  them  in 
slavery.  Of  the  total  income  of  all  farmers  in 


1927,  17%  went  for  loans  and  mortgages.2  Land 
rent  will  be  abolished,  both  in  the  form  of  cash  and 
share-crops.  The  land  will  be  to  the  users.  The 
present  monopolistic  prices  for  agricultural  ma- 
chinery, fertilizer,  etc.,  will  be  drastically  cut. 
Taxes  will  be  slashed  and  shifted  off  the  backs  of 
the  poor  farmers.  For  the  millions  of  "one-horse" 
farmers  now  living  at  the  verge  of  starvation  in 
many  states,  more  land  will  be  allotted;  they  will 
also  be  furnished  with  the  necessary  seed,  machin- 
ery, fertilizer  and  expert  instruction.  Food  and 
other  necessities  of  life  will  be  given  to  those  in 
need.  Production  of  foodstuffs  will  not  be  cur- 
tailed, but  greatly  stimulated. 

Such  a  program  is  not  a  matter  of  mere  specula- 
tion. This  is  the  line  that  developed  in  the  Soviet 
Union  and  it  is  the  one  that  will  develop  here. 
Even  in  the  face  of  their  gigantic  tasks,  the  neces- 
sity to  build  industry  from  the  ground  up  in  the 
teeth  of  world  capitalist  opposition,  the  Russians, 
as  we  have  seen  in  Chapter  II,  have  been  able 
vastly  to  improve  the  conditions  of  the  toilers  of 
factory  and  farm.  In  the  United  States,  however, 
the  revolution,  because  of  the  superior  industrial 
equipment  here,  will  be  able  to  advance  the  Amer- 
ican workers'  standards  of  living  much  more 
quickly  and  drastically.  It  will  also  make  it  pos- 
sible to  lend  assistance  to  the  more  undeveloped 
countries.  It  is  true  that  the  powerful  and  ruth- 

2  Recent  Economic  Changes,  Vol.  II,  p.  784. 


less  American  capitalist  class  will  seek  to  prevent 
all  this  by  destroying  the  industries  during  the 
revolution,  which  only  emphasizes  the  need  for 
breaking  their  resistance  the  sooner. 

The  above  measures  of  improvement  for  the 
workers  and  farmers  will  represent  only  a  bare  be- 
ginning. Already  the  material  conditions  are  at 
hand  in  the  United  States  for  an  enormous  increase 
in  the  well-being  of  the  masses.  The  barriers  to 
this  advancement  are  the  incredible  robberies, 
wastes  and  the  general  idiocies  of  the  capitalist 
system.  The  revolution  will  clear  away  this  mass 
of  exploitation,  inefficiency  and  reaction,  and  will 
open  the  road  for  such  an  industrial  development 
and  general  rise  in  material  and  cultural  standards 
of  the  masses  as  now  seems  only  the  stuff  of 

The  Liquidation  of  Capitalist  Robbery  and 

THE  REVOLUTION  will  put  a  stop  to  the  whole  series 
of  capitalist  leaks,  wastes  and  thieveries  which  now 
prevent  the  rise  in  standards  of  the  masses.  It  is 
the  marvel  of  the  capitalist  world  how  the  Soviet 
government,  with  virtually  no  foreign  credits, 
manages  to  raise  the  many  billions  necessary  to 
finance  the  Five- Year  Plan.  The  explanation  is 
to  be  found  in  the  gigantic  economies  inherent  in 
the  Socialist  system  as  against  the  inefficiencies  and 


grafts  of  capitalism.  These  economies  will  be 
much  greater  in  the  United  Soviet  States  of 

First  of  all,  the  American  Soviet  government, 
by  taking  over  the  ownership  of  industry  and  the 
land,  will  put  a  sudden  stop  to  the  manifold  forms 
of  robbing  the  workers  and  farmers  of  monster 
masses  of  value  on  the  basis  of  private  ownership 
of  the  social  means  of  livelihood.  All  forms  of 
capitalist  interest,  rent  and  profit  will  be  abol- 
ished. Capitalists,  mortgage  holders,  landowners 
and  coupon  clippers  perform  no  useful  function  in 
society.  Their  rake-off  from  industry  and  the 
land  is  sheer  robbery.  This  is  one  of  the  great  les- 
sons of  the  Russian  revolution.  They  are  a  deadly 
detriment.  The  first  requirement  for  further 
social  progress  is  to  abolish  this  class  of  parasites. 
Veblen  states  the  case  very  mildly  when  he  says 
that  "the  capitalist  financier  has  come  to  be  no 
better  than  an  idle  wheel  in  the  economic  mecha- 
nism, serving  only  to  take  up  some  of  the  lubri- 
cant." 3  In  reality,  the  capitalists,  with  their 
program  of  mass  poverty,  exploitation  and  war,  are 
a  menace  to  the  human  race. 

Ending  the  gigantic  robbery  which  is  the  very 
base  of  the  capitalist  system  will  at  once  release 
vast  values  for  useful  social  ends.  How  vast  may 
be  realized  from  the  fact  that  in  1928  the  total 
national  income  in  the  United  States  was  approxi- 

s  The  Price  System  and  the  Engineers,  P.  66. 


mately  90  billion  dollars,  of  which,  it  is  estimated 
by  Varga  that  no  less  than  46%  was  taken  by  capi- 
talist exploiters  in  the  shape  of  corporation  profits, 
ground  rents,  interest  on  mortgages,  official  sala- 
ries and  bonuses,  etc.  An  American  Soviet  gov- 
ernment, stopping  this  monstrous  expropriation  of 
the  toilers,  will  turn  these  great  sums  to  the  im- 
provement of  the  living  and  cultural  standards  of 
the  producing  masses. 

Secondly,  the  setting  up  of  a  Socialist  system 
will  greatly  increase  the  productive  forces  and  pro- 
duction itself.  By  liquidating  the  contradiction 
between  the  modes  of  production  and  exchange,  it 
does  away  with  economic  crises,  with  all  their  waste 
and  loss.  Where  there  is  no  capitalist  class  to  de- 
mand its  profit  before  production  and  distribution 
take  place,  and  where  the  producers  as  a  whole 
receive  the  full  product  of  their  labor,  there  can 
be  no  economic  over-production  and  crisis.  Con- 
sequently, unemployment,  with  its  terrible  misery 
and  suffering,  will  become  a  thing  of  the  past. 
The  many  millions  who  now  walk  the  streets  un- 
employed will  have  fruitful  work  to  do,  to  the  bene- 
fit of  all  society.  With  the  deadly  limitations  of 
the  capitalist  market  removed,  the  road  will  be 
opened  to  virtually  unlimited  expansion  of  indus- 
try and  mass  consumption. 

Thirdly,  Socialism  will  result  in  an  enormous 
increase  in  industrial  and  agricultural  efficiency. 
It  is  the  proud  boast  of  the  capitalists,  particu- 


larly  the  Americans,  that  their  system  represents 
the  acme  of  economy  and  efficiency.  But  this  is 
so  untrue  as  to  be  grotesque.  The  Socialist  sys- 
tem of  planned  production,  based  upon  social 
ownership  of  industry  and  the  land,  is  incompara- 
bly more  efficient  than  the  anarchic  capitalist  sys- 
tem founded  upon  private  property,  competition 
and  the  exploitation  of  the  workers.  In  his  book, 
The  Tragedy  of  Waste,  Stuart  Chase  estimates 
that  of  the  40,000,000  "gainfully  employed"  in  the 
United  States  about  20,500,000,  or  50%,  waste 
their  labor  totally.  Recently  Iron  Age  stated  that 
by  putting  all  the  industrial  plants  in  the  United 
States  on  the  basis  of  modern  technique  it  would 
be  possible  to  shorten  the  working  day  to  one-third 
of  the  present,  while  at  the  same  time  doubling 
the  output.  Socialism  will  wipe  out  these  great 
wastes,  inherent  in  the  planless,  competitive  capital- 
ist system.  It  will  liquidate  the  hundreds  of  use- 
less and  parasitic  occupations,  such  as  wholesalers, 
jobbers,  and  the  entire  crew  of  "middlemen,"  real 
estate  sharks,  stock  brokers,  prohibition  agents, 
bootleggers,  advertising  specialists,  traveling  sales- 
men, lawyers,  whole  rafts  of  government  bureau- 
crats, police,  clericals,  and  sundry  capitalist  quacks, 
fakers,  and  grafters.  It  will  turn  to  useful  social 
purposes  the  immense  values  consumed  by  these 
socially  useless  elements. 

Socialism   will    also    conserve    the    natural    re- 
sources of  the  country  which  are  now  being  ruth- 


lessly  wasted  in  the  mad  capitalist  race  for  profits. 
Chase  points  out,  among  many  examples  of  such 
criminal  waste,  that  by  wrong  production  methods 
16  billion  barrels  of  petroleum  have  been  lost; 
every  year  5  billion  feet  of  lumber  are  likewise 
wasted;  and  although  as  yet  only  2%  of  the  total 
coal  in  this  country  has  been  mined,  33%  of  the 
best  beds  has  been  gutted.  Natural  gas  and  the 
various  minerals  are  being  similarly  wasted.  A 
Soviet  government  will,  of  course,  put  a  stop  to 
this  criminal  recklessness  and  have  as  one  of  its 
principal  aims  the  careful  conservation  of  all  the 
natural  resources. 

Finally,  the  eventual  victory  of  the  workers  on 
a  world  scale  will  liquidate  the  monster,  War,  with 
all  its  agonies  and  social  losses.  The  ghastly  bill 
of  the  World  War  comprised,  in  terms  of  human 
life,  12,990,000  dead  and  a  total  casualty  list  of 
33,288,000,  not  counting  the  thirty  millions  more 
who  died  in  various  countries  from  famine  and 
pestilence  as  a  result  of  the  war.  The  direct  prop- 
erty loss  and  general  financial  cost  of  the  war  is 
estimated  at  340  billion  dollars. 

It  is  along  these  broad  channels  that  the  Amer- 
ican Soviet  government  will  find  the  means  for  the 
early  and  far-reaching  improvement  of  the  toilers' 
standards.  The  abolition  of  the  monumental  rob- 
bery of  the  workers  by  the  capitalists  in  all  its 
myriad  forms ;  the  liquidation  of  the  capitalist  eco- 
nomic crisis,  with  its  mass  unemployment  and 


general  crippling  of  the  productive  forces ;  the  de- 
velopment of  an  industrial  efficiency  and  a  volume 
of  production  now  hardly  dreamed  of;  the  careful 
conservation  of  natural  resources;  the  abolition  of 
war ;  —  these  revolutionary  measures  will  provide 
the  material  bases  for  a  well-being  of  the  toiling 
masses  of  field  and  factory  now  quite  unknown  in 
the  world. 

The  Reorganization  of  Industry 

AMONG  the  first  tasks  of  the  American  Soviet 
government  will  be  the  reorganization  of  the 
chaotic  capitalist  industries  upon  Socialist  lines. 
To  do  this  the  banks  will  all  be  centralized  in  one 
great  system.  The  railroads  will  be  completely 
consolidated;  duplicate  lines  will  be  eliminated; 
bus,  truck,  airplane,  interurban  electric  and  steam- 
ship lines  will  be  scientifically  coordinated  with  the 
railroads,  thereby  making  a  saving  of  at  least  50% 
in  transportation  efficiency.  The  scattered  units 
of  the  other  industries  will  be  similarly  organized, 
with  an  eventual  program  of  rebuilding  industry 
into  larger  units,  regrouping  of  plants  at  more 
strategic  points,  elimination  of  small  and  uneco- 
nomic plants,  etc. 

The  industrial  system  as  a  whole  will  be  headed 
by  a  body  analogous  to  the  Supreme  Economic 
Council  of  the  U.S.S.R.  The  S.E.C.  is  made  up 
of  a  series  of  "united  industries,"  "trusts,"  and 


"combines."  There  is  the  necessary  sub-division 
for  the  special  character  of  the  industry,  local  con- 
ditions, etc.  Each  industrial  unit,  with  an  estab- 
lished budget  and  allocated  capital  and  credit, 
operates  upon  the  principles  of  cost  accountancy 
and  individual  and  collective  responsibility.  The 
whole  industrial  apparatus  —  production,  distri- 
bution, financing  —  while  each  part  retains  the 
necessary  organization,  specialization  and  initiative 
required  for  the  fulfillment  for  its  particular  func- 
tions, constitutes  a  great  industrial  machine,  each 
cog  of  which  fits  into  and  works  harmoniously  with 
the  rest. 

The  superiority  of  such  an  organized  Socialist 
industry  over  the  present  piece-meal  and  anarchic 
American  industrial  system  is  evident  at  a  glance. 
Compare  this  scientific  industrial  organization,  as 
a  coordinated  and  cooperating  whole,  with  the 
present  maze  of  206,556  separate  American  manu- 
facturing concerns,  including  coal  mining  6,000; 
textiles  (cotton,  wool,  silk,  rayon)  5,833;  metal 
(main  branches)  23,000,  etc.,4  not  to  speak  of  the 
hundreds  of  thousands  of  separate  retailing,  job- 
bing and  financing  concerns.  And  all  these  mul- 
titudinous units  are  engaged  in  a  dog-eat-dog 
competition  with  each  other,  blindly  producing  and 
throwing  their  products  aimlessly  into  the  markets. 
Socialist  industry  means  system,  cooperation,  effi- 

*  Figures  based  on  U.  S.  Department  of  Commerce  Census  Bul- 
letin, Dec.  31,  1930. 


ciency;  capitalist  industry  means  chaos,  conflict, 

Naturally,  American  Socialist  industry  will  be 
operated  upon  the  basis  of  a  planned  economy. 
The  aim  of  the  whole  industrial  machine  will  be  to 
achieve  the  highest  possible  standards  for  the  pro- 
ducing masses,  not  the  welfare  of  a  few  capital- 
ists. Production  will  be  scientifically  calculated  in 
advance.  The  needs  of  the  people  and  the  possi- 
bilities of  the  industries  will  be  carefully  studied 
and  met.  With  a  thoroughly  organized  industrial 
system  the  carrying  out  of  the  production  plans 
will  be  easy  and  natural.  A  Socialist  society 
without  a  planned  economy  is  unthinkable,  even  as 
it  is  unthinkable  that  a  capitalist  society  should 
work  on  the  basis  of  scientific  planning. 

Under  the  American  Soviet  government  with 
such  an  organized  industrial  system,  economic 
crises,  clogging  of  the  markets  through  over-pro- 
duction, cannot  take  place.  The  toilers  as  a  whole 
receiving  the  values  they  produce  and  there  being 
no  parasitic  capitalists  whose  special  class  interests 
have  to  be  preserved,  gains  in  production  will  ex- 
press themselves  automatically  and  immediately  in 
higher  wages,  shorter  working  hours  and  generally 
improved  conditions.  In  a  Soviet  America  there 
could  not  possibly  exist  the  present  hideous  anom- 
aly of  millions  of  workers  and  their  families  unem- 
ployed and  starving  while  the  markets  are  glutted 


with  commodities  and  the  great  industries  stand 

The  operation  of  Socialist  nationalized  industry 
is,  of  course,  not  to  be  compared  with  government- 
operated  industry  under  capitalism.  This  is  be- 
cause the  capitalists,  fearing  to  endanger  their 
beloved  system  of  private  ownership,  always  see 
to  it  that  industries  operated  by  their  governments 
are  thoroughly  sabotaged,  mismanaged  and  gen- 
erally discredited.  But  under  Socialism  the  whole 
interest  of  the  government  is  to  manage  the  indus- 
tries efficiently  and  to  eliminate  bureaucratism, 
and  this  is  done  to  a  degree  quite  unknown  in  the 
capitalist  world. 

In  Socialist  society  the  trade  unions  play  a  fun- 
damental role.  They  are  a  gigantic  factor  in  the 
Soviet  Union.  They  draw  the  masses  directly  into 
the  work  of  Socialist  construction,  in  the  building 
of  the  new  society.  They  attend  to  the  protection 
of  the  immediate  needs  of  the  workers.  They  con- 
stitute the  mass  basis  for  the  Soviets.  They  are 
the  great  schools  for  Communism.  No  important 
activities  are  embarked  upon  without  their  consent 
and  cooperation.  No  labor  law  can  go  into  effect 
without  their  endorsement.  Their  representatives 
occupy  key  positions  in  every  stage  of  the  eco- 
nomic, political  and  social  organization.  Com- 
pared to  these  great  mass  bodies,  the  American 
Federation  of  Labor,  which  presumes  to  sneer  at 


the  Russian  unions,  plays  an  insignificant  role  in 
the  life  of  the  working  class. 

The  Russian  trade  unions  base  their  organiza- 
tion directly  upon  the  industries  through  shop  com- 
mittees. Their  general  structure  follows  the  lines 
of  the  economic  organization  of  their  industries. 
There  are  45  national  industrial  unions  in  the 
U.S.S.R.  They  are  not  State  organs,  being  based 
entirely  upon  the  principles  of  voluntary  member- 

The  trade  unions  look  after  the  formulation  and 
enforcement  of  the  whole  elaborate  body  of  social 
insurance  (unemployment,  sickness,  old  age,  ma- 
ternity, accident,  etc.).  They  enforce  the  gov- 
ernment sanitary  and  safety  regulations.  And 
especially  they  work  out  the  wage  scales  jointly 
with  the  government  economic  organs.  This  is 
not  a  matter  for  strikes  and  struggles,  there  being 
no  ruling,  owning  class  to  contend  with;  it  is  a 
question  of  amicable  arrangement  upon  the  scien- 
tific basis  of  the  general  returns  from  industry  and 
agriculture,  taking  into  account  the  needs  for  the 
further  expansion  of  industry,  the  upkeep  of  the 
government,  etc. 

In  industry  the  trade  unions  perform  a  very 
important  part.  But  they  do  not  of  themselves 
actually  lead  the  production,  this  being  the  task 
of  the  government  economic  organs,  with  close 
local  and  national  supervision  from  the  Party  and 
the  unions.  The  Syndicalist  theory  that  the  trade 


unions  could  directly  carry  on  production  is  one 
of  the  many  theories  that  were  proven  false  by 
the  actual  practice  in  the  Russian  revolution.  The 
unions,  locally  and  nationally,  hold  periodic  pro- 
duction conferences  with  the  technical  heads  of  the 
industries,  hearing  reports  from  them  and  checking 
up  on  their  work.  They  have  representatives  in 
all  the  higher  economic  organs,  as  well  as  in  the 
Soviets  proper.  The  trade  unions  are  the  very 
basis  of  the  vast  mobilization  of  the  working  class 
in  the  industries  for  the  carrying  through  of  the 
Five- Year  Plan. 

The  trade  unions  are  also  a  vital  means  in  the 
education  of  the  masses.  They  have  a  great  net- 
work of  factory  schools,  newspapers,  libraries 
and  theatres.  They  have  thousands  of  rest  homes, 
clubs,  sanatoria,  hospitals,  gymnasiums,  etc.  They 
swell  in  many  directions  the  great  wave  of  en- 
lightenment, organization  and  prosperity  among 
the  toilers. 

In  building  Socialism  in  this  country  the  trade 
unions  will  play  essentially  the  same  role  as  in  the 
U.S.S.R.  The  revolutionary  unions  of  the  Trade 
Union  Unity  League  are  the  nucleus  of  the  even- 
tual great  labor  organizations  of  Soviet  America. 
Whatever  remnants  of  the  present  A.F.  of  L.  may 
exist  at  the  time  of  the  revolution  will  be  merged 
into  the  series  of  industrial  unions  based  on  all- 
inclusive  factory  committees.  The  revolutionary 
workers,  both  before  and  during  the  revolutionary 


crisis,  will  ruthlessly  drive  from  office  the  reac- 
tionary A.F.  of  L.  leaders  as  the  most  servile  and 
dangerous  of  all  tools  of  the  bourgeoisie. 

The  cooperatives  are  also  a  foundation  stone  in 
the  Socialist  economic  system.  The  cooperatives 
form  the  great  retail  distributing  mechanism;  they 
are  directly  connected  with  the  factories,  thus  cut- 
ting out  all  useless  and  parasitic  middlemen.  En- 
tering into  every  city  and  village,  they  constitute 
a  gigantic  distributing  agency,  beside  which  even 
the  biggest  American  chain  stores  and  mail  order 
houses  are  only  small  potatoes.  The  cooperatives 
also  play  a  very  important  role  in  production,  espe- 
cially in  agriculture.  The  tremendous  collective 
farm  movement  in  the  U.S.S.R.  represents  the  co- 
operative grown  to  revolutionary  maturity. 

As  in  the  case  of  the  American  trade  unions, 
the  existing  cooperatives  in  this  country  will  have 
to  be  profoundly  reorganized  and  rebuilt  to  per- 
form their  new  tasks.  They  will  be  developed 
from  the  skeleton  organizations  they  are  today  into 
a  gigantic  mass  movement.  This  will  be  one  of  the 
first  and  most  urgent  tasks  of  a  revolutionary 
American  government. 

In  building  Socialist  industry  the  greatest  prob- 
lem the  workers  will  have  to  solve,  as  the  Russian 
experience  shows,  is  to  secure  mastery  over  indus- 
trial technique.  Although  the  great  industrial 
base  will  be  on  hand,  despite  capitalist  efforts  to 
destroy  it  in  the  revolutionary  struggle,  there  will 


remain  the  task  of  giving  the  industries  Socialist 
form  and  leadership.  It  will  be  impossible  to  take 
over,  as  is,  the  capitalist  economic  organs  and  per- 
sonnel and  start  them  off  running  as  Socialist 

But  in  the  United  States  this  problem  of  devel- 
oping the  new  Socialist  forms  and  cadres  will  not 
be  so  acute  as  in  the  Soviet  Union.  This  is  be- 
cause of  the  general  reasons  previously  cited:  the 
greater  ripeness  of  the  objective  situation  and  the 
existence  of  Soviet  countries  and  a  great  body  of 
revolutionary  experience.  Inasmuch  as  American 
industry  is  much  more  developed,  the  workers  have 
more  skill  and  experience  than  the  Russians  had; 
the  trusts  and  the  advanced  industrial  technique 
will  lend  themselves  more  readily  to  Socialist  re- 
organization, and  besides  there  will  not  be  the  need 
for  such  swift  industrial  expansion  as  in  the 
U.S.S.R.  Also  the  American  capitalist  engineers 
do  not  form  such  an  air-tight  clique  as  the  Russians 
did  and  they  will  not  be  so  strategically  situated 
to  sabotage  the  industries;  in  the  existing  surplus 
of  technicians  doubtless  large  numbers  of  them, 
suffering  from  unemployment  and  generally  bad 
conditions,  will  go  along  with  the  revolution  and 
they  will  be  given  every  opportunity  to  use  their 
skill  in  the  industries.  Besides,  and  this  is  of  de- 
cisive importance,  the  American  Soviet  govern- 
ment will  have  at  its  disposal  the  vast  experience 


of  the  Russian  workers  in  the  building  of  Socialist 
industry  and  also,  if  necessary,  actual  help  from 
their  engineers. 

The  American  Soviet  government  will  immedi- 
ately proceed  with  the  difficult  task  of  creating  an 
adequate  supply  of  reliable  technicians  and  mana- 
gers for  the  industries.  The  scattered  technical  in- 
stitutes, trade  schools,  correspondence  schools,  etc., 
will  be  organized,  expanded  and  linked  up  directly 
with  the  industries.  Technical  schools  will  be  es- 
tablished at  all  factories.  Workers  and  their  chil- 
dren will  be  given  the  preference  in  the  study  of 
industrial  technique. 

The  Collectivization  of  Agriculture 

THE  SOVIET  system  provides  a  scientific  method 
of  organizing  agriculture  as  well  as  industry. 
Stalin  says:  "To  create  an  economic  basis  of  So- 
cialism—  that  means  to  unite  agriculture  with 
Socialist  industry  into  a  single  economy,  and  to 
place  agriculture  under  the  leadership  of  Social- 
ized industry."  Private  property,  production  for 
profit,  competition  and  all  the  rest  of  the  capital- 
ist chaos  and  robbery,  have  no  more  place  on  Soviet 
farms  than  in  the  factories.  An  immediate  and 
fundamental  problem  to  confront  the  American 
Soviet  government,  therefore,  will  be  to  carry 
through  the  Socialist  collectivization  of  the  land. 


This,  for  the  poor  and  middle  farmers,  will  be  done 
upon  a  voluntary  basis. 

In  the  agrarian  question  the  experience  in  the 
Soviet  Union  is  of  the  most  fundamental  impor- 
tance. In  their  vast  movement  of  collectivization, 
described  in  Chapter  II,  the  Russians  have  devel- 
oped several  forms  of  farm  organization.  Chief 
among  these  are  the  "kolkoz,"  or  artel,  with  land, 
draft  animals  and  implements  pooled  and  the  joint 
returns  distributed  upon  the  basis  of  the  work  done, 
and  the  State  farm,  ("sovkhoz"),  with  the  land 
farmed  directly  by  the  State,  (State  Farm  Trust), 
and  the  workers  paid  upon  a  wage  basis.  There 
are  also  the  societies  for  the  joint  cultivation  of 
the  land  (TSOS),  with  private  property  in  draft 
animals,  crops,  etc.,  and  finally,  there  are  the  com- 
munes, with  common  property  in  tools,  horses, 
products  and  dwellings.  In  all  cases  the  land  is 
owned  by  the  government.  The  State  agriculture 
organization  is  grouped  under  the  Commissariat  of 
Agriculture,  and  is  formed  into  trusts  for  various 
crops  and  geographical  divisions  of  the  industry; 
such  as  Grain  Trust,  Cotton  Trust,  Flax  Trust, 
Livestock  Trust,  Hemp  Trust,  Tea  Trust,  etc. 
Crops  are  sold  either  directly  to  the  government, 
to  the  cooperatives,  or,  in  a  very  rapidly  lessening 
extent,  upon  the  open  local  markets. 

All  these  forms  have  been  widely  applied.  But 
the  most  adaptable  and  basic  are  the  artels  and 
the  State  farms.  The  State  farms  are  an  unqoies- 


tioned  success,  but  it  is  especially  along  the  lines 
of  the  artel  that  the  many  millions  of  Russian  peas- 
ants are  now  regrouping  themselves.  The  collec- 
tives and  State  farms,  despite  the  still  existing 
shortage  of  machinery,  etc.,  have  already  proved, 
by  greatly  increased  output,  their  vast  advance 
over  the  old  forms  of  farming. 

The  superiority  of  such  an  organized  agriculture 
over  the  present  unorganized  American  system  is 
evident  at  a  glance.  It  is  like  comparing  a  mod- 
ern automobile  with  an  ox  cart.  The  Russian 
farmers,  with  their  vast  farms,  are  producing  crops 
under  increasingly  scientific  conditions  and  then 
disposing  of  them  to  a  government  which  they,  to- 
gether with  the  industrial  workers,  completely 
control.  American  farmers,  on  the  other  hand,  in 
6,300,000  separate  units  destitute  of  organization 
except  for  a  few  cooperatives  and  other  associa- 
tions largely  controlled  by  the  bankers,  capitalist 
politicians  and  rich  farmers,  are  all  producing, 
helter-skelter,  and  then,  harassed  by  capitalist  loan 
sharks,  industrial  trusts,  and  a  hostile  government, 
are  selling  their  crops  in  open  competition  with 
each  other  and  the  whole  world.  It  is  no  surprise, 
therefore,  that  while  the  Russian  farmers  are  blaz- 
ing ahead  to  progress  and  prosperity,  the  Amer- 
ican farmers  slump  deeper  into  poverty,  stagnation 
and  crisis. 

The  central  policy  of  the  American  Soviet  gov- 
ernment in  agriculture  will  be  to  reorganize  the 


farming  system  primarily  upon  the  basis  of  State 
farms.  The  position  of  American  agricultural 
technique  and  the  experience  in  the  U.S.S.R.  will 
justify  such  a  policy.  The  great  ranches  of  the 
Far  West,  the  big  corporation  farms  of  the  Middle 
West,  the  huge  private  estates  of  the  millionaires 
in  the  East  —  all  confiscated  by  the  new  govern- 
ment—  will  provide  immediate  bases  for  many 
such  great  State  farms.  These  will  be  vast  model 
farms,  equipped  with  the  most  modern  machinery 
and  technique.  They  will  raise  the  level  of  agri- 
culture production  generally  to  a  new  and  higher 
stage.  But,  doubtless,  the  artel  type  of  collective 
farm  will  also  be  widely  organized.  It  will  be  the 
policy  of  the  government  to  stimulate  the  collec- 
tivization movement,  furnishing  the  poor  farmers 
with  the  necessary  implements,  etc.  The  artel 
form  of  farm  will  provide  a  convenient  bridge, 
leading  away  from  individualist,  competitive  farm- 
ing and  towards  the  State  farm. 

Once  the  political  power  is  in  the  hands  of  the 
workers  and  peasants  the  collectivization  of  Amer- 
ican agriculture,  the  winning  of  the  poorer  cate- 
gories of  farmers  for  the  building  of  Socialism,  will 
proceed  very  rapidly.  It  is  true  that  the  American 
farmer  on  the  average  has  a  bigger  farm  than  the 
Russian  peasant  had  and  that  the  private  property 
idea  is  perhaps  more  deeply  ingrained  in  him,  but 
he  is,  as  we  have  already  seen,  caught  between  the 
millstones  of  capitalist  exploitation  and  is  being 


crushed.  The  vast  majority  of  the  farmers  will 
have  everything  to  gain  from  the  outset  by  a  So- 
cialized agriculture.  Today,  despite  popular 
notions  to  the  contrary,  the  average  farmer  seri- 
ously lacks  machinery.  The  one  million  American 
tractors,  not  to  speak  of  other  costly  machines, 
are  now  concentrated  very  largely  in  the  hands  of 
the  well-to-do  and  rich  farmers.  The  poor  farmer 
also  lacks  fertilizers  and  has  little  or  no  chance  to 
apply  modern  methods. 

Collectivization  under  a  Soviet  system  will  radi- 
cally change  all  this.  Not  only  will  it  furnish  the 
farmer  with  a  boundless  market  for  his  products, 
but  it  will  also  provide  him  with  machinery,  fer- 
tilizers, selected  seed  and  general  scientific  meth- 
ods on  a  scale  entirely  unknown  even  on  the 
largest  present-day  American  farms.  The  mar- 
ginal mountain  and  rocky  farms  in  the  South,  New 
England,  etc.,  will  be  abandoned  and  the  farming 
industry  concentrated  and  intensified  in  the  most 
adaptable  sections.  The  revolutionary  collecti- 
vization of  the  land  will  effect  a  profound  advance 
in  American  agriculture  and  cause  a  veritable  leap 
forward  in  the  living  standards  of  the  farmer. 

The  Liberation  of  the  Negro 

THE  CAPITALIST  class  not  only  robs  the  workers 
as  a  whole,  but  it  visits  special  exploitation  upon 
those  sections  of  the  working  class  —  Negroes, 


foreign-born,  women,  youth,  the  aged,  etc. —  who, 
for  one  reason  or  another,  are  the  least  able  to  de- 
fend themselves  in  the  class  struggle.  The  Amer- 
ican Soviet  government  will  drastically  eliminate 
such  special  discrimination,  along  with  capitalist 
exploitation  generally. 

Above  all,  as  we  have  remarked,  it  is  the  Negro 
who  is  singled  out  for  the  bitterest  exploitation 
and  persecution  by  the  capitalists.  His  condition 
is  comparable  only  to  that  of  the  "untouchables" 
of  India  and  is  the  most  crying  outrage  of  Amer- 
ican capitalism.  He  is  set  apart  as  a  pariah,  an 
object  of  contempt  and  scorn,  a  victim  of  the  most 
systematic  suppression  and  enslavement  to  be 
found  anywhere  in  the  modern  industrial  world. 

The  purpose  of  all  this  tyranny  and  repression 
is,  of  course,  the  most  intense  robbery  of  the  Negro 
toilers;  for  the  vast  majority  of  Negroes  are  either 
poor  farmers  or  workers.  The  Jim-Crow  system, 
with  all  its  cultivated  snobbery  of  race,  is  a  device 
of  the  ruling  classes  to  whip  extra  profits  out  of 
the  hides  of  the  oppressed  Negroes  by  splitting 
them  off  from  the  rest  of  the  toilers. 

The  Republican  party,  boasted  friend  of  the 
Negro,  is  equally  responsible  with  the  Democratic 
party  for  the  maintenance  of  this  criminal  outrage. 
Such  Negro  organizations  as  the  Urban  League 
and  the  National  Association  for  the  Advancement 
of  Colored  People,  dominated  by  the  white  and 
Negro  capitalists  and  petty  bourgeoisie,  also  have 


this  responsibility;  they  live  by  cultivating  segrega- 
tionalism;  they  sabotage  every  real  fight  for  the 
liberation  of  the  Negro.  In  the  case  of  the  f  ramed- 
up  nine  Scottsboro  Negro  boys,  the  attorney  of 
the  N.A.A.C.P.  made  a  purely  formal  defense, 
practically  coinciding  with  the  prosecution. 

As  for  the  American  Federation  of  Labor,  its 
record  on  the  Negro  question  is  one  of  shame  and 
treachery;  it  falls  into  step  with  the  whole  capitalist 
policy  by  barring  Negroes  from  its  unions,  by 
blocking  their  entry  into  the  better-paid  jobs,  by 
refusing  to  fight  for  their  burning  demands,  by  cul- 
tivating the  insidious  white  chauvinism.  The 
measure  of  the  policy  of  the  A.F.  of  L.  on  the 
Negro  question  is  to  be  seen,  for  example,  in  At- 
lanta, where  Negroes  are  not  even  allowed  to  en- 
ter the  local  labor  temple. 

The  Socialist  party,  despite  all  its  parade  of  radi- 
calism and  alleged  friendship  of  the  Negro,  follows 
the  same  basic  Jim-Crow  line  as  the  A.F.  of  L. 
This  was  clearly  shown  by  Heywood  Broun,  So- 
cialist leader,  when  he  said: 

"If  I  were  a  candidate  for  high  executive  office,  or 
judiciary  office,  I  would  say,  even  without  being  cornered, 
that  I  would  not  now  sanction  the  efforts  to  enforce  the 
14th  and  15th  Amendments  to  the  Constitution  of  the 
United  States."  5 

The  Communist  party,  alone  of  all  the  political 
parties,  fights  for  the  liberation  of  the  Negro,  both 

5  New  York  Telegram,  Apr.  28,  1930. 


in  the  present-day  struggle  and  as  an  ultimate  goal. 
The  American  Soviet  government,  immediately  it 
takes  power,  will  deal  a  shattering  blow  to  the 
whole  monstrous  Jim-Crowism.  To  destroy  it 
ruthlessly  will  be  one  of  the  real  joys  of  the  vic- 
torious proletarian  revolution.  Every  remnant  of 
slavery  will  be  abolished.  In  a  Soviet  system,  the 
Negro  will  have  the  most  complete  equality  —  eco- 
nomically, politically,  socially.  The  doors  to  every 
occupation,  to  every  social  activity,  will  be  wide 
open  for  him.  He  will  have  ample  land,  confis- 
cated from  the  great  white  landlords.  He  will  be 
free  to  do  and  go  as  any  other  citizen,  without  let 
or  hindrance.  Attempts  to  maintain  the  capitalist 
white  chauvinism  and  ostracism  of  the  Negroes 
will  be  punished  as  a  serious  crime  against  society. 
Socialism  will  mean  the  first  real  freedom  for  the 
Negro.  He  is  beginning  to  realize  this,  hence  his 
mass  turning  to  the  Communist  party  for  leader- 
ship, and  the  consequent  deep  alarm  of  the  capital- 
ists and  big  landowners  at  this  growing  unity  of 
white  and  black  toilers. 

The  status  of  the  American  Negro  is  that  of  an 
oppressed  national  minority,  and  only  a  Soviet  sys- 
tem can  solve  the  question  of  such  minorities. 
This  it  does,  in  addition  to  setting  up  real  equality 
in  the  general  political  and  social  life,  by  establish- 
ing the  right  of  self-determination  for  national 
minorities  in  those  parts  of  the  country  where  they 
constitute  the  bulk  of  the  population.  The  con- 


stitution  of  the  Soviet  Union  provides  that,  "Each 
united  republic  retains  the  right  of  free  withdrawal 
from  the  Union."  The  Program  of  the  Com- 
munist International  declares  for: 

"The  recognition  of  the  right  of  all  nations,  irrespec- 
tive of  race,  to  complete  self-determination,  that  is, 
self-determination  inclusive  of  the  right  to  State  separa- 

Accordingly,  the  right  of  self-determination  will 
apply  to  Negroes  in  the  American  Soviet  system. 
In  the  so-called  Black  Belt  of  the  South,  where  the 
Negroes  are  in  the  majority,  they  will  have  the 
fullest  right  to  govern  themselves  and  also  such 
white  minorities  as  may  live  in  this  section.  The 
same  principle  will  apply  to  all  the  colonial  and 
semi-colonial  peoples  now  dominated  by  American 
imperialism  in  Cuba,  the  Philippines,  Central  and 
South  America,  etc. 

And  logically,  foreign-born  workers,  now  denied 
the  right  to  vote  and  ruthlessly  deported,  will  enjoy 
the  fullest  rights  of  citizenship.  One  of  the  most 
monstrous  features  of  the  present  attack  upon  the 
working  class  is  the  deportation  of  tens  of  thou- 
sands of  foreign-born  workers  by  Doak's  Depart- 
ment of  Labor.  These  masses  of  workers,  torn 
away  from  home  and  families,  are  sent  back  to 
countries  with  which  they  have  lost  all  touch. 
Doak's  deportation  campaign,  part  of  the  capital- 
ist offensive,  is  an  attempt  to  terrorize  the 


foreign-born  workers,  to  crush  every  semblance  of 
resistance  among  them,  to  split  them  off  from  the 
American-born  workers.  The  wholesale  deporta- 
tion of  radical  workers  and  leaders  is  an  attempt 
to  illegalize  the  Communist  party  and  the  TUUL. 

The  experience  with  self-determination  of  na- 
tional minorities  in  the  Soviet  Union  shows  that  the 
Russians  have  solved  this  problem  with  the  revolu- 
tion. The  many  national  minorities  have  the  right 
of  self-determination;  they  have  their  own  lan- 
guages, their  own  culture.  Yet  they  all  live  to- 
gether in  the  strongest  unity  under  the  general 
constitution  of  the  U.S.S.R.  Where  there  is  no 
capitalist  or  feudal  exploitation  there  can  be  no 
suppression  of  weaker  nationalities.  The  radical 
liquidation  of  the  "insoluble"  Jewish  problem  in 
the  U.S.S.R.  testifies  to  the  completeness  of  the 
Bolshevik  cure.  Murderous  pogroms,  a  curse  of 
old  Russia,  are  now  totally  eradicated.  The  Jews 
enjoy  absolute  equality  with  all  other  nationalities. 
The  solution  of  the  question  of  suppressed  nation- 
alities, a  question  which  causes  untold  misery  in 
the  capitalist  world,  is  one  of  the  greatest  achieve- 
ments of  the  Russian  revolution. 

The  American  Soviet  will,  of  course,  abolish  all 
restrictions  upon  racial  intermarriage.  The  argu- 
ments of  Ku  Klux  Klanners  and  the  like  that 
Negroes  are  an  inferior  race  and  that  "mongrel" 
peoples  are  less  capable,  have  no  justification  in 
science  and  social  experience.  Those  "scientists" 


who  endorse  such  "white  supremacy"  theories  are 
only  so  many  bought-and-paid-f  or  upholders  of  the 
prevailing  mode  of  exploitation.  The  facts  are 
that  all  the  big  peoples  of  today  are  already  hope- 
lessly "mongrel"  and  that  wherever  Negroes  have 
half  a  chance  they  demonstrate  their  intellectual 
equality  with  the  whites.  Geographic  isolation  of 
the  early  human  stock  into  widely  separated  groups 
brought  about  its  differentiation  into  individual 
races ;  contact  between  these  various  races,  bred  of 
modern  industrialization,  is  just  as  irresistibly 
breaking  down  these  racial  differences  and  bring- 
ing about  racial  amalgamation.  The  revolution 
will  only  hasten  this  process  of  integration,  already 
proceeding  throughout  the  world  with  increasing 

The  Emancipation  of  Woman 

WHEN  woman  emerged  historically  from  feudal- 
ism she  was  burdened  with  a  whole  series  of  cus- 
toms, prejudices  and  restrictions  enslaving  her  in 
her  work,  her  personal  life  and  her  political  status. 
Characteristically  capitalism,  which  respects  noth- 
ing in  its  greed  for  profits,  quickly  seized  upon  all 
these  handicaps  of  woman  and  used  them  to  doubly 
exploit  her.  This  is  true  of  the  United  States  as 
well  as  other  capitalist  countries.  The  so-called 
freedom  of  the  American  woman  is  a  myth. 
Either  she  is  a  gilded  butterfly  bourgeois  parasite 
or  she  is  an  oppressed  slave. 


The  life  of  the  working  class  woman  and  poor 
farmer's  wife  is  one  of  drudgery  and  exploitation. 
Capitalism  sees  in  her  mainly  a  breeder  of  wage 
slaves  and  soldiers.  The  boasted  American  home, 
enslaving  the  woman  through  her  economic  in- 
feriority and  her  children,  makes  her  dependent 
upon  her  husband.  On  all  sides  she  confronts 
medieval  sex  taboos,  assiduously  cultivated  by  the 
church,  State  and  bourgeois  moralists.  When  she 
goes  into  industry  she  has  to  toil  for  from  a  third 
to  a  half  less  than  the  male  worker;  she  works  at 
a  killing  pace  under  unhealthful  conditions  and  she 
is  barred  from  many  occupations  under  the  hypo- 
critical and  reactionary  slogan,  "The  woman's 
place  is  in  the  home";  the  A.F.  of  L.  betrays  her 
every  attempt  to  organize  and  to  defend  her  inter- 
ests. Politically,  she  is  practically  a  zero,  having 
little  or  no  opportunity  to  educate  herself  or  to 
function  in  an  organized  manner.  Finally,  to  cap 
the  climax  of  woman's  enslavement,  capitalism 
maintains  in  full  blast  the  "oldest  profession," 

The  proletarian  revolution  will  profoundly 
change  all  this.  The  American  Soviet  government 
will  immediately  set  about  liquidating  the  elaborate 
network  of  slavery  in  which  woman  is  enmeshed. 
She  will  be  freed  economically,  politically  and  so- 
cially. The  U.S.S.R.  shows  the  general  lines 
along  which  the  emancipation  of  woman  will  also 
proceed  in  a  Soviet  America. 


The  Russian  woman  is  free  economically,  and 
this  is  the  foundation  of  all  her  freedom.  Every 
field  of  activity  is  open  to  her.  She  is  to  be  found 
even  in  such  occupations  as  locomotive  engineer, 
electrical  crane  operator,  machinist,  factory  di- 
rector, etc.  There  are  women  generals  in  the  Red 
Army,  women  ambassadors,  etc.  Two-thirds  of 
the  medical  students  are  women.  In  industry  the 
women  are  thoroughly  organized  in  the  trade 
unions.  They  get  the  same  pay  as  men,  and  are 
protected  by  an  elaborate  system  of  maternity  and 
other  social  insurance.  In  politics  the  women  of 
the  Soviet  Union  are  a  major  and  militant  factor. 

The  Russian  woman  is  also  free  in  her  sex  life. 
When  married  life  becomes  unwelcome  for  a  couple 
they  are  not  barbarously  compelled  to  live  together. 
Divorce  is  to  be  had  for  the  asking  by  one  or  both 
parties.  The  woman's  children  are  recognized  as 
legitimate  by  the  State  and  society,  whether  born 
in  official  wedlock  or  not.  The  free  American 
woman,  like  her  Russian  sister,  will  eventually 
scorn  the  whole  fabric  of  bourgeois  sex  hypocrisy 
and  prudery. 

In  freeing  the  woman,  Socialism  liquidates  the 
drudgery  of  housework.  So  important  do  Com- 
munists consider  this  question  that  the  Communist 
International  deals  with  it  in  its  world  program. 
In  the  Soviet  Union  the  attack  upon  housework 
slavery  is  delivered  from  every  possible  angle. 
Great  factory  kitchens  are  being  set  up  to  prepare 


hot,  well-balanced  meals  for  home  consumption  by 
the  millions;  communal  kitchens  in  apartment 
houses  are  organized  widespread.  Every  device 
to  simplify  and  reduce  housework  is  spread  among 
the  masses  with  all  possible  dispatch. 

To  free  the  woman  from  the  enslavement  of  the 
perpetual  care  of  her  children  is  also  a  major  ob- 
ject of  Socialism.  To  this  end  in  the  Soviet 
Union  there  is  being  developed  the  most  elaborate 
system  of  kindergartens  and  playgrounds  in  the 
world  —  in  the  cities  and  villages,  in  the  neighbor- 
hoods and  around  the  factories.  Of  this  develop- 
ment, Anna  Razamova  says: 

"All  these  institutions  for  child  welfare  mean  a  great 
deal  in  the  life  of  the  working  woman.  They  free  her  from 
the  necessity  of  spending  all  her  time  at  home,  cleaning, 
cooking  and  mending.  While  she  is  at  work  she  can  be 
sure  that  her  child  is  being  well  taken  care  of,  and  that  it 
is  supervized  by  trained  nurses  and  teachers,  and  gets 
wholesome  food  at  regular  hours." 

The  free  Russian  woman  is  the  trail  blazer  for 
the  toiling  women  of  the  world.  She  is  beating  out 
a  path  which,  ere  long,  her  American  sister  will 
begin  to  follow. 

Unshackling  the  Youth 

A  RULING  class  which  did  not  hesitate  to  send  more 
than  twelve  million  young  men  to  their  death  in 

6  Russian  Women  in  the  Building  of  Socialism,  p.  13. 


the  World  War  to  further  its  greed  for  wealth  and 
power,  naturally  does  not  stick  at  the  most  ruth- 
less exploitation  of  the  youth  at  all  other  times. 
Capitalism,  whose  great  god  is  profit,  poisons  so- 
ciety at  its  source ;  it  destroys  the  seed  corn  of  the 
human  race,  the  young. 

The  condition  of  the  children  of  the  American 
working  class  is  a  damning  indictment  of  capital- 
ism. Recently  even  President  Hoover  admitted 
that  in  the  United  States,  the  richest  country  in 
the  world,  6,000,000  children  are  chronically  under- 
nourished. The  starved  masses  of  workers,  har- 
assed by  low  wages  and  unemployment,  are  unable 
to  feed  their  children  properly,  and  the  State  cal- 
lously shrugs  its  shoulders  at  the  problem.  Great 
masses  of  them  slave  in  the  industries,  while  their 
parents  go  around  jobless.  The  position  of  the 
workers'  children  has  naturally  grown  immeasur- 
ably worse  during  the  present  industrial  crisis. 
The  Nation,  (Mar.  23,  1932),  exposes  a  typical 
condition  when  it  declares:  "5,000  to  10,000  chil- 
dren in  Detroit  are  daily  in  child  bread  lines." 
Regarding  a  recent  investigation  of  conditions 
among  continuation  school  boys  in  New  York, 
Grace  Hutchens  states: 

"Of  2,700  working  boys,  less  than  one  in  seven  was 
found  free  from  physical  defects.  One-fifth  of  them 
were  under-weight  from  under-nourishment.  Three-fifths 
needed  dental  care.  Defective  eyesight,  adenoids,  unde- 
veloped chest,  poor  muscle  tone,  diseased  tonsils,  anemia, 


heart   conditions,   and   tuberculosis    scars   were   common. 
Most  of  these  difficulties  could  have  been  prevented." 

The  Labour  Research  Association  says  in  its 
Bulletin  of  Nov.  9,  1931 : 

"In  Detroit,  in  a  single  school  in  the  working  class  dis- 
trict, 500  children  refused  to  report  for  classes.  Investi- 
gation showed  that  more  than  half  of  them  lacked  even 
clothes  and  shoes.  In  Chicago,  children  are  fainting 
from  lack  of  food  and  15,000  are  starving.  In  Cleveland, 
the  number  of  under-nourished  children  in  the  elementary 
schools  will  reach  15,000  before  the  end  of  the  present 
term.  A  recent  study  of  290  typical  children  in  West 
Virginia  coal  towns  by  Dr.  Ruth  Fox  of  the  Fifth  Avenue 
Hospital  in  New  York  City,  showed  that  in  Ward,  W.  Va., 
their  average  weight  was  12%  below  the  standard." 

The  generally  disastrous  effects  of  such  condi- 
tions may  be  better  imagined  than  described. 
Capitalism,  besides  thus  feeding,  vampire-like  upon 
children,  no  less  ruthlessly  exploits  the  youth,  who 
are  becoming  an  ever-greater  factor  in  industry. 
It  drives  their  immature  bodies  at  a  pace  in  pro- 
duction which  even  adult  workers  cannot  endure; 
it  forces  them  to  work  at  lower  wages  than  grown- 
ups; child  labor  laws  are  "more  honored  in  the 
breach  than  in  the  observance."  Special  victims  in 
this  raw  exploitation  are  the  Negro  youth. 

Such  barbarous  conditions  for  the  youth  are,  of 
course,  utterly  alien  to  Socialism.  Just  as  in- 
evitably as  a  profit-seeking,  anarchic,  socially- 

7  Youth  in  Industry,  p.  14. 


Irresponsible  capitalism  ruins  the  young  of  the 
people,  so  inevitably,  does  an  ordered  and  respon- 
sible Socialism  take  the  greatest  care  of  its  youth. 
In  the  very  center  of  the  whole  Communist 
program  stands  the  systematic  protection  and  de- 
velopment of  the  children  and  young  workers. 
Even  the  sharpest  enemies  of  the  Soviet  Union 
have  to  admit  the  truth  of  this.  Not  even  in  the 
darkest  days  of  the  civil  war,  when  hunger  and 
pestilence  were  rampant,  was  the  welfare  of  the 
youth  ever  lost  sight  of  in  the  U.S.S.R.  They 
always  had  plenty,  although  often  their  parents 
were  semi-starved.  A  bourgeois  correspondent, 
Julia  Blanshard,  says: 

"Youth  is  one  of  the  first  concerns  of  Soviet  Russia. 
You,  as  an  elder,  might  live  on  cabbage  soup,  but  your 
children  would  have  meat  stews  and  even  sweets.  Russia 
looks  to  the  future,  not  the  past.  .  .  The  children  look 
clean,  well-nourished,  neatly  dressed  and  alert." 

Under  Socialism  the  care  of  the  children  rests 
directly  with  the  parents  —  stories  of  the  national- 
ization of  children  in  the  Soviet  Union  are  ri- 
diculous. But  the  State  does  not  let  matters  rest 
entirely  with  the  parents.  It  throws  such  additional 
safeguards  around  the  children  in  the  schools,  kin- 
dergartens, etc.,  of  city  and  village  that  none  can 
possibly  go  hungry,  be  denied  medical  care  or  lack 

s  New  York  Telegram,  Nov.  8,  1931. 


The  Soviet  government,  the  trade  unions  and 
the  Communist  Youth  League,  as  well  as  the  Party 
and  other  organizations,  vigilantly  protect  the 
youth  employed  in  Russian  industry.  The  gen- 
eral conditions  they  have  set  up  indicate  the  lines 
of  development  in  the  United  States.  There  is  no 
industrial  child  labor.  And  such  driving  as  exists 
among  the  millions  of  young  workers  in  American 
industries  is  unheard  of.  The  Russian  young 
workers  work  only  six  hours  daily;  they  are 
shielded  from  night  work  and  especially  danger- 
ous or  heavy  toil.  The  Soviet  Union  is  the  only 
country  in  the  world  where  the  youth  are  paid 
equal  wage  rates  with  adults  for  similar  work. 
The  health  and  education  of  the  young  workers  is 
promoted  by  vast  sport  and  cultural  organizations. 
In  politics  the  youth  are  a  real  factor,  the  fran- 
chise being  based  upon  the  principle,  "Old  enough 
to  work,  old  enough  to  vote."  In  every  walk  in 
life  the  antiquated  prejudices  that  the  "elders" 
alone  must  lead  have  been  broken  down  and  the 
path  is  clear  for  the  development  of  full  leadership 
on  the  basis  of  ability  and  regardless  of  age.  In 
the  United  States,  as  in  the  U.S.S.R.,  the  Soviet 
system  will  open  up  a  new  world  for  the  youth. 

The  Cultural  Revolution  in  the  United  States 

PRESENT-DAY  culture  in  this  country  is  an  instru- 
ment by  which  the  capitalist  class  consolidates  its 


dominant  position.  The  prevailing  systems  of 
education,  morality,  ethics,  science,  art,  patriotism, 
religion,  etc.,  are  as  definitely  parts  of  capitalist 
exploitation  as  the  stock  exchange.  The  schools, 
churches,  newspapers,  motion  pictures,  radio,  thea- 
tres and  various  other  avenues  of  publicity  and 
mass  instruction  are  the  organized  propaganda  ma- 
chinery of  the  ruling  class. 

The  chief  aims  of  bourgeois  culture,  so  far  as  it 
is  directed  towards  the  working  class,  are  to  de- 
velop the  workers  into,  (1)  slave-like  robots  who 
will  accept  uncomplainingly  whatever  standards  of 
life  and  work  the  owners  of  industry  see  fit  to 
grant  them;  (2)  unthinking  soldiers  who  will  en- 
thusiastically get  themselves  killed  off  in  defense 
of  their  masters'  rulership;  (3)  superstitious  dolts 
who  will  satisfy  themselves  with  a  promise  of  para- 
dise after  death  as  a  substitute  for  a  decent  life 
here  on  earth.  To  these  ends  the  workers  are  regi- 
mented in  the  schools,  poisoned  by  the  militaristic 
Boy  Scouts  and  C.M.T.C.,  enmeshed  in  fascist-like 
sport  organizations,  herded  into  the  strike-break- 
ing Y.M.C.A.,  stuffed  with  endless  rot  in  the  news- 
papers and  movies,  jammed  into  religious  training 
before  they  are  able  to  think  for  themselves,  etc. 
As  for  real  education,  about  all  the  workers  get  of 
it  in  school  is  the  minimum  of  the  three  R's  re- 
quired to  enable  them  to  perform  the  tasks  allotted 
them  in  industry. 

So  far  as  this  culture  is  directed  to  the  bourgeoisie 


and  petty  bourgeoisie,  it  results  in  a  mass  produc- 
tion of  capitalist  intellectual  robots.  The  schools 
and  colleges,  firmly  in  the  grip  of  finance  capital, 
as  Upton  Sinclair  so  completely  showed  in  his 
book,  The  Goose  Step,  are  great  manufacto- 
ries of  Babbitts.  In  no  country  is  culture  so  de- 
based by  capitalism  as  in  the  United  States. 
Essentially  a  gigantic  effort  to  perpetuate  the 
robbery  of  the  workers,  it  is  sterile,  hypocritical, 
colorless,  lifeless.  America's  capitalistic  writers 
are  engaged  in  trying  to  convince  the  working  class 
what  a  glorious  thing  it  is  to  be  a  wage  slave;  her 
artists  and  poets  are  busy  glorifying  Heinz's 
pickles  and  the  advertising  pages  of  The  Saturday 
Evening  Post;  her  dramatists  and  musicians  are 
cooking  up  patriotic  slush  and  idiotic  sex  stories 
to  divert  the  masses  from  their  troubles  and  the 
hopeless  boredom  of  capitalist  life;  her  scientists 
are  trying  to  prove  the  unity  of  science  and  re- 
ligion, etc.,  etc. 

The  proletarian  revolution  in  the  United  States 
will  at  once  make  a  devastating  slash  into  this  maze 
of  hypocrisy  and  intellectual  rubbish.  Not  less 
than  in  the  Soviet  Union,  it  will  usher  in  a  pro- 
found cultural  revolution.  For  the  first  time  in 
history  the  toiling  masses  will  have  the  opportunity 
to  know  and  enjoy  the  good  things  of  life.  With 
prosperity  assured  for  all,  with  no  slave  class  to 
stultify  intellectually  and  with  no  system  of  ex- 
ploitation to  defend,  Communist  culture  will  have 


a  mass  base  and  will  flourish  luxuriantly  and  free. 
It  will  call  forth  the  artistic  and  intellectual  powers 
of  the  masses,  always  hitherto  repressed  by  chattel 
slavery,  feudalism  and  capitalism.  Superstition, 
and  ignorance  will  vanish  in  a  realm  of  science; 
"Culture  will  become  the  acquirement  of  all  and 
the  class  ideologies  of  the  past  will  give  place  to 
scientific  materialist  philosophy."  9 

Among  the  elementary  measures  the  American 
Soviet  government  will  adopt  to  further  the  cul- 
tural revolution  are  the  following;  the  schools,  col- 
leges and  universities  will  be  coordinated  and 
grouped  under  the  National  Department  of  Edu- 
cation and  its  state  and  local  branches.  The 
studies  will  be  revolutionized,  being  cleansed  of 
religious,  patriotic  and  other  features  of  the  bour- 
geois ideology.  The  students  will  be  taught  on 
the  basis  of  Marxian  dialectical  materialism,  inter- 
nationalism and  the  general  ethics  of  the  new  So- 
cialist society.  Present  obsolete  methods  of 
teaching  will  be  superseded  by  a  scientific 

The  churches  will  remain  free  to  continue  their 
services,  but  their  special  tax  and  other  privileges 
will  be  liquidated.  Their  buildings  will  revert  to 
the  State.  Religious  schools  will  be  abolished  and 
organized  religious  training  for  minors  prohibited. 
Freedom  will  be  established  for  anti-religious  prop- 

9  Program  of  the  Communist  International. 


The  whole  basis  and  organization  of  capitalist 
science  will  be  revolutionized.  Science  will  be- 
come materialistic,  hence  truly  scientific;  God  will 
be  banished  from  the  laboratories  as  well  as  from 
the  schools.  Science  will  be  thoroughly  organized 
and  will  work  according  to  plan;  instead  of  the 
present  individualistic  hit-or-miss  scientific  dab- 
bling, there  will  be  a  great  organization  of  science, 
backed  by  the  full  power  of  the  government.  This 
organization  will  make  concerted  attacks  upon  the 
central  problems,  concrete  and  abstract,  that  con- 
front science. 

The  press,  the  motion  picture,  the  radio,  the 
theatre,  will  be  taken  over  by  the  government. 
They  will  be  cleansed  of  their  present  trash  of  sex, 
crime,  sensationalism  and  general  babbitry,  and 
developed  into  institutions  of  real  education  and 
art;  into  purveyors  of  the  interesting,  dramatic, 
and  amusing  in  life.  The  press  will,  through 
workers'  correspondents  on  the  Russian  lines,  be- 
come the  actual  voice  of  the  people,  not  simply  the 
forum  of  professional  writers. 

The  American  Soviet  government  will,  of  course, 
give  the  greatest  possible  stimulus  to  art  in  every 
form,  seeking  to  cultivate  the  latent  powers  of  the 
masses.  Painting,  sculpture,  literature,  music  — 
every  form  of  artistic  expression  —  will  flourish  as 
never  before.  The  great  art  treasures  of  the  rich 
will  be  confiscated  and  assembled  in  museums  for 
the  enjoyment  and  instruction  of  the  toiling  masses. 


Cultural  societies  of  all  kinds  will  be  developed 

One  of  the  basic  concerns  of  the  workers'  gov- 
ernment will  be,  naturally,  the  conservation  of  the 
health  of  the  masses.  To  this  end  a  national  De- 
partment of  Health  will  be  set  up,  with  the  neces- 
sary local  and  State  sub-divisions.  A  free  medical 
service,  based  upon  the  most  scientific  principles, 
will  be  established.  The  people  will  be  taught  how 
to  live  correctly.  They  will  be  given  mass  instruc- 
tion in  diet,  physical  culture,  etc.  A  last  end  will 
be  put  to  capitalist  medical  quackery  and  the  adul- 
teration of  food. 

A  main  task  of  the  American  Soviet  government 
will  be  to  make  the  cities  liveable.  This  will  involve 
not  only  the  wholesale  destruction  of  the  shacks 
that  millions  of  workers  now  call  homes,  but  the 
building  over  of  the  congested  capitalist  cities  into 
roomy  Socialist  towns.  These  will  develop  towards 
the  decentralization  of  industry  and  population,  the 
breaking  down  of  the  differences  between  city  and 
country.  There  will  be  no  great  landed,  financial, 
and  transportation  interests  to  maintain  the  mon- 
strous congestion  typical  of  capitalist  cities.  The 
present  "city  beautiful"  plans  of  capitalism  will 
seem  puny  and  trivial  to  the  future  city  builders  of 

Only  a  few  years  ago  many  of  the  foregoing 
proposals  would  have  seemed  fantastic,  merely 
Utopian  dreams.  But  now  we  can  see  them  grow- 


ing  into  actuality  in  the  Soviet  Union.  In  making 
the  cultural  revolution  in  the  United  States,  the 
workers  and  farmers,  facing  the  same  general  prob- 
lems as  the  Russians,  will  solve  them  along  similar 

Curing  Crime  and  Criminals 

CAPITALISM,  by  its  very  nature,  is  a  prolific  breeder 
of  crime.  It  is  a  system  of  legalized  robbery  of 
the  working  class.  The  whole  process  of  capitalist 
business  is  a  swindle  and  an  armed  hold-up.  In 
capitalist  society  what  constitutes  crime  and  what 
does  not  is  a  purely  arbitrary  distinction.  The 
capitalists  do  not  recognize  any  line  of  demarca- 
tion for  themselves.  They  do  whatever  they  can 
"get  away  with."  The  record  of  every  large  for- 
tune and  big  corporation  in  this  country  is  smeared 
not  only  with  brutal  robbery  of  the  workers  but 
also  statutory  crime  of  every  description,  from  the 
bribery  of  legislatures  to  plain  murder.  Wall 
Street  is  full  of  uncaught  Kreugers. 

In  a  society  where  each  grabs  what  he  can  at  the 
expense  of  the  rest,  naturally  the  government  of- 
fers a  wide  field  of  corruption.  It  is  a  well-known 
fact,  emphasized  afresh  by  the  Seabury  investiga- 
tion in  New  York,  that  every  city  and  State  in  this 
country  is  controlled  by  grafting  politicians,  allied 
with  the  criminal  underworld.  The  Teapot  Dome 
scandal,  not  to  mention  numerous  others,  shows 
that  the  national  government  is  also  permeated  with 


this  gross  corruption.  Such  corruption  is  not  a 
special  condition,  but  of  the  very  tissue  of  capi- 

It  is  not  surprising  that  in  a  system  of  society 
where  the  aim  is  to  get  rich  by  any  means,  crime  of 
every  kind  should  flourish.  Faced  by  low  wages 
and  other  impossible  economic  conditions  on 
the  one  hand  and  by  the  corrupt  example  of  capi- 
talism generally  on  the  other,  many  naturally  take 
to  lives  of  open  crime  and  try  to  seize  at  the  point 
of  a  gun  what  the  capitalist  "big  shots"  steal 
through  exploiting  the  workers,  by  a  corner  on  the 
stock  exchange,  or  by  corrupting  the  government. 
The  main  difference  between  their  operations  is 
primarily  one  of  dimension.  Al  Capone  is  an  al- 
together legitimate  child  of  American  capitalism, 
and  it  is  no  accident  that  he  is  an  object  of  such 
widespread  admiration. 

The  American  Soviet  government  will  liquidate 
the  mounting  crime  wave  which,  according  to  the 
Wickersham  committee,  costs  the  government  a 
billion  dollars  yearly.  Socialism,  by  putting  an 
end  to  capitalist  exploitation,  deals  a  mortal  blow 
at  crime  of  every  description.  The  economic  base 
of  crime  is  destroyed.  The  worker  is  enabled  to 
live  and  work  under  the  best  possible  conditions. 
There  is  no  place  for  human  sharks  to  prey  upon 
their  fellow  men.  Not  only  does  the  abolition  of 
capitalism  destroy  the  basis  of  the  so-called  crimes 
against  property,  but  the  revolutionized  economic 


and  social  conditions,  involving  an  intelligent  moral 
code  and  effective  educational  system,  also  greatly 
diminish  the  "crimes  of  passion." 

These  facts  are  already  demonstrated  in  the 
Soviet  Union,  which  is  fast  becoming  a  crimeless 
country.  While  the  exigencies  of  the  revolutionary 
struggle  against  the  counter-revolution  made  it 
necessary,  from  time  to  time,  to  confine  a  consid- 
erable number  of  political  prisoners,  this  need  is 
now  fast  passing  with  the  consolidation  of  the  So- 
cialist regime  and  the  liquidation  of  the  last  rem- 
nants of  the  exploiting  classes  in  the  Soviet  Union. 
Life  and  property  are  safer  now  in  the  U.S.S.R. 
than  in  any  other  country  in  the  world.  Crime  is 
rapidly  sinking  into  abeyance  and  this  will  be  more 
and  more  the  case  as  the  new  society  becomes 

Capitalism  blames  crime  upon  the  individual,  in- 
stead of  upon  the  bad  social  conditions  which 
produce  it.  Hence  its  treatment  of  crime  is  es- 
sentially one  of  punishment.  But  the  failure  of 
its  prisons,  with  their  terrible  sex-starvation,  graft, 
over-crowding,  idleness,  stupid  discipline,  fero- 
ciously long  sentences  and  general  brutality,  is 
overwhelmingly  demonstrated  by  the  rapidly 
mounting  numbers  of  prisoners  and  the  long  list 
of  terrible  prison  riots.  Capitalist  prisons  are 
actually  schools  of  crime.  Even  the  standpat 
Wickersham  committee  had  to  condemn  the  atro- 


cious  American  prison  system  as  brutal,  medieval 
and  fruitless. 

Socialist  criminology,  on  the  other  hand,  attacks 
the  bad  social  conditions.  While  the  American 
Soviet  government  will  ruthlessly  break  up  the 
underworld  gangs  that  brazenly  infest  all  American 
cities  and  will  also  give  short  shrift  to  grafting 
politicians,  its  prison  system  will  be  essentially 
educational  in  character.  In  the  new  Russian 
prisons,  for  example,  the  prisoners  have  the  right 
to  marry  and  to  live  with  their  families;  they  are 
taught  useful  trades  and  are  paid  full  union  wages 
for  their  work;  there  are  no  guards  or  walls  or 
bars;  the  discipline  is  organized  entirely  by  the 
prisoners  themselves.  The  prisoners  are  also  al- 
lowed freely  to  visit  their  friends  in  other  towns. 
The  lengths  of  the  terms  to  be  served  are  deter- 
mined by  the  prisoners'  committees,  on  the  basis 
of  the  fitness  of  the  given  prisoners  to  resume  their 
places  in  society.  The  whole  terminology  of  crime, 
criminal,  prison,  etc.,  has  been  abandoned  in  such 
institutions.  Upon  release,  a  prisoner  is  not  only 
able  to  make  his  way  in  society  but  is  welcomed. 
He  is  eligible  to  belong  to  the  Communist  party. 
It  requires  very  little  imagination  to  see  the  great 
advantages  of  this  Socialist  system  over  the  bar- 
barous prisons  of  capitalist  countries.  Congress- 
man W.  I.  Sirovich,  (Dem.,  N.  Y.),  said,  after  a 
recent  visit  to  the  Soviet  Union,  "The  Russian 


prison  system  sets  an  example  that  is  worthy  of 
emulation  by  any  nation  in  the  world."  10 

Prohibition,  based  upon  a  criminal  alliance  be- 
tween capitalists,  crooked  politicians  and  gang- 
sters, has  bred  a  growth  of  criminals  such  as  the 
world  has  never  seen  before.  And  the  "best 
minds"  of  the  country  stand  powerless  before  the 
problem.  The  American  Soviet  government  will 
deal  with  this  question  by  eliminating  prohibition, 
by  establishing  government  control  of  the  manu- 
facture and  sale  of  alcoholic  liquors;  these  meas- 
ures to  be  supported  by  an  energetic  campaign 
among  the  masses  against  excessive  drinking. 

This  way  of  handling  the  prohibition  question  is 
working  successfully  in  the  Soviet  Union.  Shortly 
after  the  October  revolution  the  Soviet  government 
prohibited  the  sale  or  manufacture  of  alcoholic 
drinks.  But  soon  bootlegging  began,  with  familiar 
demoralizing  consequences:  poisonous  liquor  was 
made,  much  badly-needed  grain  was  wasted,  open 
violation  of  the  law  existed  on  all  sides.  Then, 
with  characteristic  vigor  and  clarity  of  purpose, 
the  government  legalized  the  making  and  selling 
of  intoxicating  beverages.  At  the  same  time,  a  big 
campaign  was  initiated  by  the  government,  the 
Party,  the  trade  unions,  etc.,  to  educate  the  work- 
ers against  alcoholism.  This  program  is  succeed- 
ing; the  evils  of  alcoholism  are  definitely  on  the 
decline.  Doubtless,  the  Russians  have  found  the 

10  New  York  Journal,  Dec.  1,  1931. 


real  solution  of  the  liquor  question.  Just  as  So- 
cialism is  abolishing  so  many  other  evils,  it  is  also 
rapidly  wiping  out  alcoholism  and  the  mass  of 
misery  and  degradation  that  accompanies  it. 

The  Abolition  of  War 

ONE  OF  the  revolutionary  achievements  of  victori- 
ous world  Communism  will  be  the  ending  of  war. 
In  Chapter  I  we  have  seen  the  great  and  growing 
danger  of  a  new  world  war  and  also  the  utter 
futility  of  all  the  capitalist  peace  pacts  and  dis- 
armament schemes  as  war  preventives.  We  have 
also  seen  the  economic  forces  of  imperialism  be- 
hind the  war  danger.  So  long  as  capitalism  lasts 
war  must  continue  to  curse  the  human  race.  It  is 
the  historical  task  of  the  proletariat  to  put  an  end 
to  this  hoary  monster.  This  it  will  do  by  destroy- 
ing the  capitalist  system  and  with  it  the  economic 
causes  that  bring  about  war. 

It  is  characteristic  of  capitalism  to  justify  all 
the  robbery  and  misery  and  terrors  of  its  system 
by  seeking  to  create  the  impression  that  they  are 
caused  by  basic  traits  in  human  nature,  or  even 
by  "acts  of  god."  Thus  we  find  current  many 
metaphysical  and  mysterious  explanations  of  the 
present  crisis  and  unemployment.  These  pre- 
ventable disasters  are  made  to  appear  almost  as 
natural  phenomena  over  which  mankind  has  no 
control,  like  tornadoes  and  earthquakes.  The 


same  general  attitude  is  taken  with  regard  to  war. 
War  is  put  forth  as  arising  out  of  the  very  nature 
of  humanity.  Man  is  pictured  as  a  war-like  ani- 
mal, and  therefore  capitalism  escapes  responsi- 
bility. War  becomes  more  or  less  inevitable. 

This  is  all  nonsense,  of  course.  Man  is  by  na- 
ture a  gregarious  and  friendly  animal.  He  does 
not  make  war  because  he  dislikes  others  of  his  own 
species,  differing  from  him  in  language,  religion, 
geographical  location,  etc.  His  wars  have  always 
arisen  out  of  struggles  over  the  very  material  things 
of  wealth  and  power.  This  is  true,  whether  he  has 
been  living  in  a  tribal,  slave,  feudal  or  capitalist 
economy,  and  whether  he  has  obscured  the  true 
cause  of  his  wars  with  an  intense  religious  garb  or 
with  slogans  about  making  the  world  safe  for 
democracy.  The  cause  of  modern  war  is,  as  we 
have  already  seen,  the  imperialistic  policies  of  the 
capitalist  nations  to  rob  the  colonial  peoples,  to 
smash  back  the  growing  revolutionary  movement, 
to  crush  each  other  in  the  world  struggle  for  mar- 
kets, raw  materials  and  territory.  In  a  society 
in  which  there  is  no  private  property  in  industry 
and  land,  in  which  no  exploitation  of  the  workers 
takes  place  and  where  plenty  is  produced  for  all, 
there  can  be  no  grounds  for  war.  The  interests 
of  a  Socialist  society  are  fundamentally  opposed 
to  the  murderous  and  unnatural  struggle  of  inter- 
national war. 

Under  capitalism  the  workers,  by  militant  and 


well- organized  struggle,  can  check  the  develop- 
ment of  war.  By  the  threat  of  revolution  they  can, 
for  a  time,  force  the  capitalists  to  hold  in  leash 
their  dogs  of  war.  This  fear  has  contributed  basi- 
cally to  holding  the  capitalist  governments  so  long 
from  making  another  open  armed  attack  upon  the 
Soviet  Union.  But  pressure  from  the  workers  can 
only  delay  the  war,  not  stop  it  permanently.  The 
irresistible  and  incurable  antagonisms  of  the  capi- 
talist countries  inevitably  force  them  into  war, 
revolution  or  no  revolution.  Only  the  proletarian 
revolution  itself  can  solve  these  war-breeding  con- 
tradictions and  put  a  final  end  to  war.  Not  Chris- 
tianity but  Communism  will  bring  peace  on  earth. 

A  Communist  world  will  be  a  unified,  organized 
world.  The  economic  system  will  be  one  great 
organization,  based  upon  the  principle  of  planning 
now  dawning  in  the  U.S.S.R.  The  American 
Soviet  government  will  be  an  important  section  in 
this  world  organization.  In  such  a  society  there 
will  be  no  tariffs  or  the  many  other  barriers  erected 
by  capitalism  against  a  free  world  interchange  of 
goods.  The  raw  material  supplies  of  the  world  will 
be  at  the  disposition  of  the  peoples  of  the  world. 

Politically,  the  world  will  be  organized.  There 
will  be  no  colonies,  no  "spheres  of  influence,"  no 
hypocritical  "open  doors."  The  toilers  will  then 
have  fully  realized  Marx's  famous  slogan,  "Work- 
ingmen  of  the  World,  Unite!"  The  interests  of 
the  toiling  masses  in  the  various  countries  will  not 


be  in  conflict,  but  in  harmony  with  each  other. 
Those  who  speak  of  "red  imperialism"  repeat  the 
calumnies  of  capitalism.  Once  the  power  of  the 
bourgeoisie  is  broken  internationally  and  its  States 
destroyed,  the  world  Soviet  Union  will  develop 
towards  a  scientific  administration  of  things,  as 
Engels  describes.  There  will  be  no  place  for  the 
present  narrow  patriotism,  the  bigoted  nationalist 
chauvinism  that  serves  so  well  the  capitalist  war- 
makers.  Armies  and  navies,  rendered  obsolete, 
will  be  disbanded.  Grim  war  will  meet  its 

At  the  meeting  of  the  League  of  Nations'  Pre- 
paratory Commission  for  Disarmament  at  Geneva 
in  November,  1927,  the  representatives  of  the 
Soviet  Union  presented  a  proposal  for  complete 
world  disarmament.  It  was  later  re-enforced  by 
the  Soviet  Union's  proposal  for  a  general  economic 
non-aggression  pact,  by  its  non-aggression  treaties 
with  individual  governments,  and  by  its  generally 
firm  peace  policy  in  the  face  of  imperialist  provo- 

But,  of  course,  the  imperialist  capitalist  nations 
did  not  accept  the  Soviet  Union's  plan  for  doing 
away  with  war.  The  U.S.S.R.  is  the  only  country 
that  genuinely  struggles  for  peace;  the  capitalist 
powers  need  war  in  their  business.  War  is  not  to 
be  ended  in  capitalist  peace  conferences,  but  by 
revolutionary  struggle  of  the  toiling  masses  against 
capitalism  itself.  Hence,  inevitably,  the  capital- 


ists  at  Geneva  ridiculed  the  Soviet  1927  proposals 
and  shortly  afterwards  adopted  as  a  substitute  the 
supremely  hypocritical  Kellogg  Peace  Pact,  mean- 
while intensifying  their  own  war  preparations. 
They  have  again  rejected  the  Soviet  Union's  dis- 
armament proposal  at  the  present  Geneva  con- 
ference. Thereby  they  expose  afresh  to  the 
workers  of  the  world  the  fact  that  they  do  not  want 
peace,  but  war.  It  will  be  only  when  the  workers 
and  peasants  have  finally  defeated  international 
capitalism  and  are  assembled  to  re-organize  the 
world  on  a  Socialist  basis  that  a  proposal  for  gen- 
eral disarmament  will  be  adopted  and  carried  into 
effect.  This  event,  being  irresistibly  prepared  by 
the  deepening  capitalist  crisis  and  the  growing 
mobilization  of  the  world's  toilers  under  the  leader- 
ship of  the  Communist  International,  will  take 
place  sooner  than  the  world  bourgeoisie  dare  think 
and  it  will  be  one  of  the  very  greatest  steps  forward 
ever  taken  by  the  human  race. 

Socialist  Incentive 

ONE  OF  the  classical  capitalist  arguments  against 
Socialism  is  that  it  would  destroy  incentive;  that 
is,  if  private  property  in  industry  and  the  right 
to  exploit  the  workers  were  abolished  the  urge  for 
social  progress,  and  even  for  day-to-day  produc- 
tion, would  be  killed. 

But  the  Russian  revolution  has  shattered  this 


contention  irreparably.  The  Russian  workers  and 
peasants  are  building  Socialism  with  a  mass  energy 
and  enthusiasm  quite  unparalleled  in  history. 
Manifestly,  they  are  propelled  by  a  great  incen- 
tive. This  is  a  marvel  to  the  bourgeois  newspaper 
correspondents.  But  it  is  just  as  Marx,  three  gen 
erations  ago,  said  it  would  be  under  Socialism. 

The  incentive  of  the  Russian  toilers  is  easily  ex- 
plained. They  own  the  country  and  everything  in 
it.  There  is  no  exploiting  class  to  rob  them  of  the 
fruits  of  their  toil.  They  welcome  better  produc- 
tion methods  because  they  get  the  full  benefit  of 
them.  They  have  broken  the  chain  of  capitalist 
slavery  and  are  building  a  new  world  of  liberty, 
prosperity  and  happiness  for  themselves  and  fam- 
ilies. It  is  equally  understandable  why  the  pro- 
ducing masses  in  capitalist  countries  betray  no  such 
enthusiasm  in  their  work.  The  latter  are  robbed 
of  what  they  produce;  for  them  improvements  in 
production  mean  wage-cuts  and  unemployment. 
Incentive  under  capitalism  is  confined  practically 
to  the  exploiting  classes  and  their  hangers-on.  It 
is  only  with  the  advent  of  Socialism  that  the  great 
masses  develop  real  incentive. 

Socialist  incentive  in  the  Soviet  Union  explains 
why  the  workers  so  militantly  defended  the  revo- 
lution against  the  many  capitalist  armies  in  1918- 
20,  and  why  they  have  endured  famine  and  pesti- 
lence for  the  revolution.  In  the  industries  it  is 
an  intelligent  mass  incentive  that  provides  the  basis 


for  the  keen  Socialist  competition,  for  shock-bri- 
gades to  speed  production,  for  the  self-imposed 
labor  discipline,  for  the  heroic  present-day  self- 
denial  in  putting  the  Five- Year  Plan  into  effect  so 
that  a  solid  base  of  heavy  industry  may  be  quickly 
laid  for  the  Socialist  prosperity. 

In  view  of  all  this  mass  interest  and  initiative 
of  the  workers  in  Soviet  industry  current  capitalist 
charges  about  "forced  labor"  in  the  U.S.S.R.  stand 
exposed  as  ridiculous.  Forced  labor  is  native  to 
capitalism,  not  Socialism.  The  whole  Socialist 
system  is  utterly  antagonistic  to  any  enslavement 
of  the  workers.  Even  bourgeois  writers  and  poli- 
ticians are  beginning  to  admit  this.  H.  R.  Mussey 
says:  "If  anybody  wants  a  bargain  in  forced  la- 
bor, or  any  other  kind  of  labor,  I  should  advise 
him  not  to  look  for  it  in  Russia  just  now,  as  far  as 
I  have  seen  it;  for  it  is  a  seller's  market  in  labor 
if  ever  there  was  one." xl  Rep.  H.  T.  Rainey, 
Democratic  House  leader,  declares:  "Labor  is 
freer  in  Russia  than  in  any  other  country  in  the 
world."  12 

The  differentiated  wage  scales,  including  piece- 
work, in  the  Soviet  Union  constitute  no  contradic- 
tion to  the  prevalent  strong  mass  incentive. 
Temporarily,  they  must  serve  to  stimulate  the  less 
conscious  elements  to  acquire  skill  and  to  produce. 
The  wage  system  as  a  whole  is  a  hang-over  from 

11  The  Nation,  Nov.  4,  1931. 

12  New  York  World-Telegram,  Apr.  8,  1932. 


capitalism,  part  of  the  baggage  that  has  to  be  dis- 
carded during  the  transition  from  capitalism  to 
Communism.  Improved  production  methods  and 
general  education  will  solve  that  problem.  Re- 
cently Stalin  said,  in  polemizing  against  tendencies 
to  at  once  equalize  wages: 

"Marx  and  Lenin  said  that  the  differences  between 
skilled  and  unskilled  work  would  continue  to  exist  even 
under  Socialism  and  even  after  the  classes  had  been  anni- 
hilated, that  only  under  Communism  would  this  difference 
disappear,  that  therefore,  even  under  Socialism  Vages* 
must  be  paid  according  to  the  labor  performed  and  not 
according  to  need."  13 

Besides  the  revolutionary  enthusiasm  and  initia- 
tive of  the  masses  and  many  other  indications  al- 
ready present  of  the  eventual  wageless  system  there 
is  the  "Party  maximum."  That  is,  the  members 
of  the  Communist  party  have  a  set  wage  limit  above 
which  they  cannot  go.  Thus  Stalin  gets  the  same 
wages,  as  many  hundreds  of  thousands  of  other 
workers  and  much  less  than  large  numbers  of  non- 
Party  mechanics  and  engineers.  "Russia,"  says 
Stuart  Chase,  "has  achieved  more  progress  and  de- 
veloped more  initiative  on  $150  a  month,  the  of- 
ficial Party  salary,  than  any  other  nation  has  ever 
dreamed  of  in  an  equal  period."  14 

It  is  exactly  in  the  incentive  of  the  workers  and 
poor  farmers  that  the  proletarian  revolution  has 

is  Speech  delivered  on  June  23,  1931. 

i*  The  Philadelphia  Record,  Nov.  22,  1931. 


its  great  motive  force.  This  is  what  gains  it  the 
support  of  the  masses,  what  carries  it  through  a 
thousand  trials  and  tribulations,  what  is  driving 
through  the  Five- Year  Plan  successfully  and  what 
will  eventually  build  a  world  system  of  Commu- 
nism. Mussey,  in  the  above-quoted  article  from 
The  Nation,  issues  the  following  warning  to  the 
capitalist  class : 

"If  the  rulers  of  the  western  world  would  retain  their 
leadership,  even  in  part,  then  I  am  persuaded  that  they 
and  their  apologists  would  do  well  without  further  delay 
to  recognize  the  profound  significance  of  that  combina- 
tion of  motives  on  the  basis  of  which  the  Russians  have 
accomplished  the  impossibilities  of  the  past  14  years  and 
to  cease  their  parrot-like  iteration  of  the  impossibility 
of  successful  appeal  in  industry  to  anything  except  in- 
dividual cupidity.  The  Russian  construction  marvels  of 
1931  —  and  they  are  marvels  —  are  not  built  on  indi- 
vidual cupidity." 

Collectivism  and  Individualism 

DEFENDERS  of  capitalism  declare  that  Socialism 
destroys  individualism.  But  when  they  speak  of 
individualism  they  have  in  mind  the  right  of  freely 
exploiting  the  workers.  They  mean  that  the  anti- 
social individualism  of  capitalism  will  go.  Under 
Socialism  no  one  will  have  the  right  to  exploit 
another;  no  longer  will  a  profit-hungry  employer 
be  able  to  shut  his  factory  gates  and  sentence  thou- 
sands to  starvation;  no  more  will  it  be  possible  for 


a  little  clique  of  capitalists  and  their  political  hench- 
men to  plunge  the  world  into  a  blood-bath  of  war. 

Yes,  such  deadly  individualism  is  doomed.  But 
the  revolution  will  create  in  its  stead  a  new  and 
better  development  of  the  individual.  The  collec- 
tivist  society  of  Socialism,  by  freeing  the  masses 
from  economic  and  political  slavery  will,  for  the 
first  time  in  history,  give  the  masses  an  opportunity 
to  fully  develop  and  express  their  personalities. 
Theirs  will  be  an  individuality  growing  out  of  and 
harmonizing  with  the  interests  of  all.  It  will  not 
have  the  objective  of  one's  getting  rich  by  robbing 
the  toilers,  but  will  develop  itself  in  the  direction 
of  achievement  in  science,  industrial  technique,  art, 
sports,  etc.  A  typical  example  of  this  new  motive 
was  the  case  of  Lensky,  a  worker  in  the  "Pneu- 
matics" factory  of  Leningrad  who  recently  in- 
vented a  very  valuable  electric-pneumatic  meter: 
given  120,000  rubles  as  a  reward,  he  immediately 
presented  the  money  to  various  cultural  organiza- 

The  boast  of  capitalist  apologists  about  the  equal 
opportunity  which  their  society  affords,  that  it  is 
a  case  of  the  survival  of  the  fittest,  is  a  tissue  of 
lies.  What  equality  is  there  between  a  Vander- 
bilt  and  a  poor  miner?  And  as  for  the  fittest  sur- 
viving, under  capitalism,  this  means  those  strongest 
financially.  Harry  K.  Thaw  is  a  glowing  example 
of  capitalist  survival  of  the  fittest.  Only  Social- 
ism can  provide  equality  of  opportunity,  which 


means  a  genuine  occasion  for  the  masses  to  enjoy 
life  and  to  develop  their  latent  personalities. 

Socialism,  it  is  also  argued,  kills  the  spirit  of 
competition  in  society.  That  is  more  nonsense. 
Under  Socialism  men  and  women  strive  for  supe- 
riority in  achievement  just  as  naturally  as  boys  do 
in  a  foot  race.  But  not  on  the  basis  of  privately- 
owned,  competitive  industry.  Indeed,  Socialism 
will  introduce  the  first  real  competition  since  the 
days  of  primitive  Communism.  Lenin,  in  an  ar- 
ticle written  in  1918,  says: 

"Socialism  does  not  only  not  extinguish  competition 
but  on  the  contrary  for  the  first  time  creates  possibilities 
to  apply  competition  widely,  on  a  real  mass  scale,  to  draw 
the  majority  of  the  workers  into  the  field  of  this  work, 
where  they  can  really  show  themselves,  where  they  can 
develop  their  abilities,  disclose  their  talents  which  are  an 
untouched  source  among  the  masses  and  which  capitalism 
trampled  upon,  crushed  and  strangled  by  thousands  and 

Stalin  thus  describes  the  basically  different  capi- 
talist and  Socialist  competition: 

"The  principle  of  capitalist  competition  is  defeat  and 
death  for  some  and  victory  for  others.  The  principle  of 
Socialist  competition  is,  comradely  assistance  to  those 
lagging  behind  the  more  advanced,  with  the  purpose  to 
reach  general  advancement." 

The  history  of  the  Russian  revolution  to  date  en- 
tirely bears  out  these  statements  of  Lenin  and  Sta- 
lin. Socialist  competition  is  one  of  the  main 


driving  forces  of  the  revolutionary  development. 
In  view  of  the  basic  tasks  now  confronting  the 
Soviet  Union,  it  is  inevitable  that  the  most  striking 
manifestation  of  the  new  Socialist  competition 
should  relate  to  the  buildng  and  operation  of  the 
industries.  This,  which  we  have  described  in 
Chapter  II,  is  a  gigantic  factor  in  carrying  through 
the  Five- Year  Plan.  But  Socialist  competition 
runs  into  every  other  field  of  endeavor  as  well,  and 
it  will  play  an  increasing  role  as  the  new  Socialist 
system  gets  a  more  solid  foundation. 

The  existence  of  a  strong  mass  incentive  and  a 
lively  spirit  of  competition  under  Socialism  effec- 
tually disposes  of  the  time-worn  "dead  level  of 
Socialism"  theory.  Not  Socialism,  but  capitalism, 
with  its  exploitation,  terrorism,  war,  superstition, 
and  cultivated  illiteracy,  creates  a  dead  level  in  its 
poverty  and  ignorance  for  the  uncounted  millions 
of  toilers  of  field  and  factory.  It  is  precisely 
Socialism  that  will  destroy  this  dead  level. 

But  the  capitalists,  as  is  their  wont,  seek  to  jus- 
tify their  destructive  type  of  competition  by  assert- 
ing that  it  is  rooted  firmly  in  human  nature.  Such 
appeals  to  "human  nature,"  however,  must  be  taken 
cautiously.  By  that  method  of  reasoning  it  would 
be  quite  easy  to  conclude  that  the  rich  capitalist 
who  heartlessly  casts  workers  out  of  his  shops  pen- 
niless and  gives  no  thought  as  to  their  future  has 
quite  a  different  "human  nature"  than  the  African 
Negro  hunter  who,  with  his  high  sense  of  clan  soli- 


darity,  before  eating  his  kill,  calls  loudly  in  the 
four  directions  in  case  perchance  there  may  be 
another  hungry  hunter  nearby.  Changed  social 
conditions  develop  different  "human  natures." 
Thus  competition,  a  ruinous,  anti-social  thing  un- 
der capitalism,  becomes,  under  Socialism,  highly 

In  recent  years  the  argument  against  the  ap- 
proaching "dead  level"  of  Socialism  has  taken  on 
a  new  development.  Now  machinery  itself  is  be- 
ing roundly  denounced  as  a  "dead  leveller."  Wide 
fear  is  expressed  that  we  are  going  into  a  regime 
of  such  standardization  and  mechanization  that  life 
is  becoming  merely  a  machine-like  process  and  the 
people  so  many  robots. 

This  fear  is  essentially  a  class  fear.  The  petty 
bourgeoisie,  including  their  writers  and  poets, 
dread  the  machine  because  it  wipes  out  their  class 
base,  small  industry;  because  it  brings  the  further 
subjugation  of  their  class  to  the  bankers  and  big 
industrialists.  Many  capitalist  economists,  like 
Foster  and  Catchings,  Tugwell,  Chase,15  etc.,  also 
fear  the  machine  and  modern  methods  of  mass  pro- 
duction, because  they  sense  their  revolutionary  con- 
sequences. They  see  the  growing  volume  of 
production,  the  shrinking  markets,  the  increasing 

15  Chase,  although  stating  that,  on  the  whole,  the  effect  of  the 
machine  has  been  progressive,  is  manifestly  alarmed.  In  Men  and 
Machines,  p.  348,  his  fear  and  confusion  are  expressed  by  his 
empty  program  of  meeting  the  problem  of  the  machine  without  a 
plan,  "with  nothing  to  guide  us  but  our  naked  intelligence  and  a 
will  to  conquer." 


unemployment,  the  radicalization  of  the  producing 
masses,  the  growing  revolutionary  struggle,  and 
they  tremble  at  the  prospect.  In  Montreal,  ac- 
cording to  a  United  Press  dispatch  of  Feb.  23, 
1932,  the  Canadian  government  buried  a  toy  steam- 
shovel  ceremoniously,  declaring  that  its  "future 
policy  will  be  to  engage  manual  laborers  and  to 
scrap  machinery  wherever  advisable." 

Anti-machine  propaganda  like  that  of  Gandhi, 
Spengler,  etc.,  is  the  absurdity  of  capitalism  in 
despair  and  decline.  None  such  will  be  found  in 
the  Soviet  Union.  The  Soviet  workers  do  not  fear 
the  machine.  They  see  in  it  an  emancipator  from 
the  drudgery  and  poverty  of  the  past.  They  have 
no  dread  of  ensuing  industrial  crises  and  unem- 
ployment. They  will  control  the  machine;  not  let 
it  enslave  them  as  it  has  done  under  capitalism. 
Nor  do  they  fear  that  it  will  create  a  "dead  level," 
standardized,  uninteresting  world.  Such  con- 
ditions can  only  develop  under  capitalism  where 
everything  is  made  for  profit's  sake.  Capitalism 
naturally  develops  a  hopeless  babbittry  in  every 
direction;  but  Socialism  produces  inevitably  the 
intelligent  and  the  beautiful. 

Under  Socialism  the  machine  will  be  used  on  the 
broadest  scale  possible  to  produce  the  necessities 
of  life  in  the  great  industries,  transport  systems  and 
communication  services.  It  would  be  the  sheer- 
est nonsense  and  quite  impossible  not  to  take  ad- 
vantage of  every  labor  and  time-saving  device. 


But  Socialist  society  will  also  know  how  to  develop 
the  variegated  and  artistic.  Where  the  creative 
impulses  of  the  masses  are  not  checked  by  poverty 
and  slavery,  where  the  arts  and  sciences  are  not 
hamstrung  by  the  profit-making  motive,  where  the 
masses  are  not  poisoned  by  anti-social  codes  of 
morals  and  ethics,  and  where  every  assistance  of 
the  free  community  is  given  to  the  maximum  cul- 
tivation of  the  intellectual  and  artistic  powers  of 
the  masses  —  there  we  need  have  no  fear  that  so- 
ciety will  be  robotized  by  the  machine. 

Life  under  a  Communist  society  will  be  varied 
and  interesting.  Individual  will  vie  with  individ- 
ual, as  never  before,  to  create  the  useful  and  the 
beautiful.  Locality  will  compete  with  locality  in 
the  beauty  of  their  architecture.  The  impress  of 
individuality  and  originality  will  be  upon  every- 
thing. The  world  will  become  a  place  well  worth 
living  in,  and  what  is  the  most  important,  its  joys 
will  not  be  the  niggardly  monopoly  of  a  privileged 
ruling  class  but  the  heritage  of  the  great  producing 

Building  a  New  World 

THE  PROLETARIAN  revolution  is  the  most  profound 
of  all  revolutions  in  history.  It  initiates  changes 
more  rapid  and  far-reaching  than  any  in  the  whole 
experience  of  mankind.  The  hundreds  of  millions 
of  workers  and  peasants,  striking  off  their  age-old 
chains  of  slavery,  will  construct  a  society  of  liberty 


and  prosperity  and  intelligence.  Communism  will 
inaugurate  a  new  era  for  the  human  race,  the  build- 
ing of  a  new  world. 

The  overthrow  of  capitalism  and  the  develop- 
ment of  Communism  will  bring  about  the  immedi- 
ate or  eventual  solution  of  many  great  social 
problems.  Some  of  these  originate  in  capitalism, 
and  others  have  plagued  the  human  race  for  scores 
of  centuries.  Among  them  are  war,  religious 
superstition,  prostitution,  famine,  pestilence,  crime, 
poverty,  alcoholism,  unemployment,  illiteracy,  race 
and  national  chauvinism,  the  suppression  of 
woman,  and  every  form  of  slavery  and  exploita- 
tion of  one  class  by  another.  Already  in  the  Soviet 
Union,  with  the  revolution  still  in  its  initial  stages, 
the  forces  are  distinctly  to  be  seen  at  work  that 
will  eventually  liquidate  these  handicaps  to  the 
happiness  and  progress  of  the  human  race.  But, 
of  course,  only  a  system  of  developed  world  Com- 
munism can  fully  uproot  and  destroy  all  these 

The  objective  conditions,  in  the  shape  of  scien- 
tific knowledge  and  the  means  of  creating  material 
wealth,  are  already  at  hand  in  sufficient  measure 
to  do  away  with  these  menaces  to  humanity.  But 
the  trouble  lies  with  the  subjective  factor,  the  capi- 
talist order  of  society.  Capitalism,  based  upon 
human  exploitation,  stands  as  the  great  barrier  to 
social  progress.  Communism,  by  abolishing  the 
capitalist  system,  liquidates  this  subjective  diffi- 


culty.  It  releases  thereby  productive  forces 
strong  enough  to  provide  plenty  for  all  and  it  de- 
stroys the  whole  accompanying  capitalist  baggage 
of  cultivated  ignorance,  strife  and  misery.  Com- 
munism frees  humanity  from  the  stultifying  effects 
of  the  present  essentially  animal  struggle  for  ex- 
istence and  opens  up  before  it  new  horizons  of 
joys  and  tasks.  The  day  is  not  so  far  distant  when 
our  children,  immersed  in  this  new  life,  will  look 
back  with  horror  upon  capitalism  and  marvel  how 
we  tolerated  it  so  long. 

Communist  society,  in  its  battle  onward  and  up- 
ward, will  attack  and  carry  through  many  pro- 
found measures  besides  those  mentioned.  Among 
these  will  be  the  organization  of  the  economics  of 
the  world  upon  a  rational  and  planned  basis,  the 
systematic  conservation  and  increase  of  the  world's 
natural  resources,  the  development  of  a  vast  con- 
centration upon  all  the  great  problems  now  con- 
fronting science,  the  beautification  of  the  world  by 
a  new  and  richer  artistry,  the  liquidation  of  con- 
gested cities  and  the  combination  of  the  joys  and 
conveniences  of  country  and  urban  life,  and  the 
solution  of  many  other  great  problems  and  tasks 
now  hardly  even  imagined. 

Communist  society,  however,  will  not  confine  it- 
self simply  to  thus  developing  the  objective  condi- 
tions for  a  better  life.  Especially  will  it  turn  its 
attention  to  the  subjective  factor,  to  the  funda- 
mental improvement  of  man  himself.  Capitalism, 


with  its  wars,  wage  slavery,  slums,  crooked  doctors, 
etc.,  undermines  the  health  of  the  race  and  destroys 
its  physique.  Communism,  with  its  healthful 
dwellings  and  working  conditions,  its  pure  food, 
physical  culture,  etc.,  will  make  good  health,  like 
thorough  education,  the  property  of  all.  Already 
this  is  becoming  so  in  the  Soviet  Union.  But  this 
will  be  only  a  beginning.  Communist  society  will 
go  farther.  It  will  scientifically  regulate  the 
growth  of  population.  It  will  especially  speed  up 
the  very  evolution  of  man  himself,  his  brain  and 
body.  Capitalism  has  checked  the  evolution  of 
the  human  species,  if  it  has  not  actually  brought 
about  a  process  of  race  degeneration.  But  Com- 
munism will  systematically  breed  up  mankind. 
Already  the  scientific  knowledge  is  at  hand  to  do 
this,  but  it  is  at  present  inapplicable  because  of 
the  idiocy  of  the  capitalist  system,  its  planlessness, 
its  antiquated  moral  codes,  its  warp  and  woof  of 

For  many  generations  the  long  list  of  Utopians, 
the  Platos,  Mores,  Fouriers,  Owens,  and  Bellamys, 
have  dreamed  and  planned  ideal  states  of  society. 
Their  strong  point  was  that  they  sensed  mankind's 
capacity  for  a  higher  social  life  than  the  existing 
wild  scramble.  But  their  weak  point,  and  this  was 
decisive,  was  that  they  did  not  know  what  was  the 
matter  with  society  nor  how  to  cure  it.  They  had 
not  the  slightest  conception  of  either  the  objective 
or  subjective  conditions  necessary  for  social  revo- 


lution.  Their  Utopias,  mere  speculations  discon- 
nected from  actual  life,  fell  upon  deaf  ears. 

It  has  remained  for  the  modern  proletariat,  un- 
der the  brilliant  leadership  of  Marx  and  Lenin,  to 
find  the  revolutionary  way  to  the  higher  social 
order,  on  the  basis  of  the  industrial  and  social  con- 
ditions set  up  by  capitalism.  Marxians  have  been 
able  to  analyze  capitalism  scientifically,  to  work 
out  a  correct  program  and  strategy  of  struggle,  to 
establish  effective  organization  among  the  workers 
and  peasants,  to  master  generally  the  laws  of  so- 
cial development.  Consequently,  with  the  objec- 
tive situation  becoming  ever  more  ripe,  the 
revolution  no  longer  appears  as  an  abstraction,  a 
mere  theory.  Today,  Socialism  is  a  great  living 
world  reality.  As  Polakov  says,  "The  Russian 
'experiment*  is  an  experiment  no  more."  In  the 
Soviet  Union  the  first  great  breach  has  been  made 
in  the  walls  of  capitalism.  The  rest  will  follow 
apace.  And  we  may  be  sure  that  the  revolution, 
in  its  upward  course,  will  carry  humanity  to  heights 
of  happiness  and  achievement  far  beyond  the 
dreams  of  even  the  most  hopeful  Utopians. 

American  imperialism  is  now  strong.  Its  cham- 
pions ridicule  the  idea  of  a  revolution.  But  their 
assurance  is  not  now  quite  so  sure  as  it  was  a  couple 
of  years  ago,  before  the  great  industrial  collapse. 
They  are  beginning  to  feel  a  deadly  fear.  The 
Russian  revolution  is  to  them  such  a  terrible  reality. 
But  they  console  themselves  with  the  thought  that 


"it  can  never  happen  in  this  country,"  and  they 
scorn  the  at-present  weak  Communist  party.  But 
they  overlook  the  detail  that  the  same  attitude  was 
taken  towards  the  pre-re  volution  Bolsheviki. 
Especially  did  the  Socialist  Moguls  of  the  Second 
International  look  upon  them  as  narrow  sectarians 
and  upon  Lenin  as  a  fanatical  dreamer.  But  one 
thing  is  certain,  American  capitalism  is  part  and 
parcel  of  the  world  capitalist  system  and  is  subject 
to  all  its  basic  weaknesses  and  contradictions;  it 
travels  the  same  way  to  its  destruction  as  capitalism 
in  general. 

The  world  capitalist  system  is  in  decay.  All 
the  king's  horses  and  all  the  king's  men  cannot-  save 
it.  Its  general  crisis  deepens;  the  masses  develop 
revolutionary  consciousness ;  the  international  revo- 
lutionary storm  forces  gather.  Capitalism,  it  is 
true,  makes  a  strong  and  stubborn  resistance. 
The  advance  of  the  revolution  is  difficult,  its  pace 
is  slow,  and  it  varies  from  country  to  country,  but 
its  direction  is  sure  and  its  movement  irresistible. 
Under  the  leadership  of  the  Communist  Inter- 
national the  toilers  of  the  world  are  organizing  to 
put  a  final  end  to  the  long,  long  ages  of  ignorance 
and  slavery,  of  which  capitalist  imperialism  is  the 
last  stage,  and  to  begin  building  a  prosperous  and 
intelligent  society  commensurate  with  the  levels  to 
which  social  knowledge  and  production  possibilities 
have  reached.